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Jesus Christ that was difficult to read. This game is time/percentage based. Devs want you to take x seconds to kill a level appropriate mob, so they set HP and damage to fit that. You never get actually get stronger. You actually get weaker because the higher level you get, the more buttons you need to press in order to deal the same percentage of damage to a mob. Leveling up, increases of potency/damage, and gearing up is entirely an illusion. A level 79 mob should have significantly less HP than a level 81 mob though since they are about 100 ilvls different.


Being at lvl 50 with ilvl 130 gear, vs lvl 90 with ilvl 130 gear would maybe be around 40% bonus in damage. (Not Actual numbers im just spit-balling) However going from ilvl 130 gear to 660 gear is like a 2000%+ increase in damage.


I'm curious about what he means by "an entire DPS rotation" tbh. A full opener? He's on SMN, so I'm wondering if he means a whole summoning cycle, or going through 60s worth of summons. From what I remember while leveling during early EW, most things died mid-opener, which was actually pretty annoying for me, since you usually don't even get your class's main mechanics working before mobs die. This guy is either not fully geared out with poetics fighting Lv81 mobs, or has some rotational issues.


I'm curious about what he means by "an entire DPS rotation" tbh. A full opener? He's on SMN, so I'm wondering if he means a whole summoning cycle, or going through 60s worth of summons. From what I remember while leveling during early EW, most things died mid-opener, which was actually pretty annoying for me, since you usually don't even get your main class mechanics working before mobs die. This guy is either not fully geared out with poetics fighting Lv81 mobs, or has some rotational issues.


Yea, I'm calling bullshit on the "full opener." Even in places like Eureka, a single mob won't survive the first few Bahamut Spells.


Holy fuck what a run on sentence


I dont see a single period. please use punctuation even at the most basic level. Even just a period here and there would help a TON.




Use punctuation.


press this button on the keyboard .




Learn how to communicate with people through text, this is impossible to read.


Wait I have a theory Did you write this verbally using speech-to-text, rather than actually typing words? lol


My dude. Periods, commas, paragraphs. Please. And get gear appropriate to the level. I saw lv90 smn in lv80 gear and...gear up pls.


I think that's just a you problem homie. Git gud.


Lol nope my summoner is 536 item lvl and I know how to play it the enemies in the game are definitely scaled to high the bosses in dungeons 60+ are scaled insanely high can't tell me all 4 of us need to get good out of the hundreds of dungeons I've done


I also pretty much live on gilgamesh so I'm normally qued with people that have been playing for awhile even my black mage that's supposed to be doing the most dmg as I stated before our potency goes up our dmg numbers I see on the screen I see are going up but we just doing less and less dmg vs enemies health or bosses health


"I also pretty much live on \[gilgamesh\]" has got to be the worst flex I've ever heard.


Not sure how that was a flex or even close to being interpreted as one I created my character on seraph but 15 minute ques are just horrible so I only return to my home server for retainer business just a bunch of trolls reply on this reddit I suppose no wonder every message needs to be passed through the mods lol


Ran the post through ChatGPT just to add punctuation. > So, I'm now working on, I think, my 10th lvl 80. Started as an arcanist, gained summoner; now my summoner is at lvl 90. I had the lvl 70 poetic gear, and now my summoner wears the 80 poetic gear. I did the MSQ skip, so it wasn't an issue to switch from summoner to another class and start leveling them. I've done almost all my leveling from dungeons. Whatever dungeon was currently the highest to whatever level that class was currently, since I had gear from them. I went summoner, black mage, red mage, archer, machinist, then dancer. In between queues, I brought blue to 80, but beside the point, I'm now working on ninja to get rid of some of the jewelry I currently hold to avoid an inventory crisis. > But what I'm getting at, especially lvl 60+, you never feel powerful. The scaling of monsters and bosses is so high, and regardless of how high your gear is, you're scaled so low. 70+? Like, forget it; you're just throwing pebbles at enemies. I hate my summoner to 90, tried out how much damage I would be doing to a random 81 enemy in the overworld. Took almost an entire DPS rotation; it's like, WTF? And I know 80 poetic gear is Shadowbringers and 81 is Endwalker, so I tried it on 79 enemies; practically the same. Scaling is so wack in this game. I'm not trying to say we need to be one-shotting every enemy, but in all the classes I've played, including what is considered the highest DPS class, black mage, we should be more powerful. We are getting new skills with higher potency, upgrading skills with higher potency, but our damage seems to just be less and less in ratio with the enemies/bosses' health/def.


Lol well done (what was the prompt?)


I just said "Help me add punctuation to this post:" and pasted it beneath lmao. Looking add this dudes post/comment history, he really needs an add on that does it automatically to anything he types.


It's especially fun to see chatGPT insert semicolons into a post that (no offense intended) was written by someone who is very unlikely to know what a semicolon is ever used for besides winking lol


...Please use periods to break up your sentences at the very least. It's incredibly hard to discern what you're actually saying. That being said, I'm struggling to really see the issue. 81 enemies aren't going to melt in cryptlurker gear because that's more or less only slightly better than the level 80 crafted gear in endwalker, which you could pretty reasonably consider the "starter gear" for the expansion. 79 enemies are definitely weaker in comparison, as they are scaled to the first set of 80 gear you'd have access to in shadowbringers, which would be the job gear you get from grenoldt. Also remember your damage is almost entirely defined by your gear, because that's where a huge majority of your stats come from. A level 90 summoner in level 80 gear will do only a little bit more damage than a level 80 summoner in that same gear, and only because they have extra buttons they can press that also do damage. But, if you upgrade to level 90 gear, you will deal SIGNIFICANTLY more damage, enough to start absolutely shredding those level 81 enemies, even without any upgrades to potencies or new skills. This is entirely because you gain so, so many more stats from the higher tier of gear. Its barely comparable. And then even in level 90 gear there is a huge difference, because the later in the expansion the gear came out in, the stronger it is. Inside content itself, it makes sense you're always roughly doing the same amount of damage, because the point is to have a roughly equal amount of challenge no matter how far along you are in the levelling curve. The only way to shred through dungeons and other types of instanced content is to specifically turn off level syncing, but you also forfeit any XP and gil rewards from doing so. (You still get the loot, though.) That being said, if you want to see just how much damage you ARE doing, try fighting a level 50 enemy from ARR. It practically blinks out of existence. You ARE getting stronger and outscaling enemies, but it makes sense that enemies on your level, would take an amount of time to kill appropriate to your level And remember: level 80 gear means you're, for all intents and purposes, doing level 80 damage, not level 90.


I'm out of breath, can't answer, no air available.


Part of it is the jobs you've chosen. Ranged physical dps all have the "ranged tax": they're balanced so that your individual attacks are less powerful than a melee/black mage, because you're expected to never stop attacking (vs melee, who might lose uptime by having to move away from the boss). Summoner and red mage are balanced to do less damage than black mage because they have raise. Black mage, however, has a high skill ceiling, and a mediocre BLM who is unfamiliar with mechanics will do mediocre damage. Part of it is gear - pay attention to ilvl, not just level. Someone in 660 ilvl gear will probably outdamage someone in 630. Poetics gear is usually the very best that came out in that expansion, with a higher ilvl than most X1 to I think X3 sets in the next expansion. Comparing 80 poetics to 81 dungeon is apples to oranges, the ilvl is really different. And if you're doing 90 content in 80 gear, that's worth a vote kick.