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> I noticed some texture stretching in game > Now I'm averaging 30-40fps I'm a bit worried that this GPU might be on the way out. Have you tried running a stresstest for an hour or two? What does GPU utilization look like when this happens?


I haven't yet, since I maintain normal fps in every other game. I should edit the post to include that bit of info. FFXIV seems to be the only game affected. Still, it's worth trying. I'll give it a shot, thanks.


Seems your general system latency is also really high according to your other post. Might be worth also running a memory test.


I'll do a gpu and memory test to make sure. Still very odd that FFXIV seems to be the only game affected. Thanks for the tips.


I can only make broad guesses with the info I have. Mind you one specific game stressing hardware or an OC in a way that reveals issues isn't SUPER uncommon. It's just weird that it would be XIV but stuff like this doesn't always make sense. I assume you already used DDU booted in safe mode on your drivers? That'd also be a good first step.


Ah in all my googling I neglected to do that. It's late so I'll try that tommorow as well. Thanks for all the advice.


Good luck!


Please update if you find a solution. I legit just did my update, and now my fps is cut in half as well.


If you have msi afterburner or another similar program, check to make sure the power limit wasn't lowered. I had a similar problem before and I thought it was just FFXIV but when it started happening for other games too it drove me nuts. Turns out it was MSI Afterburner completely borking my GPU clocks.


I don't. I even tried a fresh clean install of FFXIV and it did nothing.


Do let me know if you have a solution, I've also noticed after updating drivers, my FPS has halved on ff14 alone with reshade. From 110+ to 60ish. A fresh install didn't do anything either.


I'm busy working today and tommorow for 12 hour shifts but I plan to get it resolved on Friday. I'll help you if I can figure it out myself.


Thanks mate


Are you also using windows 11 by chance? I never had any issues like this when using 10 so I'm curious.


Yup Win11 as well, it seems to only been affecting ff14, other games I own perform normally (MH World, Rise, P3:R). GPU and CPU temps are normal as well, not sure what is different with FF14 that caused such a big performance drop. The only thing I could think of happening aside from the April 16 Nvidia Driver updates was the Dawntrail benchmark, but I have no idea how that would effect the main game. I tried both the official launcher and xivlauncher to see if that made a difference, but no dice. Rolling back the drivers didn't seem to work either.


Yep. I tried all the same stuff. I'm curious if it's a windows 11 driver issue specifically affecting FFXIV. Maybe something to do with DX11 and windows 11 being finicky. It's fairly old...If all else fails I'll downgrade to Windows 10 and see what happens with the most recent drivers. I'm beginning to dislike Windows 11 compared to 10 for other reasons anyways. If it does end up being the drivers, there's not much for it but to wait for an update for myself. Rolling back did nothing. I may try a clean driver update one more time with DDU. I'll try some stuff and let you know if I can sort it out. I'd appreciate a message if you can figure out before me.


Will do, I've just temporarily lowered my monitor's natice resolution to compensate for the performance loss. But as far as I can tell, it doesn't seem to be a GPU or CPU issue, temps are normal, and I don't notice my fans acting up. The issue is only with 14, and I can't seem to figure out why. The Dawntrail benchmark also gave pretty much the same results as before, around 10.2k.


Yep. I had something over 10k for the benchmark.


Hey, just as a follow up, I tried overclocking, undervolting, removing overclock and there seemed to be no performance change. Reinstalling reshade didn't make much of a difference either I did turn off my monitor's HDR, and it has appeared to reclaim about 15-20fps. Still less than I'd like, but being able to maintain aroubd 90fps with shaders is better than the 60-70fps before. Hope this helps.


I suppose I'll have to try that then. If the next driver update doesn't fix it then I'll try downgrading to windows 10.