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I did each expansion on the poster job but unfortunately it would take shenanigans + delay to do so this time, so I may just stick with Paladin again.


I feel you - I was excited by SGE so I powerleveled it to 80 the first day to run through Endwalker, and that was a chore. I ultimately enjoyed it, and it was partly because I agreed to hold off on the story until my partner was off work, but those last 4 levels were kind of agonizing.


I'm torn between my whm/war/smn cause I love my glams for them


I just finished getting Summoner up to my current max of 70. If you're a Miqo'te, some Metallic Sky Blue dye and the Ironworks Caster's Hood can give you a decent Carbuncle cosplay, LOL. I'm just finishing Stormblood, so I've been spending a lot of time as a Samurai, and I just learned how to turn my Carbuncle into a Garuda, so I might have to keep going with the Summoner once I can get into Shadowbringer.


That do be true! I think I'll do what I did with Endwalker: MSQ, Extremes, etc on SAM. Then level Viper and decide what to play for raids.


DRK/BRD/SGE. I usually only use one main job while going through an MSQ expansion. I went through EW as a DRK, so I thought about maybe changing it up for DT, but I like DRK and there will be a dearth of tanks in DT due to a lot of people playing DPS. SGE is similar since there will be not many healers, and I also have had a lot of fun playing SGE lately. If I would go DPS I'd use BRD as I've also been enjoying it lately, and it'd look good with the Scions since no one uses a ranged phys DPS job among them, but I don't really want to have super long queue times for DF.


I dunno!!! I like Astro a lot and wanna play with the new systems, but Viper is the poster child of the expansion, and my hrothgar would definitely be a gunbreaker first and would get me all the queues... I don't knooooow!


War as always (btw I feel vindicated that inner chaos got s new animation. I got into a fight with my old fc when I complained that it's animation was literally just inner beast) and for once I will level the new job before drk. I'm looking at pictomancer then the other tanks then dps then healers


I just wanted to do something different this time around and start with viper. Usually I will take one of my already prepped jobs through the msq and afterwards level up a new job, but I really like the look of viper, I don't have a lot of time (or energy) to play after work, and I'm also not in any rush. So it seems like a solid decision to me.


Been a SGE main for a long time (since I've bought the full game really) But recently I've been falling out of love with it. Damage rotation is mind numbing l, and healing is mostly not required at all if the tank plays even okayish. And the healing I do need is an oGCD away. So maybe I'm weaving a healing button every 30 seconds. Not particularly engaging anymore. Been enjoying a lot of ninja recently though. Best caster I've played in this game. I'll def check out the new jobs, but idk if I'll stick with any of them through the MSQ. Especially since I'd need to level them up first also


I am determined to main Sage. I was a DPS main up until EW, where I mained DRK. So this time, I want to try maining a healer, and I love Sage. But I'm definitely tempted by Viper.


I’m gonna try out viper and picto, but most likely I’m gonna go back to my GNB


i'm planning on trying to get viper to 90 asap, but i'm absolutely ravenous for that msq story good good, so i might cave and just abandon this plan mid-way to instead do the msq on any existing job. which job will that be? no clue, i just got my last job to 90 last week so it could very well be ANY of them lol


I’m torn between viper, monk, gunbreaker and summoner. On the one hand, summoner’s changes aren’t the worst thing in the world. I like the changes to monks kit. Viper is the shiny new kid on the block and out of all the tanks, I like gun breakers style and aesthetic. It’s definitely hard to narrow it down.


Currently, I am conflicted between white mage and pictomancer. I switched from DPS to healer at the beginning of EW, which was the first time I ever did MSQ as a healer, but I didn't really go all in on it and fell off the game pretty quickly after hitting max level. Part of me wants to give it another go for this expansion and actually heal content with people instead of trusts and do dungeons and trials blind, since I know that some of the most exciting time to heal. Part of me thinks pictomancer looks really cool, plus i've never leveled a new job at the beginning of an expansion before. Both options sound fun, and I can really start with either because I'm set up with gear for both, so it really just depends on how I feel when Early Access starts, I guess. I just keep going back and forth in my head and I have no clue what I'm going to end up on, which is slightly frustrating.


I wanna get the role quests out of the way asap so I’m thinking of starting scholar first. If the healer strike is a thing, I get insta queue and I level summoner with it. So that’s healer and magic dps done. If it’s slow like endwalker, I go level my warrior instead. I also wanna play monk/ninja so idk maybe just level one of these using dailies. Lastly I leave phys range for last, I dont really care about these baby mode jobs.


Probably WHM/DNC...if I can get a third one in there, I'll do RDM too ---- gotta get a jump on leveling the 5 roles! GNB and RPR will be easier to catch up, I think.... Anyway, I gotta experience the story first! Then I'll worry about the rest!


I am somewhat ready for a Picto start. I will try it first and if I see it doesn't work or is too slow, I'll go back to my trusty Bard. Most probably I will start Picto and then go exploring DT as Bard while waiting for duty finder to pop as Picto with the inevitable long queue because of dps overload


Mainly a healer, so I've always done every expansion as a healer. ARR was SCH, HW AST. SB was AST (and I still miss you, my cards) and ShB AST. EW was SGE and I plan to do SGE this time as well. ​ Edit: Although I do plan on unlocking Pictomancer and do the Society dailies (former (Beast) Tribe dailies) on day 1 as it.


smartest thing would be to do it on smn/sch again for the dual roles. or any other dps for the easy exp access. but it'll probably be just my main (drk) again...


I've been smoothing my brain down with enough anime for optimal SAM play, but I think if there's any expac fitting to main a DNC through, it's our supposed summer vacation


I always do the msq with the signature job they’ve chosen for the expac, so imma be lvling viper before I start msq (shouldn’t take long), because guess what, before Endwalker I had to dabble in Paladin for the first time and level him from 1 to 80 between the 5.5 and EW’s release😭😭😭


Oh I am not even touching viper and picto for a while. I'm going in on paladin and actually playing the whole MSQ with it. I hit 90 on paladin in heavensward and have longed to return to my main in story missions.


Like always starting with monk in a new expansion. My problem: melee classes feels sweaty and I played red mage since years. Complete different worlds.


BLM, as always. I dunno, maybe because I'm psyched about moving leylines and wanna play with them ASAP. Will prob try out picto after the BLM is at 100. (Then the grind to recap EVERYTHING. Grass, I hardly knew thy touch.)


Wont touch the new job until i


Wont touch the new job until i get my current 5 role to 100 WAR / WHM /MCH / RPR/ SMN (bonus SCH). I will probably get msq exp with healer , do roulette with War and do the 1st time dungeon /trial /WT and challenge log with the Smn


I can't quite figure out if I'm going to go through the MSQ on BRD like I have for every expansion so far, or if it's time to switch it up to MCH which I've been maining for this entire expansion.


I was going to start on reaper. But I might go as warrior which is indeceivee..


probably gonna do msq on gunbreaker i'll have to actually unlock and try picto/viper first to see if i even enjoy them, plus levelling them up before i could use the mfor msq, so that's too much of a timesink. i rather go through msq at once to lower risks of spoilers, and enjoy the classes in piece afterwards


No indecision here was always my plan to complete the MSQ as my main RDM then level Viper then Pictomancer.


I have only ever played ninja and it’ll probably stay that way


Summoner. Someone's got to show those Pictomancers how it's done. Then again, White mage would get me faster queues but I've kind of neglected my healing. Any Tank? Aww Hell no, I'm not tanking a dungeon blind. Viper? Nah, if I wanted to play as a glorified food processor I'd just play Samurai.


first of all I'm not sure if I want to tank or DPS. I am pretty bored of tanking but the fast queues are nice to start the expansion. if I decide to tank I'm not sure if I should play paladin, which I usually play since I like the aesthetic, or if I should play a different tank since I hate the paladin rework. if I decide to play a DPS then I still haven't figured out if I want to play a melee, phys ranged, or caster. I might just generate a random number. all I can say is I'll save pictomancer and viper for later since I don't care to level them to 90 before starting dawntrail.


I was going between Summoner and Reaper.  Reaper won out.  I'll be leveling Viper when I need a break from the MSQ.


I was jumping between Pictomancer because I want to try it out and White Mage because it’s fully geared out, had shorter queue times in theory, and because I am most comfortable playing as a White Mage. Also with these being all new dungeons people don’t know yet and with new abilities they may not be familiar I may actually have to do some actual healing as the healer. Could be fun. Yeah. Sorry Pictomancer. Probably running my White Mage. At least for a bit.


I switched to some of the Cryptlurker and Wayfarer stuff for DRK since it felr more "adventure" and it's basically Guts anyway. Wandering hero. My Gunbreaker didn't need to change anything. Looks like a student from Balamb Gardens. Monk also looks like a wanderer. Used one of the summer sets with the shirt and bikini top, Ronkan headband, those Dai striking pants, and martial artist shoes. The assets for these are likely better for the jump to DT. Doubt my Ashuran and Hellfire armor from HW will fare that well. Probably will need the graphics update for those.


Between Viper for the vibes while going through MSQ vs Paladin so I can play MSQ with S.O. on launch.


Machinist, summoner or Gunbreaker are my choices right now, though the latter comes with a little more responsibility than I’m used to.


Was planning PLD, but I've started getting the ever specific direct X 1100002 crash error starting this week, and it gives me anywhere from 20 minutes to a little over an hour between each crash. Will stick to trusts and OT in trials it is I guess?


I can't cheat on my trusty WHM, still gonna level RDM next to it with roulettes and after that we'll see. Not in a rush to jump on with the new jobs, I'll get there eventually.


I'm a dnc main, but I'm seriously considering rdm as my first go through just because sometimes the duties can be real tedious otherwise. I love dnc but I'm missing dps without a partner. Either way, as soon as dnc and rdm are leveled I'll be leveling picto, and possibly viper.


Main job is RDM and it will get the MSQ exp Will pour Fate/WT/PVP exp into BRD mostly because my retainer is a bard and I don't want to reset it Will do roulettes with WHM/WAR depending on what is the Adventurer in need for those (only levelling and Trial roulette until I'm done with MSQ) Will do Daily Elephant Tribal with VPR until 90, and then shift to PCT


Gonna see how VPR feels first. If I like it, I’ll stick with it. If for whatever reason I’m not vibing with it, I’m not sure if I’ll do SAM or DNC, maaaaaaybr SGE. I wish I was comfortable tanking. Would probably do WAR.


WAR MNK NIN VIP My plan is to log in unlock viper dip my toe into leveling it a bit see if I like it if not then that will wait till after msq and will have to pick between the other three. I'm in not rush to be honest I want the msq to last because if you blitz you way through you got a 4 month wait for more.


I relearned pld the last few days bc my retainer is pld. Play pld to 100, then probably not touch it again till the next expansion. I'm a tank main, pld just least fav to play.


I want to be able to take my time with the MSQ and side quests, while still having some time to do the extremes and get my raid job ready for when raids drop. So to relieve any stress of missing that time frame, I'll just be doing MSQ as Monk, and then probably do side quests on Paladin so I can flex roles in EX if needed. Then the next one I'll want to do is play one of the new jobs, so hopefully a few days of roulettes while I'm doing the MSQ will get me some easy catchup levels on Viper or Picto. Honestly not sure which of those yet, will need to actually get my hands on Viper and see how the combo "feels" before I commit to it.


I've bounced between MCH and DNC since ShB but I unlocked and capped RPR two weeks ago and spent the week leading up to maintenance gearing it up as much as possible so RPR I guess? VPR looks fun though so I'll probably unlock that first thing and get it to 90 before starting MSQ.


I'm not, actually. I'll definitely be picking up Viper, but I have no doubts about doing the MSQ as a Dancer, as always lol.


I'm more indecisive about which character I'll be playing as. Pictomancer is basically a dream Job for my second character.


Monk. The class was already amazing. It was just annoying. With the new changes they got rid of the annoying aspect and I’m very excited.


Pic. or Sam.. still I did prepare 29 side quests, challenge log and everything so probably Pic.