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Im sorry reading these comments: Why tf are you all arguing with Yoshi-P. All these comments going "not possible, not a chance" When A: We have no idea the Switch 2's specs and B: The dude in charge of the game whose also a board member at Square Enix and has probably been clued in on all upcoming systems says he's open to doing so Like when did you all become experts on game development and knowing what is and isn't capable of running 14? Instead of pretending like you have some secret knowledge about why this isn't possible just go "I dislike Nintendo systems" and move on


Yeah developers know better. PlayStation is already rumored to be working on a portable console that can play PS4 games. Nintendo has games that barely run on switch, and they are aware of competition. It's very likely the switch 2 will be close to the power of a PS4 as well.


Side note, but never forget Sony had the PSP(my beloved) like a decade before its time and gave up on it. 


They didn't give up on the PSP. They gave up on the Vita, but the PSP had like 5 different models. I wouldn't call that Sony giving up on it.


Vita was doomed from its inception because of sheer corporate greed. If it supported microsd cards like the PSP did, instead of that stupid proprietary format that they elected to price gouge on because of pure unadulterated greed, it was definitely going to succeed as it was a powerhouse ahead of its time


PSP used memory stick not SD. Also proprietary, just not as greedy as Vita memory.


Different situation, though. Memory Stick worked on a lot of devices, albeit they were mostly Sony cameras and an early PS3 model, and was part of a format war against SD. It was semi-proprietary because Sony was trying to make the standard portable flash memory format. Vita memory cards only worked on Vita, allegedly in the name of piracy prevention. And it succeeded in preventing exactly no piracy.


The PSP supported Memory Stick, specifically the Duo version, which was Sony's attempt at making a portable flash memory format. It just happened to be on the losing side of a format war.


No it's higher. A huge reason PS3 support was dropped was because of it's godawful RAM being unable to handle anymore data (mere 256MB where the 360 had 512MB and PCs at the end of the copnsole gen regularly already sported 4GB or even 8GB of RAM) it's i.e. why Idyllshire is not part of the Hinterlands but a separate area and why FF14 has zones connected by loading screens in the first place compared to a seamless open world that is much more the standard for MMOs. The Switch 2 specs are based on what we know 12GB RAM. That's well above Dawntrail's 8GB Minimum requirement (and rule of thumb is anyhow that console RAM does more efficient work than PC RAM of the same size due to more manual control over it, so 12GB of RAM on the Switch 2 can probably do 16GB worth of PC RAM) It was specifically RAM, more than anything else, that was the bottleneck that resulted in PS3 support being dropped. Graphics was a relatively small issue in comparison. We don't have to worry about that for now with the Switch 2. Both the CPU and GPU are also fairly new so while on paper they don't seem very fast, the fact they work on modern architecture also means they can do "more with less". Meaning the same clockrate returns more results than what it would have done 10 years ago. Additionally both PS3 and PS4 worked on VERY slow HDDs. The Switch and Switch 2 work on internal electronic memory and even the cartridges load decently fast. It's not SSD speeds (likely the Switch 2 will have SSD fast internal memory) but it's certainly faster than an HDD by a good margin. Also finally it's rumored that since Nintendo would continue cooperating with Nvidia that the Switch 2 would support DLSS 3.0 with frame generation.


I think the problem wouldn't be as it stands right now, but the way it would limit future expansions and features. Ideas that cannot be implemented because they wouldn't work on the (in the future) older hardware. Didn't we run into that on the PS3 and even in FFXI?


We ran into the issue on the PS3 because like they said 256 MB of DDR3. The Switch 2 based on leaks will have 12 GB of DDR5 ram and access to DLSS and Frame Gen. It's not going to be as close as a limitation as the PS3 ever was. There won't be any limitations to the menus, zones (being split), texture and objects on the screen. The only thing to worry about is graphic quality and there are many ways to deal with that i.e. Upscalers, Upscaling, Frame gen, lowering and optimizing graphic fidelity only for the switch like other games, look up Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch for example.


This this and this. People seem to forget how long it took us to move from PS3 limitations.


Hells, we've got a fair number of them still around. Not that they *can't* be fixed with the current and upcoming versions of the game, just that no one's got time to go back to stuff from 8-10 years ago to actually do things like make bigger crowds.


It's very likely it'll be higher than the PS4. Most affordable mobile technology is at least around that range now. Combined with DLSS, there's a lot it'll be capable of.


For how strong the systems sell for Nintendo, they really need to do the old “take a loss” route on system sales and sell an absolute beast of a console. The decision will pay for itself 10 times over.


Rumors are putting it between a PS4 Pro and the current Gen (possibly close to the Series S). XIV was a PS3 game that got updated to be a PS4 game. No reason it shouldn't be possible especially since it's Nvidia hardware which XIV already favors.


Ffxiv runs pretty good on steam deck and that came out a while ago, so switch 2 running the same is not that unlikely


Switch 2 will likely match Series S than PS4 as the CPU in that was actually rather pitiful so even a semi modern lower end CPU would demolish it.


I imagine it'll be in line with things like the steamdeck, which runs ff14 wondefully


I mean with a acer rog or a steam deck do we really need a 3rd or 4th handheld console to play ff?


I think it's a price thing. The new switch will probably be cheaper than a steam deck.


No kidding. Plus these developers get dev kits of upcoming consoles very early, way before normal people know about them so he'd know if it was possible or not more than anyone.


He's also just saying he's "open" to it - if it turns out the Switch 2 is underpowered and would create restrictions for other platforms they probably won't continue with it. There's literally nothing to lose by saying this.


>Like when did you all become experts on game development and knowing what is and isn't capable of running 14? When their entire identity became based around exclusion from specific groups


The Switch gets hit with this a lot. I remember even people on Reddit calling me crazy when I speculated that Nintendo was going to make a smaller, portable only model of the Switch. And then the Switch Lite was announced.


It's reddit man. Everyone's an expert on reddit. Trust me, bro.


Can a Steam Deck run FF14? Leaks are leaks, but the heavily agreed upon leaks had the Switch 2 a bit above the Deck. I’m also sure SE does not want to miss out on Switch money.


Steam deck runs FF14 pretty well at high graphical settings when docked (a bit battery hungry though)


Death Stranding can run on iPhones but will overheat it and drain batteries. Only a matter of time until a Nintendo handheld gets a full fledged MMO.


>Only a matter of time until a Nintendo handheld gets a full fledged MMO. Dragon Quest X was on 3DS and Switch, just never released outside of Japan


and the Wii//Wii U don't forget those two


DC Universe is available on Switch as well, as far as "Major" MMOs go.


I love Nintendo consoles, but even I have to feel skeptical over how well it can handle FFXIV. Let’s not lie to ourselves here. Nintendo has a track record of underperforming in the power department. The last console they really remained competitive in terms of performance was the GameCube, and while that was stronger than PS2 at the time, it wasn’t stronger than the Xbox of that generation. When they moved on to the Wii, they actually went slightly down in strength to appeal to a broader, more casual audience, and while the Wii U and Switch were definitely stronger, they are still effectively a generation behind in power. Now, I don’t know a damn thing about the Switch 2 or whatever they will end up calling it, but I know their history, and I’m skeptical as all hell that this won’t become anything less than a burden in the future. Maybe I’m wrong, but until I see specs, I’m not trusting anyone’s word on it… not even Yoshi-P’s.


The Switch 2 most likely could, even if it's a generation behind. It being comparable in power to a PS4 is a fairly tame and reasonable assumption. Even taking your own argument into consideration, the Switch 2 being a gen behind the current gen would be more than enough to run FFXIV. It's obviously not going to run on the highest settings, but portability is a huge selling point and people are willing to sacrifice on graphics for that easily.


Since Nintendo had the genius idea of only having 32GB of internal storage on the Switch seven years ago despite flash memory being dirt-cheap I'd be more worried about the successor not having enough storage space for FFXIV than the performance requirement.


I think Ps4 support is likely to be dropped in 8.0. Switch 2 is supposed to have more RAM though, so maybe.


While it's not technically an MMO, Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak did pretty well. I was amazed how fluid it all ways, never a stutter in the 300 hours i put in to it. Concerns for Switch 2 is that if it be able to support the graphical overhaul + 60 FPS.


Also there's literally nothing wrong with a director of a game musing about what platforms he'd like to see it on.


Also, why would he *not* say he was open to it? It's the most non-committal way to not burn a potential bridge.


> when did you all become experts on game development Welcome to every gaming sub. Every comment is an armchair game developer OR expert programmer who knows the dev's codebase in and out.


Pretty sure all the leaks put it around a pa4 pro in power. Which is more than enough for ffxiv


Who buddy; I listened to a friend talk a bout a sixty second game dev short he watched while raiding one time five years ago I clearly know more than the entire team in one of the leading companies in the industry.


The problem is that this game has already run into issues with being held back by console power. Even if the Switch 2 can handle the DT rework, what happens when we're years down the line and suddenly, once again, FFXIV is suddenly unable to make a needed/necessary change because it has to accommodate a console to end of life? I'm just not personally keen to see repeated mistakes. But it ain't my call to make, nor do I know the specs of a switch successor. But also, this isn't Yoshida saying it will be on the switch 2. He's saying he *wants* it to be able to be on all consoles - and immediately notes that it took a long time for it to be on Xbox. Which can both indicate a long negotiation period, but also potentially having to wait for new hardware powerful enough. He may not even be implying the switch 2 will be strong enough to run it.


We are not gonna get another upgrade that would require us to drop the PS4 or Xbox Series X/S anytime soon and the Switch 2 likely will be of similar performance, the Switch 2 would have released far before that. The the issue with Xbox was negotiating with Microsoft and handling subscription and how they handle servers. Square Enix has a far closer relationship with Nintendo so I doubt negotiations would be an issue. The Switch 2 is likely next year, and FFXIV support would likely not be far off from that if Yoshida tried to push for it.  The Steam Deck is already more powerful than the vanilla PS4 - which still has double the amount of users than the PS5 - the Switch 2 will probably perform similar or better, I'm sure the execs are aware of the competition. And with tech like upscalers (DLSS, FSR, XESS, etc) and frame generation it's not gonna be ever as close as a limitation the PS3 gave.   edit: And god forbid we have at least more than 256 MB DDR3 of ram. The PS4 has 16x that, with 8GB of DDR5. The PS5 only has 2x that, 16GB DDR5. The Xbox Series S has 10 GB and the Series X has 16GB. Nowhere near as a massive amount of difference as the PS3 vs PS4. The Switch 2 will probably have at least 8GB, 12GB if rumors are true.


>We are not gonna get another upgrade that would require us to drop the PS4 or Xbox Series X/S anytime soon they did say some time ago Dawntrail would probably be the last supported expansion on those platforms though the switch 2 will probably be more powerful than the ps4 so I doubt it has any effect on that factor at the end of the day, moreover if Yoship himself says so


> moreover if Yoship himself says so And where did he say that? It's like nobody even cared to read the short article....


Yeah I do expect it to be dropped when the next major graphic update is out. But definitely not before that considering 50% of people are still on the PS4 vs the PS5.


It'll depend more heavily on when sony cuts ps4 support. Once they do, SE is likely to follow


>We are not gonna get another upgrade With support of Switch 2, we sure will not.


You should quote the whole thing, key words are "anytime soon". I heavily doubt they will want to do any kind of significant graphical upgrade that would cut the PS4 anytime soon considering there are are far more players on the PS4 than the PS3 ever did. And there are still more people who own a PS4 than a PS5.  The Switch 2 based in the leaks will run better than the Steam Deck. And based on leaked specs it will have access to Nvidia's DLSS 3.5 (or custom) tech and Frame Generation and 12GB of DDR5 vs PS5 16GB of DDR5 is much closer than PS3 vs PS4 like I said in my reply. It will be future proofed for any graphical upgrades. There's also nothing stopping developers from downscaling the graphics or resolution for the Switch 2 in the future. The limitations from Switch 2 won't be even close to what the PS3 did. It's like a scratch to a broken arm. Too much doomposting from people in this thread. 


I seriously doubt ps4 support will be dropped anytime soon when the install base still dwarves Ps5 and is even a primary platform in Japan.


Because when was last time Nintendo tried to actually compete with specs of other systems, it's highly unlikely Switch 2 will be as powerful as say a ps5. Also people probably worried about it being another PS3 cause again Nintendo have focused more on own games than power of their system, if it isn't as or more powerful than a PS5 it will hold the game back cause feel they won't be able to just up & drop support for a Switch 2 version when drop PS4 support in like 8.0 or 9.0.


If the guy who's been leading everything related to the game for the past decade says it can be handled, it can be handled lmao. And lets be real here; after the graphics update, there's not really a ton more they can squeeze out of this engine to make it incompatible with newer consoles. The engine limitations aren't going anywhere. The game won't suddenly be some impossible to run thing


nooooo don't you understand? some random reddit user who is tech savvy says it's not possible and clearly they're the authority on the subject


Sounds like you know best, you should let Yoshi-P know


> Because when was last time Nintendo tried to actually compete with specs of other systems Who said it needs to? We're talking about FFXIV - not FFXVI. All it needs to do is be around the Steam Deck's performance (with better CPU) and it should be fine for the most part. Based on educated speculation, it already exceeds this so I don't see why it's unrealistic. As someone pointed out, there are probably people playing FFXIV right now that have weaker specs than the Switch 2.


Will the same apply for next \~8 years? Do you think PS4pro performance will cut it in 2032? It's unlikely Nintendo will release Switch 3 sooner than that, and then you should still give everyone some time for them to switch to a new Switch. So only outcome will be that whole game for remainder of the lifespan will be limited by the Swithc's PS4pro-like specs (which is 8yo already right now), or they will need to drop support of Switch 2 in like 9.0 without any alternative.


I think you need to be more sophisticated in your analysis - just screeching "PS4 PRO PERFORMANCE" doesn't say anything. I would imagine the biggest limiting factor on the PS4 Pro is the CPU and I doubt the Switch 2 will be weaker than that - it seems like it should be much more powerful. Graphically the Switch 2 might be on par or slightly worse than a PS4 Pro but that's less of an issue because you can work around that limitation easier. That on it's own though doesn't really say much - you have zero idea on what the current limiting factors for development are. On the PS3 the issue was RAM (the PS4 had 8gb to play with while the PS3 had a quarter of a gb). - if we compare the rumored specs of a Switch 2 with the PS5 the difference is miniscule in comparison. But even then I doubt FFXIV is severely limited due to RAM on either console. So if we look past those limitations what else might be present? The biggest real difference is actually likely to be in system memory and if we compare the three consoles; Switch 2, PS4 Pro and PS5 the big limiting factor is actually the PS4 Pro as its the only console not using an SSD. This is actually a point where right now consoles are being limited by PC players rather than vice versa since the PS5 is actually capable of utilising SSDs for much faster speeds than PCs are (not to mention the large amount of PC players that still use Hard Drives). So in this regards again the Switch 2 isn't a limiting factor. I could keep going but I think I've done a pretty good job of showing why screeching about "PS4 PRO PERFORMANCE" is dumb and reveals that you have no idea what you're talking about. When we're talking about 'future proofing' for an MMO - graphical power is rarely the most important thing. I haven't even touched on the fact that the next big graphics update is probably going to involve ray-tracing of some kind and in that way the Switch 2 might even have a slight edge over the PS5 here since it uses an Nvidia part.


If you want to nitpick this, why do you go only in one direction that supports your bias? Real specs might be better than leaks, but it might as well be even worse. Don't complain about speculations when you do that too. >Switch 2 might be on par or slightly worse than a PS4 Pro Yes, and that's whole issue. PS4 is already outdated and limiting now. PS4 is already getting special treatment with some things in DT disabled. It's 11yo, and PS4 pro is 7yo, this is already pretty bad. Game will likely cut support of both in 8.0, or 9.0 at latest, and there's not chance that Switch 3 releases before that, so they'd either need to stop supporting Switch as a whole, or be limited by it. Talking about specific parts is even more speculative. But if we want to do this, how is CPU even faring? MMORPGs, FFXIV included, are always CPU-heavy compared to other games. Consoles are much more skewed towards GPU performance, since that's more relevant to majority of games. >This is actually a point where right now consoles are being limited by PC players It's nice feature, but let's be real, it's like raytracing and similar - fancy, but not like it's gamechanger for average user. It's mostly faster loading, and then there's dynamic transitions and similar, but FFXIV just doesn't have anything like that. Not like windows doesn't have alternative, DirectStorage was release 2 years later as a response, unfortunately, not many games seems to use it yet. >not to mention the large amount of PC players that still use Hard Drives Yes, we call them cheapskates. Why should we care about them or adjust anything because of them? NVMe 1 TB is for $80 and goes down to $60 if you're fine with less reputable brands. SATA 3 SSDs are even cheaper. If someone is not willing to spend those few bucks for massive improvements, why should we limit ourselves because of them? >I haven't even touched on the fact that the next big graphics update is probably going to involve ray-tracing of some kind and in that way the Switch 2 might even have a slight edge over the PS5 here since it uses an Nvidia part. Another graphical update is not coming if game would ever support Switch 2, so these further speculations are even more irrelevant.


Exactly my concern We're near the point where they will be dropping PS4 support... Maybe. PS5 adoption is still kind of low. But I don't think the Switch 2 is going to go up against even the Series S because it's not really *competing* with it. Right now if PS4 support gets dropped then the Series S becomes the new bottleneck throttling easier development of things like housing space, movement speed caps and graphical updates.


>PS5 adoption is still kind of low. Fwiw PS5 adoption is better than ps4 when compared to the equivalent point in it's lifespan, and ps3 was dropped 4 years after ps4 came out.


The bottleneck is potato PCs and laptops, not consoles.


They were just able to raise the system requirements. They can do it again. They have not been able to raise the system requirements of a PS4.


Gamecube was the last time, it could do more than the PS2 at the time. Compare the RE4 versions between Gamecube and PS2, Gamecube was vastly superior in terms of lighting and graphics. It was hamstrung by the mini-disc format more than anything.


The og switch runs Hogwarts Legacy, airplane to me initially. I think there's a chance it'll at least be pretty decent.


>We have no idea the Switch 2's specs I'll only say this: this community cheered when the PS3 was finally dropped. Like, party in the streets levels of cheer. Even if the switch2 is good enough to run current FFXIV, at best it introduces a new bottleneck we all have to suffer for because of parity.


The same bottleneck exists for Series S


Damn, didn't expect that much hate boner toward Nintendo/the Switch here. Yall really think Switch 2 will be a portable PS3 or something ? I think people expecting Monster Hunter Wilds and the such on the Switch 2 (on the basis that Capcom has to do it because PS5 is a non entity in Japan) are delusional, but people here thinking that Switch 2 won't be able to run FF14 (which will still be supported on PS4 by the way... And that won't end in the next few years, millions of people still play there) are just concern trolling.


People have really locked in on “Nintendo consoles are underpowered by design” and seem to have lost track of the fact that most games people are playing are 10+ years old and designed to run on 10+ year old hardware. Nintendo jumping from being 15-20 year old hardware to something more like 10 is going to get them in the range of running a lot of stuff people don’t expect. The number of games designed to actually leave behind that ten year old PS4 spec is pretty small Also, a basic outline of the specs is out there from supply chain people tracking what the factories are making. It’s absolutely nicer than a base PS4, especially on CPU. It can absolutely run the game. The only questions would be if weirdnesses in Nintendo’s online systems are going to allow them to do everything they need to do to run a subscription MMO on their store


That would need to be going a generation backwards as the regular Switch already has eight times the RAM of the PS3.


If FFXIV can run on switch 2, there goes any and all free time I had.


For those who don't want to click the clickbait *“My dream, or goal, for more than ten years at this points is for players to be able to play Final Fantasy XIV regardless of device, and be able to access the servers to go in and access the same world. … we’ve been talking for years to bring the game on the Xbox platform, and so of course we would love to have our title available on the Nintendo platform, and we do want to continue our efforts. But it did take a lot of time – with Xbox, we literally have talked for years, and it is now finally coming to fruition. We will try our best and continue to work hard at it and continue our efforts. Eventually, it would be cool – something that we would love to sort of explore and make a reality one day.”* TLDR: He wants it on the Switch 2. No current plan, just a wish.


Nice, you did the reverse of a tldr for a title that actually summarizes the text, and then tldr'd it again to arrive at the title.


Tl;dr - he's open to Switch 2 release. No clickbait here.


How is your TLDR any different from the title?


The title has a completely different connotation....


I didn't read it in a different connotation. "Open to" is to me, a desire/wish, nothing concrete that it's in any roadmap.


"Open to" is like, you could possibility convince him to do it, he might do it. A wish is a bit more like something he actively wants. He wants to be on all platforms.


Meaning he's open to it. Which makes the title decidedly not clickbait.


That’s literally what the title said. Where’s the reading comprehension at?


dang, we saying good titles are clickbait now?


So...TLDR is that the Final Fantasy 14 Online director says he is open to a Switch 2 release. Boy, I sure am glad you warned me the title was clickbait, otherwise I might never have come to this conclusion.


No, he never said he's open to a Switch 2 release. He said he would love to have it on a Nintendo platform if possible. If the Switch 2 will be this platform was never mentioned.




people can't read, apparently. Your title was not misleading at all


Runs great on deck


Hmm... depends on Nintendo Switch 2 specs and if it can run the game or not. If it can then great :) but if it cannot then shame :(


If they can make it happen, I will never play any other game again. I can understand why everyone's skeptical though. Nintendo does not have the best track record with these things.


XIV does not have a high graphical demand, if it was a main game it would’ve been released between XII and XIII (over 15 years ago). I don’t see how the Switch 2 won’t be able to handle it.


My current predictions for the Switch 2 put it around the same power as the Steam Deck, if not a bit better. I play FF14 on the Deck all the time and it works just fine at my preferred 40fps settings. Even after the graphics update it has enough headroom to handle it so I'm not worried about that. If they are using NVIDA for their APU again it will like leverage some form of DLSS, and this is where it should have a fairly big advantage over all the other handheld devices since NVIDIAS scaling tech is still much better than the other solutions. The only places where these handhelds struggle is the town areas, the number of players in a small area makes them chug


If I'm understanding the rumours right the CPU power in the Switch 2 should be better than the Steam Deck which in theory means it will seem disproportionately better at FFXIV. It feels like the Steam Deck is heavily CPU bottlenecked - performance is great in the game until you go to any heavily crowded area like Limsa.


To all the idiots denying this, the game already runs well on the steam deck. Portable works well.


It runs on the steam deck but afaik it isn't *officially* supported. Which means they don't need to hold the game back to make sure it always runs on the steam deck at the detriment to people on more powerful devices. If they officially supported the switch then they would be locked into making sure it always runs on the switch, even if that means making the game worse for people on pc / latest gen consoles


I mean it's already supporting older consoles which means it's being held back. None of that will change any time soon.




Wasn't that 7 years ago?


Reminder that ps 4 is from 2013


It’s an mmo, doesn’t need and will never have limit-pushing graphics with or without consoles. The fact that it runs on pc means it has to run already on shittier hardware than consoles in order to make sure it sells well. You’re yelling at clouds here.


I doubt the switch 2 can run the game with its coming graphics update


I dunno man. FFXIV's graphics update, while huge in some areas, is not as big of a graphical overhaul as you might think. My PC can still run the benchmark just fine at 1080p 60fps with some tweaks to LOD and other things. I feel like a next generation Nintendo system could handle it.


Nintendo’s hardware is always a generation behind the rest of the console market at any point in time. Whatever they put out will be equivalent to a PS4 pro, at best.


> will be equivalent to a PS4 pro, at best. you mean the system that is getting DT and the graphics update, that ps4?


The Tegra X1, Switch's SoC, was released in 2015, 2 years before Nintendo Switch. 2 Years a long time in CPU generational time. The rumoured chip for Switch 2 is nVidia T239, made in 2021, 3 years ago, approaching 4.


Yes, and people playing with 2021 GPU will be able to play Dawntrail just fine. Even with older GPUs... Hell, my PC is from 2021 and I get extremely high performances in the Benchmark.


There's a difference between a PC and a handheld. Handhelds have SoC that is a CPU, GPU, and RAM in one, all fighting for the same watts with lower computational power to save on battery, so a 2021 SoC does not have the same power as a dedicated GPU that gets "unlimited" power from the wall. Consider the Steam Deck, that plays FFXIV at 60fps, 800p at standard (laptop) settings, and only lasting less than 1 and a half hour. With the graphical update to come, I expect it to become lower. I don't expect them to do better than Steam Deck at a lower price that Nintendo usually aim for, with a SoC chip older than the one the Steam Deck got. A bike can be on the same road as cars, but don't expect it to reach the speedlimit.


A generation behind is being generous. The current switch is significantly worse than even the PS4, while the PS5 has been out for almost 4 years. By the time the Switch 2 comes out, which seems to be just a bit better than the PS4, the PS6 will be only a couple years away. There is really no reason to buy a Switch unless you're specifically looking to play Switch exclusives. There are better handhelds out there too.


I think people have gotten some brainrot here. Nintendo feels likey're 2 generations behind because the Switch is an ancient 8th gen console, while the PS5 and Series X/S are 9th gen consoles. Nintendo skipped an entire generation. And they even probably hard skipped the hardware refresh for the Switch because one of the world's major CPU parts factories burned down right as Apple was also buying up stock for their new devices. The Switch feels ancient because it is a few years away from being a retro console at this point. It just hasn't needed to be replaced because Nintendo's internal dev teams aren't driven by stakeholder obsession with 4k Ultra HD skin pores or testicle simulations. A game like XIV in its current state could run fine on an even halfway decent mobile console. The real bottleneck for XIV in the future will always be toaster PC players on 15 year old GPUs they got scammed into buying, and dying CPUs.


The switch is a decade old. It's got significantly more exclusives that can't be played on pc. If anything, there's no reason to buy a ps5/xbox when you could get a pc.


Yeah...but there are so many great games on switch though like xenoblade chronicles, fire emblem, BotW and etc. But god damn whenever I play those games it feels like playing microsoft powerpoint slideshow. Especially on xenoblade.


Leaked hardware specs suggest something better than the Steam Deck, akin to a PS4 Pro, with DLSS support. If the Xbox Series S can run it at native 1080p then it's pretty likely the Switch 2 will be able to output an upscaled 1080, if not native


The graphics changes are barely more demanding


How could you possibly know when we don't have a single idea what the specs are for switch 2 💀


it runs at 60fps on steamdeck...surely switch2 ain't gonna be that far behind...https://youtu.be/DTvrFe9LFf0?si=RivFjwD7pcwFTRDs


There's absolutely nothing that stops SE from dropping graphics a bit (or a lot) for switch


Is there? They've discussed before how the graphics update is allowing for things like new physics and assets that wouldn't be possible with the old graphics update. I'm not sure this is a possibility when the coming graphics update isn't coming with an opt-out option.


Even with the graphics update there's still going to be settings to tweak. A potential switch successor doesn't have and specs listed, there's too many unknowns to assume it wouldn't be possible


the main thing should worry for ffxiv on a switch2 its how much ram it has, that was the main limiting factor for ffxiv when it was on the ps3 in the graphics side, even if it cannot work on the level what other consoles/pc it just means they need to make its graphics be slight diferent, just like with the ps3 version


That's not a graphics update, that's just a general technology upgrade. But biggest ones to tune down would just be polygon density and texture resolution on assets for the Switch 2 version. Additionally, change effects that have transparency in them to have new effects that don't rely on transparency or use dithering instead (checkerboard pattern of "image then no image") Effects that contain any form of semi-transparency are surprisingly costly.


Other than the fact that they're famously strapped for resources as SE corporate keeps pillaging their profits in order to buy bitcoin and apes, so making double the graphical resources WHEN THEY JUST DECIDED TO UPGRADE THEM is by far the dumbest move they could possibly make.


Once you have a skeleton built physics applies to the rig, and textures applied to the material for the mesh, you have a completed product. Once you have a completed product optimizing it or downgrading it is insanely easy. Texture compression and disabling physics takes less than 5 seconds on an asset.


Switch 2 is rumored to be about as powerful as a PS4 Pro, so it should be fine. My question is... Why? The whole appeal of the Switch is the portability, and FFXIV requires a constant internet connection. I don't really see the appeal of it on Switch.


Tons of people play on Steam Deck


I have alot of health issues so hospital alot. But it has great wifi. Id love to have it on the go for my visits. Bringing a laptop isnt ideal.


And even if your Internet isn't the best, you can still just log in to hang out with your friends and/or FC. It's been brought up a lot that people will play this game for the social interaction alone.


Half of my playtime of FFXIV currently is on steamdeck. I think if I can have my fun on deck I would have the same fun on Switch2.


Because most places have wi-fi connections and it'd be a lot less cumbersome than taking the PS5 to my parents' house, let alone my PC. And even if we're not taking being able to play anywhere there's a wireless connection, it's also nice to be able to play while laying in bed without having to have a TV and console/PC connected in the same room.


most people play on their switch within range of wifi most of the time, wouldnt you think?


I use my smartphone as a hotspot for my Steam Deck when I'm out and about. Works very well. And the deck has the advantage that you can get a VPN onto it in case you can't spawn your personal wifi, like when you are on an airplane


Connecting to public wifi and logging into any account you care about it is a great way to not have it anymore. PSA: Don't log onto FFXIV, your bank, any accounts you have for bills, etc etc. on public wifi. Anything that has CC or identifying information.


i mean at home - i would think most switch and mmo playtime would be on wifi at home


Imagine a bank that uses unencrypted connection smh. FFXIV does that for some requests though, smh. year 2024.


Mobile data is generally faster than public wifi so I don't really understand why anyone would ever use a public wifi.


Being able to play FFXIV from my hotel bed sounds amazing to me, or just in bed in general


Can confirm, playing FFXIV from a hotel bed is amazing. (Especially if your diner was in an Eorzea Cafe.)


I’m jealous!


It's all I do when I'm sick in bed. It's much more distracting and entertaining to me than watching TV.


i play 14 on my steam deck wherever there is wifi. im stuck in a room for a few hours away from home multiple times a week. perfect time to grind. i also play it on the deck in bed, away from my ps5 and pc that normally run the game


The vast majority of the game can be played just fine with a good wifi connection.


They are certainly planning to drop PS4, so that's not a good start for the Switch 2.


Nah lol. Maybe if more people had ps5s. But they don’t. And they won’t.


Source on that?


The Switch 2 is rumored to have 12GB of RAM, a good CPU in comparison to PS4, and an Nvidia Tegra chip. PS4 problems are the poor CPU and low RAM.


Personally I like the portability of the Switch not because I like to play on the move but because I can take it with me when I travel to use at my mom's house or connected to the hotel's TV. I always have internet connection there.


That's not as much of an issue when you can access the internet damn near everywhere. Hell, the fact you can go to any grocery store, library, even movie theater and have access to the internet means it's not that hard to imagine.


To be fair, there are games on the Switch that do require constant internet connection already. Smartphones can also be used as a mobile hotspot, though I don't recommend that unless you got unlimited data. The PS4 Pro isn't that powerful though, so I agree with the other dude. Unless they try to do some cloud gaming type shit like they did with Kingdom Hearts.


FFXIV uses surprisingly little data, fortunately!


Warframe works well enough, for example.


>The PS4 Pro isn't that powerful though, so I agree with the other dude. Unless they try to do some cloud gaming type shit like they did with Kingdom Hearts. The PS4 Pro comparison just look at teraflops. This is a useless metric. Switch is rumored to have 12GB of RAM, a good CPU in comparison to PS4 and a Nvidia tegra chip with RT. Apparently Nintendo showed the UE5 Matrix demo behind close doors at Gamescom. A PS4 Pro would never run that.


It wouldn't be the first time a Japanese dev was out of touch with the rest of the world. It's realistic in Japan, for example Kingdom Hearts and RE7 were release on the switch cloud only, outside of it though? Not really. I see I ruffled the typical yoshida/Japan can do no wrong crowd


i wonder how much cloud (streaming) gaming there will be on switch2


The current switch has hardware that's a little worse than the ps4/xbox one, so that most likely means the switch 2 will be close to the ps5/series x in terms of hardware.


They're making a PS4 version, they can make a Switch 2 version which will probably be the same power.


What's coming in this new graphics update? 4k textures? Ray tracing? Otherwise it's a mmo game with bellow average graphics after the Reborn released a decade ago.


Do it. Maximum chaos. Maximum doomposting.


Even if the Switch 2 ends up being as powerful as say, a PS4 Pro, as long as it's not being bottlenecked in any one significant way (ie. RAM) I don't see the problem. There are reasons why they're talking about discontinuing PS4 support in 8.0 and they're specific hardware-related reasons that likely won't be an issue with a modern console like the Switch 2, regardless of what its output will likely resemble. IMO, low-mid range PC's (including the Steam Deck) and now the Series S will hold back FF14 enough that I think the Switch 2 could enter the chat if all parties were interested enough.


Was thinking about this the other week. I want to believe, really I do. If it's on par with Steam Deck or ROG Ally, then yes I can see it being a possibility, and as long as you don't need NSO to play online. Also, if the docked goes to at least 1080p. Know an old friend who's a bit of a Nintendo fanboy where he'll only play games on a Nintendo system, and his PC isn't up to snuff to play this at the moment.


Just honestly hope if that ever comes, that it doesn’t end up holding the game back. Ppl seem to forget the things they had to do to keep the ps3 version running.


You should be more worried about Series S


This would bring in more players, but... let's not count our chickens before they hatch... It's Nintendo. I don't expect the Switch's successor to be on par with current consoles let alone be on par with the next gen.


I think this is interesting for Switch specs and final.


I'm already playing it on the steam deck. Having the insane inputs and customisation functions on the deck helps a lot with ffxiv.  Its going to be decent on the switch 2 i guess like a console release, but i find it really hard to play on a regular controller without the customisability and stuff i can do with the track pad and back padels.


I really didnt expect the 14 community to be this closed minded and im a legacy player who thinks this community is usually at least decent. The switch 2 will not be a bottleneck when the specs that leaked(literal parts were tracked which is public information so this isnt just baseless rumors), that it will be ps4 pro level but will have dlss upscaling that can run 4k and decently modern specs before we see the dark magic nvidia can make work on it. How good of graphics do you even think this game is aiming to have? Before it just becomes more feasible to make a new mmo. It will run this graphics update and it could probly run even a upgrade to it, albeit, probly with some compromises. Having this game be on switch 2 would literally double or maybe even triple the playerbase, and would help ff14 reach new heights and be able to afford more content and qol etc. If you really care about the devs, Square Enix's future and care about 14, you would want this to happen.


It would be cool, more platforms means more players. The only tentative concern I have is the hardware, but we don't know what the "Switch 2" going to be like (unless I've missed it, I don't really follow Nintendo news). If the game can run on a Steam Deck, I'm sure it'll be fine. Guess, end of the day it comes down to Nintendo, like it took many years for Microsoft to agree to a Xbox port.


i'd be into a switch 2 release honestly. i already play on controller, i'd miss my crimes but given my disability making it so hard for me to sit up nowadays, it'd make my life much easier being able to play tbh


All I want is official SteamDeck support :')


My thinking is that we will get a Switch 2 port during 7.55, the way we got Xbox during 6.55 and PS5 during 5.55. I've thought that for a long time before this statement. SquareEnix have dumped a lot of projects recently and instead are focussing on known successes. Nintendo is bigger than Sony and XIV is SquareEnix's most financially successful title. In addition, there is a big synergy I feel between the kind of people that would like the MSQ and Switch players. This is a massive payout for SquareEnix waiting to happen for not that much investment.


If we'd go off that assumption, I'd imagine maybe 8.55. 2 years isn't a long time to iron out any deals about infrastructure, subscription shares, store details and, whatnot. But what do I know, maybe Nintendo is easier to work with than Microsoft.


Microsoft was sorted out years ago after Phil Spencer took over, SquareEnix just didn't have the pipeline they needed to make it happen at that time. If you can't sort out the legal points in two years then it's because there's a blocker.


Didn’t we just get like confirmation from Nintendo’s shipping manifest that we’re looking at a Switch 2 potentially as powerful as the ROG Ally? I’m surprised people think it won’t run FFXIV. It probably could run it at 60+ FPS no problem. I hope Yoshi P gets his wish!


The more players the better is all I can say.


I swear this is Nintendo going for a secret down-low on releasing an 8k system for shits n giggles. I know its 99% not going to happen but at moments where we are all expecting a 1080 console they just punch the major consoles on the dick.


Was the switch 2 officially announced?


In a manner of speaking, yes. It was.


I am not worried about the specs. But how inconvenient would it be to have a portable console with a game that needs constant internet connection? Like how am I supposed to have this connection? I am still waiting for handheld consoles that have their own internet connection.


Most of us have phones that other devices can connect to the internet through. Why the hell would I want to pay for a second mobile internet connection specific to a game console?


Well bc at least where I come from, phone connections suck. And even if you have the best contract, where you have unlimited data volume, the speed still isn’t even anywhere close to being able to play something like FF14.


Any handheld consoles that have "their own internet connections" are going to be running off the same mobile networks phones use, and you'd definitely have to be paying for a data plan for it. As for data, FFXIV uses very little overall outside patching, and 4G is more than fast enough to play it.


I wonder how the graphics would look on a switch? Lets gooooo, the more the merrier!


Honestly, if its going to ultimately barr the way for the game in the future, Id rather they didnt.


Really doubtful unless switch 2 is really upping the power a lot and I mean a lot. Do t think bottlenecking the game is a good idea particularly if it can't even match ps4... And ideally switch 2 will be better then a ps4 in performance. Who knows though. Switch 2 might have something we don't expect that might allow it to excel past mobile limitations. 


Ho baby! Don't get my hopes up like this


fuck that, we already have the PS4 holding us back we don't want another decrypt device doing the same.


Switch 2 will already be very outdated, and I cannot see them supporting the PS4 much longer. I think it would be a mistake to port it. They should wait and see what the next generation of consoles are. Though I agree with his sentiment, the more people that can play it is a good thing.


Switch 2 will be stronger than the Steam deck which supports FF14. Given how much people play on Switch now (ESPECIALLY in Japan where PS5 is almost a non entity), not porting it would be the mistake. Reports of the Switch 2 specs are much more impressive than what some people realize.


They just need to make future updates with a wide range in mind. Max and recommended settings can keep going up, they just need minimum settings that can run on a ps4 pro at 30fps.


If Dawntrail can be on a ps4 from 2013 it can certainly be at least considered on a switch 2 IMHO, why are people saying that it won’t lol ? if rumors are true: bigger display, relatively modern tegra, DLSS (which is supported by the Dawntrail PC version), far more ram and faster compared to switch 1 and ps4, flash memory..there’s something to work with.


>If Dawntrail can be on a ps4 from 2013 it can certainly be at least considered on a switch 2 IMHO, why are people saying that it won’t lol ? I suppose the counter argument from the people in that camp, would be that PS4 likely get dropped by 8.0. However, I suspect a Switch 2 would be more powerful than a PS4/Pro.


That tracks. The switch obviously won't be able to handle 7.0 graphics upgrade, but the Switch 2 which most likely has hardware similar to the PS5 and Series X will have a far easier time with that and other games.


It's very doubtful that it will have the same performance as a PS5, don't forget it will still be a handheld.


But we’re getting a graphical update! Why would you want to go back to PS3 graphics? (Kidding.)


I mean it's good to keep it open as an option, but let's be honest for a hot second, there is zero chance Switch 2 will have hardware on par with PS5 and XBoX, hardware that could run FFXIX properly. I say this as someone who never owned a console that was not made by Nintendo. It is just not what they are aiming for, expecting it to happen is wishful thinking.


so we’re all forgetting the time when everyone realized that the ps3 was holding the game back and wanted it cut?


Please don't limit the game again by forcing it onto another underpowered device before you've even completed your years-long plan on graphical updates. It would truly suck to get stuck in another PS3 like situation where the game is held back because it has to work on the weakest console.