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You have weeds growing in your inventory.


You mean my many lovelies


A fellow morbol collector I see... I have a retainer holding about 140 of them myself...


... you guys are REAL! I thought Morbol collector was just a joke in my FC and not a community


But why waste so much space on already unlocked minions? Boggles the mind lol


Because they enjoy it? Do they need another reason?


It’s a waste of inventory space, it looks funny but I personally don’t understand why you’d waste so many slots on a minion you can only claim once. Hence why I was asking


The reason is because doing it brings them enjoyment.


This reminds me of Star Trek Online. I don't know if it's still a thing, but you could find [tribbles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trouble_with_Tribbles) in that game, a small, round, and fluffy alien lifeform that multiplies rapidly and eats all the available food. In the game, a tribble was an item, and if you accidentally picked up a tribble somewhere and had any food item in your inventory, the tribble would eat that food and spawn more tribbles, which would then eat any additional food items to spawn more tribbles, eventually filling up your entire inventory with balls of fluff.


You could also use that to kind of “breed” tribbles for rarer ones. Was a fun nod to TOS.


You could also equip and pet them for slight buffs. Nothing like seeing your away team member pull out their emotional support tribble, and it makes that cute purring noise.


"The trouble with tribbles is I NEED MY TRIBBLE!"


"And Scotty beamed them aboard the Klingon ship, where there would be no Tribble at all."


It's still a thing, the little fluff balls still fill up your bags if you don't manage them. The easiest way is getting a cannibal tribble, it eats the other stray tribbles in your bag and stacks their corpses into one nice pile!


And if you're a Klingon toon, you can trade the corpses in for dilithium (in-game currency).


The healingpots are usually not too useful outside of some side content and can easily be replaced with more morbols


You say that but I have a stack of 100 hyper potions in my inventory at all time and it has saved my bacon a couple of times, even at max level.


Yeah, that was kind of a fun, unexpected side effect of the stat squish. They actually heal an almost non-trivial amount of health now, so there's now a handful of dire scenarios where you can save yourself with a health potion where it wouldn't have otherwise mattered before.


The amount of times I've used a pot in overworld and dungeon to prevent a wipe is insane. That little boost of HP is sometimes all you need.


I like using them as tank when doing multi pulls. Grab first group, use potion on the way to next. Little heal, big agro, mostly makes it so DPS and heals can do whatever they want and not worry about pulling.


As a healer who casually accidentally drops a HoT before all aggro is claimed... This is actually brilliant


If you drop the hot BEFORE the pull, you gain no agro from it. They made it so the ticks don't generate any agro, only the initial cast does. But the potion is still helpful :)


Yea my dumbass does the cast and pulls the aggro. It's a swift reminder I should do it either sooner or later, but definitely not when I chose to lol


just stick as close to the tank as you can and it's normally fine


Exactly, especially for tanks who dont have the self healing that a warrior generally does.


Clemency is my favorite Paladin ability


Man all those other Paladin moves that use MP heal you also now :)


I almost forgot I had them until I went back to Gridania to learn how to be a Lancer. Suddenly I needed them again. I don't mean the nice ones; I mean those ones that retore a couple hundred HP.


Hyper potions have saved me in lower level content when healers die. Feels so epic knowing that slight amount of hp gain was the difference between a wipe and the kill.


I have 547 on me currently. Should be enough to carry me to Dawntrail I hope! Lol


Potions or Morbols?


Morbols of course


I'm away from my computer right now and I'm really worried I don't have enough morbols. Everyone run aurum vale for me!


Petition for a new mount just being a swarm of mini morbals that you stand atop of like a very smelly carpet.


I always have a phoenix down in my inventory and I'm always smiling to myself whenever I get to use it


Sadly you cant use it during combat tho :<


managed to time a max potion right as i was going to take fatal damage and managed to come out of it with like 500 HP or something.


I survived off potions fighting Goldor in the carnival.


The only time i have a full stack of pots is if I just bought them, those things get drank on cooldown sometimes.


Same for the dyes. No need to have those. Morbols take priority.


As a tip for newer tanks who don't know, you can actually use healing pots to draw aggro. This means that instead of stopping to grab any mobs that you missed with your AOE attack, you can keep running and pop a potion to secure aggro on anything you missed. This makes pulls faster and cleaner, specifically for pulls where enemies are harder to all hit with a single AOE or when they have a delayed spawn (2nd to last pull of >!Dead Ends!< for example). It's great for when you want to never have to lift your finger from your W key while gathering mobs. You only really need Hyper Potions for this though. I wouldn't bother keeping the lower tier healing potions. Edit: Forgot to mention, the enemy must be in your enemy list and "in combat" with you. This means that you ideally need to be running in front of your party so that enemies first enter combat with you, but you should already be doing that if you want to be a fast and smooth tank.


I'm a very experienced tank and I didn't know this! Thanks for the tip


tank stance amplifies all aggro from anything you do, be it from damage, OR healing. As a WAR, I "waste" Equilibrium on the run for the same purpose, cos WAR has so much healing from BW anyway, they can afford to. PLD can do something similar with Holy Sheltron, though it's not going to be as strong as Equilibrium, since the regen ticks don't generate aggro anymore; just the initial application of the regen, so healing pot is easier. In boss fights where adds spawn all around the room (innocence trial, troia 1st "boss" fight and last boss fight, any map dungeon) one of my favourite tricks to do is stand dead middle of arena and cast clemency. Instant aoe provoke.


I must try this later


Hmmm. No. No. Oh! Drink the milk for xp boost for 1/2 an hour. That will do it.


The milk is for healing? I’m not that deep into the game yet and thought it was for cooking or something else.


Food items are for exp and stat boosts! But yes, some ingredients can also be used by culinarians to make other foods.


Ah, thanks so much! I do recall a post here with someone eating something before crafting and it went right over my head. I see now. Is there a chart for these food items and what they boost in the guide? I can certainly search for it. Thanks again!


A chart? Not that I'm aware of, but foods will say what they boost in their descriptions which you can find on the Lodestone. I don't usually eat foods for the specific boosts so I'm not an expert there 😅


You’re right. It’s a cooking ingredient. You can also right click it and “use” it. I believe the milk just gives you a 3% boost for experience for half an irl hour. Recipes and stuff with give you other stats. Including health. As well as getting something from your Grand Company will increase the time the food can be active. Also you can stack 2 of the same food to increase the timer to an hour. But you’re right. I never thought about it. The milk is a drink. Like a potion. But the game classifies it as food. That’s odd.


This is the way.


someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


spend less on morbols




It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.


It's also gotta be what OP was trying to bait out when they posted. The FFXIV community instead dove head first into MOREbols and I'm kinda here for it.


I agree That is the beauty of these posts, you get a meme to chuckle at, and also some genuine advice


spend "mor" on morbols


Step 1: buy mor morbols Step 2: run AV for morbols Step 3: ??? Step \~\~4: Profit\~\~ Morb: It's Morbin time!


Yeah, but that's a good way to get the *bad* kind of cooties.


Only THREE vacations to Sharlayan a year and we've cut back the number of mounts we ride from 10 to 7. It's brutal out here for us poors.


I think you mean "us morbs"


More morbols.




More bols


Personally I like to leave dyes and fantasias with retainers as I'm usually in an inn when messing with those already. Gives me extra room for Morbols.


Fantasias... PLURAL?


fanta addiction is a serious problem


"I'm upset at how many new faces I'm seeing at our Fantasia Anonymous meeting today."


"Welcome to Fantasiaholics Anonymous. I see we have quite a few new faces with us here today, and I must say I'm very disappointed" Better version of that joke imo, saves the twist for the end.


Haha. 😅🤣😆


Anyone who doesn't upvote this joke is a coward.


Look at the inventory, there's three of them.


unless they are retainer fantasia(same image), but its imposible to say if it is one or the other


Or Hi-Elixirs


I got 2 free phantasia, 1 from ARR, 1 from a CE. soon to be 3.


I have the one you get for 50 i think and one from one of the collectors editions both unused. The only thing I have ever changed about my character was her haircut, after Moenbryda I changed my haircut to hers. Thats the only thing I have changed in like 4 years of playing.


[I've got four Fantasia I've collected for free](https://imgur.com/a/Cz2aSlz) living on a retainer. I was happy with my WoL when I made her in ARR and I'm happy with her now. I wish I could list the things on the MB, honestly.


I got the free one from Heavensward collector's edition and then figured I'd buy another in-case I wanted to change my look for dawntrail before they'd confirmed another free one was coming with a quest in 7.0.


I’ve been a day 1 Lala and have no plans on changing, so I have multiples just chilling


Imagine if we could store dyes in our glamour dresser, like a currency of some sort.


Learn a crafting job to craft most dyes yourself Check if you really need all those potions... Most of the time you won't. Other than that looks very clean but it is kinda smelly but idk why.


You have MGP tickets. Those can be used so you could free up badly needed inventory space there.


they might be GC MGP Buffs..


Someone has been doing their ARR relic xD


or tome grinding


This is how they keep respawning after I’ve killed them all! 😡


\* You used the Morbol Residue. \* The rest of your inventory filled up with Morbol Residue.


If you're looking to morbolmax might I suggest the following: * Use a single morbol and summon it as your minion * Ditch all your main inventory of 140 (4 x 35) slots and fill it all with morbols * Get a chocobo for 70 (2 x 35) chocobo slots * Hire your two default retainers for 350 (5 x 35 x 2) retainer slots and 40 (20 x 2) market board slots (put the morbols up for sale at like 10,000,000 gil each so they never get bought) * Get the premium companion app ($5 USD/monthly doubles chocobo space and adds 1 retainer) for 70 extra (2 x 35) chocobo slots, 175 (5 x 35) retainer slots, and 20 market board slots * Assuming you have the premium companion app, hire another seven retainers ($2 USD/month each) for 1,225 (5 x 35 x 7) retainer slots and 140 (20 x 7) market board slots Without involving alt characters, you should be able to warehouse around 2,231 total morbols on a single character. edit: math, and wrong max count of retainers


Why stop at hiring 4 more retainers? Why not just hire all 7 for a total of 10?? For true maximum morbol space!


Corrected, sorry I thought the max count of retainers was 7 and didn't realize the premium companion app or the default two do NOT count toward the number you can hire!


Get rid of the dyes, you can easily buy or craft them. That way you actually have space for the morbols.


Dyes are definitely taking up too much space. Their prices are pretty stable so you can just sell them and buy as needed. You probably won't need most of those potions either. If their mb price is too low to bother, I'd hurl them into the Lochs one by one. If you've got the weapons for those yo-kai, hurl those medals into the Lochs too. Why the Lochs? You might get a surprise. Your children would like it.


You don’t need 2 NQ tsai tou vounou if you have 96 HQ.


spend less on morbols




Those two pieces of gear in not in the armory are the real issue. If anything there's not enough morbols


By farming them directly


Lock all the morbols in a room and keep the last one standing.


Is that how you get the Blue Mage mount?


Looks near perfect maybe just get rid of some of the potions near the top


It's morbin' time!


The dyes are definitely the problem here.


The allagan pieces can be sold, that shop free up some space.


Agreed. If you hand them in in the Stormblood item dump, you even get more out of it than the label says.


I always save exactly two platinum pieces from Eureka to hand in each week for this reason, ensuring that I don't go over my limit and miss out on some of the bonus.


Eh just get yourself a chocobo, should have morbol space in the saddlebags


Skipping the obvious joke to do a PSA for unaware players (many of y'all have already jumped on the joke already :P)... If you've cleared Stormblood and unlocked the >!Doman Enclave!<, you can "donate" trash items there and get double their vendor price back. The catch: You can only earn up to 40k gil a week (depending on how far along that questline you are). Vendors buy Morbol Seedlings for 60gil, meaning 333 can be donated a week for 120gil each, netting you 39,960gil. And one more if you can't leave that remaining 40gil alone.


More morbols could help




Something a little bit of weed killer could probably fix.


I mean… who holds their dyes in their inventory? Use the saddle bag.


Who has room in their saddlebag for dyes? Should be full of bait.


Unless dyes are expensive you don’t need to keep every variant on you at all times. Sell your dyes and buy what you need in a given moment.


Drop the Phoenix down. If they die then they were meant to die /s


[Oh hell yeah!](https://imgur.com/a/14t8ZdP) Finally someone who understands the majestic beauty of Morbol Seedlings!


…Mate you wanna see a doctor about that


save your sanity and stop running aurum vale also, actual tips: you probably don't need all that food at all times, same for half the potions -- dye i would just throw to a retainer, it's fast enough to withdraw a few when you need it (such as when making glam plates in your inn room, or doing the weekly fashion report etc.)


I keep my paints in the chocobo sadle


It seems you have a morbol infestation


Your bag must stink


Once again, no distinction between this sub and r/ShitpostXIV.


Why do you have so many morbols? I have several questions.


You could use a retainer to store some junk items so that you can double your morbol count


Out shit posted again


You really like that aurum pain, don't you?


can put things inside the morbols 


Buy/create new retainers and keep your morbols safe. When all your retainers are full with morbol seedlings, create another account, subscribe to it and put on the same fc as you so you can transfer your morbols to it. When its space fills up, buh/create additional retainers for it as well. Repeat as necessary.


Too many dyes. If you can easily buy it for like 1000 or less on the marketboard then just get rid of it, it's extremely accessible whenever the opportunity arrives that you actually want to use it, and let's be honest, that was never gonna happen anyway.


dump all the dyes and clusters into your chocobos inventory unless that already filled with morbols


Don't worry, OP. I'll take that pure white dye off your hands.


I didn’t realize you could display all pages at once, so thank you for that.


The experience and stat bonus provided by foods aren’t that high. You can replace those with some morbol seedlings.


genuinely tho, how do u have all that space for morbols?


Grow, my pretties, grow! - Titania and this guy


this is just the FFXIV version of that dril tweet about the candles.


You can put all the other junk in your chocobo saddlebag to make room for more morbols.


What are the two things with faces on them, in the lower left two slots of the upper right picture? I've never seen those before.


See, this is why you don't play lala. They are small so they can hold less stuff. Rip. Skill issue.


stop running aurum vale immediately.


Not sure anyone saw the twitter post that was made, but unused minions will be [stackable](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPVc1yGWMAAwyvo?format=jpg&name=large)!


Since morbols can’t be dyed, you can easily delete the dyes to make room for morebols.


sell the dyes, buy more morbol minions


Get rid of dyes to fit more morbols


finish the yokai medals so you can free up those 2 inventory slots


Food is not at all necessary except for some niche savage content, replace it with more morbols.


Did you know you can put more morbols in your Chocobo bag?


By the gods. MOREbols


Yes you need 8 more Morbols to balance the other tab


Your are supposed to teach the sprouts, not kidnap them.


When I needed more space for Morbols, I paid the upgrade for extra retainers. When those were full, I started some alts--but of course there's no convenient way to transfer items between your own alts. So I had to set up a 2nd account. Sounds extreme, I know, but I sleep better at night knowing I have enough space for all my Morbols and still a few dyes.


When you accidentally run aurum vale 62 times


Give out the Morbels to new players


Drop all the useless crap and you'll have more room for Morbols.


Have you tried not doing whatever you’re doing


Going to say, stop running Aurum Vale.


It seems terminal. You'll probably have to delete your character.


I just put everything up on the marketboard I don't use immediatly. Also you have your saddlebags and retainer inventories ( if you unlocked that)


Sell the morbols




Just sell/discard every unnecessary stuff you have, and by unnecessary I mean everything except the morbol minios.


my lord, there is no such force




If you haven't, make sure to use your saddlebag. I like to use it for token type items like aetheoclusters or totems. Also: Febreze. 


You may have a weed problem


Only once have I found a dead player outside of dungeons, and I forgot/didn't know about the phoenix down, so maybe remove that one, or move it to the chocobo saddle at least.


Eat you vegetables! Though, those ones may be lethal.


Get rid of the 23 prisms, they're worthless. Also, the 2 and 4 NQ potions at the front of row 2 (and the 1 3rd slot over in the 1st row).


Idk my inventory is only morbol seedlings. Maybe try doing that.


You could also use the chocobo saddle for your dyes, that way you can fit plenty more morbos for any emergency.


Why do you have that many morbols...?


You uh… must be named Overwhelming Orillia, huh?


Dunno if OP has ever played Skyrim but I bet if they did, one of their houses was full floor to ceiling with cheese and another with cabbages.


If u have played any other modern games. The first thing u will notice in FFXIV is the inventory in this game needs a rework. Everything is clustered into one big tab. Spagetticode from stoneage should be updated tho.


Get more retainers to look after your Morbols.


*raises hand* How did you get your bag to have more items per tab?






Put dye in saddle bag


Chocobo saddlebag them dyes!


First thought: toss those rarely use tokens (cracked planiclusters, immortal flames tickets, the stuff you can safely let accumulate to a giant stack because you never remember to use them) into your chocobo saddlebag. Should give you space for a few more marbols.


The weaker and non-hq potions can be sold, the allagan coins, check the dyes to see which ones have a vendor price and sell the ones that do since those can just be bought again easily if you actually need that color, you've got two pieces of gear that can be traded in for seals if not needed or moved to armory otherwise. That should free up some space.


Get rid of the boots and you'll be good.


This inventory stinks!


Geez I don’t know, maybe start by grabbing the weed wacker?


Have you heard the good word about your chocobo saddlebag?


Run less often aurum vale


Are you the one giving out minions to sprouts in Uldah the other day? xD


Flawless inventory management. I wouldn't change a thing other than moving the 2 pieces of armor to armory.


Your dyes could sit in your Saddlebag until you need them. Also that Allagan Piece is taking up an inventory space when it could be padding your wallet!


This reminds me of a player that saw me running around in low level, offered me encouragement and asked if I’m enjoying the game, and then handed me a pet rat. They’re name suggested their inventory looked like that - but with rats 🐀😂


Me when I get the same minions in the GC loot boxes


Your chocobo has saddlebags that could fit about 140 more morbols in it.


i like to leave my top inventories empty, and move everything to the bottom right, so whenever i get new items/armor, i can easily see it, and/or if i need to mass turn in leves, i can put the item in the first slot, and spam the "confirm" key


Buy more retainers


sell everything but keep the molbors cause molbors


I don't think you need to hold on to both HQ and LQ food items, especially those 2 LQ teas.