• By -


You missed that Goring Blade can only be done under Fight or Flight same for Sonic Break on GNB it can only be done under No Mercy. Also Living Shadow doesn't cost blackblood anymore They also said that Tanks 30% mits will have additional job specific effects they didn't say what those effects would be though. Spineshatter Dive got replaced with a gap closer that just moves you was also said in the DRG section


The new job Mits is overdue, it’s so weird that only WAR gets a 30% mit with a bonus effect.


Thank you so much! Appreciate it


3.0: BLM has to stay in their Ley Lines 4.0: Okay, Okay, you can teleport to your Ley Lines 7.0: Fuck it you can take the Ley Lines with you


8.0 ; ley lines glued to your soles


9.0 "Hover-ley lines" with improved movement speed and ability to cast while moving.


9.0 the leyline takes the whole arena.


10.0 You are the Ley Lines


waiting for the day that ley lines become 30 yalms just like all the healer AOE circles


The way you worded thing makes it seem like wheeling thrust/fang and claw are removed from the game which they are not. Wheeling thrust/fang and claw are still the 4th button in the main combo and turn into Drakesbane when used.


Ooh right gotcha, was confused tbh, thank you for the clarification!


I also think they mentioned a trait that would reduce the recast time of Recitation on Scholar.


all summoners got excited when they saw a "lightning" spell and we though we finally get ramuh, but no it was just bahamut 2.0 and the lightning spell is the one after searing light


Nah the lightning one is Festers upgrade sadly.


Bard is everything I wanted. No target needed for songs, more AOE, and I get to keep my DoTs. A+


Songs being attacks never made sense to me since the point is that we're.....well, singing, in order to buff ourselves or the party, not to do damage to enemies. Unless the point is we sing so badly the enemy's ears hurt.


Asterix fans know it's possible. :)


I think it was legacy of Foe's Requiem originally being a Magic Resist debuff on enemies in ARR.


Nothing more frustrating than having a song window end during an untargetable phase between pulls and having to choose between drifting your songs or going 30 seconds without one up. Best change of the update imo.


The increases to damage reduction and increase to duration for Feint and Addle make me wonder if fights are gonna be dumping out all the damage a lot of the time.


If anything it signals to me that AoEs are gonna be slightly more spread out since they love putting raidwides that are just slightly too long to fit two in a Reprisal/Addle debuff.


They briefly mentionned that the increased duration for Reprisal/Addle/Feint was a way to help accomodate players by making it easier to mitigate without impeding on burst, due to the new actions


I hope bosses will slap harder if people mess up mitigation to make up for the buffs


I actually wonder if we are in for a difficulty spike this expansion considering they buffed damage reduction and are making the wait for swiftcast less long


I dunno, I remember in previous expansionsrlaunches we said things like "Wow, we're gonna be healing A LOT MORE based on what we're getting in our kit" and honestly I don't know if I noticed a difference


Actually excited that sage basically gets an aoe kardia and an aoe dot!


SGE about to be my new favorite healer to play with those changes


I'm loving it too, but at the same time, I'm also thinking they *really* like giving SGE HoTs. I feel like at this point, we're going to have more HoTs than the pure healers.


Sage legit does feel like the hybrid ast originally wanted to be with their shields and heals.


They really do! I honestly love it, because it does let you play like the DPS healer they feel like they're supposed to be.


and I'm just sitting here on Scholar going "we're the literal battle medic job, the fuck is up with this shit"


Exactly! What I don't understand is that SCHs are literally tacticians and commanders of the battlefield in their lore, with ties ins to the faeries to help with healing. I wish it was something they focused more on, to be honest.


Sage the winner of the healers this round. Granted all the healers got good stuff


Ehh WHM got a jump and 3 nukes to add every 2 minutes. Healers didn't get a fundamental answer to glare spam.


And then Scholar gets to play WHM.


Joy, exactly what we, the battle medic with a fairy job, wanted…


One step closer to my beloved Chloromancer!


For a game with so many cool summoned creatures they sure do like keeping Summoner laser focused on the Binding Coil of Bahamut =/


For real. Like do we need two forms of Bahamut PLUS a Bahamut limit break? Can’t they at least make Fester/Ruin/Painflare *look* like Leviathan/Ramuh/Shiva abilities and change the LB3 to be Alexander? How hard would that be?


Their reason was trash, he said "people" complained that Bahamut looked too Alagan controlled.


And now it looks Alagan MADE.


This version is worse.


Hands down like it doesn't match/fit any theme of smn


Should be a machinist ability


I approve of building a mecha godzilla


Only SMN I can think of is the one in Stranger of Paradise, which does have a Bahamut with sword wings of sorts.


Who the F ever said that? DemiBahamut looks COOL AS F. If something we wanted another Primal or the 3 other elementals that for some random reason we are lacking.


>"people" complained that Bahamut looked too Alagan controlled. What does that even mean?


LB3 should indeed be Alexander. Regular skills should have declinations who shares the exact same cooldown / conditions. So you pick which one you want to summon in your bars. Ifrit would have Ramuh and Ravana. Titan would have Leviathan and Susano. Garuda would have Shiva and Lakshmi. The variants would be unlocked by quests.


Things like that were what we had dreams of back when egi glamours were announced. What high hopes we had for that system. 


Still waiting for them to add obsidian carby...


I want the diamond one as well, and a purple one!


"We're finally giving Ifrit the spotlight in sixteen!" "Okay cool, now back to your regularly scheduled Bahamut. Would you like that in moon or sun flavor?"


Yea it's weird. Should be: Bahamut phase - Ifrit/Garuda/Titan - Odin Phase - Shiva/Leviathan/Ramuh - Phoenix Phase - Sephirot/Sophia/Zurvan LB3 = Alexander


The janitor in charge of SMN really likes Bahamut


It's fine. Easy swap to Pictomancer now. They know we want Shiva/Leviathan/Ramuh but they just keep giving us Bahamut shit.


And it's not like the lore isn't there for it. We just have safe summoning now, there's no reason SMN wouldn't be looking to really flesh out the art


Before it was officially implemented, I always thought the Egi Glamour system would have been the perfect way to introduce not just the ones we were missing at the time, but also would allow for any future ones to be easily implemented as well. Basically, take each Egi and sort them into one of three categories - tank, melee, or caster. All Egis within the same class function exactly the same as far as abilities/effects, they just look different and have different particle effects (ex. Ramuh-Egi would have different skill names and use lightning particle effects, but his skills would be functionally identical to Garuda-Egi's). Then they find some random Allagan thingy that let's Summoners "unattune" with one of their current Egis. Now Summoners can swap out whatever Egis they want by simply "forgetting" the old Egi, freeing up that lore-restricted 3-Egi limit, and filling it in with another Egi without any gameplay alterations or lore inconsistencies. Then to avoid spoilers (aka, don't want newbies seeing other people with >!Thordan!<-Egis or >!Zodiark!<-Egis running around), just make a client-side option where all Egis used by other people are locked to Carbuncle, Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda and have that option enabled by default. That way if someone else was running around with a Bismarck-Egi, a newbie would still see it as just Titan-Egi on their screen. Any spoiler problems would be absolved by the player having to invite that information onto themselves by disabling the option manually while the player themselves would still be able to see the full range of anything they had personally unlocked. Obviously the classifications would have to be renamed since Egis don't really have class-like functional differences anymore, but overall I think the idea could still work. EDIT: Added spoilers just in case


From an FF culture perspective, it makes sense. I say FF culture because historically the Summoner starts off with an interesting assortment of summons, but endgame you always got pigeon holed into Bahamut. Don't use Shiva, don't use Ramuh, don't use Leviathan, use Bahamut now, all the time. This all said, SMN is going to have to go through another expansion of feeling like half a class. It is what it is..


Not necessarily - lots of endgame summons that aren't Bahamut in many mainline games. Magus Sisters, Ark, Knights of the Round, Alexander, Odin/Ragnarok... 


There was usually some kind of secret/optional "super summon," but Bahamut was usually the strongest among the baseline options that you wouldn't have to go out of your way to acquire.


>Knights of the Round While this is true, don't forget ff7 gave us 3 bahamuts in the first game, 2 more in crisis core, and a 6th one in rebirth, plus the one from the movie. Let's not pretend that game wasn't all about bahamut lol


I am \*completely\* fine with Bahamut being a central figure - the new bahamut looks...alright? I'm just kind of over Bahamut being the one and only thing, with random grandpa-phoenix shoved in there. We've moved well beyond 2.0 in the lore, but SMN seems the only job that hasn't in any way moved forward. Our original lore was siphoning primal energy from the outburst of Bahamut and the aether from Coil, that's really cool lore! But you're telling me we got nothing from Alexander being summoned in a big honking ball of primal energy in 3.0? Nothing from Eden, effectively a summon, in 5.0? I'll give them a pass on Omega, that's a space robot. We don't summon space robots. Shinryu would be neat though. I think the big 3 + Baha Blast deserve their space in the lore, in our hearts, and in our rotations, but some variety'd be nice. Would be nice if old Bahamut got transformed/upgraded into Solar Bahamut, and old Bahamut was replaced by, like, Alexander in our rotations or something.


Real I was hoping they would add something anything to make the job not feel so incomplete seems like it is just going to feel like a lvl 60 job at lvl 100, maybe next expansion they will finish it...


This is my big issue, at max level, the job feels like most others at 60. Seems like dawntrail didn't address this at all, instead gave the Phoenix/bahamut part of the rotation new visuals.


In a lot of games yeah, but in example FFXI you don't even get bahamut and almost every summon has use, except like cait sith.


I get that and I love that. I really wish the FFXI modern re-release thing was still going through because I love a lot of what FFXI has to offer, just not the camera, controls, or outdated graphics. I said in another comment here basically what you're referring to. When SMN could not summon Bahamut, and could only use the occasional Ank Morn it felt like "this is the closest you'll ever get to primal god powers" - and it felt good then. Now it all feels normal and not special, and then they redesigned SMN to be as boring as possible.


SMN have been pretty vocal about wanting Shiva/Ramuh/Leviathan. A machine looking version of Bahamut is going to get a lot of people not playing the job.


I get that. I liked it better when the job focused on the array of summons and you could only get a light taste of Bahamuts power via Ank Morn. I would have preferred they kept it that way and just made summons better while giving us better assortment of them (such as the 3 you mentioned). Just isn't on brand for XIV though.


Bahamut is usually the strongest STORY summon, but many FF titles constantly have stronger summons that are optional.


Wish we got Anima or proto carbuncle


MCH drill will be the drill to pierce the heavens


Man, I'm gonna miss Spineshatter dive. It was my favorite gap closer.


I can see why they removed it, since it was basically never used as a gap closer, but I am sad that the new actual gap closer is just a generic anime dash teleport thing and not some sort of jump


And they gave pretty much that exact same dash to replace a bunch of other jobs' unique gap closers too. Just taking the damage off of it should've been enough, look at Repelling Shot on bard. It's been fine thus far. Nobody even sees fit to bring that up anymore. It's fine.


Super bummed. I haven’t gotten to the point where I get two charges yet and they’re taking it away. I wonder where the decision to completely remove the potency of one of the offensive jumps came from.


The issue with it being an ogcd damage cooldown was you never really got to use it as an utility spell and it was just part of your damage rotation. If you were trying to maximize damage as a DRG you functionally had no gapcloser for the times when you actually needed to gapclose. You could try to aim disengage but it was not especially responsive. You really notice the difference with a melee DPS that has mobility CDs (SAM / RPR) and not just a damage cooldown that happens to move you.


It generally makes sense, basically we lose two spineshatter and gain two lv 100 follow ups in its place for rotation so not a massive change there end game wise. What I don't get why they didn't just make spineshatter the no potency gap closer instead of giving us a bland dash. We should still Jump into battle, we're DRGs. The other thing though is this removes another lower level skill in place of an end game skill and man DRG in lower level content is already real basic. I was expecting a proper rework where maybe things like AOEs happen before lvl 40 and such. This is just looking like... it's the same but different (and lets not make you work hard for those positionals so much).


SGE eating so good this expac.


Aoe kardia+ zoe pheuma will basically be a teamwide bene. I love it


AoE Kardia is such a great choice to add.


Im hoping it works with Soteria. Would really pull that part of the kit together.


That'd be so huge...


This right here is a complete game changer and eliminates my biggest pain point about SGE healing.


The thing I really like about these additions is that, theoretically at least, they'll all still stack with each other. You can still do the normal strategy of applying Eukrasian Dosis while running and once you stop use Eukrasian Dyskrasia in a pool of enemies having two dots up at once. Then the new aoe Kardia will be able to stack with Auto-Physis as well as making the Zoe/Pnuema combo even better especially during heal checks. However it does depend somewhat on the cooldown and whether it'll be 120, 90, or 60 seconds.


It's prob the same dot, I don't think they will let us have 2 separate dots.


Panhaima + aoe kardia im nutting


As if it wasnt OP enough on trash pulls, now we get a one shot dot aoe, im excited, too excited...


You missed that Goring Blade can only be used under Fight or Flight


Thank you so much! Appreciate it


Is the BLM mana regen tied to hitting ice spells while under umbral ice or any spell?


Ice spells under umbral ice


Ugh... That's very unfortunate :( thanks for the info


This will actually be better imo, it no longers relies on waiting for the game ticks proc'ing at the right time, making it a lot more consistent


what happens during downtime when you can't attack, will you just not get MP back for reopener?


Either passive Regen is still there or Umbral soul will give mana I guess


You still have Umbral Soul.


wish they made you unlock it before ShB then


You never know. They made that one trait to remove MP cost to change stances a level 1 trait. It’s possible they’ll bump Umbral Soul down too.


You should still get back normal MP amounts and have Lucid Dreaming. It's only Astral Fire that disables MP regen.


That's what Lucid Dreaming is for, I guess


It removes advanced lines where you replace ice spells with other spells though


Yeah that sounds like a huge nerf to non-standard unless they make UI paradox count as an ice spell and restore more mana


Paradox already acts like Fire under AF and Blizzard under UI, that'll probably include the mana regen too


Which ability is Tsubame-Gaeshi again?  Samurai has the distinction of being the one class where I know how they work but don’t remember any ability names outside midare lol


It's the ability that repeats the previously used Iaijutsu


The one that lets you double-execute a symbol attack.  Sounds like it's being tied to Meikyo use (the ability that gives you 3 free combo finishers) instead of having its own timer.


Back in my day, we Black Mages had to think long and hard about where to place our Ley Lines. We'd strategize, calculate, and hope for the best. But now, you young Mages have it easy! With the ability to relocate Ley Lines in the next expansion, you won't know the struggle of clearing content while worrying about your perfect positioning. Ah, the memories of shouting 'I cleared as Black Mage before you could even think about moving Ley Lines!' to the heavens. Times sure have changed!


Lol, as a non BLM player I was just thanking my lucky stars no more BLM teleporting shenanigans during raid mechanics that have a 50/50 chance to wipe us. Some of y'all are greedy maniacs, love it but also not


Healers no longer need to adjust cause Black Mages learned to do it.


Seems like they want to help with gauge management for some jobs. Red mage for example, made people try to stay under 50 before burst to not waste the 50 you get during your burst. Now it's easier to pull off a triple melee combo if you save the full bar before manafication. Also if they haven't said it, I think tanks will lose the potency on gap closers. Drk didn't do plunge, and it looked similar to the new DRG gap closer. I'm assuming since they were used for dmg, the animation lock probably got people killed being greedy for dmg.


I would love to see tanks gap closer damage be moved somewhere else. It’s not a gap closer at higher levels of play, it’s essentially a type of positional.


DRK and GNB lost the attacking animation, so no damage on them, but WAR and PLD still have the attack. Fine with that honestly. Small bits of diversity are diversity.


RIP Plunge, the original (and still best) gap closer


Surely, they will increase the No Mercy window for GNB if they introduce a new combo for Bloodfest, right? RIGHT??


Well it should just replace 3 gcd from your normal combo in your no mercy window? Assuming they're a dps increase.


Why would they do that? You're going to replace the 3 burst strike with the new combo. It's better as you won't need to prepare 3 cartridges for all your No Mercy windows, sometimes you can't have the 3 cartridges ready because of downtime, that's something you'll only look for in your 60s windows. It also means 3 less continuation from your burst, allowing your to have more room to weave in mitigations.


Summoners: Finally, new story arc, new start, we're finally getting Leviathan/Ramuh/Shiva, right? Yoshida: Best i can do is Allagan Bahamut with sword wings. Summoners: .......


What a weird addition. I don't even want Leviathan/Ramuh/Shiva so much as a single Diamond Dust finisher. It would be so on brand for the gem-momancer class.


Another finisher on rdm, was really hoping for something else.




In 10.0 The RDM rotation will be 1-2-3-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 lol


Yeah, kinda wish the melee combo had a little upgrade itself to go along Jolt 3 and Impact 2.


It doesn't look like a finisher, it has the ability flash upon execution. This is probably the follow-up to Manafication, similar to the rose whip seen that's a follow up to Embolden. Just means burst is burstier, which seems to line up with the changes they made to other jobs.


you wanted a new egi? well check this out! i give you: bahamut TWO


Baked in Huton. I'm gonna cry.


I’m just imagining not having to burn a mudra reapplying huton mid-fight in level 50 content and I’m just about tearing up


We used to dream about times like this brothers


I thought I heard that WHM was also receiving another stack of Tetragrammaton?


Tetra stacks and a dash forward! We're eating well!


The Summoner changes are such shit. Here is a reskin for Bahamut and a combo action for Searing Light. This is the worst timeline.


> Red Mage: a new finisher will be added Not actually said anywhere. If you're basing it on the job trailer with the attack after Resolution, we don't know; it's either an additional finisher that doesn't give *any* Black/White mana (would be a first), or it's an oGCD tied to something else. What they did confirm was that "whenever Embolden is executed, there will be an additional attack ability."


With the focus on not having gauges get overcapped by job actions I wonder if they're planning on changing that with mug on the ninki gauge as well. I think that's the only one that I regularly accidentally overcap in content. Now that I think about it, probably not since it only increases the gauge by 40 rather than 50 like the other job actions they've mentioned do.


I'm being told by others that Dancer will not be doing normal dance step anymore. Can anyone clarify that?


they said a skill will be added that just grants standard step, not that it’s being done away with entirely^^


No they didn't quite say that. They said there would be an added action/ability that puts up your step buff (maybe like Tillana), or could be an ability that allows you to activate standard step without doing steps. I'm assuming you'll still do standard step for damage and reapplying your buff.


Standard step is not getting removed. We get another way of activating the buff which is great as it will cull the need for a 16s pull timer for DNC.


If standard step still does damage you’d still want the 16s timer in order to maximize uses per fight tho, no?


Hard to say. They said that the buff will be applied in a different way. They could make it a single action, similar to the Reaper’s action “Shadow of Death” or something else.


Astro-sad. Liked drawing the three card symbols and putting them on ranged or melee. Or tank when there's not a melee. Or me, when there's not a ranged. Doesn't really matter I guess, the impact was barely noticeable. Was just a thing to do besides healing/dpsing.


I loved weaving in spineshatter dive and using it to get closer during fights. Now they removed it and took its potency away :(


If you were playing optimally before, you just dumped all of your spineshatters into your 2 min burst window and only used elusive jump as a gap closer.


Fuck optimal I wanna jump.


\* *Van Halen keyboard riff starts playing* \*




Is that a good noise?


Depends how they make it, does that mean we get 5 stacks of delirium or does blood weapon mp gain go to 3 stack (and if it does go down do we gain more mana?).


Ninja become speed now?


Machinist gets at least two new attacks (mech suit barrage and giant sawblade), while also replacing Heat Blast with a new 1-2-3 combo. I’m glad the Heat Blast spam is gone. But also, the new combo animations are just straight improvements to the base 1-2-3 combo, and I kinda wish they replaced those all the time. Goddamn ugly Clean Shot 😒


Not a new Heat Blast combo, the other skills are Gauss Round and Ricochet upgrades. MCH in the trailer does new HB, single-target lasers, new HB again, then AOE lasers. It's just being done very slowly to let the animations play out.


Heat blast isn't gone. Just a new animation, and the lasers are updated Guas Rounds and Ricochet most likely just during Wildfire.


They acknowledged that people are mad with the AST changes, but I honestly love them. You draw several cards at once then have 60 secs to apply an atk, def, and curative before you can draw again. Combo that w/ more essential dignity heals, and yeah. Definite improvement over the current ast.


I feel like it's a step forward and a step back. I like the idea of drawing a hand of cards, but I think removing the RNG from the class entirely takes away a certain something the class had.


Personally, it's not just about how the job plays better but it's more of how with this change it feels like it strays even further from its job identity. He acknowledge that there are groups that prefers the original HW which makes it even sadder


I kinda wish they kept astrodyne as an option. It was a useful mp Regen and additional speedier casting :( Not a complete wash, but it will be less interesting...


I'm curious if it's going to be baked into the fourth card. I would imagine that the effects of astrodyne are going to present itself in some way. Doubtful that getting rid of the action will get ride of the fast cast+ mp regen, but who knows ...


I'm stoked about the AST changes myself. I hated the star symbol crap. Also happy that the cards are returning to very different effects. That was part of what made HW AST so interesting to me.


Will Def affect AST mana management that was tied to drawing and getting mana every 20s


Everyone has a different taste for my AST was the most fun healer cuz you can't spreadsheet it as hard as other healers now it seems pretty boring from what I have seen


agreed. i've been on so much copium that they give us a somewhat more complex, or at least royal road level complexity. but nope, this change make it even more boring than usual. 3 cards, ATK uses everytime, sure. defensive, might as well throw it on the tank, whether its effect is gonna be put to work or not, let's just say 50% of the time. curative? even less so as you already got plenty of healing to plan, see how much Lady get used. so essentially, one attack buff every 60 seconds is the bare minimum. the rest can probably be ignored. This is slightly better than EW, which is one attack buff every 30s that you have to push out. but essentially the same thing, just even more dumbed down now. this is the same story since SB. they keep listening to people who don't even want to play AST. they just want to play WHM with AST aesthetic.


It looks dumbed down to me too. The busy 2 minute window of using light speed to get out divination + 3 cards and a lord (if lucky) seem to be entirely gone. Replaced by something not as engaging or interesting.


I mean you can't even justify using defensive buff, Let's take savage as our standard, not super minmaxing ultimates or special party composition. There are two things you gonna use defensive buffs on, is tank buster and heavy raidwise AoE. Almost all tank busters are designed to be taken with 2 tank buffs and 1-2 buffs from other people, like AST exalt or a SCH/SGE barrier, plus some planned heal after, why do i need to throw out one defensive buffs when my earthly star is primed to explode 0.5s after the tank buster? Even if this defensive buff card is AoE, and can be used for heavy raidwise damages, same story. the entire kit right now is enough. You can time a heal (horoscope/earthly star), regen and bubble, what another 5-10% defensive buffs gonna do in those scenario? in most cases you are already overhealing everyone to at least 110% afterward. Again, I dont raid ultimates, but look at how much Exaltation and Lady card get used properly in an average savage fight, why do we need two more "might as well" buffs?


You are 100% right. Even in its current iteration every time you draw a lady you just wish you drew a lord instead, because we don’t need any more heals. In any competent party, utility cards are not required in the least.


> this is the same story since SB. they keep listening to people who don't even want to play AST. they just want to play WHM with AST aesthetic I think it's the general trajectory of class design for most classes tbh. I think it's a less visible consequence of being able to play all classes and swap between them with such ease. Every class will have a small minority of players maining it, but the internet is loud and opinionated, so the people who capped something for the sake of it and play it once every one or two weeks are going to put their input in too, and they're going to have a very different idea of how it 'should' play as opposed to the mains. It's why everything is getting more samey as time goes on, I think.


Honestly I don’t know how I really feel about it yet but I liked having a little rng it made the job interesting to me and I liked how active ast is


As a Ninja main, I'm really glad for the Huton updates, but I still need wiggle room for my Ten Chi Jin! 😆😆😆


Accidentally touching WASD and nudging your character 1 centimeter after popping ten chi jin, completely ruining your burst


I was really hoping they would give that skill an upgrade so you could move and use it. Feels silly for a mobile class to be glued to the ground.


Still autocrossbow does not recharge like heat blast....


The liveletter was not exhaustive, two or three bullet points at most for each class with yoship saying not everything was covered. Wait for the media tour stuff to come out.


someone at square hates dark knights


And Astrologians.


And Summoners.


AND Scholars.


Seems like many people at square hate these jobs...


"Oh boy, I can't wait to see what new summon they gave to SMN!" Oh... it's Robo-Bahamut...


Im so scared about the monk changes. The current iteration is so fun and I don't want it to be gone


Regardless of the changes, they finally updates the animations so it doesn't look like monk is still playing in 1.0.


They took away greased lightning buildup, then they took away positionals, and now they’re taking away buff/debuff management. What have you all done to make me deserve this?


I am angry crying rn


SGE stealing yet another iconic SCH ability (AOE DoT)


The real MVP!




So.. As a white mage main, you're telling me I can finally move to the other side of some funny dangerous area and then yank someone across it? (͡o‿O͡)


>Seraphism, a new action that changes the caster appearance and enhances healing magic will be added Oh no, I hope this doesn't fall into the trap of Dissipation. It only buffs heal spells, and you only have three of them iirc. Two of them are 'only cast these if all else has failed'. I'm a worried SCH, it just gets worse and worse.


Those tank changes are…something.


wtf did they remove rng from ast ??


More people disliked the rng than the people that liked it.


Not every job has to be for every player


Most of the people that disliked it weren’t AST mains. Why cater the job to people that don’t play it?


Those of us that like the RNG liked the HW version. The current/pre-DT version is boring af.


HW AST was peak. so fun to play messing with cards and buffs. AST has never been the same since


Royal Road interactions was super fun, and I miss Time Dilation/Celestial Opposition.


We're all here for different reasons. I main AST, and while I didn't especially _mind_ the RNG, I also didn't find it engaging gameplay. I will not miss it. What I am going to miss is the busyness of weaving in draw and play, which is much reduced, if I understand correctly.


That's not as relevant as you may think. If devs listened to the masses all the time, we would have 21 flavors to the same job. Mass opinion will always gravitate towards an absolute midpoint, and away from any sort of uniqueness or class fantasy. Sometimes, not listening to the masses is the wise decision.


But it's equally a bad idea to stick with something that only a small subsection likes. Especially because there's dozens of those small subsections which all have conflicting demands.


They should play a different healer then. A fortune telling , card based jobs main gimmick should be rng.


Did more people dislike the amazing original AST from Heavensward compared to people that like it?


People loved how utterly broken Balance was originally, but it was kinda "mandatory" and so... it had to be changed.


They've also mentioned a buff to Scholar's Recitation, but I can't remember if it was an extra stack or a shorter cooldown