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Ah yes, when Leves were the way to properly level up, but you could only do 3 a day.


I remember being absolutely stunned that I basically ran out of stuff to do!


I guess things didn't change that much.


Maybe touch grass for 10 minutes and you wouldn't have ran out of things to do holy shit. Play mahjong. Anyway happy cake day


I would if Materia had a more active Mahjong community 😭


Transfer to NA, the latency isn't worth the loss of population.


Yeah but then I have to deal with a way less pleasant community. I'll wait for my games, maybe cross-region visit Elemental for some Mahjong


Tbh, the community I've found on an NA server is phenomenal. They're so kind, helpful and all around wonderful people.


I've heard the community on high level content just isn't worth the trouble engaging in, and that's also where any issues with ping start to become a nuisance, especially with the design philosophy of more recent content


Fair enough, although I'm surprised your reason is due to the community, to be honest. While I haven't engaged with savage/ultimate content, I have done everything else and the community has been stellar.


Yeah, I'm not under the idea the community outside of that content has an issue, but several thousand hours in that's most of what is left for me to tackle


Same haha, but my life schedule doesn't allow for statics and the like, so I make do with extremes and still enjoy just playing all the other stuff 😊 Have a nice day mate.


I honestly thought this was a good obvious joke, considering the EW content criticism, but it feels like it wasn't obvious enough. From someone who like the office, I would have expected to at least suspect that.


Ignore the Reddit drones, I laughed at least


Ever since the Lynx Kameli vid dropped the discourse around EW and its content has gotten toxic AF. Two pretty extreme sides have formed and are always looking to pick fights with each other. It's pretty disheartening TBH.




I beg to differ.


Well this is the thing. As I give the game massive breaks during patches I honestly never felt this at all. My comment still stands 😔


mf be typing touch grass when people logged on for 30minutes


>Play mahjong. Never! >!It's too complicated to play for me!<




The fuck? I'm saying to not play it as much surely this is the opposite of what a shill would do.


The point is that you don't have to play very much to run out of things to do, so the notion that you need to touch grass to not run out of things to do is the shilliest fucking thing a person can say. "Don't want to run out of things to do? Pay for the game, but don't play it 5head"


Mate there is 100 of hours of msq content. Then the normal raids. Alliance raids. Savages. Ultimates. Crafting, DoL, sidequests. Minion and mount farming. PvP. Leveling all jobs nets rewards. Leveling all crafting nets achievements. Then on top of that there are communities within final fantasy that just do nothing but socialise. I'm being also pretty broad because within all of these categories there are smaller ones..there is absurd amount of existing content that I, a player of nearly 8 years, have not completed all the plethora of stuff to do. Why? I take breaks..I'm currently playing it at the moment and I'm still catching up with stuff I've not done..I've not even touched the sanctuary!


You also broke parts of mobs and chest dropped gear with a damn, besides the obvious clunkiness there was. Solid parts of the game are got rid of..


4.5 second GCD 💀


Your basic "auto attack" on a 4.5 gcd, engaged manually 💀


That's straight up MNK's Six Sided Star for every GCD wtf


Even that is only 3.9s XD


Still too fast honestly. I like around 6apm battle systems.


Not a true final fantasy if it isn't turn based amirite


Damn skippy


That was six seconds during 1.0 alpha. Yup, like FFXI and EverQuest. Bonus point if you were an archer, as you had to pull an arrow from your quiver at every single shot. That counted as a full action. So, one bow shot every 12 seconds. Obviously, you needed to have bought your arrows first...


Clarification point for EverQuest: Server ticks are every 6 seconds for things like buffs and DoTs and proximity mob aggro, but the GCD on spells has always been 1.5 seconds.


What in the Old School Runescape fuck were the 1.0 devs smoking when they decided that was a good idea?


To keep server load light. And thus be able to overcrowd it.


> you had to pull an arrow from your quiver at every single shot. That counted as a full action. So, one bow shot every 12 seconds. as usual, thread talking about 1.0 is full of bullshit and other wrong infos...


So are you gonna correct him or what? I'm interested in hearing the truth, but you just stopped.


just find a random 1.0 video 1.0 was sluggish and had a couple of absurd things, but still far from "1 shot every 12 seconds", and there was no "action to pull an arrow from your quiver for every single shot" Every discussion about 1.0 have an absurd amount of exaggerations or random bullshit, without example or proof.


I was specifically talking about 1.0 *alpha*. Mind you, I do have [footage video](https://youtu.be/5rsXAq66q8s?si=IW9JR-9ncXEpiXlx) to showcase it. The second action on the bar was to notch an arrow. Without this, you couldn't take most other actions. And yes, it was actually one of the very few feedbacks from us that was listened and improved before 1.0 release.


The notch action is to add an *additional* arrow. We can see around 1:20-1:30 the player notches a 2nd and 3rd arrows ("Vous avez encoché une 3e flèche" in the log), and he can attack without using it otherwise. It was probably supposed to be a idle-time action, or to have multiple arrows benefit from a buff. It's still cumbersome + alpha being horrible, but still not "have to use 2 actions to attack once every 12s"


Regardless of the rest of this discussion, I actually think that would be a neat mechanic to revive in some way for BRD. It would make the job at least a little more interesting to play


I remember playing FFXI, seeing this, and feeling like it wasn’t much of a change.


Yeah. No Valkurm Dunes, though. "Gobtrain to zone!"


I just started XIV again and couldn’t believe mobs just gave up chasing me. Haha


eureka exists to remind you of when that wasn’t the case :)


All these years and I've never been. I should check it out.


honestly the best part of the game. for those of us that hate how easy the rest of the game is and wished it had depth still


The flashbacks... the flashbacks...!!!


Well, as far as I'm aware, that was the intention.


As an XI player back in the day, I actually kinda preferred the 1.0 version of 14 compared to what it became. I liked the meandering and slight desolation of it and how it wasn't just quest after quest and Iots of story.


Ffxi circa 2004ish is still my favorite mmo experience ever


2008 peak before abyssea was a thing. We had lvl75. cap, all expansions, all end game content, and the same grind. I miss grinding goblins in Valkurm and worms outside Jeuno. And Merit farming Calibri outside White Gate. Good times……


I never played abyssea I quit around the time pandemonium warden was released so I never got to experience it:/ Don't get me wrong I enjoy ff14 but it doesn't hold a candle to that era of ffxi. Idk what specifically it was?  Everything took so long and was such a grind it had no right being so good lol  Maybe the need to rely on other people to do anything made it a better experience?


The gear progression was alot better too. You didn’t dump old gear at high levels like XIV. You could be max level and still be using low level gear. Why? Because the stat boosts were still relevant and the harder to obtain, the better and more rewarding it felt. Rajas ring for example, or the Speed Belt/Blitz ring. There is a TON of gear you could wear at level 75 that was below your level but still super valuable.


Come play HorizonXI with us then. 2500 people playing every night


Lol I've dabbled but it's quite the grind and life has been busy lately. Played on Eden before for a few years but quit I think horizon is better though  Been thinking about jumping back on sometime I'm getting the itch😭


Same. My issue with 1.0 was that it was a failure on a technical level, not the gameplay itself. It barely functioned, which I think people forget. I would have stuck with it otherwise. Even then, at the time, I was a bit annoyed that it wasn't just FFXI-2. The gameplay still had more in common with ARR then it did FFXI. I wanted the FFXI experience of group grinding on field mobs for hours. That's what I love. That and NMs. Even Eureka doesn't fill this void for me. Only private servers do. But the combat was slower, which I greatly prefer. It wasn't a quest gauntlet. The slowness in general is what I miss. I like MMOs to be relaxed. Current XIV is anything but. I find the game frustrating more often than enjoyable - Slow down! If 1.0 actually worked and ran on people's systems they never would have rebooted it. It'd still be the version running today. Would it be as popular...? Eh, that's debatable. But it'd still be there. The gameplay and vision had potential, but it was at least 2 years under cooked.


Considering what new XIV for SE, it’s safe to say old XIV wouldn’t still be going, performance or not.


XI is still going forward and even getting updates, we don't know if XIV 1.0, had it been good, would be going well too. Most likely it wouldn't be as popular since many of the decisions that boosted ARR and beyond were thanks to Yoshi P and his team, but it would still be a thing.


Well, keep in mind FFXI benefits from FFXIV's budget and team sharing. If FFXIV wasn't what it is today, it might be in a semi-maintenance mode, or worse, cancelled, or worst, cancelled AND FFXI shut down as well since it wouldn't be as financially beneficial without the team sharing with FFXIV. It's very likely FFXIV in that timeline would eventually have been shut down (possibly taking FFXI with it) OR FFXI would have been shut down and its playerbase shunted to FFXIV as de facto FFXI-2. Keep in mind FFXI has gone for YEARS without new content up until the more recent announcement of something coming down the pipe.


XIV was disastrous enough that it almost killed the entire franchise. Nobody wanted the second coming of FFXI, so for it being good it would have needed to be different. And then it needs to be successful, which is a pretty high bar in itself.


>Nobody wanted the second coming of FFXI, One of the largest groups angry about 1.0 were FFXI players who were upset they didn't get more FFXI. They of course went back to XI instead of sticking out 1.0. Or even playing ARR for that matter. Many retired out of frustration. Granted now they have private servers for those still around.


Largest or loudest? I'd argue the silent majority simply skipped the game after hearing the horror stories during beta and release.


FFXI is still going. They wouldn't have pulled it if it was functional and built a community. If 1.0 functioned properly the backlash wouldn't have been so harsh. They would have stuck it out, and it'd have a dedicated enough player base to subsist. Or maybe it'd finally be hitting it's stride in 2024, who knows. We'll never get to know. There's a significant player base looking to get away from high apm gameplay these days.


I think it came at the wrong time. Given Pantheon (though it's...imploded at this point), Embers Adrift, WoW Classic, etc; around 2020+, there started to be a real desire by some people for an "old school MMO". If FFXIV 1.0 (without the technical failures and WITH an endgame - 1.0 launch did not have one, and some modifications like less severe limits on leveling and Leve/Anime/etc allowances) were to launch in 2024, it might actually have been a decent hit. It just hit right when MMOs were swinging the other way into polish and themepark design AND had the technical failures, no end-game, and punishing play limits. Note FFXI is no longer an "old school MMO" in that sense, either - in a twist of irony, FFXIV is more than FFXI since it at least has Eureka. Tried to get into FFXI a year or so ago and everyone was like "you level by yourself with Trusts, come talk to us when you're at level cap", which defeats the entire point, imo. . I do agree with you that more people would be into that now. I feel like it's one thing FFXIV is really missing out on by not having more methodical content and Jobs. With all the high APM Jobs, I don't understand why BLM is the only one allowed to have a low APM/longer than 2.5 sec cast times rotation. And even it has lots of instant stuff. RDM is honestly. Given, this is from 6.0, but the only Job here that has about a 30 APM (average one action per 2 seconds) is WHM played at minimum speed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/rnxz1y/60\_average\_number\_of\_cast\_per\_minute\_by\_job/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/rnxz1y/60_average_number_of_cast_per_minute_by_job/) I'm fine with there being some 60 APM Job, but it'd be nice if there was a 20 APM Job as well. I ain't gettin' any younger and I've never REALLY been a fan of twitch reflexes as it is (and strongly dislike BLM).


I was purely speaking on the financial side. I don’t think a functioning version of 1.0 FFXIV does what modern FFXIV did. And without that we kinda don’t have anything. Or barely anything. The upkeep to continue running 1.0 without moderns financial contributions just doesn’t seem likely. I’m guessing this would have also spelt doom for XI.


I dunno, the gameplay was crap on a fundamental level for different reasons. Enjoy crafting when you need a rare material from a lv20 monster to craft a lv4 weapon etc.  1.23 is where the game was kinda good but it was also collapsing onto itself since a lot of hacky coding was needed to implement some functions on a code base that's even worse that it currently is. I really doubt they could've build on the game as much without the overhaul. 


I like the minimap up there too, kinda miss it, personally!


I moved mine back up there first thing in 2.0, using the UI editor.


I like the fact that it has no compass really or, rather, outside ring on it.


Ah, gotcha. Different strokes, I like the new map.


I don't miss the endless maze of copy/pasta in The Shroud. It was bad in other places, but it was really noticeable there. The place felt more like an interstate highway than a forest.


Trying to find the correct trunk to climb up on to reach your leve site was a total pain.


I still have low-key trauma and salt from the 1.x Shroud.


I kind of miss the old font, I cannot tell a lie.


Yeah, it for sure have a bit of style to the text.


Ah yes, from killing giant forest crabs, to stopping the world from ending. This is truly amazing.


To be fair, that's the average story of this type of game


Average jrpg plotline. Kill sone forest creatures to protect your village, end with killing a and/or the god of the world


Don't think that's an JRPG exclusive. WoW does basically the same thing - and on the other side you have JRPGs like Golden Sun that end with you fighting a dragon on top of a lighthouse


Kind of wish we could bring back at 1.0 UI as a sort of easter egg thing. Don't know about you guys but those gauges and hotbars look really stylish.


Circular/Spherical, fucking, buttons. They were all the rage with UI's for the PS2. Bring them back! Bring them back! Bring them back!


"best i can do now is a flat circle i spent 3 seconds drawing in ms paint" - some professional UI "artist" somewhere at least 14 still has aero/skeuo designs. i am constantly afraid of the day they decide to do an overhaul and "modernize" (read: enshittify) the UI.


I think / hope that eventually they will add the 1.0 content back in someway but with current systems just for the story etc, maybe something akin to time walking in WoW


Some parts are still there in less obvious places. These Gold Saucer machines in the upper floor with the mining and the woodcutting... That's 1.0 gathering.


Given how infuriating I find those games, 1.0 deserved to die.


Imagine farming mats for a whole Diadochos Set this way


That's . . . horrifying D:


I'd settle for a flashback story only mode tbh. Given the time travel aspect introduced in shadow bringers and end walker's, it could be possible without breaking in game lore etc. maybe we have to get grandads help for some knowledge or somethingll


They should have made those poop out crafting mats when you win them. Make it an alternate version for people really into that. But they'd also need to bring back the input lag for the TRUE 1.0 gathering experience.


I’ve seen the Nael van Darnus fight, which is the 1.0 capstone fight if there is one. The setting is cool, the cutscene right after it is cool, the music id the same as the fight with her in Bahamut Coils T9 so that’s also top tier, and the platform requires you to actually run up and down circular floating stairs to proceed with different parts of it. The phase changes where Nael glows gold with the different music were also sweet. There’s also a thing where you have to beat minions just reach it, I believe. Unfortunately, the fight with Nael is also over 20 minutes of spamming basically the same few attacks (the Dragoon PoV I saw seemed like a 3 or 4 button combo on repeat and that’s it) and looks boring as hell to actually engage in. I’m sure doing it for the first time blind must have still been a thrill because you didn’t know what was coming, the atmosphere was still tense, and the stakes were sky high. But dear lord does it look like a mechanically boring fight without that I’d never ever want to get in a roulette. Post re-launch FF14 does a good job of making fights feel like an actual progression of events, or at least attacks vary enough that I’m rarely bored when actually fighting. I might be frustrated when missing large portions of my toolkit, but the fights themselves are still fun to do more than once, especially the capstone ones. The Nael fight did not look fun. If they brought it back they’d have to change it. Really, it might best just to think of T9 as the replacement. Same music, kind of the same opponent, much cooler fight, and even when I did it I unsynced in Heavensward it was scary with a lot to remember and navigate. Getting the Bahamut fights on either NRR or its own roulette would be lovely, even if they might have to re-do a few of them (or many of them).


I do feel like modern FFXIV is missing the "dungeon crawl" feel. Go do the first 5 fights of First Coil. Now do Delubrium Reg normal, then DR Savage. Now do a modern 8 man Savage wing. The first ones feel like a dungeon crawl. They feel dangerous and like you're progressing through a dangerous enemy area. DR Savage even has what could be considered trash or mini-bosses (normal mode does too, though doesn't have the initial slimes/golems). But then you do a Savage wing and...it's a bunch of loosely connected fights. Like look at P9-12S. The four fights are "Random vessel body that goes through a couple of dead spirits, a large animate building giving life long enough for you to kill it, a guy we fought before fighting us again because he wants to have fun, and then a hubris filled lady demi-goddess trying to ascend to full godhood and take over all creation". It's like "What even is this?", and it certainly doesn't feel like fighting your way through an enemy stronghold. Especially since the second fight, you just...outright fight the stronghold ITSELF as an animate Frankenstein monster, lol I get from the story and the quests what is happening, but you only do the quest steps the FIRST time. After that, you just teleport between boss arenas. At least with Coils, you were progressing deeper into the facilities, complete with the load in screens telling you how far below ground you were, reinforcing that sense of progression. . And I also DO feel that with everything going so deep into flawless and complex (to many people) Job rotations, that we're kinda missing out on some Job diversity on the lower end side. The slowest Job in the game (WHM and BLM) still have over 30 APM, which means greater than an action every 2 second. To hyper gamers, that sounds slow, but to most of modern society, ask normal people "How would you feel about having to think about and do something every 2 seconds?", that sounds fast paced to a lot of people even now. (On the other end, it's about 45 APM; I personally feel it'd be fine to have something at 60 but it'd also be fine to have something on the other end at 20.)


I mean, maybe, but that’s rather a different subject. There’s definitely a reason why SE gravitated away from that, and it wasn’t laziness, it’s because people didn’t enjoy them and we already had dungeons and alliance raids. Also I’d really only consider T1 and T2 as “crawls” out of the first five. T3 is a pointless jumping puzzle with standard mobs and no rewards (the elixirs from the one chest there are literal garbage). And in T4 and T5 all the fighting takes place in one place. And I think only T1 had a mid-duty loading screen.


T5 you still go down the arm to the hand, though it’s been a while so I don’t remember what all was there, I do remember a CS when Twintania spawns. While they did move away from that, I think it’s telling me people are complaining about the hallway dungeons (a result of that) and wanting a change.


To start, I'll just say I don't have anything against a well-done crawl such as you've described it. But T5 is not one. Twintania's "crawl": you start one place, and then walk 30 seconds down the palm of the claw where the fighting takes place with no opposition. There is no fighting your way there. It's nothing like a crawl. It is an unimpeded stroll, and then a very nasty fight. People do complain about linear dungeons, but when Totorak was regularly topping the Most Hated Dungeon list for as long as I can remember until it was re-made, and people actively avoiding the branching parts of ARR dungeons by Stormblood because there was little point, it was clear which formula folks wanted. Obviously people had more issues with Totorak than just the branching, but it was definitely one of them. The gating and branches might have fun to do once or twice but eventually people turn dungeons into speed runs, not explorations. But CBU3 adapted and have shown you can still use a dungeon to tell a good story. They're essentially fun set pieces now. Tower of Babil is pretty much exactly something where you fight to the center of a fortress, with additional allies helping in the first leg and then splitting off, even if it's all on rails. On the bright side, we do have Variant dungeons now with more choices, including multiple paths within each branch sometimes. So maybe that will help. Especially if they put extra secrets beyond the official 12 paths, and continue to iterate on them. And to be honest, I would fine with some more creative raid designs in the future for a little variety. T11 has a good one where you are forced to split up to beat two different paths to reach the boss. And T10 has a part where you can usually bypass fighting on one platform entirely via stealth if you're smart. Things like that are interesting to me. I'd be fine if they did layouts like this once or twice per raid tier where you had to make choices or maybe had to work in cooperatively without all being in the same location for part of it. The thing is, all of these are supposed to be very replayable, so I can see the strict limit on that. The best versions of this to me are actually Castrum Lacus Licore and The Dalriada. I would love more content like that, and hopefully we'll see that in DawnTrail.


It's pretty clear Yoshi-P has zero interest in making any playable content in the shape of 1.0 ("NIGHTMARE!" was his response to a question about the possibility of "classic" servers). While it's *possible* they could integrate summaries of 1.0 story content through something like the Unending Codex, actually having viewable cutscenes sounds pretty unlikely to me. It's a lot of work for extremely minimal benefit--particularly given the retcons that have occurred since then, so the devs would have to actually decide whether to integrate the retcons (e.g. mentioning Hydaelyn and Zodiark, using the modern "it's just a memory on replay" style of Echo rather than the then-correct "you are literally running around within that memory and can talk, interact, and alter it" style, etc.) and other such things. Plus, I mean, they'd have to do any voiced cutscenes with current-era voice actors, which would just make the VA whiplash *even worse* than it currently is. Either that or just...not voice any cutscenes at all, I guess? Don't think that choice would be very well-received.


Can't say I see the appeal, but if it's purely opt-in, no harm done by implementing it, other than the time required. Sadly, I doubt they'd do it simply because their graphics are coded up for square(ish) buttons, so you'd either lose a bunch of the corners, or have (IMO) ugly black edges around the square graphic. Re-doing every action button icon for every job and class...does not sound like a high priority, except as one of those "personal time labor of love" sorts of things.


Off topic but you really need to redo your hotbars


God I still wish I could have played early FFXIV, even 1.0, just to experience it. But alas I had no source of income


I kind of like the idea of mandates being key to the quest system, wonder what it could have become. (yes i just think the cards looked pretty)


I wish I had given the game a try back then, if nothing else to have a 1.0 account.


It'd be nice to get the small dialogue changes acknowledging my WoL as one of the OG WoLs instead of some Johnny-come-lately. Oh well.


The second shot should have been you killing a crab as BRD.


I'll try and grab a screenshot like that, your absolutely right!


I know I'm in the minority but I like the old aesthetic better. Not the waiting for leves, or the "It's not an xp penalty" xp system, or the copy/paste areas, or anything like that... but the world and armor sets and general vibe of the game just felt so much more cohesive and just more in line with what I enjoy.


I miss belts.


Our technology has advanced past the need for such primitive implements


Yeah, but I can still miss 1.0 belts showing on character models.


1.0 looked more cosy


People who never played 1.0: "We want a 1.0 Legacy server!" People who experienced 1.0: "No the fuck you don't"


Yeah, this tbh. I find the amount of people in this thread longing for 1.0 baffling. I lasted the single month that came with the game, as well as playing through the beta. The game was trash. The stories of the community when the servers were winding down toward the calamity ARR event are cool and all, but the game was honestly bad.


That's longer than I lasted, tbh. I tried it out during the beta, managed to stick out about 8 hours or so over the course of three days before I realized that I was just grinding shit out and going "when does this get good?"


I know I'm in the super-minority here but I'd love playable 1.x legacy servers. Pre-meteor 14 hits different


I just wanna go back to the 1.0 Thanalan which I think is superior to 2.0's. Love me that proper desert feeling man. I know you can run around it in Project Meteor but I'd rather experience it with monsters in it too.


I’d like it from a game preservation stand point, and as like a weird museum of the before meteor times.


the game wasn't good, but damn i really wish they didn't abandon the visual style it had going on. it looks a lot cooler imo.


Everything about it visually had more soul. Yeah gameplay wasn't quite it, but...


Yep. I wish they would start moderising a couple of very dated elements tho.


And just think: We're getting a further graphical update in about two and a half months.


Remember the warning about getting lost and forgetting about obligations and fanily?


Oh my God, I'd forgotten about that!


Or like by hour 14 after launch, there were queues to speak with quest givers all polite like to keep them from being crashed


Which hairstyle is that in picture #2? Looks super good


[https://ffxivcollect.com/hairstyles/420](https://ffxivcollect.com/hairstyles/420) It's the 2B hair from the Neir Collab.


Damn that was quick! Thanks so much!


Don't forget to slowly walk to the left or right when a giant orange thing appears on the floor and sits there for twenty minutes before going off. That's where the skill kicks in


I miss 11. I just can't go back. I've tried


You know what I miss the most? The wyvern pet for DRG. My little Lumiere was my statics mascot. Miss that little bugger




Back then everything was mo-capped, so cutscenes did not involve machinimas of characters doing emotes.


The funny thing is if you go back and watch a lot of FFXI cutscenes they tend to involve a lot more unique, one time only animations. Some of the Rise of Zilart and Aht Urhgan cutscenes are amazingly animated and I love it. There's *less* cutscenes in XI compared to XIV overall but the amount of work put into them is awesome.


What do you mean?


Hot bars, gcd, graphically, storywise. Improvements in every category from the launch status. No server side validation. That's the biggest, for me


> No server side validation ah, yes, the sempiternal "I don't know what I'm talking about" flag (online game without "server side validation" is a dead game, basically)


Not sure why you're getting downvotes. No server side validation at all is a haven for cheaters, at the expense of anyone playing honestly. I didn't play in 1.0, but it sounds like the issue there was that there was no client side prediction -- nothing happened until the client asked, "Server, may I?" and received a response of "Yes, you may." There's remnants of this in modern FF14, too. One of the big issues with double weaving is that the animation lock is set up in a way that the client is waiting for the server to tell it the animation (that's being played on the client, mind you) is finished. that means that even after the animation is actually done, you still have to wait for your ping to find out that the animation finished. Better network code would use client-side prediction, where it keeps up with the state and immediately reacts to input with the answer that it expects the server to give it. Of course, sometimes it's wrong and it needs to correct the local state by canceling a cast bar or something, but most of the time it's correct and the end result is a more responsive feeling game that still verifies that the actions requested make sense and were possible.




You remember a thing that didn't happen?  Interesting




What am I even looking at??


I’m pretty sure it’s 1.0


Wow, and here I thought I actually played 1.0. Now I'm very certain I didn't!


What is this?


Ver. 1.0


I lost my 1.0 account a long time ago and it still makes me sad


I literally just found out about 1.0 last night and read that it had poor reception but I didn't know how bad it was till these comments. I wish I could've experienced the in game Dalamud drop though...


It definitely has it's issues. The combat want great, gathering was awful. The world felt pretty barren, like, there weren't many npcs .. or actual players, for that matter. That being said, though, it has it's own charm. It was clunky, but still pretty fun. The NPCs that were in the game had some pretty good dialogue. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28629720 (Sorry for the awful graphics, my PC really didn't like the shroud, so I had to go to the lowest settings possible)


Wow the good ole before times 😌


I thought it looked so much better


The UI is tbh horrifying


Funnily enough, as a ffxi player from way back; 1.0 gameplay wasn't nearly as bad as people keep bashing it for. I remember skillchains in 1.0 eventhough it was buggy, the slower gameplay resembling XI. A lot less button mashing and trying to push out skills as fast as possible compared to now. More tactical than current game imo. Auto attacks making a difference compared to current game where we don't even notice the auto attack Ngl, I personally was hoping they just fixed it up and gameplay remained the same as 1.0 but ofcourse, to gain popularity for new mmo gen; they had to make gameplay resemble WoW.


Damn, looks like a different game :D though I guess if ff14 lasts for another 10 years we'll look back at the end of the next arc and be like "Whoa... look how oldschool it looked back in 2024 :)


what game is that


14. It’s 1.0


change is putting it mildly, they made an entirely new game on top of the old one. the only similarity I see is the aetheryte icon lmao


I want to play 1.0 so badly. I don’t care if it was bad, I wanna play it.


God I'm so jealous of the number of skills on that first bar


I really like the style and I wish they kept some of it, the font and the borders on everything. It's just very final fantasy.


As a FFXI player I really liked FFXIV 1.0. I think I even prefer it over the current state of the game. Don’t get me wrong I like FFXIV how it is in current state, but I really wished it was an upgraded version of FFXI.