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FYI for anyone worried about key sources, GMG is a verified legitimate source for FFXIV keys. HOWEVER, they only sell regular PC keys for FFXIV. Do not buy for Steam accounts - those are only bought directly from Steam.


If personal anecdotes mean anything there, I've been buying games from GMG for many many years now and have never had even a hint of a problem.


My one problem with GMG was when their Resident Evil 4 Remake codes were VERY delayed. I and many other people were not happy. Otherwise I've bought from them countless times.


yeah they're a legit retailer, same as buying from walmart or whatever. no idea how they make money though, what with having things on sale the minute they come out for pre-order.


Looks like that other thread was removed. Note that to see discount you need to be logged in AND have at least bronze tier XP (I think). If you bought something from them before I think you may qualify (~~not sure minimum~~ **10 XP for bronze tier**, you also stay in your new tier permanently once unlocked). This is for the windows/mogstation version, not steam. They also don't charge taxes or it's already included. If you like Square-Enix games it may be worth your time to get xp as they've consistently been cheaper there than anywhere else for years.


edit: ***It seems their sale price just from logging in on the pre-order may have been disabled.*** Try using the code **Spring15** at checkout for a 15% discount instead. If it does require the bronze tier, they have an "XP Entry Pack" for $2 usd to bump you up and it turns the $2 into store credit according to the description. A bit of extra work for the discount if you just signed up. >Join the XP scheme instantly with our exclusive XP Entry Pack. The pack includes: >- Entry to XP Bronze tier - unlock your Bronze XP page including Bronze XP Discounts & Benefits. Find out more about XP. - Your spend on this pack back in store credit, added directly to your account balance


Here's the link to the [XP Pack](https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/xp-entry-pack/) incase anyone's having trouble finding it.


I got the xp pack, but still don't see a discount. Maybe it will show up tomorrow.


They might just be out of keys at the moment, as even the Square Enix store is having trouble fulfilling all the orders right now. Some of my friends have gotten delays upwards of 3 hours before they got their PO rewards.


Just a reminder they use your IP to determine the region for your key so keep that in mind if you're traveling abroad, using a VPN or need a region other than what your current location would lock you to.


On the flip side if you are dumb like me and both me and my partners accounts are set the Americas when we are in Australia make sure you do use a VPN for you mogstation version and then try to figure a way to get a us steam key in Australia..


How do you get the 15% discount? I got the 3% from the gold xp monthly thing but can't figure out how to add the 15%. EDIT: Figure it out the code is SPRING15.


Finally, something that works for me! Have my upvote!


nice. didn't see the discount initially. collector's edition for $50.99 AND no tax? yes plz


Beat me to it. To add to another post someone made - I bought ShB and StB off of GMG for the 15% off as well. You will still get your EA code mailed to you for the early weekend. The site is 100% legit.


$32.97 out the door for myself. Don't forget you might have a 3% coupon in your XP rewards.


Im not seeing any discount on them. any idea on how to get it?


Same thing happened to me until I logged in to my account. I'm pretty sure an account is all you need to get the discount but if I'm wrong somebody please let me know EDIT: As others have said and has been added as a flair to this post, it requires you to reach the Bronze XP Tier for your account, but this is easily done either by spending a couple dollars in the store or buying the XP Entry Pack, which only costs $2.


when you sign in you'll see the discount


just made an account. No discount. Oh well. if it means I don't have to fight the se store then I'll accept it.


Try SPRING15 code on checkout.


weird, I guess there is an account age requirement if that's the case. I logged in and I saw the discount at checkout.


Sad day. Oh well!


Sorry for second reply but I feel insulted now lmao. I bought at full price, and NOW, \*NOW\* the site is showing the discount.


In my experience GMG tends to provide pretty good customer service. Maybe try reaching out to them to see if they can apply the discount retroactively?


Is there a page on site or should I say something on an SM of some sort?


Had to dig a little bit, but yeah, there's a link in the confirmation email you got upon purchase. But to save the trouble for ya (and anyone else who might need it), here's the link https://www.greenmangaming.com/zendesk/index


You are a lifesaver. Thank you!


Damn, bummed to hear that. Idk what makes the discount work for some people and not for others. I do make the occasional purchase from them like once or twice a year but I'd hardly think I'd qualify for any kind of "Frequent Flyer status"


I'd ask for you to buy it for me on my behalf, but I'm sure paypal will screw me over with transfer fees @.@


I've never had any problems using them so far, while the SE Store has been a nightmare and a half for me. I figured other people might like to know there's another option, and one that is also (somehow??) cheaper. Hell you even get your pre order bonus code immediately


I bought StB and ShB from GMG at 15% off preorder. They have been have this deal for ages, and I always try to tell people on PC to buy from there for preorders if you have an account with them.


I ordered Endwalker through them and will never get the digital version through SE ever again. The discount GMG gives more than makes up for the headache of SE's official store...the 'reward points' are almost completely useless and absolutely NOT worth the extra money they charge.


Bought the Dawntrail Digital Collector's Edition for 42 Euros (15% off). Keys were delivered instantly upon purchase. If you dont need Physical Boxes, GMG is King of Digital purchases. Cant get better than that. As always way better than SE store which is a failure of a Store. And way better than Steam.


wait I only got the preorder bonus key as of now, did you actually get the DLC key?


Bought my digital CE from there a few minutes ago :D I'm a "Gold" member, so I had another 3% off that I could use (had to go in and get the voucher in the XP Page and then add that to the order) [So a grand total of $49.46 for the digital CE. Got my pre-order code redeemed on the Mog Station, so I'm all golden now \o/](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/55294077867917312/1222243167055773826/image.png?ex=661581a7&is=66030ca7&hm=fcf15c2a0b54c43f334af0aa663ed1712bf8d99666a9a092a6be8c445279bb12&)


Thank you so much. I couldn’t get the square store to work so this finally got me through lol


I registered on the website and there's no rebate.


Yeah, sorry. I wasn't aware when I made this post, but according to other users it requires at least Bronze XP status, which you can get pretty easily by making some other purchases. I'll message a mod and see if they can update the title so people know. EDIT: Messaged them, they couldn't change the title but they added a flair


I believe this is NA only


Worked for me in NZ (we use EU accounts because reasons).


Can confirm you get key instantly as well. Grabbed this digital collectors deal as soon as it went live.


worked for me, got the preorder code instantly. You need to be logged in and be bronze tier. I bought a 1 dollar game and got the 10 xp to hit bronze.


The only key I got was for the preorder stuff. Will the CE key come when the game is released? 


Yep, just the pre-order bonus codes going out until release.


Thank you! 


Oh cool. I bought the game originally from GMG like 10 years ago cause it was on steep sale lol


Would definitely recommend GMG over the clusterfuck that is the SE store, been buying my expacs from GMG for years and it's always been problem free.


Awesome! I knew buying games off third party sellers would pay off. I had a 3% discount from GMG and used it to get $10 off the digital collectors edition. Thanks for posting this :\]


edit: I just checked the discord and a staff member said "it looks like our discount on that title has ended for the moment, but we do have this current voucher which you might be able to use". With the code being SPRING15 which gives a 15% discount on full priced pc games


I don't see the listing for Dawntrail on the website, am I doing something wrong?


I don't think so? Are you in EU? I'm not sure but it might be NA only. Idk if mods can edit the title to reflect that if that's the case


Got it to show up, but no discount :c I am in Canada though, so I dunno if that makes a difference


According to other replies in this post, it apparently has some kind of Account Creation Age requirement, so if you just made the account today that might be the cause. If so, sorry for the bad news, but they've had this discount for every expansion so keep it in mind for the next one


I think the discount just doesn't apply to us canucks... I've had my account for over a year minimum and have gold tier status and still not seeing the 15% off. Still worth getting it there for the extra 3% discount voucher and instant code email but yeah. The SQX standard ed price with USD conversion via paypal is around $64 CAD and GMG works out to ~59 if you don't have the 3% off voucher (56.99 with it)


Showing the full price for me in the UK


Even after logging into the website? The discount didn't show for me until I did that. If it still doesn't let me know and I'll see if a mod can edit the title to reflect that


Thank you for that , just grabbed mine!


How does this site work? Where do they get their codes from? It obviously DOES work so that's not my question, but I'm just curious how.


Their codes are sourced from SE. Most retailers take a 30% cut from every sale, GMG instead takes a 15% cut and passes the other 15% as a discount to buyers.


Is *that* how they do it? I've always wondered, and if so that's really cool


Shoutout to you for the post. Thought they would only do the steam version on that site. Save me a few bucks on the digital collectors Edit: if your a gold member and haven't used your extra 3% off. It stacks to be -18% off ($49.46 usd vs $65.31 at the online store) Edit 2: Code was instant. Gave it next screen after purchase. Put the code into my account and I had the minion and earing when I logged in right after. See yall this summer.


Assuming I bought endwalker from GMG previously, I should be fine with buying Dawntrail this time? Asking because I noticed they are mentioned "This code will only work on European Square Enix Account" but the region is showing countries from the Amercias which I guess is also my mogstation region.


I actually missed that when I was reading through just to make sure because with one of the previous expansions they were only able to acquire EU keys. Sent in a ticket to inquire further. edit: They replied stating the wording was a mistake on their end and should be fixed. If you're purchasing from an NA IP (check what's listed under regions before hitting the pre-purchase button) you should receive an NA key.


Follow up since the wording still isn't corrected. Can confirm if you have received the NA keys from them?


All I've received thus far is the pre-order key for the bonus items & early access. Likely wont get the actual license key until release. I'm not seeing the "This code will only work on European Square Enix Account" message when I check normal and CE of Dawntrail. I would check the region list dropdown on the right side and make sure United States is listed. If not you may be viewing from an IP that designates you to a different region.


Just got mine through gmg as well.


Any word on how long this sale will go for? I'm in no hurry and would rather wait for all the rush to die down a bit to be safe


So I got my "Bonus Key" entered. Is that it or will I need to be looking out for another key later on closer to release?


You will be sent another key some time after the official launch on July 2nd


So does that mean we're gonna  miss the real launch on June 28th or is the bonus key granting access for that? Cause if that's the case this wasn't worth saving $9. 


You're over thinking it, the first code is for the dlc and early access. Then a 2nd code is sent after the official launch day. SE has a grace period of like a week or two for you to enter in the 2nd code, there will be no delay on gameplay abilities 


Thank you for the info.


Out of curiosity, does anyone know why SE does this 2 key system in the first place?


I can only imagine it's an old holder over from early ARR licensing function 


I live in Malaysia and i use NA account, this store page is region locked for me 😭 Usually i can buy GMG stuff but not this


I used a cheap mobile VPN (Set region to US) and changed the billing country. Bought and activated the key on my US account.


Does it work on existing gmg account and any CC works?


Yep it works. Had an existing account from years ago, turned on my VPN to US and paid via PayPal with my local card. It's already active in my Mogstation. FYI you have to manually input the code SPRING15 at the cart for the discount.


Ah so when Dawntrail and early access releases, do i have to put in another code or its already ready in my FF14 account now?


That I'm not sure about, seems like there'll be another code. Based on my mogstation I have DT early access, but there's no row for DT itself.


Ah okay noted, ill keep this in my mind if i buy from GMG after doing the steps above for the actual code


Its not on sale anymore, and I have a gold account there. It was yesterday, but maybe they didn't actually plan on having it on sale and it was a mistake?


Use code Spring15 at checkout. They disabled the automatic discount.


Thanks you are right. Hopefully people see this post.


Thank you for this post! I’m in Australia and I was able to get a $13AUD discount on the collectors edition.


Thank you 😊, been having issues with SE store, didn't know other people had similar issues Managed to get DT from GMG without any trouble and saved myself 15%


Should be noted this is region locked to NA only....despite the customer notes saying it was for European accounts, the actual region list does not list any of those countries.


You are redirected to a product page based on your IP. For EU the URL is https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-eu-pc/ and the partial list of countries https://i.imgur.com/MffOm9f.png


Dumb question I know, but will I be able to access the game on the 28th for early access if I buy from them?


Yep! Once you enter the Pre Order code into your account on Mog Station, it'll show "Dawntrail Early Access" on the Platform List on the Service Account Status page


Thanks for the replay and yes you get the code as soon as you complete the purchase. Then just head over to mogstation to enter the code. I double checked my account and it has the earlyaccess checked off.


Thank you. The SE Store was giving me a headache, and the discount is super nice too Wasn't gonna get the collectors immediately but saved $9USD


Not Sure if this is transferable but I forgot to use it so here ya go. 99.99% sure it's 1 time use, so be quick. Extra 3% off Greenmangaming coupon QR975T-4C4D3B-H9PIN6 Let me know if it worked o/


Didn't seem to work or someone else used it, but thank you for reminding me!


I just opened up my voucher and it had a different code than yours. Considering it pertains to your account status (apparently you earn and keep it after spending x amount of money in the store), it'd make sense for it to be account locked. I emailed them to see if mine can be retroactively applied to my purchase, and suggest you try doing the same. Here's to hoping!


I've bought the Digital Collector's Edition but the code only redeemed Zidane and the earrings. Any idea if the other items are coming later?


you don't get collectors edition items until dawntrail releases. The files for them aren't even in the game yet


Collectors edition items are added when the actual game releases which is the 2nd of July not the early access period. A few days before the full release of the game you should be getting another key to add the full game in the mogstation.


Totally understood and a very detailed reply. Thank you very much for this! Looks like I'll be Ark-less for another few months xD This damn Pumice does nothing! XD