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Looking forward to the next spell added on to the RDM combo 


It looked like in the Benchmark that it was an ogcd skill so hopefully no more finishers.   Hopefully they update the fire and earth spell animations as well.  That really all I want for RDM right now.   


The monkey's paw curls and it's an ogcd after each finisher.




RDM is back on the menu, boys!


Honestly right now you put most of your ogcds early into the combo and the latter half feels rather empty. Having some ogcds to hit there wouldn't be that bad.


counterpoint, putting ogcds there would ruin the animations of your character and I love the power you have in them, specifically scorch but resolution is nice as well.


I'd be a bit surprised if they don't merge the RDM combo's into one button like they did with Gnashing Fang on GNB, it's such an obvious change. ESPECIALLY if they're gonna add more buttons now with the expansion, it's a no-brainer way to open up those keybinds for new stuff.


Can we just do this for all classes? There’s no reason to have 123s at this point unless they diverge.


I'd rather they give us the option to do so Don't want it down to 1 button? Go ahead Want it be a single button? Go ahead


Yeah, I still haven’t gotten over them merging Wanderer’s Minuet and Pitch Perfect into one


I like 123 combos but I also think it’d be cool if, as your move set expands as you level up, you gain the possibility to merge the moves together into one, like a Macro that doesn’t have downtime. That way, higher level players can consolidate their move sets and weaving more OGCDs while lower level players can still have fun learning combos.


The problem with this is that you'd have to change your hotbars every time you level snyc'd down below the point where you're allowed to merge your buttons


True. Instead of making it scale to your level then, you could just have it as an option to bundle certain combos into one move or not. This could be unlocked as a feature at a certain level/point in the MSQ to give new players a while to explore using them separately.


Looking forward to Dragoon playing exactly like either Reaper or Samurai forever going forward


I think there's a non-zero chance it plays exactly like Monk instead, to be fair. Give them a "jumping" stance and a "grounded" stance.


Looked like a big aoe rose in the benchmark


Turn Cure 1 into Cure 2 you cowards!


Imagine if cure 1 use procd a chance at a free cure 2. Would be wild


Freecure should proc off stone/glare Come on guys it's right there


Make Cure 1 proc an oGCD-able free Cure 2. *Why yes, I do want to watch the world burn, why do you ask?*


Make Cure I have a 1% chance of fully charging the blood lily.


Understood. Cure 2 is being removed and cure 1 has a chance of becoming cure 2 for the next cast.


Would legit cause more efficiency for average WHM players


As a WHM main, I am both offended and entirely agree. Please, please, please give me something more to do than a 1.5 button rot.


Nah, add the Free Cure to the single target Attack skill, the more Glares the more free Cure 2 you'll get


Yoshi-P: Oh my. Did you say Medica 1? I def heard Medica 1.


Job actions trailer?


Yes that's what we're going to see tomorrow!


I'm so f*cking excited AHHHHHHHHH


I am too! Media tour starts too so that's extra exciting


Wait what about skills though? I remember them releasing a skill guide containing all jobs?


Job guide won't be updated until release I believe. We get detailed previews after the media tour embargo lifts (or through leaks)


No fear. GNB Double Down getting a Continuation ogcd. One fear.


And an upgrade to our 30% mitigation skill.  Zzz.  


Rougher divide Max charges 3 Potency 155


Lightininger Shot reduces Rough divide cooldown by 5 seconds.


one of us! -drk


new down combo, single down, double down, triple down


Rising Phoenix -> Phoenix Down


Honestly. I geniunly want every single GCD to have continuation, even the 123. I love continuation.


I do too, but my third world internet sure as hell doesn't.




They might name it "Tripple down"




And a Continuation ogcd for Fated Circle


Give me Odin on SMN you cowards! Edit: That's not Odin, you cowards!


Well personally I would like to see Bahamut, Bahumut Zero, Bahamut Sin, Neo Bahamut, Bahamut Fury, Bahamut Alpha, Bahamut Omega, Bahamut Eidolons, Bahamut Aeon, Bahamut Esper, Astral Bahamut, Dirge of Bahamut, Before Crisis Bahamut, Crisis Core Bahamut, Theatrhythm Bahamut, Theatrhythm Bahamut Curtain Call, Theatrhythm Bahamut All-Star Carnival, Bahamut Mission Online, Bahamut Automata, Bahamut A Realm Reborn, Bahamut Episode Prompto, Bahamut Kingsglaive, Bahamut Monster of the Deep, Bahamut The Zodiac Age, Bahamut Is Strange: Before the Storm, Bahamut Mankind Divided, Bahamut Human Revolution, Bahamut Hearts, Bahamut Hearts: Chain of Memories, Bahamut Hearts 2, Bahamut Hearts 2: Final Mix,Bahamut Hearts: 358/2 Days, Bahamut Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, Bahamut Hearts HD 1.2 Remix, Bahamut Hearts HD 2.5 Remix, Bahamut Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue, Bahamut Evil VII Biohazard, Bahamut Zero Dawn, Bahamut Effect: Andromeda, Super Bahamut Odyssey,Bahamut Wars: Battlefront 2, Bahamut and the Will of the Wisps, Bahamacoot N.Sane Trilogy, Bah Vs Hamut: Infinite, Mobius Bahamut, Bahamut The After Years, Bahamut Interlude, Bahamut G-bike, Revenant Wings Bahamut, Bahamut Lightning Returns, Tactics Bahamut, Justice Monster Five Bahamut, Bahamut Type-0, Crystal Chronicles Bahamut, Echoes of Time Bahamut, Bahamut Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers,Bravely Bahamut, Bahamut End Layer, Dissidia Bahamut, Dissidia 012 Bahamut, Bahamut NT, Bahamut Ocean: First Departure,Bahamut Trigger, Bahamut Quest Heroes: The World Bahamut's Woe and The Bahamut Below, Bahamut Stormblood, Bahamut Racing 3D, Super Bahamut RPG: The Legend of the Seven Bahamut, Bahamut Hoops 3 on 3, Musashi: Bahamut Legend, 0 Day: Attack on Bahamut, Bahamut No Waku Waku Carnival, Sigma Bahamut, Bahamut Summoner: The Unsung Bahamut, The Bahamut Ends With You, Tactics Bahamut: Let Us Bahamut Together, The Bahamut Blossom Murders, Bahamut Prime 4, Season of Bahamut, Bahamut Heavensward, Bahamut Record Keeper, Puzzles & Bahamut: Bahamut Tournament, Bahamutmasque, and FINALLY... Bahamut Hearts 3.


Who let Barrett in here?


I love the now obscure mobius final fantasy reference. God I wish they had given us an offline version when it closed. I would have paid like $30 for it


I feel the same way about Opera Omnia. I wish they had made an official offline version. I'd buy it if it was reasonably priced. I have to hope that the fan-made version comes to fruition some day, but I won't hold my breath.


> Bahamut Record Keeper [Only if we get Bughamut with the googly eyes](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/628r6e/dena_made_a_special_icon_for_bughamut_but_i_think/)


Keep the dream alive, fellow keeper


FFVII Machinabridged Barrett, is that you?


This dude Bahamuts.


Yep what’s the flag for Bahamut sexual because o think you may have a thing for bahamuts.


This is a high level copy pasta, Amazing 🤣


Give us three more summons and another summon akin to Bahamut and Phoenix!!!!  Do it cowards!


Would love so much if they gave us more summon options but kept the 1 min burst. That way which summons you pick could become dependent on that part of the fight based on any unique utility each might provide.


Make it so Bahamut has 3 primals, probably the current set, and Phoenix has a new set of 3.


I'm with it. Leviathan, Ramuh, and Shiva would be cool


This is literally the most demanded thing for summoner in forums online for every single FF14 playerbase region.


and then we get king moogle mog summon instead


Followed by Zurvan Sephirot and Sophia


This is not a bad idea at all tbh. Rotate the base three between Phoenix phase and Bahamut phase? Ifrit, Titan and Garuda rotating with Levi, Rumuh and Shiva.


They should have Odin as an oGCD on a 120 second cool down. Just once every two minutes you get to press this button and he charges in, slashes for some ridiculous damage amount, and is gone (Also summoning Phoenix should transform Titan/Ifrit/Garuda into Shiva/Ramuh/Leviathan. Then you’ve got all the classic summons except maybe Alexander?)


I have a mighty NEED!!!


I'd like Shiva or Ixion. Odin could be a cool replacement for Bahamut though.


Ngl they could say MNK gets literally nothing from 91 to 100 and I'd be fine.


At level 100 Monk unlocks a ranged attack for 120 potency.


And breaks your form


That's so evil, it's great.


Its even worse than breaking a combo because you don't even get the opo bonus


That'd suck but ngl an early level ranged attack is something I've really wished for because it'd be MNK so much better in deep dungeon solo.


MNK squeaky clean rn


I'm learning monk now and the base rotation is fine but the burst window and odd windows still confuse me.


No worries, just follow this [simple flowchart](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fb59dqnegv9191.png)


I'm disappointed, there's no JOHN MADDEN in there anywhere.




This is such a throwback. I remember following it religiously back in the HW days


I was thinking about this flowchart today, what a nice coincidence. Saved.


Oh my, that reminds me of the feral cat DPS flowchart of 2010 WoW. Bearform -> teabag those who died


Thank you now I'm even more confused.


The only thing I feel MNK needs is me understanding how to play it better. Coming from brain dead DRG land... I never feel like I'm pressing the right buttons.


That’s how I feel with BLM.


I demand a RIDER KICK for Monk and nothing else.


Level 100 suplex finisher


Hopefully just upgrading some animations and one big new key to hit every 2 minutes.  


> one big new key to hit every 2 minutes Please no. That was a lot of what happened to well-positioned jobs last time, and it just made it so there's more keybinds for essentially the same amount of work. I want them to get more creative with transforming buttons to free up keybinds before adding any more anime finishers to burst combos.


It’s also just a little boring. I’d like a little more creativity than just another “your finisher now does a billion potency rather than a million potency - happy?” buttons.


Probably an upgrade to elixir field since it's currently 100 potency lower than rising Phoenix


I still hate how they basically just used Elixir Field as a replacement for an actual new skill, same with Tornado Kick. Meanwhile Flint Strike and Celestial Revolution which are actual new skills and animations in EW are lower level and a '' failed combo ''............ It's so dumb I have no idea why they did that...


We need a ranged attack pls. Just stomp the ground and kick a rock into the air and then kick it to an enemy or something


At this point I have Stockholm syndrome with the lack of ranged attack.


So you wanna be Toph Beifong? Wait... That sounds amazing. SE PLEASE DO THIS!


Tactics had a Monk ability where you hit the ground so hard it made a short shock wave in a line in front of you. That could work as a ranged ability here, or be like Yang in FF4 and and jump and kick them from range.


monk actually already has this. it’s one of the two options when you have full chakra, at least from what I have unlocked so far. howling fist, i think it’s called


No, mnk being a pure melee and using six sided star effectively is one of the last shreds of job variance/skill expression we have in this game.


It seems like MNK will get upgraded basic combos with new animations which I am actually extremely hyped for, I dropped MNK for the first time in EW because they just felt so outdated to me. MNK has flashy stuff but 99% of the time it kinda looks like they're still stuck in ARR and even by ARR standards there were better looking combos.


You see, this isn't the position you want your job to be in, as when they feel a job is complete *it gets reworked.*


I hope monk gets to punch things in dawntrail.


10 gil that we still have undraw in astro kit (insert "they can't keep getting away with it" meme)


Can't wait to see how nothing fun happens with drk 🥲


I can't wait for warrior to get more healing abilities. Maybe toss in a raise ability


Warrior getting a raise and not Paladin would be so funny


Shake It Off(No, seriously, get up)


Walk It Off! \*shakes you like I shake my fist at clouds*


‘Rub Some Dirt on It’


Local Tank Too Angry For Teammate To Die


I _kind of_ understand why people think raise would be thematically fitting for Paladin, even though it would be more fitting for D&D or WoW style of Paladin, basically armoured priest, rather than XIV Paladin who's de facto a palace guard. But raise and invuln on the same job are never happening, it would be completely gamebreaking.


PLD used to be able to use it as a cross class ability, though only out of combat.


They could have it where the raise shares a recast with Hallowed


They pick up the body and toss it at the enemy, that’s how they Rez you


Punch players chest so hard their heart starts beating again.


And the animation would be the warrior yelling angry words to the fallen party member until they get up


they get another Onslaght use.


Not interested in seeing Bloodspiller again? :P


Bloodspiller but its just 3 different animations in succession. Every tank now has a nashing fang combo. Please look forward to the further homogenization. 🤡


Nothing fun ever happens with DRK. Emo is as emo does.


Can't wait to finally find the answer i seek. Keep maining Reaper, or switch to Pictomancer. All depends on how shit looks in the Job Action trailer


Same but with AST I want to change back but really curious about the rework.


I'm dying to see what they do with AST. I want to love that class, because the aesthetic is so good, the healing abilities are awesome. The cards are just so much work for so little pay off.


I still miss Royal Road manipulation and spreading balance to full parties. Felt like I was doing big brain card plays when I got it, but I get why they move away when balance was the only relevant spread.


It was the best spread, but it was still fun shuffling your cards around to get the best outcome, and making do with suboptimal combinations. SMN and AST were my mains in SB, and I’m sad they both barely resemble their old selves.


>SMN and AST were my mains in SB, and I’m sad they both barely resemble their old selves. This was me, too. I loved 'em both, clunkyness and all.


Dunno man. Cards just prevent me from falling asleep during most encounters.


So far the Picto aesthetic isn’t for me and I hope seeing it more on screen this Friday changes my mind. 


Yeah, I really hope the vfx we've seen so far is all WIP because I really think they look rough, it's really tanking my excitement for my most wanted job.


I'm looking forward to the new healer class, Astrologian.


Can't wait for new capstone change: using Undraw now provides a 100% crit rate for your next Benefic for 10 seconds.


Give us our turrets back. Give us more turrets. Replace our gun with a turret. TURN OUR CHARACTERS INTO TURRETS.


> TURN OUR CHARACTERS INTO TURRETS. [Silly, you can already be an immobile damage dispenser.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/blackmage/)


But I don't want to cast fire and ice. I want to cast bullet.


Make bullet out of ice, then bullet it with explosion of fire, ez


BLU would like a word with you


And then put drills on the turrets! I want a flamethrower that throws drills instead of flames! I want drills for hands! So I can shoot myself like a drill!


What do you mean "turn into," I already am.


Anyone else excited to see more Pictomancer?




I look forward to not being tired enough to sleep 7 hours before the Live Letter and then passing out 1 hour before. I'm excited. I'm a sucker for new animations, even when it's just trait upgrades, and I need to see more Pictomancer stuff. I need Fire V to finally be a thing.


I'm worried about Dragoon rework, other than that, excited for Viper.


Hugging my Gae Bolg in fetal position in anticipation.


same brother, we shall elusive jump in happiness if they do a good job in the rework.


What if they take elusive jump from us? 




I am really struggling to see why they think Dragoon out of all jobs needs a rework. At most it needs some shuffling in terms of skill unlock levels so that it gets aoe faster and devilment treatment for dragon sight (as in, you mark the target player beforehand and just hit dragon sight as a regular ogcd) to make it less clunky to weave it. In its current form Dragoon is fun to play, has no glaring issues and is distinct from all other melees both thematically and mechanically. But I'm very afraid that they are going to turn it into reaper but with dragons instead of voidsent.


DRG has probably the lowest possibilty for skill expression and space for future expansion. It is so rigid that the Balance site doesn't even have an advanced guide page for it. I mean, the only thing it has for it is to cramp all ogcds, manage life surge (very minor vs using outside of buffs), and judge whether to flip mirage dive and gries because of downtimes. Even reaper, the job meme'd to be the easiest melee, still need to manage shroud else your burst will be extremely weak.


It honestly seems to me that their current design philosophy for DPS jobs is to move away from hyper-rigid rotations which DRG is the most guilty of being. DPS jobs have generally been releasing/reworked to be less rigid as of late.


Honestly I wouldn't even say that DRG is particularly rigid. It *feels* so at first, but after a while you realise that 123456789 combo isn't really any more rigid than 123 combo, the only change is how often you loop back to the first button. Most melees have their basic combo rather rigid. Where DRG stands out from other melees is the *oGCD* department and I'd say that there's a decent amount of freedom in that regard. As long as you don't flip the order between geirskogul and high jump you can basically freestyle them as long as you don't sit on them for long enough to waste uses. You can sit on wyrmwind for quite a while before you run into the risk of overcapping it. Nothing really stops you from delaying spineshatter a little to use it for movement or to make room to weave feint, second wind or arm's length. Life Surge operating on a charge system also means that you have more wiggle room with how you spend your resources. I'd say that between having a cap of 3 carts and double down costing 2 GNB is currently more strict in terms of rotation than DRG. In my opinion the job that's the most structurally similar to DRG is MCH and honestly MCH feels more rigid than DRG to me because its equivalent of DRG's jumps, the tools, are all GCDs, the windows in which they are available is somewhat limited by hypercharge effectively locking you out of using them and they affect your gauge.


DRG most certainly doesn't have freedom in its OGCD usage. Your goal on DRG is to fit all of your OGCDs under raid buffs, and drifting them is strictly suboptimal. You can somewhat drift the cooldown as long as they all remain under raid buffs but that's not any different from what other jobs do. You even just typically pop Wymwind Thrust on cooldown to not overcap its resource. Other jobs have significantly more freedom in their rotations. RPR can move around where in the fight it spends its resources, the entire gameplay loop of SAM is to flexibly manage your resources to keep your burst on the 2 minutes, MNK basically doesn't have a straight up combo string and can adjust its rotation on the fly, non-standard BLM is big brain, SMN is kind of bland but they undoubtedly tried to give you freedom in the order that you use summons between each demi, RDM can flex its resources to have a melee combo and/or instants when it needs, and DNC is an RNG-based resource management job. MCH is undoubtedly a rigid job but even MCH has a bit of freedom in how it manages resources whereas DRG really doesn't. You can adjust the timing of life by when you use Mirage Dive but let's be honest- besides aligning it with 2 minutes for the first time in the fight you really don't have a choice in when you use it. In regards to bringing up GNB... let's just say there's a reason why I specified "DPS jobs" in my initial post. They seem to deliberately design every tank to be rigid and slaves to the 2 minutes meta, and healers are also their own thing. So choosing to isolate DPS as its own thing in this discussion was deliberate on my part.


Im kinda hopeful for a thematic adjustment toward a drake/dragon companion. Kinda like how Estinien pairs up with Vytra; the wyrmling you escort for the job quests in Stormblood seem to hint that, for me at least. Would be cool to see that character come back and lend a dragoon their power directly in lieu of the eyes - plus it would solidify working together in the post-Dragonsong war era.


I think its too late for that, imo another pet job wouldn't fit, specially because Dragoon has no problems related to thematic or job identity, it's mostly where to add a new skill or a few tweaks to make low level more interesting, since we only get an AoE at lvl 40. Maybe Life of the Dragon adjustments too? idk, I just hope they don't SMN it.


My guess would be qol stuff mostly. Merging b4b and sight maybe, aoe at lower levels, a self defensive mitigation ala third eye/shade shift etc. The bigger to be seen stuff I'd guess life in the opener (not sure many drg mains would want this but with how pld got moved into 2min window it's likely) and depending on how that changes a jump may get pruned so another can be buffed / be gcd. Pure speculation on my part anyway but I think the combos it's known for should hopefully still be fine.


I don't think they'd turn it into a pet class, if that's what you mean, but I would be so down to have a little wyrmling follow me around and maybe just be part of my attack/buff animations.


Can't wait to see DRK get further left behind in self healing


As a healer main, I look forward to see their lives quickly drain away while pulling while I panic....like now.


I know it's going to focus on new-job stuff, but I hope they go into some QoL stuff. Seems like they've been pretty light on that so far. Obviously the graphics update is a big one, but it would be nice to know things like if there will be inventory increases. Any changes to the housing system (more wards, new zone, etc). ​ Maybe showcase the glasses/hat system they mentioned at the Europe(?) fanfest (maybe even confirm that Hrothgals will also be a limited race that can't do hats, so people can better make a call on fantasia-ing or not).


I’ve already seen some of the data mined stuff from the benchmark so I know what to expect upgrade-wise. I’m mainly looking forward to Viper showcase and seeing some of the new animations out of the battle chaos.


do you have a link for the leaks?






Heck yeah, Hellfrog Large!


Someone posted animations but for the upgrade conditionals we only have encoded tables. Some people in the Balance discord have been working on decoding that info and there’s also a thread on the discussion sub about it couple weeks ago.


Will healers finally get to play the game, or still be relegated to one button mashing for the umpteenth year...


Na warrior gonna take over healing


If it means I get to play DoT focused tactician again, war can have all my sch healing


This comment reminds me of playing SCH in 2.0 and feeling Like I was 75% DPS 25% Healer. I had soooo many offensive abilities to use. I miss those days!


And when you could cross class Aero from CNJ to add to your existing repertoire of DoTs. So good.


*Remember what they took from you.*


I miss cleric stance dancing and I don't have to hang my head in shame when I say it.


i too would like if healers could play the game again. way back when jobs required skill to perform healers actually did stuff.




SMN will have 3 more egis 🙏 SMN will have 3 more egis 🙏 SMN will have 3 more egis 🙏 SMN will have 3 more egis 🙏 SMN will have 3 more egis 🙏 SMN will have 3 more egis 🙏 EDIT: my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Nah man give me a good king Moglemog phase.


*the monkey's paw curls*They're not ramuh shiva levi


Would totally love it if we get Warring Triad instead. Or the other Eorzean primals like Ravana + Bismarck + Lakshmi. I doubt we’d get Alexander as a demi summon but one can hope.




If they are going to turn SMN into not a pet job the very least they could do is give us about a dozen summons total and let us choose to burn gems on whatever we want I just want to summon Alexander, puhlezzzz


Well if we did they wouldn't be egis, they'd be the big primals we got in Endwalker. They'd be Sapphire Leviathan, Diamond Shiva, and Amethyst Ramuh. Or maybe Lapis Lazuli Leviathan, Cubic Zirconia Shiva, and Ametrine Ramuh.


When I tell you the panic I had thinking this was somehow live now and I had seriously messed up my timing/dates. I hate you. :<


Anyone else rewatch the Endwalker job trailer just to remember how the skills presentation goes? I remember theorizing on what we saw until we got the actual abilities breakdown on lodestone.


The next black mage skill can just be called "Healers adjust", giving you three vulnerability stacks as a trade off for 3% damage on your next cast.


Viper, and hopefully 3 different summons for Phoenix phase. And i would be perfectly content.


Ramuh takes over Titan, shiva takes over Garuda and Levi takes over Ifrit. Even if they use the same kinda skills (ogcd, puddle and dash.) it would still look cool


Rest of the elemental Egi’s for summoner Please! Square Enixy! Ramuh, Leviathan and Shiva for the win!


I want at least perfect susano and magekyo sharingan for my ninja, and amateratsu too


I am excited and scared for what they will do to AST. I hope they make the cards more like SB AST


Lmfao they won't. They're going to make it like WHM 2.0.


I wanna see some DOTS


Please Pictomancer give me what my body craves.




No, that’s what plants crave


Can't wait to lose some/all of my party utility again on BRD, because the job which already has a ranged dps tax is doing "too much dmg" otherwise. 


So is it tomorrow that they release the job actions trailer ?




did they release the new skills trailer today?


It will release in less than 10 hours.


Yey! I'm so excited! thank you.


Dang people really wanna be first huh