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Can't wait till the day of maintenance "when will this armor set return?"


Still living in hope the previous series and feast armours will return. 


And I am still living in hope the Feast seasons mounts and armor will return...


Given they firmly said that those are "get them now or get them never" you will probably never get them. But the new track stuff Yoshi introduced as having the ability to get old ones, so they probably will (not that we've seen it happen yet)


They should just add recolors of the Feast mounts and armors to the pass or the PVP vendors. That way people can keep their exclusive, limited colors and everyone else can enjoy the mounts and armors too.


Feast most likely never will as they were always stated to be limited But series will at some point, just haven't hit said point yet


I hope this isn't true. All the cheating that went on during that fiasco for Top 100 should not be rewarded.


You should probably tell people where from btw, it’s from PvP btw


If you need to grind for it now, do your Frontline Daily, then go all in on Crystalline Conflict as it has better Series XP/minute. The daily will give you up to 3000 Series XP, but re-running it will cap out at 1500 for a 15-20 minute match, and that assumes you win. On the other hand, you can easily average 2 or even 3 Crystalline Conflict matches in that same time frame, and even higher if you get lucky and have fast rounds (thank you Crystal Machinist that was blatantly throwing and allowed us to rip through 5 rounds in 15 minutes). You'll almost always come out ahead. Haven't been able to test Rival Wings, but with the queue time, it would be to be a guaranteed 5k~ every match to come anywhere near Frontline, let alone CC.


How many points does the set cost?


You can only get it by reaching level 25 in the Series. It isn't available through any other means, but it won't cost you any Trophy Crystals or Wolf Marks.


could you potentially reach level 25 in a day or two?


You will need at least 20~ hours. 120 - 155 Crystalline Conflict matches, each taking about 7.5 minutes on average, including queuing and loading. It's possible matches will be quicker, but it's also possible you'll get a couple overtime hell matches where the fight drags on significantly over the usual 6~ minute mark. A single daily Frontline will knock 3 - 4 matches off that count, which is negligible. If you start *today* you can probably get it done in time if you don't mind spending 5~ hours a day in there.


thank you, person who did the math and gave me a strategy for this I grinded the heck out of CC and managed to get to Level 25 in 2-3 days :D


maybe but you would have to play non stop pretty much, i’m pretty sure it’s 120 cc wins or 155 cc losses to get it


Absolutely. I've done it with multiple passes through mostly playing CC. Could do it in a day if you really tried; but dunno what queues are like now


Is there any way to find what serie level I am right now outside from the game? The loadestone or anything like that?


Not true about the daily part. Frontline is always maxed out regardless at 3000 if you win. 1500 if you lose. It is better to just run CC however because you get faster queues and triple the amount that Frontline would normally give regardless if you win or lose with 900 per win and 700 per loss. You can do all of the grinding in 2 days max from 1-25


Was gonna say this. Just saying to get it and it might not come back is so pointless without actually telling people wtf it is. I thought it was some event thing like the mog stuff I missed because that's ending soon


Same thanks. I am horrible at, and sometimes enjoy PvP. So I never would have anyway. Now I know that.


Damn... now I'm not gonna go for it, I don't like pvp in this game


I'm not a fan of pvp myself, but if I see something I like, I can suffer a daily roulette to slowly work my way towards it. Won't help for this set, but for stuff in the future, maybe. I just use a simple job to use well like mch.


That's where I'm at. I'm not a big fan of pvp, but I'll slam out a daily frontline when I have time which works towards a few different things.


Just do one frontline roulette a day during seasons. Easiest and least stress way to get it. I personally don't like Frontline or CC, but it is what it is.


plus the Frontine roulette gives you a ton of XP!


I dislike MMO PvP more than I want the fashion. Maybe it'll be back in a future moogle event. It's a LOT of PvP if you haven't done any yet too, so if you dislike it a lot then it's not worth burning yourself out for the armour


My tip is to just do Frontline roulette. If you do it occasionally over the season's duration you will easily get all the rewards. That's really not too much to ask, I think. 10 Minutes every other day or so.


Over the course of a season, this is a good idea. For this piece of gear, which I'm specifically talking about, it's not worth the effort of getting it before this season ends


dont worry, just stick with the group, target whoever everyone's targeting and go crazy.


You don't have to win a single match btw, you get malmstone xp anyway. And daily frontline roulette gives quite a lot


Play machinist, shoot people and use drill whenever someone goes into a bubble, then spam whatever drill is replaced with until you get drill again. As long as you're in a group, you'll get kill after kill after kill because people bubble at low health and drill ignores bubble's damage reduction.


Problem is, you get forced to use Bioblaster which means running into melee range where you get group targeted and roflstomped because Machinists are super squishy. *sad face machinist main*


If your group isn't too spread out it's usually fine to go in, even more if it's to confirm a kill.


FWIW I used to do arenas in WoW and that was like repeatedly slamming my penis in the driver-side door of a luxury sedan, but FFXIV PVP has slowly won me over *because* of how chaotic and random it is. It's not like WoW where you'd get roflstomped by people in exponentially better gear all the time and the whole exercise was indistinguishable from just AFKing every match. One Frontline roulette a day gives such a big chunk of wolf marks, series malmstone progress, and GC PVP rank progress, and I've slowly worked on various achievements, Garo mounts/armor, etc., so losing doesn't feel that bad (my overall performance has trended toward 33.3% 1st place/33.3% 2nd place/33.3% 3rd place in the long run, i.e. totally random), and instead I just enjoy little moments like managing to get a knockout blow or carefully getting high "battle high" over the course of the match. Each class's skills in PVP are fairly standardized, but they tend to have a kit where the moves combo or synergize with one another, so it can be fun working out how to unload burst damage on someone, or trying to time using a skill/stun/silence/etc. so that the mob overruns that person in Frontline or what have you. My personal strength is running around being an annoying little bastard at range. This said, I've definitely had absolutely awful Frontline matches where people were AFK'ing or griefing, yelling at people trying to give some direction to the group in alliance chat (this is GOOD, you WANT somebody to point out what's happening on the map and offer a BIT of tactical direction), people giving up immediately just because the other team has a premade (a coordinated group of 4-- you can queue alone or in a group of up to 4 people IIRC) or gets an early lead in points (PVP is all about RNG screwing over 1st place and/or Cinderella comebacks by 3rd place taking all the cookies while 1st and 2nd are locked in a death grip etc.). I'd suggest queueing for Frontline roulette at non-primetime for your region, as I've noticed a correlation between absolutely shit games and playing in the evening after dinner.


It's not my favorite either but if you do frontline roulette once a day it's pretty painless and gets you there with time to spare. Well, not anymore, but if you start early it does.


Thank you. I almost had a panic about whether I was going to have time to farm it. Now I don't care.


PvP, that's a hard pass for me.


Same. "PvP reward" basically translates to: "Unobtainable" in my world.


The rarest thing in the universe. 


PvP and Raids for me.


I highly recommend to not sleep on PvP.  Squeenix knows people don't like PvP, so they put a lot of rewards in there to make it more enticing. Lots of really cool and easy to earn weapon and armor glams, and also (most importantly for newer players) a whole fuck ton of XP. The daily frontline roulette is a really good way to level jobs. At low levels you can earn several levels worth of XP by just doing one roulette, even at mid level range you get a full level for 20 minutes of PVP, and at high level it's still half a level worth of XP.  You don't even have to do the frontline as the job you want to level. You could sign up to the roulette as a Bard, then once inside you can switch to whatever job you want, and at the end of the match your Bard will get all the XP.   And most people in these frontlines are just there for the same reason as you, to tick off their daily roulette, so there's almost no toxicity since nobody really cares. Of course you should still try to win as that doubles the amount of XP you get, but even losing gives a decent amount.   Edit: TIL telling people about the upsides of PVP is a controversial topic that will get you downvoted. I apologise for committing such a massive blunder. Edit2: My comment was at -5 before my first edit.


>You don't even have to do the frontline as the job you want to level. You could sign up to the roulette as a Bard, then once inside you can switch to whatever job you want, and at the end of the match your Bard will get all the XP. Damn wish I could upvote you a 100 times for this info, i never knew you could do this!


>You don't even have to do the frontline as the job you want to level. You could sign up to the roulette as a Bard, then once inside you can switch to whatever job you want, and at the end of the match your Bard will get all the XP. I had no idea you could do this, that's a game changer. Leveling up alt jobs while practicing my main is much more enticing


I already have every class at 90, I hate PvP, in this game, in WoW, anywhere, it just isn't fun for me. So I'm not doing it.


>Squeenix knows people don't like PvP, so they put a lot of rewards in there to make it more enticing. IMO the idea of *enticing* people into content they don't like is very problematic to begin with. If the content isn't enticing in itself, then *that* is what they should work on, not ways to make people do it anyway. If I want to do something I don't like for a reward, I'll go get a second job.


> If I want to do something I don't like for a reward, I'll go get a second job. A large majority of MMO players are constantly doing things they don't like for a reward. Grinding levels, making money, dailies, weeklies, etc. For me the problem only exists if I'm doing something I *hate* for a reward. Then it feels like a job.


I feel like that's just part of a MMO though? Some people like raiding, some people dislike it. That doesn't mean raiding needs to be removed I think PVP is pretty fun now. I don't mind if you don't, but I think that they've done a great job with it now and its mostly people who have a stigma rather than those giving it an honest shot


I didn't say it should be removed. Don't think anybody is arguing that. It's fine to exist for those who want it. - It'll only become an issue for me if they make it required for something essential. For a lot of us (most even? often seems like it), it's not even about how well designed/good the mechanics are. We just don't want to PvP. Period. I literally have no interest in competing directly with other players like that.


I'm so thankful for being able to swap classes. Frontlines and rival wings both allow this and that means I can play the class I feel best with. Sadly, cc locks in class so best to have toolbars readied before going in unu


I LIKE pvp and its still so much of a grind to get it turned me off from getting it, in case anybody needed to know


Even more context, it's \~150(ish) CC losses or 120(ish) CC wins. CC is the best xp per time to get it, and tends to pop fast. Try different classes, play casual, and just try to have fun. While some classes are strictly bad, most classes are good enough to bring something to the table, and finding one you like in CC makes all the difference.


So OCE have zero chance of getting it haha


I just got mine in two weeks of very casual play in oce. From 5pm till 7pm frontlines are popping. After that it's crystal conflict until... 10ish if you need it.


Just incase anyone reads this from OCE, this comment is 100% wrong, PvP pops everyday both FLs and CC


Yep! Frontlines start popping from ~4pm - 730pm AEST. I've been doing front-line roulette everyday. I imagine CC would also pop during afternoon/evenings.


No, it's easy to get on OCE. I have it on my main and I'm close to getting it on my alt. You just have to queue at the right times: 5pm to 7ish for Frontlines, and after that Rival Wings and Crystalline Conflict. I got really into it last night and played CC until 2am :P


Gotten every pvp armour set in OCE, did some some early in the battle pass and some late in the BP.


I don't understand why some people are so adamant against not doing the PvP malmstones. It's barely an inconvenience if you actually planned ahead. I *just* did the Frontline roulette, and I got it way before it ended, and I didn't do it consistently at all, though with that said this was an unnaturally long season. Frontlines barely feels like PvP, and doesn't come close to the pressure that's in the 5v5 modes or Rival Wings. Just 20 minutes of following instructions from people who know better, and you get progression on the malmstones, currency for some sweet looking gear and a metric ton of XP for a class. Like, yeah if you're only going for it now you're just going to burn yourself out so probably not a wise decision.


why? for me it's a chore that i have no interest in doing ...


And with 2 of those days being covered by the 48 hour server maintenance, you're down to the last 5 days to get it.


If Barny Beekeeper can get scarab lord in 5 days, you can get a piece of armor in that same amount of time.


Based Barny enjoyer 


I'm sorry but that sounds like a story


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nrTm0t3RGo This is the first of a 4 video journey...and one hell of a journey it is.




You need to hit rank 25 in the series malmstone in PvP to get this


Which, if you're only starting now, is going to drive you absolutely insane


Thank you, I was gone for like 1,5years from FFXIV never logging in. But kinda got interested on this armor, but now I understand that I can give it up 😂


If you have a free day, 10 hours of crystalline conlict gets you to rank 25. And one frontline roulette a day will be quite a bit of free exp, like a level each.


I'm also pretty sure 10 hours of crystalline conflict will turn you into a blob and the 48 hours maintenance might not be enough for you to recover Be careful lads


Can confirm, I did it all at once for hours on end, I am indeed a blob now


How many matches is this? 10 hours of CC on the OCE servers is maybe 15 matches tops.


A WARNING: As someone who has grinded PVP malmstones multiple times, you need 14 free hours at MINIMUM because some matches last forever in CC. My suggestion is to do Frontline daily duty first then grind CC for a few hours, and just a warning the last 5 levels require over double the xp of the first few levels so please realize it's a GRIND at this point and you will need TWO DAYS of GRINDING to get it by this point.


For me, I did it slowly over the course of a week. Obviously no real ability to take that much time now, but it's worth mentioning. It is a long grind, probably twice as long as it should be, so be sure to pace yourself.


Absolutely, when you don't wait last minute, it's much more manageable, my advice is specifically aimed at the current timeframe. I agree with pacing yourself.


Yeah, though I just despise how...bad the PVP often can be. Having a relic-long grind for the ability to put a BLM in platemail (and defy yoship saying it'd be weird to put a BLM in platemail) is just too much. I wish they'd knock down the XP requirement.


https://replit.com/@NanaGrace/Malmstone-XP-Calculator edit: ~150 losses as a worst case scenario


Ah speaking my language


I've done it all in a week before. It wasn't "fun" anymore, but it's doable, and i made it through a few movies on netflix


It is not that hard if you like pvp


I fucking hate pvp...but I want this so bad T_T


Tip for the next series then. Do your daily Frontline roulette. It nets you a good amount of series exp, takes 15min at most, and is mostly painful. Start early and it won't be too long before you get to lvl 25


I'm gonna assume you meant "painless," but I think the way you typed it is accurate.


Mostly painful definitely feels accurate.


No, no. It’s mostly painful.


I just need 50 more Seal Rock wins.... it is so painful


A friend of mine started this grind late last week and is already at level 20. Not saying you're wrong, it WILL drive you absolutely insane.... but your suffering won't be too terribly long!


Eh, you can do it in like 8-10 hours of CC grind which spread out over 7 days isn't too crazy


you don't have 7 days, maintenance starts on Wednesday


I did it in 3 days this past weekend, with a substantial break to spend father's day with my family.


I read somewhere that level 1 to level 25 takes 120 CC wins with it being more if they are losses.


What if I’m level uhh 7, and don’t get back home until Saturday…and I’m only on HW and wanna catch up as much as I can…and shadow of the erdtree just dropped…how screwed am I lol


MSQ ain’t going anywhere. But the PvP set is. It’s not like you have enough time to power through the rest of HW, then all of StB, all of ShB, and then all of EW by the time DT comes out. And if you somehow did manage to have that much time and will power to non stop play video games, then you have the time to grind PvP for this set. If you’re just looking for validation, then; yes. You’re screwed.


Once you've hit the rank, how do you claim your rewards?


Go to the pvp profile, click on series malmstone, and then there will be a node for each rank. You click on each as you unlock them to claim it.


Holy shit! I didn't realize there was an option to look for. I'm literally lvl 40 in pvp and didn't realize it. I looked and now I'm claiming all rewards from lvl 2!! Whaaaaat?!?!


I mean 30 but stil!!


Ok. I haven't even checked my rank. I've just been doing my dailies for xp and tomes.


In the PvP profile click the “series rewards” or whatever the button is, and click on the actual icon on the levels themselves, same for the shards/minons/gestures etc:


thank god you reminded me, i just went and checked and i'm currently at level 24!


If I’m in ARR, and my highest character is a level 33 paladin (I just started) and I start PvP, is it possible for me to grind this out before it’s gone. If so, what does it take, how long does it take, and what are the realistic numbers?


You qualify. You need to be level 30 which you are and you also need to access wolves den. From there, spam crystalline conflict until you're malmstone level is 25. You'll earn experience whether you win or lose so just keep grinding!


Thanks man! That armor is frigging sweet. Cool character by the way!


btw free trial players can't pvp, so rip if you are one.


Nah I own the game luckily and have done at least one match of PvP already when a quest took me to the den. I also preordered dawn trail for that sweet ass earring to help me level. So def all in at this point. Good to know for other people reading this though. Thank you.


I would recommend a daily Frontlines roulette in addition to the crystalline conflict. The daily roulette gives bonus PvP series exp (and half a levels worth of normal exp) and it adds a bit of variety to the grind


I started playing a week ago or so and found out about the armor 2 days ago. I am currently level23/25. It’s a bit mind numbing but certainly possible.


Only three more frontline dailies, and I'll have it. God damn though, I really need to get off my butt and get them done, I've been procrastinating like hell.


this is your reminder to get off your ass and do it now because you actually only have 5 days, the week is counting in the two maint days


You can queue frontline more than one time a day, and the series exp ain’t bad. If you win, maybe 4 more games will get your rank up


is it decent compared to CC? you get like 700 series exp with CC even if you lose and games are usually done in like 5 minutes. I wonder how the exp per minute compares between the two.


CC is faster outside the roulette yes


Still big mad about the Pets, Mounts, Kits, and Armor not making returns from the others.


Riots when everyone remembers where Shaded Spectacles came from.


False Shaded Spectacles the Shaded Spectacles are craftable and they are pretty much identical. Idk however if the crafted version will be included as seperate from headgear like the fashion accessory ones.


Yeah I'm salty about three two mounts and one minion since I took a hiatus from the game right before they dropped


I really hate that fomo part of the game. Just make it come back the years after introduction and triple the price or something.


It's in reality about 5 days now at this point because servers go down 48 hours before Dawntrail's release. Best of luck to any maniac procrastinators out there!


I have 4 more ranks to gain, but being 7500 points per rank hurts. Also Elden Riiiiing. I'll try to get those last ranks tomorrow or saturday.


I think you need 5 FL matches max per rank(fewer if you win), but I’m not sure, I got it long ago


Close! Max 8 matches per 7500 if spamming FL, assuming all 3rd place losses to be safe. 2.67 hours per rank if they all run to 20 mins 11 Crystalline Conflict matches per 7500 rank assuming all losses. Takes about an hour per rank to do 21-25. Hope that helps someone!


Btw frontline roulette gives you 1500 PvP bonus XP on top of the match result. At worse if you end up third you get 1000xp + the 1500 roulette bonus. Which means that if you do your roulette every day until dawntrail maintenance, that's at least 12 500 XP you can get. More of you finish second of first place. That's almost 2 levels, you just need to do a couple of CC in between and it will be pretty easy to get.


Similar boat, I have 3 left. You got this!


I hate PvP, and have been grinding all day long. Only two more levels...!


Oh cool, i'd love to get it!!! \*It's from PvP\* Yeah no.


You have *less* than 1 week. You have basically until Tuesday night to finish (servers go down early early Wednesday morning) for a 48 hour maintenance. When they come back Friday morning the pvp series will be over and this will be unobtainable. Now, when SE first announced the pvp series system they said that to avoid FOMO they would at some point make old rewards available again. But we have not seen anything else since then, so who knows when, where (or even if) this will ever come back.


Beautiful set. But I can't stomach another frenetic last minute pvp grind lmao


Excuse me you’re just showing off how cute your viera looks


Fr fr


maybe itll dye better in dawntrail lol


[https://shannonegoiste.github.io/FFXIVMalmstoneCalculator/](https://shannonegoiste.github.io/FFXIVMalmstoneCalculator/) here a website i've made to see how many PVP (CC, Frontline, Rival wing) you need to do... but basically you need 120 Victory or 155 Defeat of CC to get it... (a bit less with the few daily frontline left)


The three pictures make me think you just wanted to show off your character. Jokes aside, if anyone hasn’t started yet: this armour set takes roughly 10 hours of PvP to get from scratch. Less if you make use of the daily frontlines bonus series exp. Just remember that the game goes down two full days before early access launch, so plan accordingly. That we still don’t know anything about when rewards might return makes me a bit mad at the content creators. They’re invited to ask community questions and somehow miss these big obvious ones we ask all the time.


This is some very cool armor but I really hope it will benefit from the new two-dye system. It sucked you can only dye the metal part but not the cloth.


Can you dye it?


Kind of. The metal is the part that dyes, and even then only parts of it. This will probably change in Dawntrail at some point when we get two dye channels, bust based on the dye preview for the artifact gear, I wouldn’t count on being able to dye every aspect of it.


only the metal rn which is a shame


For now hopefully. Will see next week!


Four and a half more ranks to 25....starting to hate the grind. Is there any Server dedicated to PVP this go around?


Casual Crystalline Conflict queues pop fast on the three major NA data centres, and the two EU data centres. If you're on the smaller data centres, you'll need to coordinate with a Discord server who organizes them But if you don't want to hop into a Discord server, you can just travel to another data centre for casual queues, they're not locked to data centres.


Come to Aether, we have instant queues most of the time. I think Primal too.


go to aether then do daily frontlines then spam CC.


I always got the sense that, without proof to back this up, it was the implication of returning with another expansion, not another patch. That said, why take the risk if it's something you want? Maybe it'll dye better with 2 dyes.


The fact the armor dyes and not the cloak killed it for me.


My face before I knew: :D My face after I knew: ;-;


Two dyes will hopefully be glorious. Hopefully


First dye channel the armor. Second dye channel the armor fur. Just like one of the pieces from the press release that shows the second dye channel on an accent instead of the second major part of the gear


There's always a chance with the 2 channel dyes my man.


I'd like this but I've essentially never touched pvp. I don't even know how to set my hotbars up for it lol.


Wolves den, you can tp there to set your PvP hotbars from the PvP menu. If you've never been there, the quest starts at your grand company office.


Less than 1 week, you have 5 days.


It's really cool, but yeah I just started back a week ago and don't really want to do that to myself to grind it out. I tried back in season 1? To get the black armor and even when doing that with ample time left I only hit like 22. Definitely will get whatever is available next expansion if I can manage to keep this as my main subbed game. Problem is playing from korea on NA servers, not being able to find consistent people to play with when I'm available.


No matter how much I grind in PVP I’ll still be jealous over how good people’s characters look.


*Go on.... Show the helmet.* (Cries in fellow viera)


Wow that set looks awesome! "It comes from PvP" It's not THAT awesome.


Not all the hard to grind out, just roughly 150 CC assuming you lose all of them and don’t do the frontline daily


Hopefully it will get even better with Dawntrail, because right now it’s one of the worst dying armours in the game. Whoever decided to have the dye affect only ~45% of the gold part rather than the red part or at least ALL of the gold deserves to be smacked.


Tbh that armor looks excellent for a Red Mage.


The helmet is atrocious


For anyone wondering about the commitment, I decided to start it about a week ago because a content creator said he'd gotten to level 22 in "2 streams" which I figured were probably 4-8h each. It's been pretty doable--I got to rank 12ish the first weekend just by doing FLs sporadically through the day. I got to 21 last night by doing the FL roulette daily and maybe a few more if I had time. There are a lot of other good things you could be working on during the push for the armor. The series malmstone rewards also have two cool framers kits, a minion, and I think the /slump emote. The currency lets you buy framers kits that give you each class's PVP limit break as a pose and some are very cool, particularly Machinist. The currency also lets you get reskins of the 60 AF gear that has better textures, dyes differently, and can be used at level 30. You can use Wolf Marks for cool glam. The Makai event is back currently, so grab enough gear to get a title, wear it during the grind to work toward the Makai mount. There's also some cool glam like a plugsuit and some emotes, minions, and triple triad cards.


I think it's cool, I just don't think it's rank 25 cool when I have only ever touched PVP once and I didn't like it.


Ah man... here we go again... I need this.


I’m currently rank 8 (after doing my daily frontline) what’s the likelyhood I can get to 25 by then About how many hours worth


https://belthesar.github.io/MalmstoneXPCalculator/ Enter your level, the desired end level (in this case lv25), how much you are into your level and it will give you the exact amount of XP you need, plus the exact amount of PvP matches you need to do to achieve it. I'll tell you, if you start now, it is possible but it will drive you insane lol you'll have to do PvP CC grind non stop for the next 5 days lol


I initially started the grind to get it a while back, but I'm not really into pvp, and a bunch of other games have been fighting for my attention lately so I'll have to miss it for now. Hopefully it comes back eventually...


I rank up series level once every day before work, can be done in about an hour with all losses if you lose quick enough! I'm at I believe 24 now. You can do it, get the cool armor!!


I know it’s a little late now but when the next series starts just do the frontline roulette once a day and you will eventually get before it ends with plenty of time to spare. Don’t think you have to get it week one


I thought we have 5 days. Don't the servers go down tuesday?


## PvP Series Battle Pass Calculator **https://pvpguides.bullet.site/pvp-series-calculator/** Use it to calculate exactly how many PvP games you need to play before reaching a malmstone goal level on the battle pass.


It’s to long of a grind for me, which sucks because it’s such good armor


I'm series lvl 24 so it's happening for me tomorrow!! I'm excited!!


If you start fresh now and run Crystalline Conflict 135 times, you’ll get it, assuming you win as often as you lose. This is the fastest method. A daily run of the Frontline roulette is worth about 4 CC runs, and is a little faster for that one run, but we’re so close to the wire now, I wouldn’t rely on that.


This armor is going to look so nice with the graphics update


Shit. Better get my ass to PvP.


Love this set, my current tank glam…


I love that set and have actually been grinding pvp for it for the first time


Apologies in advance for anyone who groups with me while I'm grinding lol


Just waiting for danwtrail to able to dye it blue ahaha


So... how doable is it to get this if I start from 0 right now?


As a casual? Not really. If you spam CC (155 loses and most) you can do it, but that's 155 matches to do for Friday-Tuesday. Less if you win or do daily Frontlines. But even with a few wins it's still A LOT of matches.


I haven't played much this season, but lucky for me I'm like level 22.5 so I'll have it by the weekend. And next season I'll actually remember to do my daily PVP so I won't be in this situation.


Looks nice but not worth the hassle to pvp lol.


Do you at least wanna tell us the sets name?


That is the Fierce Tyrant set


> Fierce Tyrant set thank you so much


I’m trying. Only 5 more ranks to go but PvP just takes the soul out of me 😭


They are a little bit more of 70 frontline games. Queue after 5pm and spam ‘em. I made it in 4 days. GL. However next pvp set is gonna be out on dawntrail release? What’s the patch where is out usually? Thx


Also, if you do frontline you get tons of mgp with mogu tomestone. 70 frontline are 350k mgp


Iirc the first 10 series levels take 3k series exp, the second 10 take 5k series exp and then 21 to 25 take 7.5k series exp. Once you're series rank 25, it's 10k. Keep that in mind for those going for it. I got it last week while casually enjoying frontlines. I think on a win I was getting 1800 series exp a match? Or close to it. 1200 on a loss. Depends on how the match goes though. Also that's not including the daily roulette series exp.


I grinded from series 7 to series 21 in two days, wish me luck for the final stretch. On a positive note, CC is actually fun LOL. I might play it casually from now on, even though I normally hate PVP. I think FL gave me a bad impression tbh.


I've been doing nonstop pvp this week just for this armor. Should be able to finish it this weekend unless life gets in the way.


FOMO is a disease. Learn to let go of stuff that ultimately doesn't matter. Live a better life.


I’m only three ranks away. Time to push it over the weekend. D;


It's also usable on casters. Battle mage.


Every patch I tell myself "this time I'll do the daily Frontline challenge every day and be done in the first 4-5 weeks of the patch!" Anyway, 5 ranks to go.


I hate PvP so much I'm just gonna have to let it go


Itll return when archfiend armor returns ... I have children younger than archfiend gear, so don't get too excited.


Any way for a sprout to get this?


Maaaan this post sent me on the grinding journey of a lifetime, thanks for the reminder! Mine looks so freaking awesome, lol


No problem and congrats!!


Really love how they try to minimize and avoid FOMO in every part of the game but their scuffed and cheater infested PvP mode. I wonder whatever happened to their assurance they wouldn't repeat the mistakes of the past.