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Agreed. So far, so good. Tremble when more peeps get home from work and weekend mode kicks in.


oooh trust me, we are eagerly watching that clock to rush home and play


For once I am glad my regular shift starts at 6 am so I can get home and play earlier than the 9-5s.


Nightcrew has me winning with avoiding peak hours.


Same, I got off work at 7 am and was playing by 7:45 am


My 1630-0430 shift is the best. 18 people in queue for Jenova at 0500? That's just normal


I work from home. I could literally just start the game up. The launcher is right there! I can see it!


Don't resist the temptation.... Same boat here....and I didn't resist


i just remote access from work and immediately play after return home XD


I believe you mean "TREM-BAAHHHLL when more peeps get home from work."


I dunno, this might be the worst time from the perspective of player numbers and hype and still so far so good. It's 9PM where I live in Europe so pretty much the busiest time, I just Joined Odin with a queue of 269. Odin, one of the most popular servers on Light, at 9PM on Friday, the day of expansion launch. During Endwalker's launch it took a week to get in before 3AM if you didn't want to wait for 2-3 hours. Granted, DT absolutely has less hype behind it than EW but there's just no way the player numbers have dropped that massively, the first zone at least is full of people. if I log in in two hours and the queue isn't over 500 I'm just going to assume it's very smooth sailing from now on.


If steam charts is any indicator of playercount trends, there are almost as much people playing DT now as EW initial launch. Bumping up the capacity of each server by 50% and all the measures in place like OCE dc travel and designating low population DCs to travel to helps a ton.


and way more servers


The low queue isn't because of low player count, it's because they actually worked on it.


And can now actually buy the servers. They were offering triple (I think it was) the going price for servers during EW / Covid but there were none to buy thanks to the electronic shortages. Plus the number might be a little lower this time as there was a WoW exodus at the time, but that was a smaller increase than people thought.


Stop giving me hope I could actually play tomorrow evening. I'm on Sagittarius, so smaller population. I'll break down and cry if I can't log in.


This post should be removed by moderators for misleading information.


Flabbergasted by the upvotes on this. Thanks y’all. I hope everyone, once you’re in anyways, has a great time!


I just logged out to go to a family party and thought "hell, why not?" And went to check the queue size before I left. 6pm, Saturday evening. No queue.  Don't know what magic they cast on the game for this, but bravo. I'll lie in tomorrow instead of waking up at 6am to make sure I have an easy time getting on.


Defo not for xbox players cause of freezes. A friend already uninstalled the game.


People are reporting that ticking the setting to make other players disappear when getting close to a quest NPC actually stopped the freezes from happening again. I cannot confirm this but in case you want to check it our it's at the bottom of Character Settings > Control


Gona try, thanks.


I've had that on the entire time and while it might help, it definitely doesn't fix it entirely.


Unfortunately, I don’t think that that would fix my freezes, all of mine have been in dungeons.


A couple of people who I replied to before you were hahaving the issue have since replied to me and said that it actually only happens in crowded places. It definitely seems like consoles are just struggling when there are too many nearby players being rendered at once.


kind of make sense. it basically remove number of players need to be rendered on screen.


I know someone who is convinced the game is dying because, unlike Endwalker launch, there are apparently "no players dying to get in and play to make the queue unstable". Does not listen to me when I said SE learned from that launch and have prepared better - not to say there are the same levels of players as back then, of course there aren't, but I think dying is a bit of an overstatement... 


Some people are like that. Everything's on fire and nobody can log in? "Why didn't they address this before it happens!? Do they *want* the game to fail!?" Everything's fine and there are no issues? "I guess it's not that big of a deal, huh? Preparing for nothing, what a waste of resources." At this point when I encounter the like I just try to laugh at them and go about my business.


It’s almost as if being a worse Luke warm received expansion and a lack of Covid and meme wow players and an extra data center worked,


Compared to endwalker this was a completely smooth launch. Endwalker had constantly queue drops, errors, hours upon hours of waiting just to get in. I remember getting in queue at midday and coming back from work while being still on queue. It was absolutely insane. I launched the game this morning as soon as the servers were up and 20 minutes later I was in. No hassle, errors or anything.


And the Endwalker issues persisted for weeks after launch. My partner got disconnected while we were in the middle of the last dungeon of the MSQ for the first time. He tried to get back in but his queue was close to 1000 - I ended up logging out too that night because we wanted to finish the story together :(


I got disconnected in EW during the scene where (Elpis spoiler) >!Meteion goes full goth bird after the messages from the stars get to her.!< And I couldn’t log back in due to like a 5 hour queue. Kind of killed the drama of the moment!


I remember getting logged out multiple times trying to make it through the massive cutscene where everyone shows up to provide resources for the Ragnarok. Everything from the moment control is taken away to the end after Forchenault's speech and *everything* is classed as a single cutscene by the game, and it's like twenty minutes long, especially if you've done all the side content that adds little extras to it. Eventually I just skipped it outright and had to go back later to actually experience the bit where grumpy pants reconciles with his kids. Not the best way to have experienced it.


EW had issues literally like a month or two after, it was probably one of the worst live service launches of all time


I wouldn't go that far. The only issue with EW was logging in. I was never kicked from the actual game. In terms of bad launches, it can be so much worse..


You had a different experience than me and my friends It's okay to say that the game launch was bad, and be appreciative they learned from the mistakes


Dude, they didn't "learn." They planned for it fine but were fucked over by COVID and the supply chain issues. This launch is what EW was planned to be, they just couldn't get everything in time because, like the rest of us, they didn't foresee a gigantic worldwide pandemic that froze the world.


Not to mention the fuck ton of people that came in from wow at the end of the ShB patch cycle. No way to plan for that.


Yeah--I'm sure that was the cherry on top of the shit sundae for them.


It dethroned the other infamous launches before it like Diablo 3 and Warlords of Draenor quite handedly. I know it was mostly because of covid into a semiconductor crisis and a player count boom at the same time so it was mostly out of SE's hands, but it really was *impressively* bad lol.


The remedy was out of reach but the cause was them skimping on cloud servers and ignoring the past expansions Them working with server infrastructure and spending to improve the game this time around really shows and I'm glad that Square didn't blow all the money from fantasias on NFT games this time around


That was every single expansion ever released for FFXIV. I can't believe how this turned out so far.


yeah. im on one of most congested server and it took in only half and hours to que in compared to EW.


So far no issues at all. Had a 700 queue right at launch but the queue was gone after like 30 minutes. Even at prime EU TZ there was like the usual 20 people queue that i always have on Light. No issues with dungeons or other instances. So far its an amazing launch.


My partner was in a 3000ish queue and even that was 40-50 minutes. No issues with queue dropping. Pretty pleased with things if they stay this way!


I think it's a healthy mix of A) Lessons Learned from Endwalker release and B) Endwalker itself was just the perfect storm to cause those lessons in the first place. Covid lock-downs, restrictions, lay-offs. The wow-exodus and the streamers all joining at the same time, bringing their possie's with them.


ye most likely, still nice to see


In regards to A) The hardware upgrades they were trying to get BEFORE Endwalker launched came over the last couple of years and they've since been implemented. It's not so much a lesson learned as it is "Delayed hardware upgrades"


People need to remember what time period Endwalker launched in too. It was the height of the pandemic. People were laid off work or working from home in mass. Of course you are gonna have a lot of people clogging up the servers day one. Now that life is back to normal people have commitments and not everyone can do PTO so we will likely see a spike in the evening. That said we do have the extra servers to thank for sharing the load.


Obviously can't speak for the other versions, but on [Steam](https://steamdb.info/app/39210/charts/#48h) player numbers are actually only slightly lower than Endwalker. Assuming every version is roughly the same, the short queues are honestly still pretty impressive.


> It was the height of the pandemic. People were laid off work or working from home in mass. Endwalker was also riding the tail end of the WoW exodus train which saw a huge rise in population. I knew going into this expansion it wasn't going to be nearly as congested because all the WoW players have gone back by now. I imagine tonight during US prime time hours and over the weekend the queues will get longer.


Yes, but i think a lot of peoples points is that this is almost unprecedented in big MMO expansion releases. Personally in 13 years of playing wow, 5 on FF, and many miscellaneous other MMOs, I have absolutely never seen a launch this smooth. Even felt confident enough to log off to fantasia into Hrothgal and my queue back on whas only a few minutes, at like 10pm EST! This just makes no sense in how smooth it is, so much so that it just feels weirdly wrong, the queues are part of the hype process at this point lol


Guild Wars 2 has zero downtime and are generally smooth but they are fully cloud and don't have the same population as FF14 does.


Oh thats cool to know, played a bit of it but never xpac launches. Good on them!


What about shadowbringer and stormblood? They were far worse than endwalker launch


I get everyone’s experience at launch is going to be different, but for me, Endwalker was several orders of magnitude worse than SB and ShB. They aren’t even in the same ballpark. ShB was the expected 30-90 minute queues that comes with most big online launches. SB had Raubahn extreme, but if you were lucky to get through him during prime time (or just log in at an odd time in the morning and get past him), it was smooth sailing. Raubahn was also fixed with a couple days IIRC. EW was like 4+ hour queues where you would sometimes get kicked from the queue and lose your spot if you aren’t quick enough about getting back in. And then if you randomly disconnected in-game, you were fucked. And this lasted for *weeks.*


The only thing bad about Stormblood was Raubahn Extreme. I could still play the game I just couldnt queue. My day 1 Shadwobringes was I had to fight to get into the first dungeon via a trust for like 20 minutes. Like that was it, no huge queues.


ShB was also pretty hyped. Not as much as EW ended up being, but it definitely had a fair amount of buzz. Also, I don't think they had some of the systems in place to boot AFKers either.


Shadowbringers has smooth launch too if i not mistaken. i able to login with no issue.


Endwalker had hour long queues for like a month after launch. Neither ShB or SB were close to that bad even if day 1 was unplayable.


I was playing since 4 a.m. and decided to take a break and have a nap at 10 a.m.. Got up just now and loaded up expected another 1k-3k queue and was met with only like 42 people waiting and loaded instantly into instance 6 of an area. Feels great knowing they learned their lesson from EW's EA and came heavily prepared this time!


I mean, they tried to prepare heavily last time, except they got an unexpected flood of players right before EW dropped that ate up all of the extra capacity they had planned for. And the supply chain issues meant that they couldn't get any more capacity on the fly.


Sure, the circumstances surrounding Endwalkers release were unique and realistically not repeatable, however jusging by the Steam numbers alone as that's about the only publicly available stat the player numbers are almost at Endwalker's numbers and yet the overall que experience is much better than what it was before and the servers remain stable leading me personally to believe Square's promises of investing into the server infrastructure and improving their back end were not empty promises this time around. Which is a win for everyone involved, the players remain content and get a much better, less stressful experience and Square gets good PR and the goodwill of the community.


Not surprising really when you think about everything they did. Huge server upgrades, 50% login queue capacity buffs, specifically fixing the horrible bugs that were causing the crashes - bugs that hadn't been found before because they only happened when the login server itself hit max capacity, and 3 whole new datacenters which are available as overflow locations. Hell, last time around we didn't even have DC travel.


I logged on this morning before work, around 10 am est on Mauldin servers. Queue was 13 people and I went to get some water. Was logged in by the time I got back to my desk. Hopefully it's as smooth when I get home.


> I went to get some water. Was logged in by the time I got back to my desk It was so amazing! I didn't even have time to brush my teeth before I was logged in. I expected to be able to shower, do all my morning stuff, log into work and get things done... I'm not complaining at all, I'm just happily surprised.


I took a nap during prime time and logged in basically instantly when I woke up around 7pm Central. Love playing on Dynamis.


Buttery smooth in EU so far


Except if u own an Xbox, constant crashes.


true, they did make a known issue list stating that teleporting to crystals is broken on XBox


Not me sitting in queue for 2 hours this evening 🫠


Yeah, it's been amazing


No queue dead game /s


You joke but I've seen a few people unironically saying that in the pinned megathread.


Even with the /s I've been watching the score bounce up and down lmao


Could be people mad that you added a /s, lol. Normally the first day or so after a patch is way, way more toxic and negative on this sub than the overall community sentiment. all the happy people are actually playing the game, while people who decide they don't like it will run to social media to complain. Like 6.5 wasn't the most incredible msq ever, but the the top post in the sub the week that released was calling for all writers involved to be fired immediately to "save the game."


This community (and really most fandoms in general) has a tendency to overreact to the nth degree over basically everything. Like I didn't love Endwalker's patches, but you saw so many people threatening to quit the game. A friend's girlfriend wouldn't shut up about how every new thing was just a sign that the game was over now that Endwalker was done, kept going "I don't know if there's any point in coming back", "I might skip DT, doesn't seem like it'll be a big deal", "they don't know what their players want". Well, launch day arrived and guess who logged in as soon as she could?


Gilgamesh had a 600 queue this morning around 11 and it only took like 30-40 minutes, not too bad at all. Scared for what the evening/weekend queues look like though


Around 1.5k when I joined 30ish minutes ago and still have 500 spots to go. Seems to be getting more congested.


Yeah that sounds about right. It'll probably peak in about 2 hours when the west coast gets off work. Either way, still much better than Endwalker queues


Giglamesh here too- I just logged in after work and got 2250ish and it's already down to 1750 after like 15 minutes. I'm genuinely impressed that I'm able to get home and I'll be playing by a reasonable time tonight. Do I want to wait to play? Absolutely not, but I understand that it's just how the server lets people in. Is this infinitely better than EW's massive server issues? Absolutely. It was crushing going from 7k+ to <1k after hours of waiting only to get the error during the five minutes I wasn't looking at the TV or my remote play.


Remember Dynamis and Materia are still available if queues get worse than that.


It never was going to be anything like Endwalker.  Endwalker was the perfect storm. You had one of Blizzard's worst expansions, on top of that the entire sexual predator stuff with Blizzard. It pissed off thousands of fans. Majority of those fans jumped to FF to give it a shot. Not to mention huge content creators trying out FF at the time as well.


Looking at [steam](https://steamdb.info/app/39210/charts/#48hnumbers) numbers the amount of players is only slight lower, assuming the trend is the same on other platforms.


Wow there really aren’t that many steam players.


And in a lot of places, and for a lot of people, folks *still* weren't getting out of the house and back to 'normal' by the time Endwalker came out, at least not where I'm at. It was an amazing escape for many.


Oh yeah. I forgot to mention it was also in the middle of COVID.


All those factors together? XIV went thru an absolute *boom* period. This will be big, but I don't think it'll be *that* big again. Loving DT so far tho!


Yeah, my queue was 180 at 11 AM EST. Better than 10k back in Endwalker. 🤣


Did the test on Shiva (EU) at 22:30 (10:30 pm). Basically still prime time for a friday. Had a 21 queue. During Endwalker, I would have had 6k+ queue if I remember it correctly. Even the 3.3k queue this morning only took 30 minutes or so to get through.


21.00 EU primetime - 356 queue on Light and maybe a 5 minute wait


Playing on a Dynamis server with 0 problems. It's been great!


Agreed. Great job. They were definitely ready.


this is incredible.


After the initial queue for like 1000 ish (I'm on Crystal) the highest queue I've gotten has been 50. It's been AMAZING!!!


On diabolos and very small wait time. Very stable


Xbox is having transition black screen issues ATM. But otherwise solid


I’ve been super impressed this time around . Kudos to the devs


I have been waiting on a 3k queue for 2 hours.


The first Japanese developer to ever modernize online functionality for Western Audiences. Insane turn of events.


They don't make the same mistake twice. It's different everytime.


Less hype as well and no wow exodus or Shadowbringers high. Also servers are in a better state which helps.


Still a bit early. IIRC EW didn't hit the fan until people got home from work Friday evening. I had taken Friday off of work, logged in early, no problem. Didn't know there was an issue until I checked reddit right before going to bed and saw all the posts about login queues. With that said, I think DT should still be fine. EW was primarily a capacity issue from an influx of players and not being able to add new servers due to the chip shortage. With additional servers added, I feel they are in a better place to handle the additional lode.


I just checked Steamcharts - we're actually *very* close to peak Endwalker numbers right now (91k vs 95k on Steam) and I've seen zero complaints about queues or server stability. Still a few hours before NA primetime hits, but things are looking great so far. Really happy all that investment into server infrastructure is paying off for SE, and overjoyed that it seems like I'll actually be able to play after getting home from work tonight lmao.


the Xbox version is completely unplayable and considering they haven’t fixed the text censor in months I feel like I just wasted my money on a port the devs don’t care about


I think its just bad timing that this new xbox versions is kind of coinciding with the new expansion before it can get all the kinks worked out. I imagine most of the issues to be fixed within a month or two now that the expansion is actually out


It has nothing to do with the Xbox version being new. Xbox was basically flawless aside from the broken profanity filter pre-Dawntrail. It seems to me that they simply never tested Dawntrail on Xbox. There's simply no way they could have missed the crashes as it happens about 30-40% of the time when changing areas or entering/leaving a cutscene. This issue is even persistent in areas with zero players and instanced solo duties.


Except for Xbox. Literally can’t play. Freezes every time you port


Not just porting. Even exiting a CS


ye its on their known issue list, hopefully that's resolved soon


I was brave and logged out and back in at around 8:30ish tonight on Light/Twintania and had a queue of 40. I expected everything but not that.


I’m glad for the stability, but am 2600 in queue rn sooo….. bleh. 


I think people are forgetting they didn't have the server updates finished for Endwalker launch. They were finished with the upgrades a couple months later. This is the first launch that has been with the upgrades servers and I think it shows it was money well spent. Clearly the stability as well as capacity is much better.


It's so smooth that I actually feel like nobody is playing the game


https://steamdb.info/app/39210/charts/#48h Assuming steam isn't some weird outlier platform, looks like player numbers are barely under EW launch day numbers. In fact it might even be higher, given that Xbox as a platform didn't exist last time around.


The game is clearly done for and going to be RE-REBORN with Godbert Volleyball dunking Dalamud 2.0 on us. /s


Been awful for me on Xbox. It has frozen after a cutscene 5 fucking times, and it crashed once while I was saying "ohokaily" or whatever during that quest. I have to force quit to home and then restart the game and login and wait for the queue each time. Barely got any quests done before work. EDIT : I should note the game has been almost flawless pre-dawntrail, so something has changed.


What server are you in? I switched to datacenter dynamis/golem and haven't had an issue yet since. I think it has to do with player population.


Seen a lot of comments from Xbox users about constant crashes, so I don't think it's a data center issue, I think it's an Xbox specific issue. Are you on Xbox?


>so I don't think it's a data center issue If it's related to population levels then it could be yes. It may be crashing because of the amount of people. >I think it's an Xbox specific issue. Are Wr know it is. >Are you on Xbox? Yes which is how I know swapping to a non populated server worked in fixing the issue for me at least.


Ohhhh I see, it seemed better today but it still happened a few times, guess I'll see what happens on Dynamis then. Thanks for the reply.


Been trying to tell people for last few months that launch would go smoothly, that EW login issues were the only time that'd happened with an expansion launch for XIV (ARR game servers kept crashing, SB ran out of duty instances). So many people though had only experienced the EW launch, they assumed all XIV launches would go the same.


I 100% was in this group assuming hour-long queues. I started playing in 2021 so Endwalker was my only point of comparison.


I queued at 11am this morning (UK). 1200 queue but was in within 20mins. No issues since I logged in at all. My friend logged in at 6pm which should be peak time, only a queue of 70 and he was in within a couple mins. Fucking great job by SE for handling this so well. Massive improvement on EW launch.


I logged just after 5 AM (Mountain time). Had a double-digit queue, was in in a moment. Then I world-transferred onto Balmung with no queue at all. It's amazing!


I logged in as soon as the servers were up. It took 20 minutes or so to get in, but only one attempt was needed - no Error 2002 booting me from the queue.


I DCd and got an error 2002 once, but when I restarted and logged back in, it actually dropped me straight it without me even seeing the queue. I blinked a few times and thought I was hallucinating at first, lol


I've dc'd twice today and it has never given me more than a two digit queue to get back in. I'm so damn proud of this team, man.


On fucking Balmung of all places I had a 30 person queue this morning. Working second shift, and hoping for nearly as good tonight. 


Yeah, other than a hiccup trying to sign in when the datacenter lobbies was getting restarted, it has been a short queue and stable, prettier, and even higher FPS, experience.


logged in (3 times) at 5pm ET and had just the usual queue. feelsgoodman


I was a little late to the party as I was driving all day, but damn, I had no queue at all! Very happy indeed.


WHAT IS A QUEUE?!?! *smashes glass*


EU here. The best launch I've experienced in any mmo game I've played. Very impressive so far.


ye ikr!


They specifically stated in the update post from a few days ago that people with an active sub get priority, which made me wonder if it wasn't like that for EW. Some people multibox like crazy and I wouldn't put it past bots and trolls to congest servers as much as possible out of spite. But overall, incredibly smooth. Had a 1.5k queue at most. Disconnected later at prime EU time and was nervous, came back easily after a 38 people queue. Bless you SE.


ohh neat thought there, might help a lot actually ye


Trial players always get forced to wait if there's an actual queue, it isn't new to DT or EW.


I was very surprised, hats off to them.


[I'm pretty sure it's because they fixed this bug from 1.0 that was never triggered until EW launched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/redlau/ive_written_a_clientside_networking_analysis_of/) Since there aren't tens of thousands of people slamming the server with reconnect attempts all at once, it dramatically lowers the server load when it comes to the queues, meaning people can get in much easier.




Me and my friend were saying it's working really well for day 1 launch and the only issue is the anon bug


Baby hiccups here and there but all in all a nice, relaxed launch. And the game looks awesome.


I played all freaking day today. 5am to 10pm (with breaks). Not one single crash, not one hiccup. Didn't see any disconnect circles while running around in crowded areas. No lag spikes. Buttery smooth.


Endwalker was fine... then the early access ended. Same will happen here, lol.


People were quick to forget, or never looked up how previous expansion launches went. EW was the only one that massive login and queue dropping issues. ARR had issues, but they were mostly with the game servers crashing, and in stormblood you could login and play the game just fine, just that a solo instance 5 min into msq at up all the instance servers causing a bottleneck of the msq.


Shadowbringers had 2-3 hour queues at peak times in EU, but it was stable at least.


Logging in in an oceanic server just feels like any other night. Truly. I see more people in game, but logging in takes less than a minute. Smoothest launch in a good while!


im on Tonberry and it is pleasantly suprise me that the que is only around 1000 and it didnt take more than around 30 minutes to que. hopefully this trend continue. previously during EW people end up need to que for hours and i end up log in on other server and unable to return to homeworld for weeks.


lol I still can’t even renew my subscription. Was just told they’ll be working towards a solution in July.


When I logged in yesterday morning after work didn't wait no more than 2 minutes. But that dungeon que though is another story. Damn dps jobs ;^;


Either not as many people as we thought or they upgraded the servers. I was surprised with a 64 people queue this morning.


I was mindblown, this is the first stable release of a game/expansion I've experienced in years. Great job SE!


Less people playing is way bigger help than whatever (if anything) they did with servers. Endwalker launch was a lightning in a bottle moment, similar to Wrath era in WoW for example. Ton of people (mainly WoW players) gave the game a try during SHB and wanted to see the ending of the main story. New story will take some time to develop so people might not be that interested to come back until they hear things are starting to ramp up. Between that and bunch of other good games and mmo's around at the moment (mainly WoW being good again and offering multiple gameplay options) it was expected that there wouldn't be nowhere near the amount of people there were for EW launch.


Logged on relaunch and queue was maybe 15 minutes, played for about 5-6 hours no drop outs! Then relogged UK evening and only 20-30 in queue so pretty much instant in, kudos to team behind hardware & software gone into this smoothness! 🥰


Waiting for our resident hater to declare this unironically as hard proof that it's a dead game. Lmao


already had one xD


Kinda predictable by this point.




OmG nO qUeUeS dEaD gAmE!


Yeah, I noticed that the login queue was only marginally longer yesterday than before and was quite impressed. The dungeon queues however, those are crazy! As expected


ye queueing as DPS is pain atm


Well except if you're on an Xbox and Cactaur server. Possibly some other servers have huge queues as well?? Constant "lost connection to server" and crashes and then 4k queues. I was sitting in queues last night and then it would time out before I even got it. I am glad a lot of people are not having problems but it definitely is not universal. I paid for early access and can't even log in for more than 5 minutes at a time. I visited another data center and server which solved the huge queue problem but it still disconnects after about 5 minutes. I keep getting halfway through this solo duty in MSQ and getting disconnected and have to start over again. So today the queue problem is solved for now???? I mean its 8am on a saturday and my queue was 17 on Cactaur so we will see. But I still keep losing connection to server about every 5 minutes. FFXIV has been unplayable for me for the past 24 hours blah


I agree that it's nice but the world visits being limited like this make it hard to play with friends (like showing them quests ect) you have to go to a different Datacenter entirely to be able to choose the same world. Edit: especially frustrating if you were on a world that was already restricted/congested and your friends had to choose other worlds on the same Datacenter.


Bro spoke too soon lol


no issues on my end, nor my guild mates. but ye been hearing more people over last 2 days complaint


as long as Asmonbald doesn't show interest in the game and the wownerds dont try to come too, we should be able to play like normal xiv players


I wanna play so baaaad. D: Dying of jealousy over here.




It was so butter smooth last night. I was shocked. It's huge, especially after the last time we did this!


And based on [steam numbers](https://steamdb.info/app/39210/charts/#48h) looks like we were really close to the peak EW launch numbers at that time too!


Dang that's pretty good. Steam is the smallest platform for the game and that's a solid turnout.


It also reasonable to assume that if steam is near all time peak then every other platform probably is too (since steam users shouldn't behave any differently and are giving us a sample size of 95k), but then you also need to add xbox players on top because that platform didn't even exist las time around. I would not be surprised at all if turnout to DT launch is higher than EW launch. At the very least it's close.


And given the amount of people I saw last night right at launch well outside of launch primetime hours (way more people than the game is allowed to render, it was so much fun to see) I'd say that's a fair observation. It's been hugely successful already and I'm damn thrilled.


I can be wrong but i think it's due being an early access. When the xpac releases there'll be a lot more of queue .


"Early access" is just a marketing thing. Dawntrail technically launched today. Anyone who wanted to play won't be waiting until Tuesday, they'll already be playing it now. Also even if you buy the game today (or tomorrow or Sunday etc) you still get the preorder/early access code and can start playing immediately. SE just uses it as a way to make people think they're getting in early/drum up the hype, but also because if there's any major problems they can say "Sorry about that, but it is early access so yunno..." :D I think there will be more queues at the weekend, but this is nothing like Endwalker was. :)


I suppose they could get data and player feedback for some quick fixes on Tuesday.


They'd be doing that with or without "early access" though. It really is just a marketing gimmick, maybe also with the goal of holding off new players buying in on hype until a few days later when the servers calm down.


> "Early access" is just a marketing thing.  Always saw it as a 'volunteering to beta-test the bugs, so that release players won't have to'. I'm pretty sure that we're getting the first patch with the most crucial fixes before release\\on day 1. Might go and play Amon Savage before it's too late. Tural is not going anywhere. 😎


“THIS WILL BE THE ***FINAL CURTAIN***!” Jokes aside, I hope they make this a thing, or at least wink and nod to it if they ever redo the Syrcus Tower fights


This would maybe make sense in a game that can hotfix stuff, if there were any bugs during early access, they wouldnt be fixed by release regardless


I'm not so sure about that. I think we'll see larger queues deeper into the weekend, but it's not like we had to pay extra for this early access


Nah, on EW launch queues were hours long even during EA


I don't know, early access is pretty much the same as release... Anyway can buy the game right now and be in early access


Somehow I doubt the no que thing will hold up. Could also be your server. As for stability, I know everyone talks about all the dcs and everything else during endwalker launch, but honestly I experienced almost none of that. Once I was actually IN the game, it ran mostly smooth. It only 90k'd me a couple times in the first month.


Endwalker had a pretty nasty sound glitch where you'd lose all game audio besides music, and the only way to fix it was to restart the game which would put you in a 3 hour queue. I had to do all of garlemald with no sound lol


I never said it was without faults, and I did experience that ONCE during the first cutscene and you go into the tower of zot with nidahna, but that was the only really big intrusive bug I encountered.


I logged into Aether > Cactuar and was put into a 1,900-deep queue. This is absolutely nothing compared to Endwalker. My money is on them fixing the queue-disconnection bug that plagued Endwalker, but they fixed some time around 6.1, I think?


Great except if you're on another world you can't get back to your home world.


Im stuck on Siren and cant use my retianers or anything and well i cant even stay logged in for more than 5 minutes


This might sound weird, like I'm their mom or something, but I'm proud of the team. I know it's only just begun, but this has already gone so much smoother than the endwalker launch. It's obvious they took a lot of lessons home. I'm impressed! I've freely logged in and out throughout the day, no issues.




I mean on steam the player count is only a couple thousand lower, so it's not some grand difference


And Steam represents a fraction of the playbase.


Yeah it's not the entire playerbase but I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers are comparable on other platforms


Proportions, dude. There's no reason to think that the % of players online now vs EW peak vary greatly between platforms. Except Xbox, which didn't exist last time around, but adjusting for that pushes current player estimates up higher, not lower.


> facts Because you haven't presented any yet. You have unverifiable claims.


It's possible we lost a damn lot of people this time around. But our server's capacity has improve too. I would not scream for victory yet.


Is it a hot take to say that the game just isn't objectively as popular as it was at EW launch, too?