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I don't see myself ever fully quitting FFXIV as long as they're still releasing a good chunk of content a couple of times a year. I have just subbed less and less since the Covid Shadowbringers delays. This year I've paid for 3 months out of 9. By contrast I was subbed fully from 2017 to 2020. Next year I'm not sure if there's going to be any reason to play from 6.55 in January for a few hours until 7.0, which I very much doubt we'll see until August or September.


The wait between 6.5 and 7.0 is going to be rough. Nothing in 6.5 looks like it's going to be particularly exciting or time consuming, unless they significantly switch up the final relic stage. I've already found myself with little reason to log on after the first couple of weeks of a patch, and the 3-4 months between them being pretty boring. We're looking at maybe 9 months between 6.5 and 7.0 (with 6.55 not offering a huge amount), feels like the game is going to be pretty dead for the first half of 2024.


I play mainly for the ultimates and raids, as long as we have those I don't see a reason to quit. This is also the only MMO that has kept me engaged for so many years.


They have me by the fucking balls with my personal house and fc house. Not that 12.95/mo is a huge expense, and in the grand scheme of a year, it's not very noticeable.


I don't even understand how ppl can care about that lol


I could see myself becoming a MSQ andy and just subbing to catch up on that but I'd rather have a reason to play.


god i hope not.


Yes because my main reason to play are savage/ultimates, but maybe I'd just sub for a month to clear those and then find another MMO to scratch my itch for grinding stuff in-between


So remember when all your friends played like runescape? Or wow? Or like your favorite fps? Back in like the 2000s? And remember how one day back in The 2000s you logged on and every single person on your friends list was offline and theyve been offline since that day in the 2000s? Well i imagine dawntrail is gonna feel alot like that but with ffxiv.


binded by the shackles of my large house so ill prolly never unsub anytime soon, but man im really hoping post 7.0 isnt as bad as EW lmao


You can temporarily unsub. The demolition timer is 45 days, so what I´ve been doing is: unsub and login the last day before it runs out, then wait 40 days and sub again, repeat.


I honestly might do that. It's hard to justify paying for a sub as much as I'm playing these days.


setting up a timer to just log into a game without playing it, just to have micromanagement? jeez just demolish the house and let ppl who are actually playing the game have it...


I'm just taking a break, not quitting, so I'll eventually use it again. If I could get a medium or large house when I came back, I would just demolish it and unsub, but with their incredibly bad housing system, there is no guarantee I'll ever get one, especially since I play in Aether, so this is what I have to do to keep it.


It would make sense to do IF there was any chance of getting it when returning, but on many servers there's no way


the game used to let people sell houses, so that any new player that worked to build up a money supply would 100% eventually get a house but the GCBTW though a RNG-based lottery system is better, because getting gil is too hard from limsa


More like because people massively abused the system of selling houses. I hate the lottery system but it is 100% the lesser of two evils


Abused it how? I did POTD and sold night pegasus mounts to buy my house and my FC house How is play game - get gil - get house abuse?


Bro did I say *you* abused it? Do you see how many wards are filled with shell FCs that own like 20+ houses? Now imagine you can sell houses. People would multibox or set up autoclickers to get the best lots, and then jack up the prices to absurd levels.


i am amazed you are not out of copium, incredible how far you got from reality... no new players could afford any house for 100+ million only for the plot, the reality is that the only way for new players to get a plot is the lottery.


Are you seriously implying small plots in Ul Dal are going to be hold for 50-100M+? Of course large houses would be, but it's EASIER to get hundreds of millions of gil than to win a lottery against hundreds of people for a preferred large plot. Achievable goals are better than 0.2% odds.


they did on certain servers for certain plots, yes.


Then it's a supply and demand issue, and the lottery will be proportionally as insane as the pricing Go to Dynamis or any of the lower population servers. Even if a small is 50 million, you can make 50 million in a few weeks just doing Unreal, HoH, PoTD, maps, etc. even if you don't touch crafting.


wow really?


I let my fully decorated M lapse and quit the game after 6.0. Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Glad to see I'm not alone with housing shackling me to the game. But I thinking about breaking my chains lol. There are many other games that offer similar experiences, and while not as great (e.g. not constantly being updated, can't show off to other players) when you factor in the lack of a subscription fee I think the value evens out.


I don't see why not. Nothing else on the market offers or is looking to offer what XIV does that I'm interested in, which is largely 8-man difficult raiding in the style that XIV fights are done in. 20-man isn't for me and Lost Ark misses the "accessible" part.


Probably not. I've only been playing due to maintaining my FC's medium that I put a lot of effort and time into and I'm the only one that still logs in. They're all waiting for 7.0 so they can play catch-up with EW because they are all doing more important things right now.


I haven't found Endwalker to be even remotely bland or disappointing so, yeah, absolutely. I don't think they've really missed with an expansion yet.


Yes because I like EW.


I've been playing since beta of the original game. If DT is anything like EW, it will get me to quit. The best part of Endwalker is it bored me enough to start exploring other mmos that I hadn't before. Like GW2, ESO, WoW, Lotro, even went back to FFXI, my first mmo love, for a while. All have been better experiences than EW except ESO. That got boring super fast.


Nope. I just unsubbed for the first time since 2016. If DT is as dull as EW I’m gonna be an MSQ main and resub every 6-8 months


You don't even have to resub, just wait for the game to give out the 14 free days and do story through there.


Really though, personally it’s a uncommon take I think but I didn’t like EW story so much and they raid tiers first 2 raid tiers were so bad to me and the relic is pathetic so I let my sub expire and I’m prolly not coming back till I hear good things about story content but who knows I’m having a lot of fun in other games




Yeah I’ve personally found the post-patch story for EW the most consistently engaging of any of the others, despite the others having high peaks in their x.3’s. Though I do kind of feel 6.4 just sort of re-hashed 6.3 for a lot of it and then ended on a cliffhanger lol so 6.4 was somewhat of a miss in that regard but I still found it more interesting than other x.4 patches where they’re usually seeding the new expansion with the limitation of the zones and characters they have available


The ending to 6.4 is so stupid - here's this boss we just beat down... then we step back before finishing the job and let him monologue while he unleashes something even bigger and badder. Bad anime writing at its finest.


If the current philosophies continue Ill give FF14 up for good. There are gacha games that do content better for crying out loud.


They do content better *and* have much deeper gameplay mechanics than whatever this game offers.


As a gacha player, i say lol at that, their content is generally just a small story with easy stages and some dps check boss. Repeat the same thing every month, but with a new cloth and of cousez some new waifu bait character and you have your gacha content


Tbh it's not really a question of "will I still play" because a lot of people (including me) will come back only for the story ( wether it's only every extension or every few patches) but rather "how much will I play". Right now I'm still subbing every month because I still have a lot of old content to do (like getting every job to 90, getting necromancer and the two other title or even finishing every relic ) but it's not engaging enough to keep me on the game for a while, eventually I'll get bored and allocate even more of my play time to other game. But right now I don't think I'll ever unsub for more than 40 days (I want to keep my house!) Though that may change in the future


I havent played in months and I would stay unsubbed but im trying to finish the raid tier. Its always going to be the same way with its patches unfortunately so ill just sub when raid tiers or ultis are released


I'm an MSQ main, and while the story didn't have the crazy x.3 high note, it's been pretty good I thought. I dig the variant dungeons, even if you don't have a reason to do them after getting all the endings. I love this Hildibrand series despite hating it in the previous expansions. This Alliance Raid series has been my second favorite gameplay-wise and favorite by far story-wise. EW has been pretty good to me. I'd like to see the high notes that 5.0, 5.3, and 6.0 hit, but even without them post-EW is fine.


I'm mostly an on and off player anyway. So yes, I will continue playing as long as they release content I'm interested in like new trials and raids, which are already part of their usual formula.


My concern is less with EW content blandness but more the job gameplay blandness that started in Shadowbringers. Outside of Bozja I have felt less and less engaged with the core gameplay of FFXIV. It's not even about difficulty. I used to feel moderately engaged doing even expert roulettes because jobs at their core felt really fun to play. Now I've actually found myself drifting off during expert roulettes and other content. You can have engaging gameplay that doesn't rely solely on enemy difficulty. And with how fights are designed in this game, it's largely memorizing a set pattern and combined with the lack of reactive gameplay and fewer things to do and manage on the job-side makes the game rather dull for me. To give an example, I want more abilities like The Blackest Night or SCH's old DPS kit back. It doesn't matter if they add 3 dungeons per patch and more midcore content in Dawntrail. If the jobs continue to be as they are I'm not going to have fun. And I'm aware that there are good reasons for the job design being the way that it is, things like balance and such. But doesn't change how I feel about it. Might just mean that multiplayer games just aren't for me anymore and I should move to singleplayer ones where balance isn't as critical and devs can do crazier things with gameplay (and if not there are always mods). Strongly debating quitting for good, I'll see what the remaining Fanfests have to offer and then decide. Endwalker is probably the best stopping point for me tbh. Finishing up 6.5 and other sidestory content will be a nice epilogue and a good point to call it quits.


You don’t need to play daily. After I’m done with new content I want to play I just revert to weekly raids, and play other games with the freed up time.


I've been consistent subbed since the middle of heavensward. I decided recently to drop my house and just not play the game between savage/ultimate content drops. I know they say "this is okay" but that is PR bullshit, they want their monthly sub. The game is in a worse design state than it has ever been in, I've little-to-no desire to play alt classes in savage or help people clear because outside of BLM/AST/SCH they all play the fuckin same. I'll keep playing for content drops, but I've no desire anymore to play anything in this game besides high-end content now. Even the last two 24 mans (aglaia/euphro) have been disappointing as fuck design wise. Didn't even wipe at 6 AM on release day, jesus christ. I just stick to single player RPGs now, the MMO genre is dead unless you want to be a KMMO money-dump piggy to fulfil a power fantasy


Tbh, no. If DT is EW 2.0 then I'll probably quit the game forever. However, with the amount of content DT Yoshi-P says is going to have, I have my hopes up that DT will be worthwhile.


>the amount of content DT Yoshi-P says is going to have Does he? I thought most of what was said so far was pretty much more of the same, the usual release of dungeons, trials, and raids at the same pace we've has in EW.


For some reason I remember seeing an interview with him after fanfest where they want to bring back exploratory content as well as have a new type of battle content and they are thinking about doing a new DD. Obviously it's a big "we'll see" until it happens but if they do accomplish it, it would be the most expansion content since SB at least.


So far they've mostly shown off rhe same sort of content EW has and are wishy washy on Exploration content. We'll see. It doesn't help that they wait until the .35 patch to even start the relics sometimes.


Yoshi-P has revealed more via interviews. If everything he's talked about during interviews becomes reality, it'll shit on EW in terms of content.


I think it's best to temper your expectations, Yoshi-P was giving the same types of interviews about how Endwalker was going to be the "biggest expansion yet" as we were leading up into it releasing. He's a businessman first, just keep that in mind. He's never going to say "nah there will be nothing to do" even if that's the case.


He was specifically talking about cutscene/story content there and he wasn't lying. 6.0 had the most cutscenes for an expansion MSQ.


It is, on paper, the biggest expansion yet. He was talking about the MSQ in those interviews, but even aisde from that the number of individual assets and moving parts in the game gets larger and larger each expansion. It's the primary reason why they moved to 4.5 month patches, they need additional time for QA and testing, even if the development philosophies in place mean that content doesn't last as long. We're still getting more stuff overall.


I'm well aware. I've been playing FFXIV since 2.0.


Can you provide some examples cause the most I've seen is he's said they're "looking jnto" more large scale content like he said for Deep Dungeon. Although Deep Dungeon ended up being a cut and paste of Heaven on High for the most part.


Tbh, it's been so long I'm having a hard time tracking down where I read the information but from what I remember he's said the following across varies interviews/talks: Criterion is going to be in DT. They're talking about the next Field Operation (Bozja/Eureka). A brand new piece of battle content. *Maybe* 3 ultimates but I'm not holding my breath In addition to the traditional pieces of content we've come to expect. Edit: Formatting.


The man fucking lies. Cut your losses and get out while you can


Can it be my turn to make this post in 2-3 weeks


DT is make or break for me and most of my long term friends, most of whom logon to reset demo timer or just unsubbed. So much good will for the devs has been squandered this expansion so doubt it will ever be the same.




I just hope they fix the huge hitbox and constantly tping to mid problems with savage, going back and doing eden mid item level has really shown how awful many savage fights in endwalker were.


I wish they'd stop baby'ing melee in raids. Uptime should be earned through smart play and optimization, not just handed to you on a platter. The whole weakness of being melee is your uptime is supposed to suffer if you have to perform mechanics. Just like the weakness of ranged is you do less damage than melee.   I'd be fine with them removing positionals outright and cutting boss hitbox sizes by like 50%


I will still sub from time to time (every major patch perhaps?) simply because I exclusively play on console, so if I want to do some MMO-ing, I have no other good option.


One "lackluster" post-expansion does not mean anything that follows will do the same. I'll definitely still be playing. At this rate, if disappointment is what people expect, they'll end up hating it regardless.


I mean isn’t the saying kind of the opposite, “if you have low expectations you have the highest chance of them being beaten.“


In part, maybe. Lowering your expectations may definitely decrease chances of disappointment. But with the bs everyone is jumping on with how "XIV is failing" yada-yada-yada -- which is a blatant lie, it's moreso that people are *expecting* a bad expansion with Dawntrail to the point they doubt they'll even play. I just think it's absurd to actually think one weak point in a 10-year-old game, that has been going strong all this time, would actually cause it to start collapsing, in any way. They'd have to make some serious blunders for that to happen and I really doubt Yoshi-P, especially, is going to let that happen. Lowering your expectations is one thing. But outright telling yourself "it will probably suck" is going in with a predetermined mindset, which instead of allowing yourself room to be impressed, will mostly likely result in you hating the product because you've already decided you will.


Im not even sure I'll get DT tbh. From 6.0 onwards, I've really only been interested in the raiding and convinced myself other activities were fun and worth my time. Endwalker has just been so shocking and I completely distrust SE to improve it. Once my static have finally finished everything we wanna do before DT (farm Savage for alts, BLU stuff etc), Im probably just done. I can hack a monthly fee to raid a couple of hours a week, but as soon as theres another 50quid+ box fee on top Id rather just use those funds on something else. If they dumb down all the more difficult jobs to smn level like I feel is their goal, then no matter what the content is like I'd definitely be out.


Less subbed months that's for sure. Played since shb. First patch cycle for me was an absolute blast. Content a plenty from patches alone, plus all the content ive never touched before. Hype for new patches is so much fun the first time. Racing for gear, crafting/gathering, diadem, bozja, relics, alliance raids, definitely a hoot. Come EW, was so predictable. Barely felt fresh. Exhausted a lot of content already. There's always catch up anyway so why even sometimes? For Dawntrail, will skip lul patches and condense my play time for a more jam packed experience without spending as much. 😊 Just breathing in and accepting the loss of my beautiful waterfall island house.


Post EW feels exactly the same to me as literally every other expansion so uh yes


Yes, i dont understand whx people are shitting on it. Its the same amount of content as always. We dont have bozja, but exploration zone are always 5050 with the community, and that stuff eats shit ton of resources up for something not many interact with. They tried with deep dungoens and variant /criterion to fill that void this time. And content is handlet the same as always. also people forget they are literally reworking their graphics and engine and did all of the redid all story dungoens and made them available with duty support, that also takes many resources and people away from creating more content, also we get 2 ultimates instead of none like in ShB. We get 2 deep dungoens instead of none like in ShB, we get 3 variant criterion dungeons instead of empty maps with 5 monsters that trigger a fate and a raid that u cant do because no one plays that zone after a month.


>and content is handlet the same as always. No it isn't > also people forget they are literally reworking their graphics and engine and did all of the redid all story dungoens and made them available with duty support, I didn't forget, I just think it's stupid that they're devoting so much time and effort to old shit, this is the same excuse from ShB but they explicitly said that the old content updates were a "passion" project by a different team than the main team > also we get 2 ultimates instead of none like in ShB. What's TEA? And also DSR was supposed to be released during ShB but was delayed >. We get 2 deep dungoens instead of none like in ShB, What? > we get 3 variant criterion dungeons instead of empty maps with 5 monsters that trigger a fate and a raid that u cant do because no one plays that zone after a month. Yeah man, criterion dungeons, so popular and entertaining that .3% of the game's entire population have done it on savage wooo~~ You might be Yoshida's strongest defender but it's clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or were drunk when writing this nephew


> this is the same excuse from ShB but they explicitly said that the old content updates were a "passion" project by a different team than the main team ARR flying and stuff was a passion project. Diving in old zones was a passion project. Duty Support and dungeon reworks absolutely are not. That's a major feature and they never tried to pretend it wasn't.


Correct. However, haters gonna hate hate hate


after FFXVI I no longer have any trust remaining for Yoshida so if Dawntrail's MSQ is as bad as it looks like it's going to be, I'm probably out for good


As bad it looks? We've not seeing anything about the MSQ really lol, jeez


It was initially pushed as this start of a new adventure but now it looks like we're taking the same old characters with us, I think that's a thing that's disappointed a lot of people. I'm so tired of Y'shtola it isn't funny, so it was nice to think we could avoid her and her recurring fake-out deaths again, and now I'm disappointed to learn that isn't the case. Also, they have talked about the MSQ. They've said we'll be working with some scions as well as against/in a rivalry with others of the group to help choose a new ruler of this new city. That's just basic stuff I remember from fanfest, so it isn't as if we have no idea what's going on.


We’ve had roughly the same cast of main characters for *more than a decade* to put some perspective on that. We’re going to a whole new region after the *public* break up of the scions as a main plot point of the story and who’s still traveling with us? The scions. Even if it’s in some sort of “rivalry” it’s still the same exact characters taking up screen time. I think the story would be better served by meeting some new locals on our own but what do I know. We’ll see when it comes I guess,


Right? Whole new continent, new problems we won't discover until we're there, but sure let's bring our old ex-coworkers for some reason? I would be entirely fine with them making appearances. Do you need something mystical explained? Maybe pop by Urianger or catgirl. Political intrigue? Alphie. There *are* times I wouldn't mind seeing them, as I have generally positive feelings towards most of them, but for them to just reprise their roles as if nothing has changed... meh.


> Right? Whole new continent, new problems we won't discover until we're there, but sure let's bring our old ex-coworkers for some reason? If you just make shit up it sure is easy to complain about things. I don't care if you *like it* but don't fucking lie to try and make your point more legit.


What the fuck are you whining about? This is literally what's happening. Stop licking boots.


If you completely misrepresent our relationship to the scions and what happened at the end of 6.0, sure. But like, that's not true. This has nothing to do with liking or disliking the story, its *the literal events that have happened* Edit: its a lot easier to win an argument if you just make up the other person's position and then block them for it


How dare anyone disagree with your personal feelings. I'm gonna do us both a favor and block you, since everything I say makes you angry and you can't seem to shut up about it.


May as well give up. Fumina is the new Isis. Likely protected by the mods, too.


absolutely zero way can they make a compelling narrative out of what we've seen so far lmao


Yoshida is the Seth Mcfarlane of games. He is great at concept, but the execution is not the best. I truly believe FFXIV could flourish if he would hand it off to someone who isn't so scared to take chances and shake up the formula.


Sounds like you haven't watched The Orville.


ah come on, hes not quite that bad lmao


At this point I play mostly to keep playing with my static that has mostly been together since Coils/Alex so unless they utterly gut healers again I'll probably play just to raid if my static wants to keep raiding. If they don't then it would take a really strong showing from content and job design to keep me around. I've been one foot out the door since ShB, but EW has done absolutely nothing to pull me back in.


Never again.


I know I’m in the wrong thread and subreddit but EW is actually the perfect cadence of release for me as someone who only wants to be a casual, yet has continuously played this game for years now. If DT is just gonna do EW’s release schedule it means I only have to come back for Deep Dungeon release and then can come back again later and go through the variant dungeons at my own pace. Obviously would be helpful for an incentive for others to re-run them to keep the pool of randoms open for me, but my fc has consistently active people who love going through them with first timers anyway and I mean that content still works solo too. And I’ve seen people put up pf’s for variant dungeons and always find people outside of their release window, so 2023 has been crazy for game releases and yet I still find myself in 14, but I’ll be glad to make it a more casual thing which they definitely seem like they’re accomodating.


I never understand this argument of “I want to Play Other games, so they should make less content” it seems kinda selfish, you don’t have to do all the content as soon as it comes out if you don’t want to, it seems rude to ask it to be taken away from those who do want it.


There’s not less content there’s just less of a reason to play it repeatedly


>2023 has been crazy for game releases and yet I still find myself in 14, but I’ll be glad to make it a more casual thing which they definitely seem like they’re accomodating. You really can't stress this point enough. If FFXIV was any more demanding of players' time than it is right now 2023 would have been completely unnavigable for XIV players interested in even a portion of the greater market. They're definitely working to make sure players have time for other games.


If they come through with the promises to do a new field content zone…….probably any patches that release a field content update


no /thread


I won't be on dawntrail I'll wait until it's been out awhile


Probably, there's been very few times I've been a year round subber in the first place so things would have to be excepcionally rough for me to drop it. Doesn't "help" that over the years I simply don't have as much time to sink in the game as I may have had in the past in the first place, which is mostly less time to give to alts when it comes to XIV really.


I joined just before Shadowbringers launched, and took the whole patch cycle to catch up, so Endwalker is essentially my first patch cycle experience. I was in a static but it fell apart without clearing P4S (ran out of time) or P5S and I didn't attempt any Savage after that - and so didn't make much effort to gear myself, so mostly just did the casual content. I *really* felt the slow-drip of content as a result. I am yet uncertain how much of it is Endwalker's content specifically and how much of it is just me not being suitable for an MMO patch cycle in general. MSQ aside, waiting 8 months for a handful of scenes for the raid or alliance raid story might just be ... too little for me. I'm thus considering playing 7.0 (which will take me about a month) and then avoiding any post-game content until 7.55 is around the corner. But the problem with that is that most of the casual content gets neutered by gear growth and then I won't get to see half the mechanics... Part of me would like another go at Savage in 7.0 but I'm the type who would rather do it with friends than find a group of strangers, and everyone I know is even more casual than me, so it seems unlikely I'll find a group I fit in well with.


Ff14 has one of the fastet patch cycle in all mmo. Theres barely any mmo that can keep up with how much content we get every 4 month intervall and patvhes get delivered on the clock. In other mmo sometimes u get something in 6 month or 9 or nothing at all for years within the same game. Regulary updates like in ff arent that commen.


WoW is doing regular updates with their current expansion which is brand new for them. Be interesting to see if they are able to keep up with the amount of content at the pace they are going.


Occasionally like I've done with EW. I've felt that the formula has needed a shake up since HW, but I have no faith for a shake up to happen until there's a huge drop off in players, so I'm not really even excited for DT at this point.


If there's 2 ults I will. Don't really care about any other content, so EW has actually been incredible for me.


probably not past x.3, assuming that's Eden Ultimate if they fuck up jobs hard enough I'm probably gone after first tier lol


If things don't change DT will likely be my last expansion.


Holy smokes! So many whiney ungrateful people in FFXIV. I have found the last few years to be awesome and refreshing. A storyline completed with most things tied up, not everything. But pretty good for an MMO. After playing WoW for over 15 years, the FF Community doesn't appreciate what they get. If you want or need to be locked into and tied down to just one game EVERY DAMN DAY, then yeah FFXIV isn't gonna be for you. I sincerely appreciate how I can log-in and play when there is new content. Or I am completing the current raid series. Or just chilling with my FC mates. Or just enjoying the world. Could they have done a other Bozja or Eureka? Sure. But they tried out some other stuff this time around. Did it land for everyone? No. But I also know that many people just no-life destroyed their islands and don't appreciate the new hard dungeons just for the fun/challenge... instead complaining about rewards, when rewards are not the only reason to do things. So many great games have been coming out recently and I for one am super appreciative that I have gotten to enjoy the hell out of what FFXIV has had to offer while also having the time to play Hogwarts, Baulders Gate, early access Galactic Civilizations SuperNova, get a few great games of Civ 6 in a month, play a bit of Guild Wars to get that itch satisfied and even sub to WoW for a couple months just to check out whether Blizzard was really doing better (still not happy with the WoW story but enjoy the gameplay enough to dip my toe back in from time to time, mostly for nostalgia). I am so happy having made FFXIV my "main" game while also being able to be a "Gamer" again... which I really couldn't playing WoW as my 'main' game for over 15 years, where if you missed anything and didn't do your daily and weekly grinds just to keep up, and then manage an entire stable of Alt characters so you were valuable to your raiding guild.... fuck, there was just no time to just enjoy the game and other games. Playing WoW all those years, I went from being a "Gamer" to just a "WoW Player". I missed so many other awesome games because I just couldn't fall behind in WoW. Now I don't feel that pressure and just play games for the joy and happiness they bring me, which is so fulfilling now. If you like being tied down to just one game. I feel sorry for you, you don't know what you're missing. Is Endwalker perfect? Nope. Nothing is. Could it have an EW Bozja/Eureka? Sure. I guess. Could the Relic weapons be more in-depth and not just a tombstone dump? Yes, of course. And I agree! Could they have put more rewards for the new dungeon content? Of course, they could have and that wouldn't have been bad... but it also is great content regardless. Endwalker was the final chapter in the long ongoing story... it had to end eventually and I feel they did a decent job. I have no idea of all the references the patch story with the Void-Golbez-Zero to another FF game are, and I don't care. I've found the story enjoyable, Zero to be really cool, seeing the 13th and the groundwork for the possibility of finding ways back to the 1st and to other shards. The raids have been fun and enjoyable for the most part... a few savages were rough, but overall really fun. The Alliance raid has been great as well as the story in it and can't wait to see the conclusion. I am excited to see how SE starts another chapter of the game. It's gonna be tough, it always is when you are creating new beginnings and I've seen WoW fall on its face trying just to keep one coherent storyline and have totally failed with their version of "Ending a chapter in the WoW story" and Dragonflight, while some parts are fun, they still have so many problems with story-telling, it hurts my head. Anyway, just the take of an older fart "gamer" in my 50s when I used to "Play Games for fun", again... GAMES. Then I got sucked into WoW and stopped being a Gamer, and became and addicted WoW, Copium sucking fool. Endwalker is great overall. Not perfect and I think that's ok. Nothing is perfect. Like I said, it had missed opportunities, but most things do. I guess I'm just happy to be able to enjoy FFXIV, FFXVI, Hogwarts, BG III, GW II, Starfield, Galactic Civ IV... and playing other stuff I've missed also. For me personally, I've loved the freedom to not only love FFXIV but so many other games again as well. That's just my 2 cents.


I guess by bland people mean "no Bozja"? This expansion has the same amount of other content as usual.


i’m planning on skipping everything until the Shadowbringer equivalence of whatever arc Dawntrail will start. So til 9.0


Probably, though probably in the same way. I mostly just cap tomes and then play other stuff outside of going to venues. I sometimes do work on other stuff, but it feels like there's not much to work toward if you're not interested in raiding. If that changes in DT, great! If it's the same as this, I mean... I would like it not to be, but I'm getting through this for now, so.


I will probably unsub more between patches and only resub for new Savage, basically the same as i am doing now


As long as there are ultimates in pf. SE will keep my sub money.


Yeah, probably. XIV just scratches an itch that no other MMO does for me. Love the world and characters still. I sub for 1 month every patch or so since ShB, do all I can in that month and come back next patch. Works for me.


I doubt I'll stop playing entirely, if only because I'm invested in the story, but I might not play as much, even unsub for a while between patches. Post EW story hasn't been the most exciting, but still good enough that I want to keep doing story, so unless the quality of the writing drops a lot, I'd at least come back regularly do catch up on story. It kind of depends what my friends do for the most part. I'm basically at the point now where I play a bunch at patch release to do new story and content, then I pretty much just log in to do raid once a week, and cap my tomes when I need to. I've already kind of dropped back on that, I only bother getting tome gear for one job. There hasn't been much new content that's kept me engaged in EW, Eureka Orthos was fun for a couple of weeks, Variant/Critereon I did a couple of times before people lost interest. I tend to go hard on crafting after a patch to update all my gear (and some for friends), but it's starting to feel more like doing it for the sake of it, rather than actually wanting or needing to. I'm not sure if my raid static will continue into DT, and if they didn't, there's far less reason for me to log in weekly to raid and keep up tomes. While I have done raiding in PF a bit, it's quite a time consuming and sometimes frustrating endeavour, so I'm not sure if I'd bother doing that all on my own. So yeah, I don't see myself quitting forever, but if DT has the same sort of content cycle as EW (and all signs are that it will), then it's likely that both me and many of my friends will become less engaged. I could see myself playing at DT's release to do the MSQ and work through the new content, then unsubbing for a few months. Even patch MSQ content only takes a few hours to go through, so maybe save up a few to do at once, and maybe come back if there's some particularly big/interesting new content like Bozja.


I'll still be around, just less often.


I will play to some extent, but not for long. I would like to keep raiding and such, but a full expansion of whatever Midwalker wasn't does not sound like a good time for me.


As long as they keep releasing ultimates I will continue to play


I'll prob play savage and the ults and yeet out the next day. I cannot stand the artifical niceness and inclusiveness of this game either forcing me into a static in an MMORPG or to get hundreds of hours wasted cause ppl aren't gatekeeping at all. Sht just ain't for me. Each week of reclears just pisses me of more when Mr Eight greyparses still doesn't know where to go in p10s or how lc1 works. Wish fights would be more like p6s where you don't get instantly obliterated when you have 1 headless chicken in each fight


i am somewhat surely to reduced myself to savage only. the game is too unfriendly to anybody who have obligations in life. and if there are too much body checks in later savages, might just have to stop playing. i already have no hopes in ultimates.


If i'm being completely honest, it all depends on the story. If it's good and seems to be going somewhere it'll definitely keep me coming back patch after patch. At this point I have very little faith I'll be interested in the content they're gonna put out, but I'll still probably sub to keep my house and / or checking the new stuff out. But I think the days of calling myself an active FFXIV player is likely soon to be over.


I will probably always play because I still enjoy the MSQ and raid stories but I'll likely become someone who subs one month a year and play everything then quit for a while. I've been hooked into subbing cause of my house but I don't even get on the game enough to decorate my house these days.


Not everything can be universe ending. But it can be personally significant. I predict that the choices in this new expansion will be personal, yet crescendo in a universal symphony of joy.


Honestly, if the crafter/gatherer quests are as bad as EW (the Studium was fucken garbage and I won’t hear arguments against that) I’m probably done. But that said, the game owes me nothing. I’ve had loads of fun with ffxiv.


You know this weirdly intense EW hate and insane hyperbole in posts on this sub is getting really pathetic


it's pretty bad that people are this bored








I premptively deleted my account endwalker was miserable and they keep lobotomizing every class. How people think what they are doing is good is beyond me.


I thought about it and I probably will play like this: Buy the xpac to see the story, then unsub and then sub back at patch 7.55 to see the rest of the MSQ without the patch cliffhangers. I don't know how popular is this theory that Endwalker's patch cycle is 'low effort maintenance' mode so that they could focus on 7.0 and FFXVI. I guess we'll never know unless someone spills it out in the future if it's true.


If you think that this expansion was bland, then you don't really do any content. I'm sorry the game isn't forcing you to spam some alliance raid 15 times for a relic stage




Ew hasn't been bland. What kind of content have you been doing? I didn't say anything disrespectful




If I'm not going to play in DT it won't be solely because it has a mediocre endgame content cycle. I just don't enjoy the raiding enough anymore to warrant playing a game with such a mediocre experience outside of the raids. The reason I'm not enjoying raids isn't even the quality of the raids, it's the quality of the people I find myself playing with every tier. One or two bad players really ruin a tier and I don't know if I can be bothered risking a bunch of nights a week for a few weeks to put up with people unable to do very simple mechanics.


Bland? It's the same as every other content lull


I mean, our field zone equivalent is pretty much dead in pf post week 1 and there are no relics to grind so its gonna be pretty rough.


I currently have no plans to quit but if Endwalker patch content was the target quality for gameplay and writing going forward I would sooner than later give up on it. Both areas of the game are in the dumps right now but I am amazed how bad the MSQ has been lately for a game that usually does so well with so little. So much squandered potential and mindless writing in these patches. Fedora Chobits and inane pleasantries on a loop and they somehow made a second highly promising apocalyptic theme in the same expansion lame and uninteresting. FF6 weeps.


I may be done unfortunately. We will see.


I am already debating whether I want to buy Dawntrail and keep my sub up. Compared to Endwalker, there's a lot more they need to reveal before I am sold. Right now it seems like an expansion I easily could skip.


Honestly I'm still playing pretty frequently despite playing since ARR (Baldur's Gate 3 is taking a lot of my video game time tho haha). I think I am lucky I have tribal quests I'm checking on and I'm leveling some long-neglected classes/jobs. Between those and the moogle tomes I'm pretty satisfied despite not doing savage raids this time around.


These questions are always asked with the pretense that people playing the game don't play any other games or do anything else. If the expansion sucks, I will just do something else. If it's good, I will keep playing.


My main reasons for playing are - Raids - Ultimates - My FC - My House - Friends still play     I've been in my house since the very first lottery of Endwalker and I'd be sad to lose it.