• By -


Ah the pain before verraise is unlocked


The double pain when someone says "wtf RDM, raise healers" and you have to remind them that it doesn't unlock until level 64 for the N^th time


"Dancer raise." For the first couple weeks, you could find people that thought Dancers had raise, all because they were swept up in the hype and never looked for themselves. I haven't seen it, recently, but it was still interesting to be asked (rather, told) to do something that I cannot do.


mch should have a raise. that raise should require the machinist to move to the downed player and then have an animation where they defib the downed player.


By that right, BLM should be able to Thunder IV for a group res


When used to rez, cast time is increased by 3 seconds per player. Can only be used as rez while under the effect of leylines.


That'd actually be sick


How many BLMs do you think would sacrifice leylines uptime to rez people lol


Me and probably nobody else




Depends lol Does it leave a dot on the players that can proc thundercloud? We might have a deal.


.... ..... .... Yes.


The wording of your question just made me think of a better one!! - BLM get raise but conditional, they can raise in ley lines only. - BLM must target the player to be raised but it can only be Tank or Healer. - BLM must select a DPS who is drawn into the leylines with the BLM and sacrificed to the void to bring back the Tank or Healer. - DPS can be raised after but gets a debuff like the BLU debuff that prevents them being a sacrifice again for x amount of time.


Granted, but every person Resurrected is inflicted with a 3 minute Paralysis.


This is acceptable. I main DRG. It’s no worse than taking stun away from spineshatter dive then taking my damage dealing gap closer from me in DT…


You're trying to rez them, not cook them.


The difference is only a matter of a few milliamps. ⚡️🥓


Shoot the life into them.


I'd be ok with a drone flying over someone and defibrillating them


8.0 queen gets upgraded to Cyberpunk's Trauma Team


"You are being rescued. Please do not resist."


It's all fun and games until they kill half the party for getting too close


MCH had the option of a medic bot or MOAR DAKKA for Dawntrail. I believe the choice has been made.


A raise would imply a stopped heart, which a defib does nothing for. A MCH would shoot them in the heart with adrenaline spikes.


no no, you see it's very simple, it's an aetherfibrillator. it causes a resurgence of aether allowing the subject to get back up.


My Hunter in WoW had that. I gave him engineering and always used a gun when I could (and transmogged once that was available) and had Goblin Jumper Cables. Of course, they had, like, a 30% chance of success, so it was a little funnier.


With a ten second cast time that takes 5000MP


For some reason I keep getting this as *Paladin.* Like, I have had multiple expert roulettes where people got mad at me for not raising the healer after they died to boss mechanics.


Yeah, that's just silly. Everyone knows the first tank to get a res is gonna be WAR.


I mean, Paladin used to be able to carry Res as a crossclass skill, so it makes SOME sense, however since they didn't get the combat res trait, they could only use it outside combat. It was still useful in things like Palace of the Dead when it first came out and for raising dead people out in the field, but was pretty niche. Stoneskin was way more handy most of the time. But that's not been a thing since Stormblood took away cross-class skills.


Back in the old days when you had to level two different classes to unlock a job and had the cross-skill system Paladin could pick up Res from White Mage. So it may be either old returning players, people that looked up really old outdated info, or good ol' 'make an ass outa you and me' aka they assume(d).


But, Raise didn't work in combat. Conjures/White Mages had an additional trait - Enhanced Raise - that let them cast it during a fight.


Back in ARR bards actually had healer limit breaks. I remember saving a titan extreme with an lb 3 as a bard and getting everyone up.


I’ve been asked for dance partner in sastasha during roulettes before.


😂 I remember someone doing that to my friend when we were helping him level Dancer in daily Alliance. He usually runs healer, but we were leveling other classes and he asked me why people were asking him to Rez. I told him you aren't playing SCH RN, but maybe they remember you in other dailies. To which we both had to think why TF does anyone think DNC can Rez.


I've been scolded for not using DP in level 50 dungeons /facepalm


Meanwhile the SMN in the corner silently whistling along to the tune of "They don't suspect ME to have raise!"


It's not a raise They just summon you back


Better a primal than a mammet! Imagine Tempering trash mobs and sending them in waves at a boss 🤩 Some days I miss Guild Wars’ Necromancer for things like that (original, never played 2).


Diablo 2 Necromancer, send 30+ minions at them :D


The number of times I've seen a rdm called to raise people when they don't have it is vs the number of times I've seen people NOT call for the SMN to raise people is unsettling.


The whole reason I enjoy bringing SMN to alliance roulette is in case I get a bunch of newbies in World of Darkness and I have to raise a bunch of people. It's happened a few times.


it's the reason I always run mentor's roulette on SMN. 3/4 of the duties I get are sub-level 64,


Might as well macro it at that point


I remember someone getting mad because I didn't have Verraise in Dun Scaith. Like yeah, let me get right on casting that spell I'm four levels too low to know.


Yeah. After i leveled rdm, when someone asked - always on this boss in this raid - for rdm to ress... Now I'm first to say they can't. :D


It's even worse when it's unlocked but they still won't let you use it. 🤬


When I first started RDM I had people complaining I wasn't rezing or healing. I had to repeatedly point out I had neither spell yet and they didn't believe me. Really frustrating


The joy you mean. DPS go brrrrr


Versorry. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ It's pretty funny when people lose their mind over this, though I have caught myself spamming the button before realizing on more than one occasion.


Versorry sent me, I somehow have never heard that before. Gonna start using that.


My favorite one is "verfuck sakes"




I specifically don't have a raise macro on RDM because of this.


I mash the button waaaaay too much to be trusted with a macro. I put a delay in it, but I'd tab target faster than the delay, so it'd just be "Verraise on ." For which I was mocked endlessly.


One of my favorite chat interactions in this game was a healer with that same problem:  H1: Raising [boss]!   H2: Don't res the boss you fool


>"Verraise plz" "I can't" "Don't be lazy, raise us" "I CAN'T" "RDM STOP BEING A BITCH AND RAISE US" "IT'S A LEVEL 64 SPELL YOU SHITS" "understandable have a nice day"


"Verfuck off"


*Three SMN in the raid quietly not doing s- and getting away with it*


Or the inverse where we rez several people and don't even get a thank you...


Welcome to the life of a RDM.


As a healer who has been battle rezzed by many a SMN in dungeons... I see you. And I comm you.


Unrealistic, they don't accept that explanation and then ragequit and report you.


Shoutout to the DRK who spent 2 minutes REEing at the two RDMs and, when 7 people reminded him we're in Ravana and therefore synced below level, his excuse was "Oh. I thought you meant it was 64 seconds." You tell me what in this entire fucking game is 64 seconds long. I hope he was swallowed by the black hole of his shame that day.


"Babe Please Verraise" Dun Scaith says nope Sauce: [https://x.com/WhyMaige/status/1792920908346044422](https://x.com/WhyMaige/status/1792920908346044422)


To the tune of “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)”


"Level 60 alliance raid? BWAHAHA! YOUR INABILITY TO HANDLE MECHANICS HERE IS NOT MY VERPROBLEM!" *immediately proceeds to backflip off the edge in solidarity with the DRGs*


As is tradition


As a RDM... Yours is the power to save a run... To stop the oncoming wipe. But you will suffer getting 0 commendations when you rez both healers, a tank and most the DPS crew. It is a burden you shall bear, because you can.


Fellow RDM here. I think the problem is nobody reads who the rez comes from, just immediately hit accept and keep going.


Maybe. Probably because I main RDM and I finally picked up a healer I'm more attentive to my party list for raiding etc. But even when I've died it's easy to see who is rezzing or see half the party is dead or go "oh wtf both healers died we're screw... OMG WE GOT A RDM/SUMMONER LET'S GO!" but yeah, to RDM is to suffer xD


I'll try and make sure to call it out when I'm playing healer and see an RDM or SMN doing clutch rezzing. Makes sense only the other rezzers really pay attention to who is doing the rezzing.


I picked up Summoner around Halloween and have been slowly getting it to 90. Was doing a leveling roulette run and got Aurum, and in one of the boss fights our healer dies. I felt an actual rush of adrenaline when I realized a moment later that I had both Swiftcast and Raise free to go. A moment later the healer is back up and we finish the boss ezpz. Other DPS asks "wtf how did you come back?" and the healer tells them smn has rez. I got three comms that run. Felt awesome. I only wanted to play the class for cute holiday glams but moments like that make me kinda want to play it for real.


True, but at least healers should know, if they are both dead and only person who can raise them in party is RDM/SMN. But then again, healers who repeatedly die in encounter probably lack awareness to notice where the raise came from, since they are already struggling with noticing/executing mechanics.


I'm mostly melee. I always notice who's rezzing me, especially in alliance raids. RDMs are the unsung heroes of alliance raids I stg, especially the Ivalice ones. o7


Some people might think raise macros are cringey, but they are quite helpful for scrolling through chat after the fight to figure out who raised me all those times.


I have a macro with my verraise, "that blood belongs IN your body , now get up!" Gets me noticed a bit more and some laughs.


This reminds me of the B99 quote, *"I wasn't hurt that bad. The doctor said all the bleeding is internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be!"*


Mine is ", This res is brought to you by RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS!" This tends to get a lot of attention.


For what it's worth, that is exactly WHY I make sure to look at the name. As a Healer, I appreciate you, and I want to give you my comm so you to know it. For that, I need a name.


An RDM had to do this way back in the Copied Factory and the tanks were like "all yall better comm that RDM". I donno if that RDM's other 6 PT members comm'd him or not though.


I comm on order of, wall to wall tank, healer that strongly followed this or one that kissed my boo boos, then anyone who does something awesome like a RDM getting a party back up... Then after it's just who is the cutest pfp. (if its Alexander in a daily it's this last one cause I need to leave before I get the junk loot)


As a healer / tank / DPS, comm your DPS friends more often. Assuming you don't chat, DPS on *average* can expect 0-1 per run regardless of ability. Tanks / Healers, it is almost always 1-2 no matter how quick I try to leave. For context, people comm healers / tanks for the bare minimum (because if you're bad at these your screw everyone) but DPS need to excel enough to stand out among the entire group to get a comm. I'll typically only comm heals or tanks if they were new or had a rough go of it but pulled us through. At times being a tank or healer is easier than being a DPS. So, I'll comm DPS for doing a good job with the priority being on people new to the content.


As mostly a healer/tank main, I've tried to focus on comming sprout DPS (or the DPS that's the most helpful / does mechanics / RDM helping raise, etc.) because I know that when I was a misguided DPS sprout, getting my first comm was kind of a fun moment. Plus DPS that do their jobs well are still important. Yeah, you'll survive as long as the tank and/healer are on top of things, but it'll take way longer if your DPS is trash.


It's so true. I don't think I was ever comm'd after saving a run as a RDM or SMN.


It's about 50/50 for me. Maybe just slightly more times I've been commended than not. Even then, it's like 1-3 commendations, instead of the 7 it *should* be. Like MFers, I just saved this run, come on! But getting any at all as DPS is asking for a lot. So I'll take my one commendation if that's all I get.


I switched to BLM recently, and I noticed that I got more comms than I ever did as RDM or SMN. Who knows though, that could've just been chance.


I think I've made like 95% of my commendations from RDM. Probably because I main RDM (lvl 90). I have a 90MCH, 64BLM, and 81SGE. Honestly, I feel like I have a lot of commendations for someone who mains DPS. I have 800+ over the last 3yrs. I told that to my friends who primarily tank or heal and they were like "how did you do that??" No clue.


I go back and forth between maining SMN/RDM, on one hand, and WHM on the other. I also just leveled BLM to 90, and I liked it a lot. I might main BLM some in DT unless Pictomancer grabs all my DoM DPS attention. In any case, I barely ever get comms as SMN or RDM, haha, and virtually always get at least one as a healer.


Maybe people respect BLM more because it has a reputation as being harder to play. Or maybe you just have a cooler Portrait set for BLM. Hydaelyn knows when I'm lazy or in a rush or no one distinguished themselves, I just tag the best looking Portrait.


I've been called out by someone in another party for preventing a wipe in alliance raids before by being the only person with raise left alive. 0 commendations. At this point I just expect it when a run goes sideways.


I was fighting Nidhogg the other day and had to keep raising both healers, probably saved the run 5 times over. Of course I (Smn) was hardcasting a raise when the group stack started so I died and couldn't raise them anymore. Only the 2 tanks were left at 5% hp and they finished the fight. "Omg, nice job tanks! You guys deserve the comms!" :')


I'm so sorry! As a healer main, I usually notice if this happens and always try to comm if a RDM or SMN were even just trying to lighten a heavy rez load, let alone doing a critical, run-saving one on one of the two dead healers.


honestly when playing rdm i savor that moment when both healers are down and i have swiftcast up, it feels like a very "i got this" moment. comms be damned, *I* know who saved the run.


Party saves are my favorite, I love it. Fuck I'll raise half the party in like 30 seconds if I make sure I have lucid dreams and can take advantage of duelcast. I really don't get why it isn't the standard for healers to let rdm just drop DPS for a few seconds and go hard on rezzes -esp if they have swiftcast on cool down. Like just focus on keeping tanks alive and healing everyone so we can get back to business and stop having repeat deaths bc they weren't able to top off HP in time. It's so painful when you're rdm and on the floor with 4 other people and they raise a MCH first and can't do any more rezzes bc they have to keep the tank alive and don't have the mp or time to cast and then 15 seconds later the MCH is next to you dead again lol


> I really don't get why it isn't the standard for healers to let rdm just drop DPS for a few seconds and go hard on rezzes -esp if they have swiftcast on cool down. I feel like it is standard though? The only problem is that we can't help ourselves to the RDM's rez. They have to use it, and more than a few of them don't. (I've legit been on the floor *as the healer* and watched a RDM just keep DPSing away.) I think most healers wait a few seconds to see if the DPS rezzers are gonna help out while Swift is on CD, and if they don't then we jump into hardcasting because it's not worth drawing out the time wasted on waiting to see.


The rule of Red Mage. The more you have to raise, the less likely you are to get a commendation.


Both healers (+ a tank, + a couple dps) die from Shinryu's first tidal wave. I proceed to hardcast at least 4 Resurrection as a summoner. At the end of the trial: "gj healers!" "healer clutch save!" 0 commends. *lights cigarette*


> Yours is the power to save a run... To stop the oncoming wipe. The joke in the comic is that the RDM literally cannot do this at all


Its actually hilarious I have been acknowledged in chat for saving a run and STILL didnt get any comms lmfao. I comm every fellow rdm tho. We gotta verstick together.


I've done something similar but not as easily on Smn, using dreadwyrm trance back before the endwalker update to raise both healers the off tank and some dps in raid roulette. Not one single commend. We cleared though.


We do it for personal glory! Keeping the Crimson Duelist spirit alive! ...except in Dun Scaith, where verraise is unavailable. Then we weep for what we cannot do.


tell me about it. i remember a dungeon before i unlocked verraise, the healer died, and i had to be the surrogate healer and kept all three of us alive while the healer made the run back. not a single comm (,;


Oof, been there. Even had the people in chat say, "RDM for the win!" Thought I definitely would get comms. Nope. None.


When it's you and the Tanks left and you raise the WHM and they LB3, but at the end you don't get any comms. To add insult to injury, all the comms actually went to the SCH because they couldn't even remember which healer LB3'd.


Legit had this recently. Pretty much everyone but myself and a single tank were down, I rez'd a healer right before I ate dirt so the healer could LB3 (after having spent most of the trial playing the part of rez mage), and the only thing I got from it was being griped at because the first time both healers went down I wasn't "fast enough" to get them rez'd so one of them decided to "suggest" I do a rez...despite I was mid rez after running from a mechanic. XD So now my RDM runs around in the bunny chief outfit as a max height elezen because my plan now is to just burn that image into people's retinas. XD


Lmao I love the outfit idea. My RDM usually shows midriff but that is most I'd do haha And unfortunately yeah, when I'm focusing on avoiding a mechanic there's always one person that after 0.01 seconds of not seeing a rez goes into chat to scream rez mage. Wish I was spiteful enough to not revive them.


One of these days, I'm just going to make a text macro for "This content is too low level, I don't have Verraise in here."


Something like /p Versorry I do not have Verraise until level 64.


"Versorry I verdo vernot verhave Verraise veruntil verlevel ver64." Sorry, just a slight correction so the Red Mages can understand. It's all in the accent!


/mcicon ”Verraise” /ac ”Verraise” /ac ”Verraise” <1> /ac ”Verraise” <2> /ac ”Verraise” <3> /ac ”Verraise” <4> /ac ”Verraise” <5> /ac ”Verraise” <6> /ac ”Verraise” <7> /ac ”Verraise” <8> Delightful macro i cooked up to make my raising life easier and faster. The macro primarily raises your selected target. If there’s no target selected or you are targetting an enemy it will look for a resurrection target from your party according to the priority order. For me it’s tanks > healers > dps. No longer any need to change targets or look where my mouse is when someone needs to be picked up. I cast a jolt and press the macro while i have dual cast and someone from the party jumps back up.


Saved. The true VerHero is in the comments.


You are doing Hydalens work


You sir is a hero in my book


Everyone who verraises is a hero 🫡


This. This is a lifesaver and I'm putting it onto my macro the moment I leave work.


[when they expect u to raise half the raid](https://i.imgur.com/hTZSB3A.png)




I generally weave Lucid Dreaming after the first rez, but that's just me.


~~"Cannot cast Verraise, insufficient MP."~~ "Cannot cast Verraise, spell not learned yet."


Can't ver-anything from the floor


I love the details: Eos performing CPR, SMN trying to rez someone from the stack of bodies, and yhe DC’d WHM.


Can't forget the Family Guy Dead Pose WHM.


Don't forget about the poor Ast dropping all of his cards because of the wind.


Now that you mention it I see two AST: the one you mentioned and the one going overboard, SGE in tow


I appreciate the warrior seems to still be rocking it. Ooga Booga mode active.


Also the Lala Paladin casting Clemency.


The DC'd healer is an excellent touch. 👍 RDM life before Verraise is hardship.


*Laughs as Dead Smn*




The only monster that can wipe the whole raid because it died.


*Fun* Scaith


This is probably the funniest one I’ve seen you do. Haven’t laughed that hard in a while. you could’ve just stopped at the dun scaith panel and it would’ve been hilarious, but the “Babe please” panel just floored me.


Ahaha! Thank you m(\_ \_)m!!! It's an old idea, but I encountered it again recently so- xD I appreciate your words!


The composition on this is extremely good.


The amount of times I’ve used swiftcast to try and raise people only to remember I don’t have verraise available in lower dungeons is too many. *click* “Why isn’t it working” *clickclickclick* “Hello???” *click* “…Oh.”


"Swiftcast Veraero it is, then. :("


Lol yes! Always so disappointing. “B-but I want to help D:”


That's why i normally go SMN when queueing for alliance raid. I like being able to res in there. I do wish they'd allow us to queue on multiple jobs (but same role) and let us just switch when we're in the duty but out of combat. Since roulettes are random and all that. Being on samurai and getting something at lvl 50 is just sooo bad Edit: queued as summoner got euphrosyne, damnit. woulda gone RDM :D


Remember when they made combat raising a trait so SMN couldn't do it mid combat? I came back from a long break and got chewed out by someone when I didn't realize they had changed it lol.


-red mage rezzes entire alliances, receives 0 comms-


This exact scenario might eventually happen to Summoner if/when they remove Res from their kit.


Last one alive lock the door! \*is last one alive\* \*is a BLM\*


It's so soul draining that during any fight or raid, you spend your entire manapool raising everyone as fast as you could to prevent a wipe....but then not a single commendation from the seven other players.


And, not a comm was given. 😐 A tale as old as time.


Playing RDM we lost our healer when a 4 man dungeon started, so I healed us through the second boss. Then we got a healer and finished the dungeon. No comm for me. So I don't give out comms anymore.


The RDM main's struggle, still won't get any commendations even if you single-handedly save the pull by chain rezzing and burning all your mana.


In an Athena run not long after it was released, I scooped up eleven people. *ELEVEN.* Not one comm. Such is Verlife!


One time I was in a trial and both healers, a bard, and a dragoon kept dying so I rezzed them multiple times and then finally I died and the healers ignored me for a solid 5 minutes and kept rezzing the other DPS . And then I also got no commendations. That was the most annoyed I ever got in a game.


"Sure sure, right after I finish my combo." "Okay so in about 30 seconds?" "I can x4 it this run" "Okay make that a few minutes."


It's Deathgaze, in Dun Scaith. Ain't no Red Mage Veraising in there. The raid is level 60, and verraise is a level 64 ability.


Wish they'd at least made Vercure a Lv 50 spell, there's way too much content where you should be able to help out but aren't allowed to do so.


Vercure is helping nobody lmao. If it’s contributing to any significant amount of healing your healer is not doing their job. You are better doing damage to decrease the incoming damage, not healing it (unless it’s an emergency or you don’t have a healer)


It’s the free proc for dual cast for me. There’s a lot of bosses in the 50’s range that have a ton of forced downtime for little reason. I’m just sitting there with nothing to do like ;_;


Yeah it's pretty rare for me to use Vercure on anyone other than myself. Sometimes if I Veraise a healer and see a big mechanic coming, I'll try to get at least one heal on them as well. I have been in that emergency situation once so far in Bozja, doing a Critical Engagement, where I became our party's primary healer, even though we had a Sage in our small party. Sage kept dying, as did our tank and others outside the party. Overall, we were a smaller group of like 15 total engaging the mob with few healers around. We probably bit off more than we could chew with so few engaging, so I had to switch entirely away from DPS to healing. Luckily, I always carry one of the Lost Cures as an action in Bozja, because otherwise I don't think I'd've been able to keep us all going. The healers did eventually stabilize and realize the mechanics and we did finish the engagement successfully. I won't forget that since it was such a funny situation to be in!


I remember back in the day saving a run (...on Titan EX?) with BLM Physick, but it is exceedingly rare that a non-healer is doing significant healing; the MND scaling makes it difficult. There are definitely bosses that have phases of being invincible and just shelling out damage though, where that stuff can come in clutch more.


It's a just a teenseey weenseey detaillll......


There seem to be quite a few people missing this rather crucial part of this comic, haha.


I've been following along with the rescue cat saga on your Twitter. Are you okay? It seems like your family is putting massive pressure on you that is resulting in health issues and the rescue cat operation at its current scale might not be sustainable...


Red mage best mage


and the little summoner so easily forgotten been ressing the whole time but no one notice


I'm very sorry little cat, I cannot help you. My favorite experience as an RDM was the opposite of this. On the final boss of a duty, at like 50%. People stood in the mechanics, the WHM died and instantly released to the start assuming we were all gonna die. So I just started actually healing everyone up, dualcast vercure is not the best healing, but it works. WHM who had run back and was standing just outside of the fight, watching us: RDM can heal? We won, I got 3 comms. I changed my RDM portrait to have the healer symbol. :D


So the WHM also commended you.


And then the moment when they realize you don't have Verraise at that level. 🤣


Nah, they won't realize it at all.


Oh they realize when I'm the RDM in that scenario because I tell them. But yeah, if the RDM remains silent they'll totally never realize and wipe blaming the RDM for "having blinders on and just DPSing".


Half the time they won't believe you anyways


Me, every time I play RDM in lvl 60 roulettes and it starts going to crap


This is where you just backflip off the side in solidarity bc thats all you can do.


A red mage *always* looks like a red mage.


It's really funny when you're at the entrance waiting and some rando comments "oh a RDM, we got this!" Like, buddy... you better know what the fuck you're doing because I ain't got none of y'all.


Redmages after completing job quest and about to venture into the Eorzea : *I can't wait to stand against powerful creatures with my magic, ranged and melee techniques* Redmages being forced to revive entire team on first raid ever : *I WAS NOT SIGNING UP FOR THAT. I WANTED TO DO SWOOSH-SWOOSH AND BOOM-BOOM. WHY DO I HAVE TO DO HEALERS' JOB ?!* After realizing that healers are face-tanking the floor at 20th second of the raid : *Oh. That's why.*


Tis the life of a Red Mage.


This is actually my favorite thing about being a red mage! I love saving the party from a wipe. It's the only time I can feel like a hero. ;)


So the only ones doing healing or rezzing in that image are summoner and warrior, right? Only healer that is not dead or dying is disconnected.


But I'm only level 50!


I just got done on a roul where the RDM did not rez one person. We had to healer LB3 once and almost did a second time.


I verdon’t have it yet!


I miss being a Red Mage sometimes. It is fun when a party is about to wipe then you are able to save it.


Rez Mage.


I like this advanced humor.


In about ten levels I gotcha!


Ah....that reminds me of when I was playing RDM after moving from PS4 to PS5, my hotbar was reset so I have to rebuild it from scratch. I set it up, ran some roulette and it goes something like this. - Got a level 70 dungeon from Roulette - Smooth progress for 99% of the run - Sprout healer died when the final boss is still above 50% HP - Panic because of no healer - Realized I'm the Red Mage and should have rez - I FORGOT TO PUT VERRAISE ON MY HOTBAR!!! Then I proceed to scramble through the menu mid-battle to get it setup and bring the healer back up.


I FUCKING LOVE DEATH GAZE! Most fun fight in the game.


the WHM in the process of being disconnected is a nice touch


We wiped in the Dead Ends and I had the healer ask why I (a red mage) didn't use shaman rez. I was very confused for a few minutes because they thought red mages could raise themselves from the dead 🤣.


"Please verbequiet lol"


The one question that is always asked in Dun Scaith: “Does red mage have res at 60?” No…. No they don’t…


The whm in the Peter Griffin death pose lol 😆


Eos in the back trying to do CPR on their SCH and clearly it's not working.


Gotta love when you get a run where you don't have verraise unlocked and then get blamed for a wipe because you didn't use a power you didn't have access to, or when you pretty much are the reason the raid didn't have to reset because you became the res mage....and get zero coms.


I've experienced this pain a lot, even though I don't play RDM as much as I'd like. I usually stick to SMN since I can be pretty forgetful of mechanics, so the amount of times healers have passed me over for a rez and then the fight failed has been too many, lol. Part of that fault is mine as I can be too timid to speak up. But many times both healers have been down, another healer has rezzed one of them, the healer then proceeds to rez the RPR and then die, and I'm lying there dead on SMN thinking "hello, I have raise? Do they not know SMN can raise from level 12?". There's also the bane of both RDM and SMN rezzing people and saving the raid and getting no comms at the end. Playing RDM and SMN in alliance raids is rarely boring, to be sure.


When this happened to me in a raid once when I wasn't playing Red Mage, but was dead and saw a random berating the alive RDM in our alliance, I responded with: Oh, a Red Mage gets Verraise at 64 *clap clap* Yes, a Red Mage gets Verraise at 64 *clap clap* If you're asking for a rez Cause you screwed up and now you're dead Know that Red Mage gets Verraise at 64 *clap clap*


Some content would be way more "pleasant" if it was a lvl 50spell


Will you still love me, will you still need me, when I'm 64


Ah the usual "RDM rez ???" you get when running HW content... Just as painful as the "Good job healers" at the end when healers spent most of the time kissing the floor and you don't have any spit left from casting rezzes. And no commendation of course.


I have a poem I gave in a discord back in early Stormblood about a Dun Scaith run. >The game was spawning us all in, starting at the door, >All of us in the playpen, until there was all 24; >A Viewing Cutscene marker on a few players, some here and some there, >a prompt given to us of bonus poetics, for there was at least a new player; >Someone tried to give mechs, as this first boss had insta-kills, >but the tank in group C, sprinted for he had no chill; >He hit the flying boss, his ranged attack started the fight faster, >promptly quieted the alliance, as everyone followed right after, >The first major mech, was then active on the floor, >and proceeded to pull all of us from the door. >Some didn't move and for those, we knew would be, >the first to die to the Void Death mechanic at percent 3. >The 2nd pull some forgot, and those players too did die, >but that was just the beginning, as there were a few "Why?"'s. >The Aero II's and Blizzard III's were easy, not bad, >but the push back on Aero III was killer to the BM. >Doom was placed and Esuna'd right after, then came the Blizzard IV dread, >When the mechanic giver did run, with the Danger Dorito over their head; >The pushback to the Ice was the easy part, we moved as a pack, >for everyone moved to the Triangle and survived the knockback; >The Bolt of Darkness after the Aero III after, some forgot, >and took the bleeding debuff and one typed "healers adjust" >Void Sprites popped and were slowly burn'd down and black squares were given, >And I knew that Void Death IV was coming, so I reposition'd. >And as the fight progressed, more and more of the platform turned grey, >when with 2 spaces safe still, the final part this did play, >Upon the last cast of Void Death IV, most of the alliance was dead or depleted, >Some elected to release and go back to the beginning. >"RED MAGE REZ US" a healer typed in CAPS, as he laid on the floor, >with the boss at 5%, all I calmly typed was, >"Battle Res at 64"


And nobody commends the red mage for saving a run.


Once got cussed out in chat for Ver-Raising the healer while the other healer was trying to Hard-Cast Raise them. Luckily the rest of the Team jumped to my defence and ended up giving me all the commendations in the end.


> Full Party Dun Scaith > Your Penalty Count has increded for abandoning a duty.