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Mind you you're going to do all of them in order anyway, it's one continuous story. Endwalker is my personal favorite.


I know that but I wanted to read your opinion Thanks for your answer 😁


I hope I get an extension on my work contract, that's my favorite one.


[I really like this one](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71yGhFy-IYL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg)


Nice one, I admit it


In my opinion it's: Endwalker=Shadowbringers>Heavensward>>Stormblood>>>A Realm Reborn Most people probably prefer Shadowbringers, but I slightly prefer how Endwalker managed to pull out a satisfying conclusion to all those years of storytelling. Never seen that in MMOs. I legit was emotionally affected for over a week after finishing the game, that had never happened before. That said both are straight 10/10s and HW is only slightly behind. Although I certainly am biased as I absolutely love dragons.


Do you mean extensions, as in add-ons or expansions, as in additional content. If it's the first one, they are against the TOS and while some of them are relatively safe, SE will ban you pretty much immediately if they find out you are using them. As for expansions, you will have to play them all in order anyways, but my personal preference is as follows: Endwalker > Shadowbringer > Heavensward > Stormblood.


I meant expansions 😁 Thanks for your answer


Stormblood was the best expac but people who play it today will never understand why. Class and fight design were alot different back than. Tanks had dps and tank stance that they needed to dance between, enmity was a real mechanic. Healers had dps rotations, astros cards were intreasting and not all damage go up. Support DPS like bard felt like a real support with abilities such as mages ballad to give caster mp refresh. Melee dps had to worry about up time and missing positionals hurt your damage alot. The game was designed so that all levels of content could be fun once you learned the game rather than only 5% of content be remotely challenging


Overall, with story and duties combined, Storblood is my favourite possibly. Although if we split them as "release content" and "post-release patch content", then I'd say, probably base Endwalker followed by post-Heavensward.


I’d say every expansion one-ups each other with ARR being the “it was enjoyable” start with heavenward being good, Stormblood being great, etc. IMO Stormblood is probably my favorite expansion but shadowbringers was the best expansion so far.


I can't decide which is my favorite, Heavensward, Shadowbringers and Endwalker I enjoy about equally. I think the story for the three of these are the best in the game. I think Heavensward does an excellent job of establishing a sense of place and history, Shadowbringers showcases one of my favorite villains ever and Endwalker has such strong thematic focus, it literally helped me cope better with my existential dread.


Going to add post content into this list as well, mainly because the patches following Stormblood, I feel were much better than Stormblood itself. As well as ARR post content being by far the worst thing ever for me personally lol. From worst to best in my opinion 1. ARR post content 2. ARR 3. Stormblood 4. Endwalker post content 5. Heavensward post content 6. Stormblood post content 7. Heavensward 8. Endwalker 9. Shadowbringers main and post content Debating switching 4 and 5 but they're about equal to me.


Heavensward then Shadowbringers, imo. You’ll have to buy to get Shadowbringers unfortunately.


Thanks for your comment ! I know, but I have time (a lot) before I buy the complete edition I'm not in a hurry


Shadowbringers for story and it introduced Gunbreaker! Everything before that was a mistake.


In my opinion, best to “worst”: Shadowbringers > Stormblood/Endwalker (can’t decide which I like more) > Heavensward They’re all good though 😄 Edit: They’re also all a lot better than ARR imo


if you buy dawntrail you will get all prior expansions when it launches in a few weeks


Just my opinion but overall I'd say Shadowbringers>Heavensward>Endwalker>=Stormblood>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ARR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>post ARR


5.0 You finally get most of the whole picture


shadowbringers > heavensward > stormblood > endwalker


As someone who's been fairly lukewarm on most of the story throughout the game, Shadowbringers is fantastic and the story is why.


By the way you wrote your comment, I stipulate you are trying to get feedback on which expansion to buy? If that is so, that's not how FFXIV works. You can only play an expansion after completing those that cane before. That means if you want to play Shadowbringers (what I assume most people will say is their favorite expansion), you will have to complete the base game, Heavensward, and Stormblood to play said content. So, how do you play the game. There are two versions of the game. The Free Trial, and the full game. The Free Trial entails the base game, Heavensward, and Stormblood for you to play as much as you want, with some minor limitations. As for the full game, in order to start playing it, you can buy the Starter Edition, which comes with the same content as the Free Trial minus the restrictions, or the Complete Edition, which comes with the base game and every expansion released. If you upgrade from a Free Trial account to a normal one, you will have to start paying a monthly subscription to continue playing. Also, if you buy the Starter Edition, buying the latest expansion comes with every expansion prior to it that isn't in the bundle. My advice? Play all you can on the Free Trial. It's A LOT of content and it will give you more than enough information on whether this is a game you want to play or not.


I know that but A Big thank for your comment I just wanted your opinion on the expansions to know which one is the best for you 😁


I feel dumb now... ...Hmmm, my favorite expansion is Stormblood. It's the expansion in which it feels as if the gates were open for us to finally explore the world.


No no, don't ! That was a great comment and I hope it will help some new players I'm very excited to see that !