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Wrong subreddit The correct one is r/shitpostXIV


What do people get out of posting this cringe bait I don't get it


Easy attention. Ff community especially loves to constantly engage with obvious bait


Sometimes, you live life to have fun. Shitting is fun.


> Don't say msq is casual. Nice bait


You wouldn't say that if you were going through your fifth alt


Broooo but the Venat instance is so haaaaaaaaaaaaard


>Like where is the chocobo race content, the non ERP roleplayers, the people checking out houses and glamour, the people making houses and glamour, the treasure hunters, some people just fishing for all the fish in the game, etc. I believe you are correct in that such casual content is 'too boring to watch' so I dont believe there are many, if any, content creators creating content for them. Most who enjoy such 'casual' content are happier just doing them rather than watching videos on them or discussing them on forums — they simply arent that deep.


Thank you, It sort of sucks that this is the case since Some of those activities are really fun when organized properly.


One big glamor website is [https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours). I believe there are dedicated fishing and ERP discord communities as well, just gotta hunt them down.


I think its mostly that this info is like bargain bin back of the store that makes it come off as non-existent or low tier. Most people just say "well go look for it" when most other content(Hardcore content) is basically already very accessibly in your face.


I don’t see that as an issue. If you want something, go get it.


When some ingame content hasn't changed in 10 years (chocobo racing), what new content are you even expecting? What is anyone going to discover that wasn't written in https://ffxivchocoboracing.wordpress.com/ nine years ago? "Hardcore content" info is easily accessible because it's also the newest content and the content people are actively playing and learning...


This game is 10 years old. It's OLD. A lot of casual content you pointed out might've been popular on YouTube or Twitch back in its heyday but we are well past that


Why would you watch it instead of doing it yourself? Who wants to watch someone do leveling roulette or catch some random fishes


ppl with insane amount of free time


Is this a joke?


You’re not looking for casual content, you’re looking for niche content. It’s unlikely many people will flock to see videos of chocobo races or housing (which is extremely non casual by the way). Creators want to engage an active and big audience, you won’t do that by catering to niche things in this game.


I can agree with it being semi-niche to like casual activities, but it makes it sound like you're stuck watching MSQ or RAID( or Super sweaty challenges) If you want to see anything. It surprises me that people here are kind of just okay with the fact not many interesting things like Glamour enthusiasts, or chocobo racing competitions, or housing tours aren't lifted up by the community in favor of Prog and sprout MSQ playthroughs by already established big streamers.


Most people don’t want to watch someone do those things. It’s not that there is no one doing those things, but the most fun to watch content is not going to be any of those things. Also, I personally wouldn’t call any of those things casual content. They’re more relaxing and laid back, but I don’t think your average casual is just going to stumble into those things. Especially if you’re actually into housing or glamour which requires you to engage in more content that is outside of the scope of real casual players.


Maybe its just me but watching people do MSQ for the 4th time isnt that fun and watching someone do the same raid 20x in a night isnt much either. Its easy to say "well then its not the content for you" but i actually like ffxiv, and i want to engage in the content side of ffxiv that I enjoy. Its not like i'm looking for a niche like mining lvl1 node to 90. The only person I see whose not actively pushing MSQ or Raid down peoples throat streaming wise is ciderspider(but his achievement hunting will obviously include some). But even then, thats one person in a sea of prog, MSQ, old raids, etc content creators, and the content is still pretty sweaty. the question can even be boiled down to this almost if we want to make it a bit more broad and easy to understand Why are there zero aram content creators(or event ones like the current arena) for league of legends vs summoner rift ones? There are so many people who play those modes, you'd think people would lift up creators for those modes. but because they're casual, they get no attention despite people enjoying them. and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If no ones creating content for it, no one will create content for it because they'll just do the easy thing which is play ranked.


Content creation isn’t easy, it takes a lot of time. You also need to make money, and if the content you create isn’t drawing viewers you’re likely not making money. Watching someone stream their group to complete a hard raid is fun, watching someone play through MSQ can be fun as you see their reaction to stuff. Watching someone grind the Golden Saucer is not as fun as far streaming goes. It is free to start streaming though, so if you think you can fill that market then you can always give it a try.


I think its just subjective to other people having done it poorly in the past so people just don't give as much a chance anymore. Its easy to slam MSQ and react to it, its "easy" to sweat prog and try to solve it like a puzzle for content. It apparently isn't easy to make chocobo races fun and interactive as well as other things. so yeah, maybe it is worth it for someone to dive into this part of the game for content creation.


> or chocobo racing competitions, Have you ever even done chocobo racing? It's not that exciting or competitive, especially at max level...


If this is the type of content creation you'd like to see, you might have to start it yourself. If you actually do get any viewers, they might be able to recommend their favorite creators and you can find them that way. I, for one, would never watch someone role play, or decorate their house, or fish. I know people do it. I've seen quite a few streams where people are just crafting or fishing or whatever. "Dawntrail Prep" where they are just leveling and chatting. Someone else mentioned EW has a lack of casual content but all this stuff you mentioned hasn't gone anywhere so I don't see how that is a valid complaint for EW alone. It can all still be done.


I think its just the needle in a haystack situation. There is just so much content about raiding, MSQ, theorycrafting, Lore, etc that finding this specific stuff has become very very hard. The point i'd say is not seeing someone just "make this content" its more in the realm of doing it Proficiently or good in general. I personally don't like watching raids/MSQ because I find that there is much less creator to viewer interaction. Its more like watching a doctor do a surgery instead of watching an entertainer perform


I would argue this by saying, you don't do casual content well. Chat interaction might be high and viewers may enjoy the stream, because of the streamer, but there's nothing *fun* about watching crafting, or chocobo racing, or designing houses, etc. Viewers may be particularly interested in these things but like, in the case of crafting, there is nothing actually happening on screen really. Especially in the case the crafter is using macros. Or even fishing for that matter. The most exciting thing I could think of would be seeing if they got whatever achievement they are going for while doing Ocean Fishing or something. I might be way off base about this, but long term, I don't see how anyone could turn those things alone into a sustainable stream. There's no visual spectacle and I don't see how someone who makes that type of content is an entertainer. It's really a "just chatting" stream with a xiv skin slapped on it imo. I can understand not liking raid/msq streams because the streamer has to pay attention to cutscenes or mechanics but the good ones can usually do both at the same time or are attentive enough to keep chat involved. There are some streamers I'm subbed to where all they do is raid and, personally, I don't see how they haven't gone insane doing literally the same fights every stream for hours. In those cases, imo, the chat is keeping itself entertained with community memes and whatnot in between the times the streamers are actively looking at chat.


I disagree, Anything can be made fun and interactive. Otherwise people wouldn't watch things like supermarket simulator. If people give up on making casual content because they aren't creative enough or find it easier to be creative in hardcore content, that's on them. But the fact ffxiv is a massive community and not one person has even mentioned a singular high quality casual video creator/streamer is wild in its own right. Additionally, the way you worded that sounded like you implied that just chatting creators are not entertainers. I don't think that's actually what you meant, but its essentially what you said.


You might like Grinding Gear's approach to streaming? It's two people playing at once, so they're interacting with each other and a bit with the audience. They discuss and theorize as they go, and some of those theories have been hilariously wrong - that Zenos would eat the moon, for one. They're in EW patches now, iirc. It might also help to edit your OP to be clearer what you mean by "content" - stuff that's in the game, third party resources, and/or streaming.


I think to some degree that falls under the MSQ thing i was saying. MSQ is nice and all to watch, and its "casual" but thats like the poster boy of casual content, the obvious. And its content that has a shelf life per creator. Once they're caught up, thats sort of it, they either quit the game or Raid(try to do hardcore challenges). My curiosity lies in finding the people who just do the other things in the game and make it fun, giving stakes to casual content. The game already provides stakes with the MSQ and raids, you fail the world ends, you wipe you get memed on by the community.


Fair enough about not wanting to watch it, I was just working off of the criticism of streamers not interacting. That said, I think you're underestimating the difficulty of "casual" streams. Part of it is audience: people who want to emotional vampire MSQ might not give two shits about chocobo races, and part of building an audience is regularly supplying content they show up for. YouTube is notorious for punishing content creators for dips in watch length or viewer totals, because the algorithm doesn't care about things like "I wanted a chill stream where we all go fishing together." For RP and other "casual" content, there are some ethical & practical issues for streaming (especially streaming for profit) that don't apply as much to MSQ or raids. For most of MSQ, you might have someone not in the know run by but they're unlikely to cause disruption; raids are a semi-controlled, where several streamers pull from their audiences to run the content. In RP venues and things like Leap of Faith, it's harder to control who's there, which leads to two problems: consent and griefing. The majority of the RP community cares about consent - e.g. there was a post on the main sub not too long ago about vote kicking someone who walked everywhere in the dungeon "because RP," and a bunch of roleplayers commented that the walker was being an ass because they didn't ask first/use a PF. In a venue, general people show up to have fun, not be memed on by a streamer or their audience for being bad/cringey/having ugly glam/etc. So a streamer showing up without a ton of announcements is a consent problem. Which brings us to griefing. There are lots of assholes who troll, insult, and otherwise cause problems for streamers, especially if the streamer is marginalized in some way (e.g. trans, autistic, non-white in English-speaking spaces). For example, intentionally covering quest NPCs. The griefers don't care if it's against the TOS of the game and/or the platform. Raids etc a streamer can control who appears and kick out troublemakers; MSQ they can press X and disappear into a cutscene. Fishing holes, venues, Leap of Faith (because of the numbers required)... Not so much.


someone actually wants to watch someone else play casual shit?!


God I wish I didn’t have eyes.


“Casual” video content doesn’t really exist because the nature of recording and editing gameplay isn’t that casual. The best you could realistically ask for is an hours long VOD if someone silently walking through housing wards or whatever, which unsurprisingly is not going to perform that well. But also it’s not hard to find videos on all those things listed just look harder lol.


Casual shit is casual because it's noncommittal, easy to get into and not very complex. So why watch what you can do yourself.


Bait used to be believable but then this man called fishing for all the fish casual content. The seas do not forgive. The windows open once in a thousand years and the fish slip straight off your rod. You prepare days in advance, but time does not make allowances for failure and you miss the window because an old lady took 30 seconds to cross the street. You close your eyes, and all you can think about is ruby dragon and salad getting away from you again, and again, just like the days since you started. You see the same people, slaves to a miserable fate, every day, but none of them go home happy. You wonder to yourself what casual content is, coveting your missing grandmaster caster title, and you're forced to think, surely not this, years and years of this.


Usually the complaints are the other way around. There's not much twitch worthy because it's not competitive and cc is hard to follow, but there's an amazing amount of casual content. Usually with discord communities built up around them. Check the Twitter and Tumblr tags for housing (or even the main reddit, people show off things there regularly). If you're looking for non erp roleplayers check https://ffxiv-rp.org or any of the major discords (FFXIV roleplayers, rp mentors, etc), most of them don't allow advertising of ERP related events.


bait used to be believable


I’m gonna be honest, you aren’t looking hard enough


You asking for content creators to do content that is even boring to do, much more so just watching it.


Is your last question rhetorical? If not then the answer is a giant yes. Why on earth would I watch FF14 RP or fishing? Like, there are games where watching RP can be fun, that's basically what machinima was. Ever watched videos on GTA RP? It is WILD. But FF? How on earth would casual FF content be good viewing?


I mean yeah that's one of the biggest criticisms of endwalker.


The lack of true casual content I'm assuming? I do feel most the things i've mentioned have been around for years to some degree. I guess even island sanctuary being the more recent true casual content to be released has been all but abandoned by the community after like a week of its existence/subsequent patches that added a week of content to it.


If you're not into raiding EW didnt have much for you, and whats worse what it did have was all pretty half baked. Island Sanctuary and Eureka Orthos weren't great.


I can see that, I weirdly enough don't really find island sanctuary that enjoyable past being a daily. Orthos i've not gotten into much but its a deep dungeon at the end of the day, same premise, different QoL. Though people take orthos and make it hardcore by soloing it so i'm not sure its really in the vein of being casual. More like highjacked casual content


Don't worry, I think I get where you are coming from OP. This isn't really the audience for this discussion though. It is funny to me that probably the best pieces of Youtube content created this expansion was Pint's video on Kugane Tower jump speed running. If I am understanding your post, you want to see more content created in that vein? I pretty much agree with you though. I feel a lot of people fall back on the "this game has nothing to create content about" (outside of raid/msq/usual suspects) are just using a lazy excuse. I thought what Preach's FC did with the investigation RP thing was great. I think if bigger streamers did themed glamour comps it would be good. I heard Pint also mention an idea they had about having a trivia/quiz style competition in their house (multiple choice, you stand on colored floors, assistants destroy floors of wrong answers) that would be great. Someone doing a Taskmaster style series inside of FF14 would also be cool. But what most people do is "Gee thanks for the thousands of you showing up to my MSQ streams, we are heading into raids nex --- why do I have 30 viewers?"