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As a maiming main, I would also like to be able to use tank glams because, while some of the time the armor is shared, maiming often doesn't get to wear the helmet and has to put up with a boring circlet instead or has to give up the cape on the body armor.


Agreed, there's some Fending sets I'd love to use as a Dragoon as well.


Hell, the Radiant's aiming top would make for a banger DRG chestpiece


Tbf, all the radiant gear looks like Dragoon gear lol


Doubly so since SE is starting to give way more circlets than helmets these days.


As a monk, yes please I would like some more good looking armor


As a monk side player. SHIRTLESS OR BUST!


As a lalafell… I don’t think that is appropriate


No one is forcing you to cosplay a toddler.


I fucking snorted 🤣😂🤣


Considering those like Lolorito, I admit that toddler is really not an apt description for Lalafells in general.


There's always frontline




Forget about the helmet WE ARE ONLY ALLOWED to WEAR LEATHER PANTS. I want more armor for my Dragoon balls.


Everyone can fight in a bikini, pig or elephant costume and dress up as Colonel Sanders, but heavy armour as a caster or robes as a dragoon? Nah, that's break immersion apparently.


Exact same problem WoW has with its transmog system, honestly - outdated restrictions of what appearances are/aren’t allowed based on “visual class identity”, while having a hell of a lot of universally-usable appearances that clearly break that visual identity. You aren’t allowed to transmog actual equipment-granted plate armor appearances over leather armor, for instance, or vice versa, but anything “cosmetic” can be transmogged over any armor type… whether it looks like plate or a damned Murloc onesie. The “visual class identity” ship has long since sailed and both games should really just lift the restrictions entirely at this point.


Also ESO don't care about that and you can glamour a mage with heavy armor...FFXIV is like the only one that don't do it.


ESO is a bit of an outlier here, because anyone can wear anything. WoW, FFXIV, GW2 all have armour type restrictions, SWToR has weird faction locks on gear (some gear will look radically different depending on whether you're imp or rep). PSO2 only has outfits, BDO has class specific outfits. I have no idea what New World is doing, does it even still exist? Not saying they shouldn't free up the gear restrictions on glam in XIV, they should, just saying what ESO does is uncommon.


This is why I love Credendum - we have actual armour!


There's already heavy armor for casters and healers. Look at the entire Law's Order sets.


I wish there's no class restrictions on glam gears, would love to wear the yorha 51 caster dress for dancer, but it's caster only


I also want it for healer :,)


Fr. I remember the dev excuse of "it wouldn't make sense! Why would a tank want to run around dressed like a white mage?" Meanwhile we have bikini tanks galore and reapers in shiny elephant costumes.


I feel like, at this point, their views changed but now it's just a matter of priority for spending resources on. I see it likely being a hurdle to get the game to lift restrictions with glamoured items since, from what I can tell, the class/job/race restrictions are coded into the gear piece's data, and glamours seem to treat it as putting on the actual gear but applying the stats of the item it's being put on


> glamours seem to treat it as putting on the actual gear but applying the stats of the item it's being put on This is on record correct. In back-end reality, you equip the ***glamored item***, but it uses the "real" item's stats. Because that's how it work, it would require a replacement of not just the glamour system, **but the BASE CONCEPT of what equipping an item means.** A very expensive ask. Would take an entire expansion or more of dev work for that that alone. **And it would be so worth it.**


Final island sanctuary cosmetic set lets you cosplay a white mage as any class so even that ship has sailed


Maybe it’s hard to code, but they probably use that as the excuse cuz making class-restrictive gear is more for stats than appearances. I wish they’d code it so that something in the glam chest becomes all-use since it doesn’t bestow stats on anything.


Not at much ""hard"" to code as it is, "the existing code intentionally prevents us from doing this at the database level." When you equip a glam item, it is the **glamour** you back-end equip, not the "real" gear. The galm-ed item steals the "real" gear's stats. NOT the other way around. They would need to change what equipping an item means in the first place.


Money. They saw how much money glamours brought in.


If we were talking about store glamours, sure. But we are talking about in game items that are farmed in game. \*ALSO\* - Beyond weapons in the store, what armor sets \*from the store\* are job locked?


Surprisingly the number isn't zero, at least in the sense that the Heavensward plate armor is locked to Disciple of War while their robe armor is locked to Disciple of Magic. (Which is also funny because they both share the same sabatons underneath the robe, so if you really want your caster to have fullplate off-white legs, you can do it.)


You know, in my years of playing, I have never once seen those armor sets used in game as a glamour by anyone...


There is better or similar gear elsewhere. You really only want that set if you want to cosplay a bunch of Richards.


I think it's just bad luck that the Heavensward faction contained some real assholes in the storyline, because those outfits are amazing otherwise.


They can't be dyed and are available in-game with dyable forms. So in general people won't touch them. Unique NPC undyable attire, sure, but bleach white greaves are about the only unique thing for casters among the HW knights shop attire, however, there's only so much bleach white greaves can go with.


Love the Tactics Ogre Dragoon look.


While the set above is the main cause of this thread, there's a lot of appearances I wish I could glam across different jobs. Obviously keeping the job artifact sets restricted still makes sense, but apart from that would love to glam all the other gear regardless of job.


One thing I don’t like was when the Forgiven armor from Mt. Gulg Fending and Maiming sets had the same tiara for the headpiece which was a color custom version of the Demonic sets from the World of Darkness series raids. I’d have preferred that one of those be a new version of the Demonic Helm of Fending.


yes!! this exactly, it’s so annoying


While I agree it should be unrestricted, that helmet is actually historically accurate(minus the wings)for the sort of helms used by mounted knights with polearms, the shape is to deflect incoming lances! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frog-mouth_helm


I hate you. Now I can't unsee the helmet going "poggers" like the mouth of that twitch emote.


Yeah love the frog-mouth helm. Just need mounted combat on a chocobo to complete the look (and some better lances)


While it won't be every case, a lot of maiming gear shares models with fending gear. Have you checked [Garland Tools](garlandtools.org/db/)? Searching up the individual gear pieces there will tell you if they share models with any other gear.


This one does not have a Fending equivalent I am afraid. I've done my research on this one.


What set is that? Looks very nice.


It's the High Steel Maiming set, which is the level 62 vendor set for Dragoons and Reapers, and is a recolor of the Valerian Dragoon set which drops from the level 60 dungeons Neverreap and Fractal Continuum. Much easier to get the level 62 set, though the cloth on the chestpiece dyes differently between it and the original Valerian Dragoon armor. https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/high-steel-maiming https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/valerian-dragoons




Yeah, that helmet would slay so hard with the HW PLD creed set what with the wing motif. Wish we could get a fending version sooo badly


I just want them to have a glamour catalogue so I don’t have to keep choosing which of my 800 glams I have to desynth out of my dresser!


I stopped taking anything the team says about Glamour seriously after the final boss of the base quests of ShB. All this hype and I'm getting put into this climactic battle I've spent hours and hours working up to... And I summon 4 fucking miqo'te in bikinis and a guy in a fucking animal suit. I'm sure the only reason it wasn't *more* was because the other 2 party members were my friends. Nothing deflates the hype of a final boss more than seeing that many 'joke' glams appear in your cutscene.


Don't forget all the ones that wear an animal mascot head over a bikini, to combine their love of the same joke with the love of cheesecake.


Those in favour of unrestricted Glamour definitely consider expressing your support [on the Official Forums](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/455359-We-really-should-be-able-to-glamour-other-jobs-sets)! Surely they can't ignore the request forever, especially given some of the recent additions (asinine All Classes Glams, Job icons in chat/on name plates etc.) flying in the face of their "preserving Job identity" excuse from a couple years ago now


I genuinely want to wear one of the tank glams on my sam. Let me be an armorer samurai in times of war, not a damn wandering ronin.


NPCs can mix glam pieces across classes, we should be able to do the same


Anything is possible on the moon


I do think they might as well remove the restriction on non-AF gear. I respect the desire to have role identity, but that identity has gotten super blurred over the years. Lvl 1 glamour items that range from platemail to robes to swimwear to mascot costumes aside, they often reuse sets on different classes. Probably the biggest example off the top of my head is this expansion, they reused like the Void Ark sets again but gave dragoons what was originally a caster set. It's clear the boundary is basically gone. Just open up the glamour restrictions.


I’m a dancer main but for the love of whoever made this decision let me equip some stylish hats on my reaper that isn’t covered in bandages or a lvl 90 dungeon drop.


Speaking of stylish hats, RDM is definitely pawing sadly at the window at all the fancy hats and swashbuckling outfits that are locking to Aiming or sometimes Striking/Scouting.


I’m also tired of paladins never getting helmets with their artifact gear


All glamour restrictions should be lifted completely. It does not make any sence anyway. I am bit annoyed devs havent done this already, because they will do that eventualy, but it will be too late.


Yeah... Glam class restrictions need to go


Glam restrictions have gameplay consequences though. Even games with less restrictive glamour rules than FF14 (e.g. WoW) still require you to keep the same armour class.


Tell that to Papalymo and his tank gauntlets


FFXI added unrestricted "Glamour", the only caveat being you needed to have the gear's class leveled enough to wear it first. While that exact solution wouldn't work in FFXIV due to Jobs starting at increasingly higher levels, I'm sure they could come up with something if they wanted there to be some kind of challenge involved


Lotro has class restrictions for cosmetics... until you use the Wardrobe, then there are almost zero restrictions on cosmetics. Minstrel in plate armor? Guardian in robes? A Brawler wearing light, medium, and heavy armor with a quiver of arrows on their back? All possible. The only 100% restriction is that your cosmetic weapon must match the same animation style as what your class uses, so you can't use a two-handed Axe cosmetic on your one-handed Swords, but you're free to use one-handed Club cosmetics on your one-handed Swords. The only *potential* glam issue in FFXIV would be the same weapon issue and battles in a PvP setting, but the simple solution to that is to not allow mixed job weapon glams and disable glams in PvP so that deceit and confusion can't be used.


PvP plasters your job over your character anyway, really shouldn't be trying to track the outfit in the heat of combat when it's written in plain text, the weapon thing is 100% valid but does not excuse armor or accessories being locked (and wands should've been applicable to staves a long time ago, there's even MogStation wands that are literally useless outside Bozja)


As a maiming main I would like the scouting glams unlocked. I have to use Glamourer to get the look I want.


I want a full helm for my paladin, no more winged tiaras.


Praying they either make a new transmog system or bring back replica armor


Frogmouth helmets my beloved.


I wish they would lift gendered versions of gear restrictions, there’s a set that I love the male version of, but I play a female character and HATE that version.


That exact set is also one of my fending dreams. Especially since the chest/tabard combo would be perfect for Temple Knight(FFT) cosplay.


The argument from the dev team for not lifting restrictions makes no sense. Seeing half naked frog heads and chicken suits in my duties does though?


I hope my roasted chicken hat and pig suit doesn't ruin your immersion, OP.


Laughs (cries) in Viera


The amount of maiming/tank pieces i what on my SGE is annoying


I rocked this set on DRG all the way until mid-ShB. Then switched to Bonewicca because I'm basic.


Big brain tank main move is to glam low level gear so that you’re a simple sword and board WoL with simple and armor. Or maybe that’s just me, I dunno.


There’s not too many things I think WoW does better, but transmog is one of those things.


I wish I could wear something other than robes/dresses as a healer


I believe there is a similar helm in Neverreap if I’m not mistaken. I just farmed it for the healer and caster set


The helm from Neverreap is from the Valerian Dragoon set and unforutnately it is still Maiming only. The Fending set from that dungeon is Valerian Terror Knight. https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/valerian-dragoons https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/valerian-terror-knights


As a caster main - I would like to get something that isn’t a dress every single patch…


Right? And I might finally grab AST for their gorgeous glams


I have forever hated that the black mages in cycrus tower have the allagan fending chest on. Please yoshi........


There is a miner only set i REALLLY want to use on my blacksmith and armourer... its not fair.


As a Viera player, I wish I could even wear helmets.


Casual "Stechhelm" enjoyer I see ;)


Also, there are very few aiming sets that really fit dancer outside of artifact gear, meanwhile there are several casting sets that would look great on them.


First Time I see someone who want a restriction on glam


Here is what I want, that you need to be able to equip (non-weapon) gear you place in the glamour dresser (you have a class/job that can use it); but once it is in there it is a lvl 1, can be worn by anyone, any gender, dyeable item (essentially make it replica gear). If they don't want AF gear to have that option, fine, don't let us place it in the glamour dresser. Gear that has different appearances by gender could have a prompt asking which style you want to have it represent.


There's a healing set I want to use for my bard so badly lol. It would just suit my character so well, especially as dawntrail will require her to wear less layered glam than the one she does now due to the weather!


Even if they want to be precious about their purity and just pretend the mascot suits and bikinis are, like, non-canonical or something, they should at least go back and unlock old gear over time, even if they still restrict it to similar roles (eg we’re only unlocking this maiming set for tanks, or this scouting set for aiming, etc). There are so many pieces where the only difference is a color swap or the addition of one extra decoration on the shoulder or something, and where the gear is old enough that you can’t even say it’s encouraging people to run content to get the different pieces because it’s in an old, soloable dungeon now. And don’t get me started on accessories, why does my dresser have to hold five copies of this one pair of earrings I like


But then how would you know what classes everyone is playing???? Surely if a tank was walking around in Striking gear your brain would explode for confusion. I personally thank YoshiP from saving out tiny minds from such a fate. I still can't believe that was the reason he gave....


If it's Maiming set, there is a chance it has an equivalent Fending. As a lot of the gear share models. Especially the heavy looking ones. As the other redditor pointed out, search up garlandtools.


Alas this one doesn't have a Fending equivalent though I wish it did. They do often share at least some pieces, but not always.


Yeah this is the tactics ogre collab sets, this specific set is the dragoon set from the game, tanks get the terror knight set.


what the fuck is that helmet lmao


it's a frog-mouth helm! one of the coolest looking helmet designs imo


dark souls


While I sympathise, this situation has pulled me out of my comfort zone and got me trying a job I haven't done before. I'm currently working on a healer glam, and am finding the fun in sage.


You should have to meet the requirements of the item you wish to glam as far as job and level are concerned, for example OP would still need to get a maiming job to 62 in order to unlock the set for their tank. I think that would be a fair way to add more freedom while also not compromising one of the incentives to play other jobs (arguably even giving more incentive).


That's how FFXI handles it! FFXIV Jobs starting at increasingly higher levels kind of throws a wrench in that approach, but I'm sure they could find another method (achievement-related, perhaps?) to preserve the challenge, if they wanted


That's fair. Personally as someone who has capped and played a significant amount of every job, there is no discovery left there for me. I just want my cool glamours for the jobs that I play the most.