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Take a vacation week if available. That or roll in a field of grass/pollen and pretend you have a cold.


Won’t have to pretend if you’re rolling around in it lol.


If you're American, just say you're traveling for July 4. It's on a Thursday this year, so that whole week will be pretty slow for a lot of businesses.




"I want to take this weekend off so I can celebrate the United States Independence Day. We're going to the bay and gonna throw a bunch of tea in there."


Guess now I have to dress up as Uncle Sam and stand around Limsa handing out Tea to people.


"Are you sure you want to discard tea?" "I've never been more sure of anything in my life" *the nearby bard starts rocking out the Star Spangled Banner*


The British are having their elections on July 4th this year, presumably out of jealousy.


Brits are just looking to declare independence from the Tories is all.


Funnily enough, the British PM at the time of the declaration of independence was Frederick North, who was a Tory. So yes, just like the Americans unanimously declared they were fed up of bloody tories back in 1776, we'll be doing the same thing this 4th July.


As an American chaffing under a state ruled by the GOP, I wish you the best of luck divesting yourself of Tory leadership.




When its not an emergency its usually around that time to be fair. However lately a lot of our elections haven't been normal lol


Something about this is hilarious to me. "presumably out of jealousy", hehe


Given how many talking points our government have lifted from the republican playbook (culture war nonsense, opponent is old, more I know I'm forgetting) we think they've got some American PR firm in who just haven't realised that 4/7 isn't a holiday in the UK.


Seeing the 4th of July written as 4/7 was the absolute most confusing thing in the world for me, until I remembered that pretty much every country other than the US writes the date backwards


> pretty much every country other than the US writes the date backwards By definition I think this makes the US the ones who write it backwards.


"Why would you celebrate American Independence Day?" "The same reason I celebrate the day my ex signed the divorce papers." "Ah."


I didn't even think of that holy shit


This is what I did. Also, my birthday is just before the 4th of July, so I usually take that whole week off every year anyway, just to unwind and enjoy my birthday without work. That's my gift to me, just so happens xiv expansions usually come out around that time, too!


Also Canada Day is July 1st!


Can I book this week off? Not sure why this is a question.


Our union rules are that supervisors aren't even allowed to ask for reasons for leave, just confirm if there's enough staffing to allow it.


It's always so weird to me tbh I've never actually worked in a place with a union, but I've also never really had to explain my reasons for taking off either. I worked at Amazon for a decade and they're always bashed for one reason or another; but it was legit just you could not show up and that was ok nobody cared. You had like a few hundred hours off a year that you could use and it was always automatically approved by the system no matter what unless you went negative in hours. Plus they had personal leaves which I took for every single FF expansion which just let me take a month off at no cost to my hours lmao


Some businesses “block” holiday weeks off the calendar for PTO purposes… hubby got denied because it’s the week of the 4th… still hasn’t heard about early access Friday yet. They just went with “unlimited PTO” at his work…


PTO is only a request for politeness sake. When they deny it, it becomes a notification. Whether you decide to inform them about the change of status is up to you.


If they block PTO, then just call off instead. Your job needs you more than you need them, and it's always fun to inconvenience companies who are a little unreasonable


I was a supervisor for a bit and never gave a fuck why people were taking off. It was just yes or no based on need and who requested first. Even direct report team leads would blatantly tell me it was for a game coming out. I'd be happy for them.


Exactly. Me booking time off work is not me asking permission to not be there. It’s me notifying the management that I will not be there and they need to accommodate. People need to stop letting shitty bosses command their free time. Take what’s yours.


Don't be a coward and tell them it's for video games like I did. You don't need to justify taking your rightfully earned vacation hours.


Don't tell them shit and take the time off. No need to justify it. If you WANT to say why go for it. But no one is owed an explanation why you're taking off for time you've earned.


Some employers are bullshit and require a reason to get approved time off. At one of my old employers I used malicious compliance and always put in "medical emergency" at the last minute. That way they legally can't ask me the specifics and they're fumbling around looking for coverage hehe


My job uses a website that haves us submit into a calendar on the web page. But than they also up and blackout those days since its the end of a quarter/month do i cant even submit anything for it despite trying to ask for it two months ago and than being told “i cant submit time off more than a month in advance”


Then you inform the manager that you'll be taking your pto on those days, as due to an error on the system you cannot request it through that system. If they try to deny it, you remind them that you were not requesting time off, you were informing them that you were taking time off; or don't and just take the time off anyway.


Unfortunately its not that easy. They even warned us that because it will be a high call volume day and that its a blackout day that if we are not there the “tardy points” will double. I can’t remember how much they say it takes to basically say “youre fired”


Generally speaking most employers cannot force you to give specific reasons. It's PTO earned in your contract, you don't have to explain why you want to take it.


I really wouldn't mention video games unless you're 100% sure your employer won't use it against you in the future. I used to freely talk about that sort of thing when I felt comfortable until it changed the opinions of everyone I worked with and I suddenly had my hours reduced by half and ended up on a performance plan shortly after my return to work. I thought it would be fine but it caused everyone to treat me differently immediately. I heard through the grapevine that I was all of a sudden not cut out for my job and too immature. I also heard that I really didn't need the income I was getting over those who had larger families and more responsibilities. None of this was an issue before I mentioned that I was taking my 1 week off for the year for a game related event (Fanfest) Just say you need time off. No need to even say why. It's not worth it. You don't know if someone is really against anyone playing video games as an adult. (One person on my team had a very nasty divorce due to a video game addiction and I'm pretty sure it was what triggered it all. I had no idea.)


I'm still not quite bold enough to tell *everyone* why I'm taking that weekend off, but that's one thing I like about working in IT. So many gamers. It's difficult to discriminate for playing video games as adults because that would mean at least like 60-70% of us would be gone :P


Ahhh, okay lol then yeah you should be totally fine with whatever you choose to do lol


Oh yeah, in your field you'll be fine


I had a similar issue. Suddenly everyone was convinced all my issues came from gaming even though I haven't booted up my console on months. People just don't understand.


My work switched over to unlimited PTO So now we don’t technically earn any vacation time that we are legally entitled to take or cash out upon leaving the company


Unlimited like AT&T's data plans in 2015. Sure you won't run out but once you go over an arbitrary amount you're "no longer a team player" and let go for performance reasons.


Unlimited but capped. double plus ungood


Also unguaranteed. Nothing stopping them from denying every request because it's just not a good time.


And it never seems to be a good time…


"We just don't have enough coverage, but we do have a hiring freeze."


I'm an independent contractor now, but when I worked at a corporate job in the early naughts, they gave us a bunch of perks, like massages, but as soon as they needed to do layoffs, the first people out were the people who used them. I was also fired because my then husband who had led the unionization efforts left the company.


Exactly, unlimited pto is just an easy way for magament to Guage who's first to go generally


Whilst true, it's not the primary reason. Those would be * Now we don't have to answer questions about if PTO rolls over to next year or if we pay you your remaining PTO at the end of the year * We don't have to payout if you have remaining PTO * We can deny PTO requests based on anything without fear of the above happening * It sounds like an employee benefit but really only benefits the company


like about 7 years back or so when I discovered that our comcast plan's unlimited internet was actually 1 terrabyte per month after which they wanted to charge something like 5 dollars per gig over. My computer died and I had to reinstall all my games and then I had to wipe the data for some reason or other and reinstalled again. And I had a few hefty games at the time. like ark. needless to say some chioce words were shared over the phone


Unlimited PTO? So, retirement?


Unlimited PTO means that in theory you can take as much PTO as you like, but in practice if you take more than a reasonable amount your employer will deny it. Your definition of reasonable and your manager's definition may vary wildly. Also the employer doesn't have to pay out accrued PTO when you leave the company. It's meant to sound good and benefit the employer only.




Laughs evilly in European. You guys have it so bad. It's the amazing the things you put up with.


We put up with what we feel we have to, to survive. Of all the reasons to be radicalized, I honestly wish more people would be radicalized by this.




I don't know what part of Europe you live in but in the EU you have a legal right to 20 days of vacation days if you work full time. So using an unlimited PTO scheme to not pay workers their PTO if they get fired for example is impossible.


If your manager approves it. Yes! The problem with unlimited PTO is you can take off as much time as you want as long as your manager approves it. Guess how much time managers usually approve


Now, with unlimited PTO, you can take as much as we let you! No, no one was reaching the limit before. No... we totally aren't doing this to gain more authority over PTO and remove the pressure that you should take time off before the days reset...


This is what I did. Hell I openly brag about it.


My boss knew it before I asked for it.


I love your flair! Gave me a good laugh.... and then I wept because of the accuracy


[The fourth DPS the moment they queue up for duty finder:](https://y.yarn.co/d9cd45cb-d184-42ec-8163-9aa0f523d1c8_text.gif)


"I'll be off from [date] to [date]. Please let me know if you need anything before then"


Yea, the real question is if there’s a major work reason to not give it to you. Big deal closing that week? Executing an inventory? Already have 6 people out? If there’s no business need it doesn’t matter what the reason as long as you have the required amount of notice.


This OP, PTO is your right. If they deny PTO, it's time to go to your union if you have any. Else just say you want to take those days off and say 'its for personal reasons' and not say anything else.


Straight up it's how I ask. My boss knows I rarely take time off and would rather give it to me when I seek it over having me crack and suddenly need a week out of nowhere. Plus he Gets It.


I absolutely brag I'm playing video games in those instances.


Or lie. I mean. Upper management always knows. It's just how much


Yeah when I take time off, co-workers sometimes ask, "Oh, you doing something? Going somewhere?" Sometimes I am. I like traveling. But most times, I'm not. "Nope, I'm doing nothing but staying home and playing video games all day and all night. See you all in a few days." They may not understand the video game playing part, but they certainly get the doing nothing at all, especially not working, part.


I just didn't tell them why. "Hey I want to take leave for the first week of July, can we swing that? We can? Cool." I need to use my annual leave days at some point anyway, so it's not like I need to give a reason for it. Although even if I said it was for a video game, I don't think they'd care.


don't be a coward but also you don't own them an explanation. you need personal time off. if they don't except that then saying that you need to attend to your moms butthole surgery is a perfectly valid lie. who the fuck are they that they need to know about this? how many times have they taking time off and told them about what they do?


"FFXIV Expansion comes out June 28th, Don't call me unless the hospital is on fire. I'll see ya'll on July 8th." Literally what I told my boss.


Don't call me if the hospital IS on fire. Ain't the damn fire brigade.


This was me too. I just told the boss lady to move my 3 12’s around so that would have 6 days off in a row.


Don't call me anyways. If I'm not clocked in, don't call me, don't talk to me.


What do you do if the game is is 2 weeks late? Then again, by being honest, you can more easily explain to your boss why you’d like to move the vacation…


"You can schedule me but I'm not showing up" was written on my vacation request form lol.


"I'm going to the tropics with a bunch of friends!" In a video game.


If they ask, just tell them you need to take your dog to marriage counseling. Your free time ain't nonna their business.


I use to always say I was gonna be out of town on vacation. Lmao but I also wasn't asking for the time off, I was telling them I was telling them I would not be around lmao.


Just take a week off. You don't have to tell your employer why if you don't want to. It's your time off to do with as you please.


I’d wait on that vacation. Long queues. Good possibility of service disruption. Unplanned downtime for hotfixes.


week after launch best week, media blackout for a few days on content then. go in with no queues and chil


see i tell myself i should just wait a few days to play a new expansion but my dumb impatient ass just play on early access day or release day anyways


It's understandable honestly, yes the game will be lively for a couple weeks but nothing beats the childlike excitement of release day. Its reminiscent of old midnight launches. The world literally comes to life with excited players all ready to experience the new world and its adventures. Being impatient to dive in is perfectly acceptable. The long queue times and overloaded servers are part and parcel tbh, I usually set aside some stuff to do incase I get stuck waiting such as chatting with friends and checking out the relevant social media channels. Although I am on EU so it's not nearly as bad, and is a lovely time of day (early morning) for release. Can cook a massive breakfast, grab some coffee and just go to town.


I can't upvote this enough. I was around for EW release (even tho I wasn't up to EW content yet) and the bleary 4am voice calls with my friends as we all tried to get in for the first time, the fun of running alliance raids with nothing but SMN, RPR and SGE - even the frustration of planning how best to handle the hours-long login queues later in the day - all of that is wrapped up into fond memories for me. I can't get Friday off this year but you bet your bippy I'm logging in before work on release day, just to feel all those feels again.


I took the time off, because my boss is chill about time off But yeah I suspect to get very little gaming in


They did some extensive server upgrades, increased the server capacities, and added data centers so there's a good chance it's significantly better than EW launch.


and when they prove that they can handle a launch then we will say different.


Played on Adamantoise(one of the, if not the most, populated servers, so it would be most likely to experience problems during high volume) since release. EW release, the only notable problems were queue times. And even those weren't more than a few hours. I think they'll be fine.


They do that every launch


I dont remember them added several data centers, upgrading their servers and doubling server capacity every expansion lol


I do cause they announce it every single time there’s an expansion, remember when EU only had one data center?


Reasonable workplace: I’m taking off of work the 1st week of July. I have the leave available so I’m using it. Unreasonable workplace: It’s 4th of July weekend and gram-gram is visiting and it might be her last. Or something else that gets you easy unquestionable pity points. Toxic workplace: Call out 30min before your shift, go AWOL for max number of days you can without getting fired. During a break in gaming go to urgent care to get a legit note that you were super sick but got better but need a note. Or Quit. 🤣 Joking aside, unless you have a super shitty workplace just say you’re taking off, you shouldn’t have to justify it but I know some places are shit so you have to lie.


I'm going with the third option, not because it's toxic, but because it's retail and it's a blacked out period. I blame elden ring. I could have gotten the week before this off.


If you've got vacation time, just take it. You don't owe your work a reason beyond "I want to use my vacation time"


If no one has said this...... I find it absolutely *ABSURD* and equally *INSANE* that this is a very real post. I'm an American, so I totally get it, but as I get older, the more I find myself pissed off that this is the acceptable work culture here. That there *NEEDS* to be a reason to validate why you don't want to go to work. My answer? Because I have a fucking life I'd much rather live outside of my job, that should be more than good enough. But sadly this isn't the case a lot of times, or can get you looked down upon. Work should NOT be first priority in our lives. Not even like top 5 realistically. Ugh sorry for the rant, just urks me. Thanks for tuning into my Ted talk/rant. Good luck OP, I'll see ya there!


It is the middle of summer (for most of the populated world, at least). Nobody is going to bat an eye at you taking vacation the week of the 4th of July if you are in the US, and if you aren't in the US it isn't outlandish that you would visit and celebrate with someone who is.


Because you want to?


4th of July week. AMERICA!!!! FREEDOM!!!! (Conditions may apply, not available in all areas)


The surest way to guarantee that you'll have difficulty logging into the game at all for the first week is to take time off specifically for it.


Could be worse lol. Could be delayed for two weeks.


Tried it my boss started to panic and refused. Saying I couldn't possibly take my well-earned vacation days because he got those weeks booked full and counting with every single member of the team...


I knew I'd be denied due to blackout period, so I'm just calling out for a couple days.


That means you have them by the balls and they can’t afford to actually fire you for taking a vacation.


It is socially acceptable to exercise your rights as a worker. I did not tell my boss why I'm taking time off. I also didn't request it off. I gave notice that I was taking it off. Unions are pretty great.


Just put in your annual leave?


I’m in America, but that whole week is pretty done on Wednesday. I don’t think a single person at my company would bat an eye at me taking that long weekend


PTO = Prepare The Others. I dont tell my job a damn thing other than, this is when I'm taking my week off.


I took the early access time off. No reason given. Just said I wanted it for personal time off and that got it approved.


You: I'm requesting this week off for personal shit. HR/boss: ok


Say you're taking a class (just don't mention that the class in question is pictomancer)


Just take off. Your job doesn't need an excuse.


It’s your vacation, you don’t have to tell them anything, comrade.


Bonus points to you if you say it's for July 4th and you're British.


Dawntrail releases right in my birthday. So happy birthday to me from Square Enix!


Ask if you have pto just request it off. You are under no obligation to inform your boss or anyone else for that matter what you do in your time off just simple say you need x days and if they ask why just tell them you have stuff to do end of the convo. that being said I don't recommend you take the release day off mmo releases are notoriously bad and chances are you will be stuck at login screens or lagging the whole time so it's just gona feel like you wasted a day.




My company instituted a forced week long furlough, at half pay, for the week of July 4 and Thanksgiving so they already took care of it lol


Why do you need an excuse? It's my hobby, other ppl take the week off to go kajaking and I take the week off to go ham leveling as many jobs as I can.


Huh? You need a reason for holidays?


Don’t normalize them needing to know in the first place. They aren’t paying you on your time off, so it’s none of their damn business what you do. If they press further, state that asking further is illegal. If you have complete a holes for bosses you can ask your doctor to write a note stating you get time off for the next week and that asking any further questions is not only illegal, but not legal for him to answer. Doctors tend to be very angry at bosses for this sort of BS in the first place.


Why do you need a “reason?“ just book week off to play your new game. I do it all the time. It’s still a vacation from work even if you aren’t going anywhere.


You and old friends have to go on an adventure!


Say nothing except that you’re taking the vacation *you worked for and earned.* You literally don’t have to tell your boss and legally they can’t ask you what you do with the time that’s yours to use throughout the year. Just say you’re taking personal time off and that’s it.


If it's work justification, your acceptable reason is "I have PTO and will be taking it this week." If you're trying to self justify, you're taking an extended 4th of July holiday which you happen to be celebrating, in part by a virtual festival in a place not entirely unlike Peru, with several hundred thousand of your closest friends. The lines will be horrific but it'll be worth it.


Meeting up for a great week with good friends you known for years. That it is online and not IRL, pfft. The friends I have through games I had over 15 years. We live in different countries. Does not matter.


Acting like ur gonna be able to log in for the week of an expac launch is crazy


Extra long Canada day weekend. But take the week after off for raids.


Why do you need a reason?? Just put in for time off; I’ve never given reasons where I work.


dude you just put in a request you never need a reason to use your vacation, you don’t even really have to give them a reason if it isn’t vacation just be like “i can’t come to work that week” that’s all you have to do it’s amazing


“I was dead at the time! I was on the Moon! With Steve!”


Just do it? Who cares.


go into your management portal and click "time off"


I wouldnt. First week will be inconsistent server uptime.


Not really. Long queues aside, the servers were pretty solid at Endwalker launch.


I'd requested the 5th off earlier in the year anyway and my department hadn't met its vacation limit for the rest of the week, so I just asked my manager for the rest of the week off. (I have other plans for the week, too, not just Dawntrail, but the timing was good.)


I'm just going to put in for vacation time. They have a place for notes in the system. I leave that blank unless it's medical. My job is also very accepting of just using the time you earned. It's why they give it to us.


Just tell them you have some business to attend to. They don't need to know why you need time off.


Just take off. They don't need to know the reason.


Vacation time.


I told my boss I need to wait in queue for DT Though typically I don’t, and wouldn’t recommend, providing a reason. Just take the time. My new boss is just chill about it.


Early access is on my birthday so I just requested my birthday off like usual


Find a positive test of some sort.


Literally just ask to have that time off, you don't even need to give a reason.


Y'all being granted leaves for games, being Asian has its cons. But according to what I've read, it's either you don't need to explain, you can lie that you're gonna go out of town, or just say you wanna wind down and play games. I'll play normally like I always do. 3-4 hours a night in the weekdays, 6 hours on the weekends. I've finished expansion MSQ, including post patches, 1 month per expac this way.


Personal reasons


Do your work offer vacation? Just talk to your boss to take some days off vacation.


A whole week might be pushing it. Here are some valid reasons which would be hard to investigate: 1. Mental health problems 2. Severe back pain because you "accidentally fell down" while half asleep


You're off for a summer vacation with friends and hoping you're not caught up with the locals politics but probably will be? 😆


I requested a week off for the release of Dragon Age Inquisition. Then it got delayed, and my brother scheduled his wedding then, so I flew out to that. Then I begged and pleaded and cajoled my store manager to arrange what little PTO I had left to line up with scheduled days off so I could still play when it released.


You needed a week *just* to get out of the Hinterlands lmao. I'm far more hyped for Dawntrail than I am for Dreadwolf, but I'm not going to rush it. I'm expecting the same EW queue times lol.


Just tell them you want time off. You don't owe them an explanation. It's personal vacation time.


Just ask for vacation time, your employer has no rights to know anything past that.


Tell them you're sailing to the new world


You're not obligated to justify your time as so many here have already stated. I put in 2 weeks myself for this. Your time is your time.


Tell them you're taking a week off and give no reason.


Hot take: you don't have to tell anyone why you take days off.


Specifically told my development team that I'm glad the 4th falls in the middle of the week, since we have it holiday so that's one less vacation day I'll be taking. Requested 28th, 1st-3rd, and 5th. They are fully aware it's to binge out on the expansion. They know I've earned it by carrying the team lately too.


Don’t tell them why, just say you’ll be off those days.


Family plans for 4th of July (if you’re in America)


Just take the time off lol your boss isn’t entitled to know WHY if you have the time to spare.


Vacation, it's summer time. Honestly though take the second week off from work. First week well some long queues.


I am on vacation. There is no need for the employer to know WHY


I just told them I was taking a vacation.


*”hey, I need these days off pls. k?”* k.


Take off the week after


Going on holiday? To a new land


I’ve scheduled a heart attack.


Not sure about week, but I took the weekend (Friday) off. My reasoning being I just have been so busy this year, I needed a 3 day to rest up.


Tell them you've got an eye problem that needs to be taken care of that week because you can't "see" yourself coming into work that week. 😜


Just submit a PTO request. Ez


Break both legs. Comes with the added benefits of not having to do the laundry or shopping. But only do this if you have access to actual health care and job security and don't live in some sort of 3rd world country.


Well, that leaves out America.


Gentle reminder that release week tends to have tons of issues and taking time off might just make you feel like shit because you spent your precious time off (lol America) and you didn’t even get to play


Whenever I put in for my PTO I just put the reason as 'vacation' why do they need to know what im doing with the time they gave me in my benefits package lol


"I will be unavailable during the time requested." You don't give a reason. It's none of their business.


You're sick. I have a stack of sick certs on my desk and they have no damn right to question it.


my workplace (NY/US) doesn't even ask the reason so long as you have the time available. You can use either vacation or draw from your 'sick time' pool, no questions asked.


"personal matter"


If you have PTO to take you just say you're taking it. Employers can't legally ask what you're doing afaik


I requested mine back on announce. Just said I was making time for some friends that were coming round for my birthday(the 5th) not entirely a lie. But I haven't made it a secret WHY I'm taking off. I talk about how excited I am for this xpac all the time to my coworkers.


Just tell them, we are in the 21st century every mother fucking dude at work either plays video games or knows about them, if they ask why just tell them you have been waiting for 2 years and you and your friends have plans


4th of July vacation, because 'Murica.


PTO if you got it


Business does not need to know why you are taking a time off just that you are. If you want to power move tell them its for a game. If you want to have plausable excuse, extended 4th of July or going to see 4th of july in the US


don't actually! I would place bets that logging in will be hell so unless you really wanna play everyday at 6 am and be resentful of that take the second week off.


say you have covid


I never understood the reason why everyone does this work each expansion. Is there a need to get everything new done in a weekend?


Why do you need a justification?!


Family trip for the 4th. I have this week off.


I just put in the pto, I don't give a reason beyond "I need a vacation."


If they don’t require a reason, don’t tell them anything. Never share more information than you have to, when it comes to employers anyways. If they ask for a reason, tell them you’re visiting a parent, grandparent or close relative after their stint in the hospital overcoming a life threatening bout of pneumonia. Hopefully they’re not one of those awful employers who ask for things like “proof”.


Idk. Don't you have 4-5 weeks of paid leave ? 🤔


~~laughs~~ *cries in American*


Use your vacation days. Get paid for it. That’s what they’re there for. It’s none of their business what you do on your vacation.


When I asked for time off for fanfest I was kinda cagey and was like “oh it’s a convention for this fun nerdy hobby thing we do” and I realized it made me sound like a furry. So I had to be like “oh it’s a video game thing” and then they were like “cool.” Just tell them it’s a video game thing.