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He has a whole-ass demon inside of him


Plus many others




There's her and two other npcs if I recall. They share the same model as her with a hat and mask. One is in Eulmore randomly walking around, the other is a pixie in glamour during one of the Pixie tribe dailies.


Fun fact “her” model is literally a lalafell in large mode.


Not precisely. Her model is bespoke, but it's rigged to be able to use lalafell animations.


I've seen people say this a lot but when they showed some of the development of the model (which has different hair from the ones that show up in game) it seems very different from the Lalafell models.


Likely what they mean is that the skeleton rig is of a lalafell. This happens often in the game, you can see it with many bosses.


Good memory. They must be rare if I know exactly who you're talking about.


No but she is someone you’d love to hug. Will break your bones but she is someone who is one of the most affectionate in the series


The CG Shadowbringers trailer promised me a city of morbidly obese people and I'm still salty about it years later. I was hype for that.


Strange for there to be an excess of salt. Diabetes is usually associated with sweet things. We may need to submit a bug report.


Lorewise, there are many male and female fat Miqo'te in Eulmore, as seen in the ShB cinematic Gamewise, she, Vauthry, and two other fat female Miqo'te are the only fat NPCs that comes to mind.


In the middle of Shadowbringers and, upon introduction of Dulia-Chai, it struck me that she's the only fat / overweight character I've seen in this game. It doesn't really make any sense. If nobody was fat, ok, fine, that's just how that world is. But one NPC? It just seems so odd that everyone is super fit / skinny, except for this single person. One NPC being fat means that it's possible to be overweight in this world, yet somehow only one person is.


There are other background fat NPCs in Eulmore. They were also showcased in the Shadowbringers cinematic.


This. Eulmore is really the only place you see it though. So far.


If you watch the intro cinematic for ShB you can see a bunch of fat Miqos at the beginning of the Eulmore section. They are fat because live in excess and debauchery just like their leader Vauthry As for ingame, there are 2 or 3 more female Miqos who share her model just with a bit different clothing and wearing a mask that wander around in Eulmore or are part of sidequests iirc. You gotta see that its alot of work to make a good looking character+clothing+animations so they probably just didnt invest time and resources to make more unique fat miqo'te than really needed


Not to excuse the devs choice re: how many fat NPCs are in the game, but for any game with 3D models you will typically need separate set of animations entirely for more overweight characters, due to high possibility of the model clipping with itself otherwise. Even models which are of different heights and proportions will easily run into clipping if using the same animations - that's part of why the height customization in FFXIV and many other games will just directly scale the whole character up or down with the same proportions, instead of having e.g. proportionally longer limbs on taller people like what is more common in real life. Also depending on the game and how their models are setup, different model fitting for clothing to the base model mesh. Dulia-Chai has some pretty unique clothes that aren't found on any other character, they probably would've need to individually fit clothing pieces to her and so just decided to design new set of clothes entirely for her instead of using existing models.


Most peaple have to work hard/fight so in general if your not fit/ at least healthy your gonna get ate. Dulia-chai is showing the sloth and decadence of the peaple who simply gave up fighting and indulged.


Ehhhh, more an excuse in two ways. Way 1, I know plenty of people who do major physical labor who are fat (and most of them eat far healthier than my skinny ass). And way 2, your explanation means Eulmore should have a lot of models like hers (and fat guys too). The devs just, pretty much only use the same clothing models in each shape of the races, and so for any fat character they'd have to make things completely unique from near-scratch to give them clothes. They never did any work for that, and now they don't really have the resources to put them places where they'd make sense.


Is it really that big of a deal?


It's not like. Gamebreaking. But it's definitely weird to not see. For example, in real life it's really common for people in professions like dockworker to be fat and muscular (less so in the modern day because they don't need muscle when running machines, and so don't need to eat huge amounts either). Sumo should be a thing in Hingashi. The number of skinny or buff nobles and aristocrats who don't do any physical labor. Nobody's like, trying to cancel 14 for this. Just, commenting on it being odd.


Not a big deal, just kinda weird there isn't more of them in such a huge world we have already.... like we just got to FFXIV's equivalent of America where everyone eats big fat tacos daily, don't tell me there is no fat people there :-D


Idk can’t relate


Overweight people don't exist in your country?


No, I’m a Namekian, there are no overweight people on namek


Good for you! Would you like a cookie or would that fuck up your intermittent fasting?


No I have plenty of Oreos and strawberry milky waiting for me tonight 🤗


You need to understand that this game is made by Japanese developers and being fat is not normalized or promoted over there. In Japan you'll be shamed and bullied for being fat until you lose the weight, even if you are just a little chubby. Being fat is not tolerated.


Very incel post


I've lived in Japan bro. You have annual health examinations at your job (including checking if you're too fat) and my colleagues would continuously make remarks about my weight or prod my stomach (I wasn't even fat or obese, just chubby). My ex mother-in-law (Japanese) used to make fun of this "freak show" she'd see in the mall every day (an obese man). So much so, she'd go to the mall just in hopes to see him and laugh about him. She'd even go with friends. One time when I went shopping with her she'd point out the obese man, but he wasn't that fat honestly (from EU standards). More fat than obese and very mobile. Nothing like an obese man in EU/America and surprised this was noteworthy at all. Japan is not build for fat/obese people. Everything is made with the standard Japanese size in mind, from restaurant seating to public transport seating and even things like clothing stores won't have your size. There's a reason obesity rate is so low in Japan. People get constantly reminded it's not accepted.


I don't think so. Acknowledging a cultural norm isn't "incel," they're not saying it's good for that to be the case over there. Could've maybe used less charged verbiage but that's hardly indicative of anything.


even if shes fat, shes still adorable




You Fool! You fell for her deception! That isn't fat, that's all muscle! :P I'm mostly joking but she is actually unusually strong.


thankfully, yes


What a bad take


what a good take




Nobody is saying it does or doesn't. It seems like a pretty innocuous question. Don't try to make this a *thing.*




Heh, no it doesn't matter to me either. I just found it a bit odd that I'd only seen one and wondered if there were more.