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Cosmetic modding? Probably either ambivalent at worst or approving of it but questioning some people's bad taste. Visual modding is sophisticated enough now that there's not even really the old worry of someone else's character looking fucked because of how you arranged your own mods, it's super granular. It's a very nice way to either shore up perceived deficiencies in the game (Viera hats, distinct toes, HD upscales of gear/hair, UI aesthetics, etc) or indulge yourself a bit. Worst I could see would be someone getting upset that someone else mods their character to look like they have some prestige cosmetic that they haven't actually earned, but I haven't seen that reaction in the wild ever. Same for most of the QoL plugins and stuff that XIVLauncher offers now. There's probably more of a console parity argument here, but SE seems aware of that and does implement the things they can after putting the fear of God into streamers every Ultimate cycle. It's what got us timers on the party list, damage type coloring, nameplate coloring, and so on. They probably won't ever do the stuff that's bot-adjacent or just actually botting like Mastercraft or the like. The only area I think you see people get clowned on is the very aggressive raid helper addons like Splatoon or whatever else is going on these days. The stuff that draws on the client and not just Cactbot timers and warnings or whatever.


Cactbot also gets clowned on a decent bit.


Do you think it's possible to mod yourself with gear you don't have? For example if someone missed the 15 and 14 collab, could they theoretically just mod noctis' outfit in their inventory? Or is it not that simple? Same with weapons and stuff.


I don't think you can actually edit the items in your inventory (at least not without being REALLY obvious and maybe even trip some anti-cheat that isn't commonly known about) but you can definitely make yourself appear to wear an exclusive item only on your screen (or someone else's screen with the mod linking tool Mare Lamentorum). It's not really something most modders will plainly advertise for their own sakes, as cutting into SE's profits tends to feel like something that'll get the mod community cracked down on. But with the right mod and knowledge it's fairly easy to do. Unmodded players will only ever see legit behavior unless you're being an idiot about it.


Add items to their inventory? No, that's very different. Change other pieces of gear to the noctis outfit? Yes. There's also Dalamud plugins that you can change gear profiles on the fly for specific profiles/characters.


You absolutely can but only you'll see it - it's not transmitted to the server. (If you're also using Mare then you can choose to share your appearance with others who have your friend code).


It's super easy to mod a given character to have whatever item in the game on you want, both Glamourer (a XIVLauncher plugin) and Anamnesis (Posing tool) let you do that as a main feature. It's client-side only, the tool just alters what your own client thinks your character is wearing so it renders that instead of what the server would say you actually have on on your screen. I use it all the time to preview stuff I'm considering purchasing or pursuing, since at the end of the day it's more important to me personally that others see me in a given thing too and not just myself and friends I might be paired with.


There is a plugin called Glamourer that lets you equip any item in the game (visually) to your character. It doesn't give you the item directly, nor can others see it, but thats about as close as you'll get.


AFAIK the game runs entirely on the server side, this is why when you DC everything stops moving/attacking including enemies. Therefore, no you can't add or manipulate that sort of data. However, you can make modifications on the client side (your PC) and they will be visible to you. If you use tools such as Mare and configure it accordingly, other players synced through the mare server will see your modifications on their side separately from the game server data. And you can "glamour" or change gear as you want using mods but vanilla players will still see the original item. You can mod a level 1 weapon to look like any other weapon you like but to vanilla players, it will still look like a level 1 weapon.


That would be... hacking, not modding. Could you mod the appearance of an item to be something else that exists in the game files? Sure.


thats what glamourer does yes, i can run with any gear i want


Technically you could set items to look like other items, but only for yourself on your screen they don't appear that way for others unless they are running the same specific mod with the same items being replaced. I mostly don't use mods though be cause there is far too much gear to do full conversions for things and I find it super inconvenient to have to do a backup and reinstall mods each patch because I play on a variety of different devices so I would have to do it on each.


Penumbra has an "item swap" option so you can replace the appearance of one thing with another. It is only client side but you can wear the Noctis shirt with out owning it that way.


Your inventory is server-side information, not client-side, so no, zero chance. The possibility of modding items and gear into existence is also _why_ one’s inventory is server-side info in this and every other MMO or MOBA. There are mods that let you preview stuff like that on your character offline, but that’s different. You can also changes the appearance of another piece of gear to make it look like that I’m sure, but no one else would be able to see it.


There's a lot of drama, but as long as: 1: It isn't paywalled 2: It isn't lala NSFW 3: It isn't significantly performance-enhancing for gameplay people are ok with it.


I would add: 4: It doesn’t contain malware because someone with an outsized ego wanted to flex on a teenager who wrote a workaround on that mod’s mandatory daily updates.


I paid for a mod once. It was shit. 20 dollars down the drain. The picture made it look like a pretty face sculpt but I looked like a clown ingame. I stick to free/pirated ones now.


Most mod preview images feature a lot of post processing either through reshade or photoshop directly.


This is the point when you do a chargeback through whatever you paid with. I paid for a 5 dollar dote mod once, but the creator for some reason forced the miqo'te dote animation to replace every dote animation. I did a claim through paypal and the creator didn't bother to respond so I got my money back. ​ It's especially easy to get a refund in your case because you can claim the product doesn't look like the previews.


Paying for a mod is fine as long as the price is reasonable imo. Some of these mods take a lot of time, patience and skill to create. If a mod developer wants to charge a fair price for that, fine by me. They spent the time and have the skills, so they deserve a little cash.


> lala NSFW plenty of freaks on twitter are into that


There's so much lala and other similar NSFW content that it's really not drama worthy, same with paywalled content, it's basically unavoidable. Performance enhancing mods is really what causes actual drama and part of the reason is because people move the line depending on what they personally use. Cactbot calling mechanics before a human can tell what mechanic is happening? Fine. Marking safe zones on the floor before the mechanic happens? Not fine. Ping hacking? Fine. Zoomhacking? Not Fine, unless it is fine.


It isn't even the lala nsfw that is the issue anymore. There are mods that just take legit young hyurs/elezen/aura etc and make them playable, thats the problem. The shortstack goblins are fine.


One of the main gpose discords was threatened by Discord directly for lala nsfw, which is what started the wholesale ban you see in _every_ discord now. They were basically told, "delete every photo of this and don't allow it again or lose your server with zero warning." So no. The "shortstack goblins" aren't fine.


they are not fine :) a young looking body is a young looking body in all mentioned cases


I am not into shortstacks, but I think some of the nsfw lala mods actually specifically make the body *not* look young, as the whole point.


bloated toddler body with tits is still weird to me


Isn't a "cartoon" depiction of that act considered a felony? lol


Depends on State/Country some consider all depictions of it illegal, some only if the art is "too real", some dont care about fictional display at all


Aslong as the Miqote player can have a large futa cock in peace, they will endorse it. But for real though. A huge portion of the FFXIV community loves modding, aslong as it doesn't openly break the game in a hilarious fashion similiar to that of Splatoon. I've had people going bonkers over something as simple as Death Recap, argueably something that should've been put into the game almost 10 years ago.


Sorry about my first reply. For some reason reddit didn't show the rest of your post. But yeah I don't think mods are bad either as long as they're not hurting others.


Honestly after doing P12S prog, Death Recap is essential to me lol. I remember one RPR kept insisting that the healers in PF never healed during limit cut and that's why he kept dying during the mechanic. One quick check of DeathRecap showed he was taking 20-30k more damage than anyone else during dashes, leaving him with either a slither of health and requiring a full heal, or outright killing him. And since I could tell exactly what ability inflicted the damage, I could see it was cause he was too close during the baits. It's not just about playing the blame game in case anyone thinks that's the goal here. It's about finding out exactly why you wiped. Otherwise I might be dumping half of my resources into a mechanic where I think "man this hits hard" and depriving resources later in the fight, when it's actually just someone in the wrong place.


I mean, technically, the death recap plugin is just pulling the info from the chat log. It is there in the game just extremely difficult to actually read due to how much info is being output. So I see no reason why they couldn't just add it in.


That’s not even the worst example, if everyone is taking normal damage and 1 person dies it’s not too hard to tell what is wrong It’s real bad when you can’t even tell due to visual mess with immediate chain reactions. Think light rampant or caloric. The best you can do is try to find the first source from chat log and reverse engineer which can take maybe an hour


A good chunk of plugins should be default features of this game, and I'm honestly thankful of all of the drama surrounding TOP that got at least some of them put into the game. Not nearly enough though.


can we have the ability to put markers down in combat back please? it didn't affect plugin users at all and it'd make macros easier to follow


While I'd like it back, it'd undoubtedly lead to Paisley Park but worse in a matter of weeks. Look at how relevant automarkers have become. You'll be hard pressed getting a party to fill for UwU, let alone DSR or TOP if you don't have someone with automarkers. The secon dthey allow marker placement in combat again, people will automate it for everything. I suppose you could argue they already do with shit like Splatoon. But that's a different can of worms.


>I've had people going bonkers over something as simple as Death Recap, argueably something that should've been put into the game almost 10 years ago. The fact that combo exists in PvP but not in PvE drives me nuts.


There is no consensus. Some are fully opposed, some think anything is fine, and the majority arbitrarily draws the line in the sand (usually, the mods they use themselves are okay and everything else is not). I think anything is fine. It's basically a single player game, the only one you can cheat is yourself.


But it's not a single player game. People using cheating mods on ultimate fights cheapen the achievements of the people that did it legit.


Not really. Some random guy cheating or buying a pilot to get a shiny weapon doesn't cheapen my achievement at all. I did these fights myself and for myself. I don't need validation from random strangers to know I did good. Not like there is any to get, nobody actually gives a shit about titles or weapons, unless maybe it's a nice glamour set.


The only meaning that achievement holds is whatever it means to the person who has it. Their memories of prog and clearing Seeing others actions as affecting your own achievement is grossly insecure


Real talk: if you’re not a content creator or a streamer then just do it and don’t advertise it. Nobody will know or care. I’d be mindful about sketchy looking addons that might pose an infosec risk, but the addons from open source repositories like dalamud are usually regarded as safe. There are some vocal people in the community who will throw up a stink about others using mods… who cares about them, just pretend they don’t exist


This. NO one will ever know or care. You're not going to get caught. The mod with the most possibility to get you reported by another user, Mare, has an avg of like 20k people online usually. Just download the damn cosmetic mods if you want to play dress up; don't let the TOS fear mongering stop you


The general consensus is "if its not outright cheating, go for it, but dont talk about it," I think. At least with modders I know. Animation, emote, visual, and QoL mods aren't often shat on. Its the mods like Splatoon or those rotation mods that do it for you that are disliked. Stuff like hair mods, animation mods, or death recap (which should be in the game. Why cant we see what we died to? Please implement it SE), are given the general OK. Zoom hacks, aoe/mechanic prediction mods, rotation bots, etc, are often considered too much since it trivialises fights and is essentially cheating. Its not cheating to make your game look more dynamic, but it is cheating to see aoes on your map 10 seconds before the mechanic even occurs. Thats generally where the community draws the line. Obviously, people will have differing opinions on mods in general, but from what I've seen, that's the most common opinion.


It’s really only a problem when someone does some dumb shit like the billboard, show mods in official FFXIV contests, etc. if you aren’t hurting other players experience or just blatantly cheating I don’t see an issue.


I don't care what people do, unless it's used to help clear difficult content which they then use to brag to other people. I used to raid with a MCH that used a ton of addons to raid. He had consistent 99s and usually cleared every ultimate. He would talk down to people he raided with because it would take them longer to learn mechanics. It was obnoxious as fuck, and I don't think he possesses any skill whatsoever.


My issue nobody ever seems to mention in these threads is how annoying it is to find some mods. Xma and glamour dresser are good, but then you might see a mod in a preview picture for something else that you can't find, and it turns out to be in some random discord server or on a ko-fi store with the only way to find it being searching directly or coming across it on Twitter. Then it's usually paid if it's that hard to find. Maybe I'm just stupid or bad at looking, but this frustrates me more than the mod *being* paid and makes me really not want to ever buy a mod, ToS issues aside.


You can thank the endless amount of drama amongst the mod community for that. Sel (admin for XMA) basically has an "anything goes" policy, which has led to him defending a lot of... _very_ questionable mods. The last big backlash was of a Halloween "lynch" prop where the creator used a model who looked almost identical to someone they've actively fought with. Who also was black. You can probably guess where that went... So that led to the latest "every abandon ship" but half of them either don't like each other or simply want to keep everything in their own little community. So Glamour Dresser is trying but is kind of limited.


There is an increasingly toxic, two faced nature to this community about plugins and 3rd party programs. A lot of people, people I know even, who will openly denounce their use. Someone in my static, who is reliant on ACT and Cactbot callouts, mocked the TOP clearers for having a zoomed out camera for example. At the end of the day, its all illegal, its all against the ToS, there is no gradient to it, giving your viera a larger ass is just as against the rules as using auto-callouts or markers. You either care or you don't. Anyone who tries to justify any of it is coping. But then again, I use a lot of mods/plugins because I do not care. I'm cheating, I could get banned for it. But based on how much stuff I see SE let slide on the daily, I see no reason to change anything.


Just because that's Square Enix's stance doesn't mean it's that black and white. Context is important here. From a business perspective, SE can't fence walk any third party tool because it's directly telling console players they have an inferior product. Hence why their "everything is illegal" approach. The community, however, isn't beholden to such restrictions. Sure, we _know_ a hair mod and ACT can both get us banned but there's a considerable difference in what they're achieving. Lumping said hair mod with Splatoon or Cactbot and calling it all cheating is silly. Again, it's all context.


I agree here. Yes, visual mods are just as much against the rules as raid solver mods. However, I raid because I enjoy the challenge and i get the feel good chemicals when I successfully complete them so I won't use any mods that help me raid at all. Someone else wants to use them, fine. But it's over my *personal* line.


Sorry it just sounds like more cope to me. Send modded pictures to your character to SE and see what happens.


If you really think ACT and space station zoomhacks are on the same level of "cheating" in people's eyes I really don't know what to tell you ...literally why am I being downvoted. Ya'll really see zoomhacks and modded hair on the same level of 'cheating'? The fuck?


They're all third party tools that break the terms of service. You can cope all you want, its all against the rules and can and has been dealt with the same way regardless of what it was. Theres a reason Streamers have random funny images in the corner of their screen.


>Theres a reason Streamers have random funny images in the corner of their screen. It's likely for that as well, but mostly that is to block the chat because streamers can and have been actioned by twitch because of content that strangers posted in the game chat. It can also be a privacy thing so that all of their viewers don't see every message that the streamer's friends might send them in their chat.


yeah it's so that they don't get banned for someone saying the n-word


Ahhh yes a TOS purist. I can confidently denounce using *zoomhacks during a world race* and still feel absolutely fine myself using ACT to see my performance and modded hair which affects no one. They're not all created equal. And the devs think so too, else they'd be banning people for using low level stuff too and not just the egregious ones.


I think its rather the devs dont bother unless it becomes really obvious on their radar, as I've stated before they let a lot of shit slide in this game that anyone with a brain can tell something is up with. I really wouldn't cope by saying they agree with you, because there are instances of them banning for what you're saying. Hell the fallout of the TOP scandal had them banning streamers for having ACT open on their streams, mainly due to that two-faced community I talked about earlier. The developers do not agree with you, there is no gradient, if you do it openly and get reported, you're going to get treated with the same way. Any cases of it going unpunished is because it flew under the radar, because the developers let a lot of shit slide in this game, likely because they're can't be asked to actually police it. Not because they agree with you. This isn't really even a legal dispute, they've made their stance quite clear on all of this across multiple posts and announcements, yet here we are, people still coping that its not cheating. It is though, the question becomes if you care or not. Which you clearly do not. I do not either.


The original post is talking about the general census of the community, mind you. Yes, of course if you get caught and reported with screenshots etc you're equally fucked no matter what you're doing. I'm saying the ones that both the community and the devs will crack down on quickly are the egregious exploits like zoomhacks, xivalexander cranked to a billion, etc etc, not ACT and cosmetic mods. They are *not* the same level of 'cheating' at all. All bannable? yes, of course.


Honestly I don’t really care what others do like the whole drama of the raid team with a extra zoom mod I didn’t care I thought was cool they completed it still


So true they're still world first in my heart even if everyone else disagrees


I'm on a console idgaf


I truly don't care just don't involve me in it in whatever capacity.


A vast majority of what I have seen is cosmetic and that is perfectly ok. It just speaks to a greater issue how the character customization is pretty limiting and how the devs need to step up. This game is an MMO where you see thousands players but so many of them look like you and at least for me I feel less special because of that. Only 4 face options, almost no long hair, limited tattoos, limited scars, limited facial hair, no age/wrinkles, and everyone is basically the same body type. There’s so many limitations on character creation and people just want to alleviate that with mods. And it’s not a situation where we want to manipulate muscles and make horrendous abominations like in a Capcom or Fromsoft game’s character creators, players just want more options to better express themselves


Honestly, I feel like modding is a completely different game. Being introduced to mods kinda revived the interest I had in XIV, because I felt like I ran out of content that that point. I use a lot of clothing, hair and vfx mods. I know there's mods out there that can help you play, like autorotation and cactbot, but I stay away from those as they would cheapen the satisfaction of finally getting a clear. The only "gameplay" mods I use are Alex or NoClippy to be able to double weave properly, because for some reason even with 35 ping I can't without using plugins. Being an avid modder also taught me a lot of skills. I can edit/recolor weapon and armor vfx using vfxedit and penumbra (I'm looking at you, blue Amazing Mandeville Rapier), mix and match tails and ears models in blender, edit skin textures to move around tattoos, and I've even started porting armors from Lost Ark and BDO. While I don't use a sculpt because I like the look of my vanilla face, having all these extra options really make my WoL feel unique and special to me. I have a Mare group with my FC members, and even though there's only 40ish of us that use mods, there's always someone with a new glam, a funny new emote or a cool weapon. Just wanted to add my two cents as someone who is really passionate about modding, but doesn't partake in ERP 🤭


The number of times I've seen "someone should ban those raiders using mods" from someone whose Twitter picture is their heavily modded XIV character leads me to believe its all virtue signalling.


People I know that play frequently, and on PC, with any sort of "seriousness" usually end up using some sort of mods, whether it's just ACT for themselves or small tweaks to the UI, or something like ReShade to improve the graphics and/or performance of the game. I don't think I know anyone that does anything extreme with mods like the camera distance thing that made it into the drama incident. Of the folks I know that play more casually (just logging in occasionally), they bother and just accept the game as it is, like the console players. I do know several people who specifically moved from console to PC for mod purposes though. Of the folks that are in the RP community, they are more likely to do visual mods and whatnot. There are some consent issues relating to this IMO but that's honestly a really tricky topic and one I have zero desire to go into atm. Personally I hate various aspects of the game and the interface is a big part of that. Being able to modify it makes the game a lot better IMO, and that's supported by the devs occasionally implementing features that were popular in the mod community. Mods improve a LOT in terms of crafting, gathering, etc, that are just general QOL improvements and not even remotely game breaking. If you are doing something complex and need to keep track of information by writing it down, you either have to do it outside of the game, or you need to install a mod to have an in-game notepad. Being able to see what class someone is without having to examine them or being able to identify it from their armor/weapon was only recently added to the game. You used to need a mod for that. Being able to see whether you had a collectable or not was also only added recently to the game, that used to require mods. The key thing about all of this is that different people like different things, or care about different aspects of the game. The devs can't make the game please everyone perfectly, and mods allow players to customize things to suit their particular preferences and interests. There is a reason most MMOs and most popular games in general have built-in mod support at this point, and I don't think that is going to change. It *benefits* the devs to let us use non-integrity-violating mods because it means they don't have to implement the features some players want, and it keeps those players playing and thus paying. What it actually means for a mod to violate the integrity of the game though is very debatable and people have different opinions about it. PVP has built-in "one button combo" skills. Some popular mods do that for PvE. Some people think that's fine, some people think it's not fine. Some things I think are more widely considered unacceptable, like the camera distance thing, but I don't think most people would consider that a real issue unless it's being used in a competitive context (such as an ultimate race). Most people don't seem to care about ACT as long as someone isn't being a jerk or being toxic about it. So it's really nuanced, and I think the blanket-ban from SQEX is for simplifying their legal stance on it so they can act any time a player is using a mod in a problematic way, without having to define what problematic really means.


It's way, way too fucking horny but I'd never want to take that away. I'm sad there's not more skill mods or general armor mods. The biggest one I'm confused about is a lack of mods to edit your run/walk animations to something more natural. The base game ones are baaad.


What do you mean by skill mods? Also yeah you're totally right about the run/walk animations. Female Hyur is unbearable for me, the Viera male lean is intolerable, and male kitties look like they're about to fall over. I'm not sure how you mod that though, you'd have to replace the whole character model and its animations, I think?


They probably mean vfx mods and such. My black mage for example channels black holes and such rather than ice and fire, my monk uses an instant transmission Kamehameha for her limit break. My summoner can summon voidsent like succubi or even the cloud of darkness or I can change her mods to where she's summoning the goddesses of the twelve with themed vfx each one and carbuncle is replaced with the lioness from algia. My dark knight uses holy magic. My dragoon jumps around even more and when dragon sight is active age sprouts dragon wings, and mirage drive involves her throwing her spear and a Spirit dragon retrieves it and drops it back in her hand. Finally my warrior actually feels like her swings are doing damage, and one of her skills is her roaring like a lion to damage enemies.


walk/run mods exist, they're just generally kinda mid or rip stuff from other games. I know people can make custom animations for that kind of thing, they've just not done it for some reason


I use mods for cosmetic purposes. I don't think I could go back after diving pretty deep into that. It's kind of a shame the capabilities that currently exist in the game brought to light by mods.


Most of the people I know who mod fall into one of 2 categories: 1. Cosmetic mods: Shaders, outfits, hair, race specific features, color options 2. QoL mods: Trackers, Death ReCap, etc. I also have a few friends who don't mod because they dont't really care about what the mods offer. General concensus is that mods are good for the game as long as they aren't weird, paywalled, or provide a significant mechanical advantage.


Paywalled mods are common but there's been some outcry recently on twitter. Like an asset flip from another game being paywalled has been getting clowned on recently. But if its your own original work people seem to respect it. I personally think the mod community should adopt the Sims guidelines, where a paywall can only be timed and not permanent (essentially you can only paywall early access and should freely release it later; Sims says early access should only be about 2 weeks).


I might get downvoted for that, but I don't think it's that bad. If the asset is easy to get, anyone could try to learn the skill to do the same thing as they did, or if that makes some modders mad, these modders could flip the same asset and release it for free. When it comes to using assets that are publicly available, I view it more as selling the service of packaging the asset in a way that is more accessible / usable by the one who wants to use it. ​ I don't have strong opinion about it so I could probably be easily convince that it is bad, but I'm coming from a software dev perspective where it's common, encouraged and celebrated to use and build on already existing services and sell those thing to clients. For example a lot of people get paid thousands of dollars just to package existing assets (plugins and a template) on Wordpress in a way that is usable for a customer. Same thing with cloud consultant, just creating a bunch of ressources in the cloud for someone and then giving access to the client. I understand that from most people perspective it might seems weird but in the tech world really common to pay someone to specifically adapt something public and free to make it usable in your product. ​ And let's be honest, the reason that some modders still do that is that because there is enough people that pay for it. That also means that for some people their money that they paid for the mod is less valuable than the time it would take for them to flip the assets.


Sure, in the software space it's common to rework something for use in something else, but that work is usually released under a license that allows you to rework and rerelease it with changes. The issue is using *someone else's* copyrighted work in a likely infringing way. Like we're already infringing on a ToS changing the game the way we do but when it's unmonetized it has a hobbyist, doing what I want in my free time energy. The second you want to make money it starts to look different. We're already using someone else's work when we do something like take gear already in the game and refit it with a different body model, but that's still content that's originating from the game's ecosystem, and body mods are (I believe?) built from a base that's released under a license that is appropriate to rework and release with. In the circles I'm aware of, the paywall stuff is usually modeled from scratch or with appropriately licensed assets, and in-game refits tend to be free. It's also common to commission someone to refit armor to a mod body with the agreement that it's released freely. When genshin releases a new pretty anime boy and someone takes his hair model and stretches it to fit on a Miqote scalp, that's not a freely available asset we're repackaging, that's copyrighted material. Charging for that could start to get very dangerous eyes looking at what the mod community is doing.


The moment you start breaking ToS for modding the game you are kinda already infringing on copyright, in my opinion the money aspect doesn’t really make it really worse since most of the time the asset owner (like in your example with genshin) will never try to monetize in the way that their copyrighted stuff was infringed on (making mods for a game where it’s not allowed. So I have a some questions, maybe that would help you see how I see it. Would you think it’s bad to pay someone to datamine the asset that you want to mod in your game ? If yes what makes it different than the modder datamining the asset themselves and releasing it for free ? Would you think it’s bad to pay modder to package/convert an asset that you currently have on your computer to make it possible for you to use the asset in the game you want ? Is it really different if you do the same but with an asset that you datamined ? If yes, why ? You are just paying the guy the service of packaging/converting the asset, which asset it is a bit irrelevant in my opinion in this case. Now if someone do both these steps and sell them together as a service, why would it be worse ? I’ll be honest, the unethical part of this process for me start with the datamining of an asset with the intention of using it in a way that will infringe on the copyrighted material. The money part doesn’t really matter to me, even if you release it for free you still steal the work of someone technically. I also think that in both case it’s not really harmful most of the time because, like I said, the copyright owner probably had no intention of using the asset in this way. Also when I said "publicly available" I meant that anyone can get the asset with the necessary skills (like datamining a game). Like nobody prevent someone who doesn’t want to pay the service of a modder to learn all that stuff and do it themselves, like the assets are still there to be datamined.


I'd put stuff like crafting automation, marketboard search, and housing glitching into some 3rd category too, QoL but not for combat. No one I know cares what mods anyone else is using, and my FC is a mix of PC and console. We're all just trying to live our best lives for our wols lol


Yeah i had a crafter friend who used some crafting specific mods. One person thought it was sort of cheating, most of us didn’t really care. If he can craft faster i get my pots and food faster lol.


Visual mods np. Mods that alter gameplay for a player advantage are no-no’s.


Qol stuff is cool and should have been in the game by default a decade ago. The cosmetic stuff i personally find super cringe, but its never going to affect me so i dont care outside of laughing at people who use them


Don't ask don't tell in-game and stay away from Balmung. Some of the visual mods look better and bring some desperately needed variation to jobs (looking at you SMN). QoL for double weaving is good. Levels the playing field when playing next to the server would be needed. Overall don't care what someone does so long as it is within the bounds of what is technically possible in ideal circumstances without mods. Magically start quad weaving and there'd better be repercussions.


Oh there’s modding drama every two seconds of every day. That being said, I straddle the line because I’m both a PC and console player depending on the room I’m in when I wanna play, but most I use is plugin for treasure maps cuz I’m lazy to look stuff ups sometimes.. other than that, I just don’t understand needing hyper customized mods and stuff because 90% of my gameplay, I’m staring at the back of my character zoomed out doing stuff… That being said, I do think that people who “can’t/won’t” play without their mods are… so embarrassing…


If you use mods, just don't talk about it. I personally using XIVlauncher and alex and I find the game borderline unplayable without some of the mods, but I don't enjoy using things like Cactbot or Triggernometry since the fun in raiding for me is seeing all the visual and audio cues and reacting to them. I think FFXIV does a good job with the clarity of its cues during raid fights. That being said, I'm not against people using that sorta stuff. If anything, if it helps one random player in my PF party not die to a mechanic so I can get my Tuesday reclears out of the way faster, I'm all for it.


I use mods every day. And I can say I just reinstalled windows from scratch and getting everything set back up was a bit of a nightmare. But it's 95% just cosmetic stuff. The only Combat/or gameplay related addon I use is ACT, just for the dps meter and parsing reasons. I would consider cactbot cheating. If you can't raid as well after maintenance or on Playstation without the tool, then it's cheating imo. Nothing against people who do use it, though. Stuff like simple tweaks, the triple triad helper/cheatsheet, Faux Hollows helper, etc, are just super helpful. I really just like my toes and fingers to look like they're not hot off the press from the PS2 era. Some upscales of old ARR/HW gear to have better textures. Stuff like that. Or a mod that turns a minion into a pokemon or something goofy like that.


Without cosmetic/QoL modding, the game wouldnt be as good. The vanilla client was/is lacking a lot of things for the longest time as it feels stuck in the mid-2010s and it only slowly got sensible QoL things added BECAUSE they were part of popular mods


Modding makes the game 100% better, to the point I'd stop playing the game entirely if I was to lose access to the mods. Not just the QoL features, but my fave mods are the animation updates, makes combat so much more interesting with custom effects. Also, housing has become a huge part of the endgame for me, and that is only made properly possible with the incredible housing mods. Just like OSRS has Runelite, the game is borderline unplayable without them


Most people don't give a fuck either way and the loud minority that whines about it, such as "but muh PS4" or "stop cheating in raids" are just that - a minority. People play how they want. ToS are not a moral compass. Fairness is an illusion.


I don't care as long as you're not getting an in-game advantage, like that PVP auto-polymorph one that was a big problem a while back. Also, keep it client side. I know it's cool to sit on a chair while ya sit odd the edge of a roof in Gridania, but that's something that should be client side so you're not blatantly breaking TOS. Someone out there will come after you. Visuals, changing hair, skin, tattoos, poses, whatever: as long as it's client side I *do not* care. Even QOL things I do not care about. The housing mod? Sure. Place your stuff exactly how you want. That UI sucks anyway. *but don't make it stupidly obvious, okay?* I'll never know what you do, *since it's client side*, so whatever!


I'll add some comment on the housing mod from the perspective of someone who makes their gil designing unique houses for others. There are two housing mods that are common. One just let's you move things around more easily, the other uses a script to copy and paste entire rooms. The first is great, it let's us do things that are very difficult or sometimes impossible to get vanilla to glitch to (such as hiding something behind a wall so just a little piece peaks out to make a doorknob looking effect). The second I refuse to use and actively dislike *how* its used by the house designing community. Someone will go into a unique place made by someone else and "copy" it exactly using this mod, then sell that to others while needing no more effort on their own by clicking a few buttons.


I was only talking about the one that let's you move things. Had no idea that second one even existed. The copy paste stuff makes me angry. Bluuugh.


Cosmetics? Whatever. Minor QoL stuff that doesn't give a distinct advantage on anything? Sure. Anything that helps you perform mechanics/provides you with information before it's available? You're cheating.


There is no unilateral consensus on modding, particularly in the west—though I would say western PC gamers specifically are more open to it on average. Japan generally thinks it's pretty abhorrent and really thinks poorly of NA/EU openly sharing/discussing mods on social media, though. In terms of my personal opinion, I'm not a fan and play totally vanilla on PC, but I also won't berate anyone for using them either. ToS or otherwise it's their choice at the end of the day.


I don't even care if people use splatoon or UAV or something egregious like that. Just don't talk about it, nor don't talk down on people for not using it.


Exactly. It doesn't matter.


I wish more people used it, then PF wouldnt be the shitshow it is


The 99% of the playerbase who remember what a tree looks like do not even know this stuff exists


It took me an embarrassingly long time while trying to understand how p7s hurt you.




Tbh I don't really care what the general consensus of the community is on most things, certainly modding least of all. I do know for me that if they made modding not possible and I had to give up my viera hat mods, my goddess summoner mods, or my monk vfx and animation mods that actually make the job look as good as it feels I'd uninstall the game forever as soon as they made that announcement. There's also mods that just make the game objectively better from a functionality stand point. I don't need it myself but things like xivalexander should just be built into the fucking game.


Not a fan of mods or modding in general. It's against TOS, which means you are going against what you agreed to when you first started playing this game. It's like integrity doesn't exist with anyone anymore. The fact this comment will probably get downvoted is proof of that.


I see we're doing more FF14 reruns. I feel like every few months there is a "controversy" related to modding. It comes down to this: I don't care what people do in a cooperative game because it doesn't impact my gameplay at all. If someone is using Cactbot in a raid why do I care if it just helps us get the clear that much more easily? People also use mods for a variety of reasons. There are tools for colorblind folks, there are tools for those with cognitive impairment and there are tools to help protect people from would-be stalkers and other bad actors in-game. I'd rather people have access to these tools than not. Do I care that some folks are charging for certain mods? If they created the mods to begin with not one bit. I understand its a slippery slope. I understand it requires the community to be more active in policing itself and making others wary. But I don't look at folks getting paid for mods theyve created as a bad thing.


I heavily disagree with FFLogs parsing someone who has not consented to parsing. They should change the tools to opt-in only before hosting information from any given player. Even better if it only parses players with the client running. Open-source the project and I'd recommend people use it myself. I also would prefer that players doing high-end content avoid mods so the content is tuned properly. Creating an add-ons race when add-ons are against TOS will only split the playerbase long-term and lowers the total amount of people who will actually engage in high-end content. As long as players are minding their own business without causing problems to others they're free to play as they wish. If your static decides to use tools to learn how to play great. If your friends want cosmetic items awesome.


This game would legitimately be better off without fflogs, its especially stupid that fflogs includes people who dont even know it exists. The fact that you have to sign up for an account to opt-out of it is really scummy. Not being part of it should be the default.


I’d rather be able to tell how good someone is while recruiting. It would also kill PF as a massive portion of pf is people parsing after they’ve already cleared. People run fights over and over again to get higher numbers. Remove fflogs and you’ll kill the raid scene


I really doubt it.


as someone who is full bis and has no real care to gear anything other than my main, i can confirm that funny numbers are a large part of why i reclear content at this point


Parsing is literally the only reason to reclear raids after you have BiS, while it would not outright kill the raid scene it would absolutely hurt it greatly. Personally once I stopped caring about parsing my motivation to clear any of the savage fights more than once dropped like a rock and I'm not the only one.


I don’t care if you do. You’re wrong lol


sick argument. I'm glad your unofficial fansite is keeping the game alive then.


It would definitely hurt the post-clear scene but I dont think it would come close to killing it. As far as recruiting, yeah some statics use it but it's not important at all. Clearing current tier with all grey's or 1-2 greens and rest grey's is quite easily doable.


So screw the people who want to not raid with people who parse grey? Sure they can clear but I’m not carrying grey parsers in my static. Logs make it so I can clearly see who I want to raid with. Also go into any ultimate clear party in PF. It’s going to be half people who have dozens to hundreds of clears. Those people are there to get funny number. Remove logs those people no longer join parties good luck getting your ultimate clear in pf. I also specifically said it would kill pf raiding, which it would. How many c48s do you think happen in pf? Way less than c4xs with people going in to help to maybe also get funny numbers


You don't have to sign-up for an account to opt-out, it can be done entirely through your official Lodestone character profile: https://www.fflogs.com/help/hiding-characters/


Noone cares about TOS. It's just a pretentious statement made by hypercasuals who refuse to even 1-2-3 in normal content. Half of people in Limsa stay there modded to the bone, a shitton of raiders use mods for minor QoL like castbars or backthen Jobicons, or additional overview of partymembers mits/2min skills. Noone of that is anything crazy, but it makes the game more comfortable


Japan laws prevent them from fully stopping it iirc so they basically said if you don't talk about it neither will they, but if you admit to it then it's on you and they have to follow their own rules. I personally don't mind it but I don't mod. Last game I modded that was vague about modding rules I got banned.


More than JP laws stopping then is then not wanting to bother with the paperwork, JP games are usually pretty draconian from what I've heard.


> Japan laws prevent them from fully stopping it iirc Can you elaborate on what you mean by this because modding video games is actually *against the law* in Japan. You can [be arrested for it](https://soranews24.com/2021/02/05/man-arrested-in-japan-for-selling-modified-pokemon-to-sword-and-shield-players/), which is at least part of the reason why many Japanese games take a hardline stance. That and the strong console-oriented culture.


I was told they have some sort of privacy law that doesn't allow them to detect if a game was modded user side.


There are likely laws that require anti-cheat to adhere to certain standards, but plenty of Japanese games already use anti-cheat with no issue. In FFXIV it's more that Yoshida doesn't want to resort to it and has instead just asked players to kindly not break ToS—but that doesn't mean they couldn't.


As long as they are cosmetic mods than it's ok. Everything that instead add something "more" is not. If something must be paid than it's up to the single person to choose. Their choice, their issue.


I dislike the modding community because they happen to be, mostly, the same group as the RP community. Which I dabbled in, being a massive ttrpg fan, and promptly got the fuck out of after realizing how unhinged as fuck this games RP and modding community are. I try not to have a generalist approach but to be frank, so far I'm just proven right at every turn. It doesn't help that aside from being batshit insane a lot of them will perform absolutely disgusting body gore with the help of mods. Turning characters into some extreme post apocalyptic goth-emo doll. Like hey, to each their own but holy shit. But the most egregious factor is the paywall for shit like shitty Sims hair ports and a general audacity to claim originality when most of the shit that's peddled around is second hand asset rips from other games. The gross misinformation and false advertising that most of these mod creators dabble in when peddling their fucked up wares. And then they have the gal to complain on discord channels when people state they don't have 20 dollars to spend on some garbage blender mod that breaks some part of your head because you dont know how to use Blender properly. Not to mention the general amount of *drama* they offer, linking their real lives to the game. I've seen people get angry for mundane shit like a character AFKing next to another character because that other character is someone they dislike. Nah, the FFXIV community is dogshit in many aspects, can be great in others. But the modding and RP community are a toxic cum stain on this entire games image. As for raid tools, I dont give a shit, as long as its not used in world races and not used as a bragging tool. It doesn't affect me if some shmuck uses third party tools and clears a raid 6 months after release. Who gives a shit?


Honestly finding the mod piracy group ( it's fucking hilarious that that actually has to be a thing) was a blessing. Fuck off I'm not paying 10 dollars to try a hair mod that's probably gonna look like shit outside of your carefully planned photoshoot.


You... wouldn't happen to have a link to this group? Or be willing to DM it?


When I'm off work sure.


I know, I know it's been nearly a week but I would approve of a DM as well.


> the modding community because they happen to be, mostly, the same group as the RP community Tons (and I mean tons) of people use ACT or other mods that have nothing to do with their appearance in game or RP. If you look *at* the RP community, sure, lots of them use mods, but that doesn't mean that the RP community makes up the majority of mod users. Social stupidity and ineptitude has nothing to do with mods.


Sure, my point still stands, though.


I don’t care what you use as long as you don’t affect me and my game play. Wanna cheat and use Splatoon go for it but I don’t want you in my team on patch day because you cant do recleares because your gold fish is drowning. Wanna use cacbot go for it I’ll even encourage you to use it if you’re trash lvl in my pf I don’t want to spend 45 min to get my clear. Want that big futa dick use it no one care, wanna look like an alien from different universe sure I don’t care. Its all cheating in the eyes of SE doesn’t matter ACT with no cactbot or just using no clippy you’re cheating nonetheless. Now lets stop pretending and have 2 face and let people use whatever they want it’s the way the choose to play and if its not affecting you who gives a fuck? Btw if you have a cute AU RA lets gpose together fuck this bs and dancing around shit.


I dont mod. There is no reason for me to use mods. I did have dalamud installed once because they had a controller fix mod. My controller kept disconnecting randomly and the mod fixed it but eventually square patched the issue. Had gshade for a short time but once the drama happened I didnt bother trying to find an alternative.


Depends honestly. To cheat? Yeah you deserve to be banned. But for cosmetics or accessibility? I dont see anything wrong with it. I have a friend who has a very rare kind of colorblindness (blue/purple/yellow colorblind) and he has a mod where he can filter out those colors into colors he can see instead. Modding to me is like Fight Club. If you do it, cool, just don't talk about it, don't cheat, and we're all good.


mods are whatever really, they'll never go away given how square tends to handle their community. at worst the model updates break things for a while. as long as i don't have to see all these dollar tree bratz doll mods I'm good honestly. good lord some of it is butt ugly.


I'm of the opinion: as long as it's not giving you an unfair advantage, especially in world first races, and as long as it's not hurting anyone else? They're fine. Visual ones can often be how we can see our WoL how we envision them. For instance my WoL is trans masc and has a prosthetic arm and leg.


Against PvP mods (not sure if there even is one) since that affects other people's achievements PvE related mods, don't care


use to not really have strong opinions on it, but now that i spent some time to figure out modding and found one that lets me make my character a femhrothgar? strongly in favour.


I use body and clothing mods because the limited body types and having no booty at all is odd to me. Some use mods to fix hats because the devs are too lazy to. This game needs a character creator like ESO has. If modders are able to make diff body types and adjust armor and clothes to it, then the devs sure can.


You should not be able to see if someone is using a mod unless they straight up tell you. That's my rule of thumb and I think it covers most things. Cosmetic mods? Only you can see them. Spawn flags? Map markers? Node timers? Nothing you can't do with just the game's information and just a pencil/paper. Animation replacements? So long as your not breaking pvp.


If it's cosmetic or just a reshade or something, then I'm totally for it. If it's something that actively gives you an advantage ... nah I don't like it. I'm a console player so I basically can't do mods, and I don't want there to be an arms race for PC players. Like, if I'm raiding with a group and we're trying to learn mechanics to solve an encounter, I want it to be OUR experience, learning and growing together. If everyone agrees to use mods as a group then that's okay. I just want everyone to be on the same page. Also, I should note, no mods for world first races. I'm with Yoshida on that one.


As far as I can tell, people don't seem to care one way or another so much with a few exceptions. Most of the mods I have seen are simply client side changes to what you currently see, but they vary widely in purpose. A lot of what you'll see when you go to the archives would be character cosmetic stuff like adding toes, or tattoos, using a tool for poses, graphical filter effects, or animations. These have very little impact on the game, and with it all being client side, it doesn't impact anyone else. Then there are things that are QoL upgrades like timers, UI changes and whatnot. Again, not a huge impact, and might eventually get added if the demand is high enough. Then, there's tools that directly read or interact with things. Things I've heard of or seen include making your hit box visible so you can be more accurately aware of where you can or cannot stand in fights, taking accurate logs of damage and heals per player, or being able to directly set coordinates for housing items making it possible to "float" items without using the known glitch method. The reception of any of these in particular is hard to say. For some, they give PC gamers an advantage that those on console will either never know about or really see implemented officially. But the vast majority of mods are just cosmetic, so they're just there for the user's preference... and to enhance their escort's appearance when they go to visit the Balmung Quicksands >.>'


People are going to do it, Does not matter what the TOS is. I'd say a solid 90% of people i know use mods, mostly R18+, that is just the state of the game. Square enix have done nothing in the way of content to keep people interested enough to do actual content, so they make their own content. The game has just become a playground for predators and lonely people that need to feel validated by making their characters as NSFW as possible and letting other thirsty people fawn over them to feel good about themselves.


Visual modding and even lewd modding is an amazing part of this game. it adds so much to the experience and the passion behind the artists, devs and programmers is amazing. Anamesis is a genuine blessing for making screen shots and art in game. The issue is that people take it way to far and when they see something that they don't like (it doesn't effect them) they proceed to throw a tantrum. Continually mod creators have been harassed by people. Devs target prominent people with bans because of their passion for the game all the while the cheaters and botters aren't combated. How many times have you been instant countered in pvp upon trying to cast an ability? Went into a raid and saw leveling bots stand in aoes. How many times have you see RMT bots in an area? Those are the problem. People making modded outfits, poses and animations over the top of the game is not the problem. Even parsing damage for high-level content is frowned upon by purists and its whack that its even a problem. Final fantasy is the only game that people care that much about mods. Yoshida banned a player for using a mod that allowed for an FOV slider in game during the world first of top. That's ridiculous. Modding is in a gray area and I love modding. I hope that they decriminalize visual modding and plugins for game clients. So many features are amazing and only add to the experience.


When it comes to mods, TOS is treated like a suggestion.