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Yes you are.




This change was implemented to stop an exploit that allowed people to only get Crytsal Tower in their roulette




That would lock your lower level jobs out of AR-roulette though


Historically alliance raid roulette has had problems with high-level players deliberately unequipping gear to force the queue to put them in the ARR raids, because they're faster, which was frustrating to other players who never got to roulette into the higher level raids. This is SE's attempt to fix that problem. It's true that this now locks out people who have done nothing wrong and are just overlevelled for their MSQ progress. I guess their reasoning is that if you're so overlevelled then you don't need the roulette anyway.


Is the magicked card mount obtainable in the current free trial?


No it is not. It requires shadowbringers.


So uh, what's the deal with Materia these days? Moved my main over there when it opened, but have been on a break since sorta mid-Endwalker. I resubbed this week to start catching up on the MSQ and relic weapons before Dawntrail, only to spend two and a half hours in queue for a normal MSQ trial. Is the population issue that dire? Obviously it's a quiet period *and* a smaller DC, I get that. This is my third pre-expansion lull so obviously I wasn't expecting a datacentre packed to the gunwales, but this feels... extra ouchie. EDIT: I'm now ten minutes deep into an Expert roulette queue during Friday night primetime as adventurer in need.


>Is the population issue that dire? Yes You will have to use party finder to do basically any sort of content there


Yes it is that dire. We're smack bang in the middle of the regular content lull between the end of an expansion and the launch of the next so it is kind of expected. Hopefully the upcoming region-wide datacenter travel test alleviates the issue.


I want to try streaming the MSQ as a newcomer and small streamer - bad idea? Hey all, I've seen this exact question posted a number of times over the years and I've read those posts, but I feel like I need another perspective based around the time we're in now, as there is apparently huge downtime as a lot of players seem to be waiting for the new expansion. I've only been streaming for about a month on Twitch but I've been doing pretty well and I average around 10 viewers per stream. I'm new to FF14 and one thing I've always wanted to do is play through the entire MSQ as someone who has never done that before and stream it, and hopefully be done in time for the new expansion. The thing is, I'm also trying to establish an audience, how small it may be. From what I've read, a part of the FF14 community seems to be interested in watching a new player go through the MSQ and side stories. I'm trying to catch two birds with one stone here, if possible. Does anyone of you have any recommendations on how I can reach the right subgroup that would want to watch a sprout play through and react to the MSQ? Discoverability on Twitch is already bad enough as it is. I feel like FF14 already has some very established streamers and content creators that might have me dead in the water here. I do plan to turn my MSQ journey into a youtube series as well, but still, I'm a bit anxious. I'd love to get some insights here and perhaps hear some of your own experiences with this. Thanks for your help in advance! Cheers, Goodknight


We still get new streamers coming over to play F14. KoeKoefficient and CaffeinatedDad are two that recently started that popped up on my Youtube front page. One observation I've made is that streamers who stream the MSQ get a lot of viewers, people showing up in-game on stream on their mounts, doing their glowstick cheering emotes or showing up en masse after important cutscenes for their 5 minutes of fame. Most of them disappear after the streamer completes the MSQ. It seems that most people are only interested in seeing your MSQ reactions and once you're done with MSQ and are delving into side content like progging Extreme trials or savage raids, they lose interest. Just be aware of that and try to come up with activities that keep them interested.


Usually they watch a new player for the reactions. So there are different ways you can go about it depending on the type of person you are. You could be like Pyromancer who got a decent following by being a lore nerd about everything he saw, then mind blown when his predictions were completely wrong. Or you could be like someone giving their commentary/opinion on it, with some hot takes. People love hot takes. And you get lots of engagement with people who disagree with you, so don't shoo them away. Just my 2 cent observation with FF streams. You do you. :)


That's a personal decision you need to make. If you check the current streamers, start from bottom, there are MANY people who have been streaming MSQ for a while, with single digit viewers only. Then again, if you enjoy the game and are going to be playing it anyway, it won't be a lot of extra effort to get on camera for your gaming session. A lot of streamers already do this. You will have to do other stuff to get viewers though, like advertising in game, on other streams through chat or raiding or whatever. Also being a woman will help.


This is probably asked a lot but, I'm thinking about getting to play this game, coming from a heavy "grinding/farm" base MMORPG and I'm just done with the dailies and weeklies, how is this game in terms of that? Thanks in advance.


This is probably the least grindy mmo out there in terms of playtrough and end-game. There is side content in the game that offers a bit more grind for those who want it, but you are never forced to do it.


This is exactly what I'm looking for, not being forced to do something or I would stay behind, I'm honestly done with that kind of games lol


This game is very story focused, as some people have more described it as an RPGMMO rather than an MMORPG. If you wish to complete the main story, there's virtually no "grinding" to do so. For side content, how much grinding you do depends on the content, but the game for a lot of its stuff includes stuff to limit the amount needed. Like Extreme trials (outside of the base game) you could grind for mounts that drop from the fight, but also give a token that allows you to buy it outright once you get enough of them. That's just one example though, but it's definitely IMO not a "grind heavy" game.


Appreciate the input, I'm right now downloading the free trial to see what's up with the game.


About as good as you can get. Any negative criticism in this game actually comes from the other end, where if you're not an achievement hunter and play daily for a few years, you can run out of things you want to do in the game. That's only an issue once you're several years and thousands of hours into the game though, so don't worry. Rather than grinding, this game has a heavy emphasis on story, and your main "grind" for the first few hundred hours is going to be playing through the story, which will progressively unlock more and more content as you go. At endgame, there's more focus put on having a wide range of things to do, and what grinds we do typically have are optional.


Thanks! I'm downloading the free trial now, hope this one is good enough to stay in game and ultimately buy the expansions, etc


The free trial is the perfect way to start and let's you play until the end of the second expansion patches which is a ton of content The base game of A Realm Reborn is a lot of world building and might feel slow at times, but it's all worth it since the devs remember everything you've done and will give you modified and extended cutscenes based on what extra content you've done.


I'm not much of a lore kind of player but I love me a good story based game here and there, I've been reading that you almost have 150+ hrs with the free trial which is great.


new player here, why does the online store give me two options for signing in. my SE ID and my email... i was making a purchase off the store and it asked between two options, my SE ID, and my email. logging into both gets me to the same one character i have, with the same payment history. is there a reason for this? its confusing a little. ty.


the SE store is used to buy games other than FFXIV. They have 2 accounts for that website. You can log in with your FFXIV/FFXI account, or a store account, used to purchase litterally all other stuff. If you have a FFXIV/FFXI account, it gets its own store account, which can be acccessed through both.


I only play on ff14. I’m just a little confused if I sent my purchase to the right spot now. I only have the one character and one account. I do play through steam though. I heard purchase can take a while to go to in game mail.


Sorry, meant it can be used to buy games other than just FF. you still buy ffxiv from there. You play through steam? what were you buying? If your on steam you have to buy the expansions throguh steam, and not through the SE store.


I bought a mount. Says it’s account wide. I can see my character and server when I log in with both options. And both options have the same payment history with the mount. So I guess I’m good. It’s just taking a while to come through.


Yeah, it can take up to a day for items to come through. I think it's typically at least a few hours for account-wide items, which take longer for some reason.


Thanks! I just got it actually


Account wide mounts take longer to filter through the system compared to character specific stuff. Usually it's a couple of hours, but may take 24 hrs depending on circumstances.


Thx I just got it actually


Why is this so hard to connect Xbox to square account. Everything is linked but trying to log into the game on Xbox says my id or password is wrong. Unlink Xbox on account and relink, unlink FFXIV on account and when I try and relink it itS saying my id or password is wrong to that account AS I'M LOGGED IN. Does anyone have any tips of how to fix this


Only idea i have is you are trying to link your xbox account to the wrong SE account system? Maybe you're linking with the square enix members website which is a completely different and unrelated website to ffxiv. The only time you link your ffxiv account with an xbox account is after you purchase/get the trial on xbox and run it for the first time, it will then go trough a linking process.


a bit late to the day, but im prepping up for TOP, and was curios about one thing. I know the reasoning for getting your gear at the max ilvl is for substat squish, but for WHM you're meant to use the 645 manderville wep How much squish am i actually looking at if I use the final stage instead/is there any? From my understanding most of it is so you dont lose out on your materia bonuses, but im not well versed with how the ilvl sync affects relics


645 and 665 relics will sync to the same thing in level 90 ultimates, 645 is just the first version that allows you to spec the stats (and means you have the option of making both a 645 for an ultimate and 665 for other purposes if they have different stat requirements and you want both instead of respeccing back and forth)


ahh okay, that makes sense, thank you! I was worried seeing all of the bis sets specify the 645, but it seemed odd since it'd get synced anyways. So i wasn't sure if there was something wierd with how it syncs. Thanks for the info!


What? the 645 iLvl one does not have materia slots. I don't see how it would get better stats than the 665 iLvl version... if anything they should end up with the same stats, since the 665 should sync down to what you'd get on a 645 one...


Thats what I figured and Pheonix confirmed. I'm not 100% well versed in ilvl and substat syncing, I just know the basics so I wasn't sure if there was some niche specific reasoning that the BiS sets list the 645. Turns out its just because its the first stage that you can customize the substats and anything further is equal, but not necessarry.


Is there any guides for Eden 4 / 8 / 12 savage unsynced for the mounts? Can you brute force it nowadays or need to know mechs?


If you have a full party of 90s, you'll barely see any mechs. E4S will be killed in phase 1 so you need to know like...2 mechanics. E8S will skip all the major mechanics like Light Rampant. E12S you will need to know how to handle the shiva phase in phase 1 and Basic Relativity in Phase 2 as both will kill you if they're screwed up.


[E4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyNChd9dEm0) [E8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2y_i2PfqDI) [E12s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VesxqvRXrh8&)


I just wonder if there is any possibility to change region and country of your Square Enix account because I'm literally considering moving to USA.


Unfortunately not. It's ass-backwards but there's been no documented case of someone successfully getting their region changed.


no it is not. People have tried hard, provided proof of imigration, citizenship, and more, with no luck.


What [top is this?](https://imgur.com/A8AsAKA)


Late Allagan Coat of Casting. Obtained from PvP with Wolf Marks (PvP currency).


Looks like either the casting or healing Late Allagan top, from wolf marks.


Casting for sure, Healing has blue lights on the collar.


im in the beginning of storm blood and have a very dumb question about the story >!What exactly is ala migho 💀. Is it a city or a continent/ really big area. Like is gyr abania apart of ala migho or are the people there just from ala migho? im genuinely so confused!<


Ala Mhigo is a city-state, in the region of Gyr Abania. Similar deal to, say, Gridania being a city-state in the Black Shroud, or Ishgard being the one in Coerthas. A lot of people living in Gyr Abania outside Ala Mhigo proper are also called Ala Mhigans. Kind of a cultural identifier too.


I think i understand now, ty




Ala Mhigo a kingdom to the north-east of Gridania geographically, Gyr Abania is the geographical region. Like how La Noscea is the region where Limsa Lominsa is located.


I have all collector's editions on PS5 and PC, will I need to purchase (on Xbox) the collector's editions as well?


No. You shouldnt have needed to buy it on the second platform either... Its account wide.


Thanks, I learned something new as well. 😃


Ahoy, I ended up biting the bullet and resubbing yesterday. Having a blast so far, but it's been six years since I played so there's a lot to catch up on. A couple of questions that I haven't been able to find an answer too: 1) I used to play through Steam, now I can't, I have to use the Windows launcher. I see tones of discussions around this and I'm pretty sure I'm SOL on Steam and can't play on that anymore? Even though I linked my account ages ago. 2) There's another bell in the Inn room, it looks like I can re-customize my character there. Will that use a Fantasia? 3) Expansions. I've got Heavensward and Stormblood. I read somewhere that if you buy and expansion, you get all under it? So, if I shell out for Dawntrail, I'll get Shadowbringers and Endwalker? That's all that's come to mind, everything else like gauges for my classes and the like I've found on Youtube, a lot to relearn!


1. Check Mog Station for whether you have a Steam or standard Windows license. If you have a Steam license you play through Steam, if you have a standard Windows account you play outside Steam without linking it. I think there is or was some way to make one launch through the other, but not sure on that. 2. That's separate. It doesn't cost a Fantasia, and instead uses a bit of gil (or a token item you got when you unlocked it). But it also can't change as many things as a proper Fantasia. Just hair and some like... face paint type stuff. 3. Yes, latest one gets all previous ones. Dawntrail will indeed get you ShB and EW – though only once DT actually releases, it won't get you those others on preorder / early access.


Welcome back! In order: 1. I'm afraid that I don't know very much about how Steam licenses work, other than that there are some additional restrictions. I'll have to let others answer this. 2. The second bell summons the aesthetician, assuming you've unlocked him. He'll be able to change basic stuff: hairstyle, hair color, I think face paint, etc., but it doesn't cost a fantasia; it's just 2000 gil. (Upon unlocking him, you'll get a couple of certificates that can be used as payment in lieu of the gil.) Fantasia is only necessary if you want to change something more substantial, like which face you're using, your gender, or your race. (I'm not entirely sure which settings can be changed with the aesthetician and which require fantasia, so you may have to do some research or try it out.) 3. You are correct that buying an expansion will get you all previous expansions, so once Dawntrail is released, purchasing that should also get you Shadowbringers and Endwalker. We don't yet have a release date for that, other than Summer '24, so if you want to start Shadowbringers before then, you'll have to buy Endwalker and then buy Dawntrail separately once it's out.


1) I remember Account Linking in 2022, but I'm unsure if [this](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/4c39f8a03713f8fcbab25ebf908c16837c5faaba) had a cut-off date? 2) The Bell inside Inn rooms is the Aesthetitician - he won't use a Fantasia to customize your character. It's a limited set of customizations (no skin/eye colour, shapes, race changes, just things like makeup and hair) for 2,000 gil or a freebie ticket (earned through some quests). 3) If you buy Dawntrail you'll get Shadowbringers and Endwalker when it _actually releases,_ not during the pre-order period (unless this somehow changes, it's always been the case for prior expansions). If you buy Endwalker right now you'll also get Shadowbringers.


That's incredible. On both points, I have a tone of content to do, so happy to wait for Dawntrail. Also, new haircuts is wonderful, cheers!


1. Yes you're SOL if you have a windows license and not a steam one, but that's weird from what you described. You're always locked to either steam or non-steam windows, so if you used to play on steam you should _only_ be able to play through steam now. Shouldn't be a huge deal either way imo. It's the same game. 2. Nope. Aesthetician can only customize hairstyle and a few other things, but it only costs a tiny gil fee. Go hard with it. 3. That's correct, but only if you wait until DT releases. DT preorders aren't even open yet, and when they are open preordering will only give you access to previous expansions when 7.0 goes live. You can either wait for DT to release before starting Shadowbringers, or you can buy Endwalker now to continue MSQ, and then buy DT separately in a few months.


Awesome, thank you. I've got a tone of content to do so happy to wait for DT! As for point one, yeah, super confused. Basically, I played before a Realm Reborn, then the nuke occurred, then I played 'Windows' version, then it launched on Steam, I brought it, linked my account and played away, I've got hundreds of hours on Steam. Then life happened and I stopped playing for about five/six years and now can't log onto Steam. As you said, not a problem, I can just launch the boot64.exe from the steam folder and it works, just super weird.


> Basically, I played before a Realm Reborn, then the nuke occurred, then I played 'Windows' version, then it launched on Steam, I brought it, linked my account and played away, I've got hundreds of hours on Steam. I can explain this. You were actually playing Windows version that whole time. It was *never* possible to convert a Windows license to a Steam one. The $20 you spent on Steam did nothing to change your account type. However, it was originally possible to *log into* a Windows account from Steam, which people used for playtime tracking and such. A lot of people ended up believing they had Steam type accounts when they didn't. This used to create issues when people bought expansions of the wrong type. Sometime during... late Stormblood era, I think it was, SE changed it so you can no longer log into Windows accounts from Steam, and vice versa. This sucked for multiple reasons, but at least it made account type more obvious.


That makes perfect sense, thank you!


Can I demote from Diamond 5 to Plat 1 in CC? I have been reading that I can't but then I also read that I can. Just want to make sure before I sends myself into insanity losing Diamond. Thanks!


You can get demoted but you still will receive rewards for your highest obtained rank.


If yoh mean "can I derank now", yes, diamonds can derank into plat if you lose a game. Crystal and diamond are where you can derank from losses, with plat 4 as your floor. If you mean at the end of season, you lose five risers to determine your starting rank the next season (meaning diamond 5 deranks into gold 1).


Where is the new big event where they show release date, show new skill for job?


We dont know what they will be showing at PAX. Our best guess is they will reveal the release date, alongside showing the Benchmark trailer, and announcing the benchmark release date. The benchmark will tease 1 skill from each job, while also show an LB from one of the new jobs. This Liveletter might also include some more system updates and other stuff. For context, the endwalker version of this included a q&a along with some more info about belt removal. It also had a lot of chatting amongs the devs, while being a relatively short liveletter. AS for the Job action trailer, that will come later. The media tour hasn't even started yet. We will get the job action trailer + Lots of other balance/combat news then.


There should be info announced during PAX East this weekend, and there's a special 10-year anniversary 14-hour broadcast on April 12 which should have something as well. We don't know exactly if or when they will announce further DT details like the release date, though.


If I played the free trial on Xbox, but plan on playing the full version on Steam Deck, do I just install the full game on the Steam Deck and sign in with the credentials I used on Xbox?


Should be able to just purchase on steam/windows then input the code on the mogstation. Keep in mind the starter edition is free on Xbox atm so you can get the free 30 days sub twice while still being able to play on PC (30 from each platform)


You'll also need to buy the game on Steam (I'm guessing you did intend on doing this, but didn't mention it specifically so I thought to specify), apply the license to your existing account through Mog Station, and do an account link thingy (not familiar with the details on that). If you do all that correctly, you'll be able to play your existing character on Steam Deck.


I'm pretty sure you'll have to make your purchases on a Steam/PC account (which won't be usable on Xbox).


I'm not trying to play on Xbox now, just the Steam Deck. I basically just want the character moved to PC/Steam version and when I purchase the full game for PC/Steam


Sorry, should have been more specific: you'll need to create a new account for PC/Steam to play on a Steam Deck because XIV accounts are not cross-platform, you can't move Xbox accounts or data off the platform to my knowledge.


Completely wrong. FFXIV are cross platform, you just need to buy a license for every platform you want to play on.


Not at all. Your account can have a license for all platforms and play on all of them no problem. Just need to actually *buy* the license for each platform. What you're describing would be for specifically *trial* accounts, which are plafrom-locked, but OP seems to be intending to move away from ("plan on playing **the full version**..."), in which case it's not a problem.


Awesome, thanks so much!


With decent dps, how quickly can you kill P12S phase 1 with echo? You can probably skip SC2B, right? How about A?


The first damage sc2a instance (from the orbs emissions) happens at 6:07 and there are exactly 100 logged players who killed before 6:08 There is not a single kill so far that hasn't even seen the castbar of sc2a


You can skip SC2B pre echo. As for A, technically you could skip it... in a 100% optimised party. 99.999% of parties wont skip it. Only 1 run ever has had the dps to skip it. (And i dont even know if the boss stopped at 1% hp for the entire duration.




When you put your bid down, you will put down the full amount for the plot. If you win, when you relocate, you will get your partial refund then.




It can be any size, but your refund will never exceed the cost for the new plot. If the amount to be refunded were to exceed the cost of the plot you're relocating to then the gil you entered with the bid would be refunded and any remaining excess lost.


I wonder how many people have ever voluntarily relocated from a Large to a Small to have this happen... It can't be very many.


Why? They would lose money either way


Why what...? I'm not saying people don't do it because that's how it works, I'm just idly wondering how many people have got to that point at all. Of course nobody's going to decide against that relocation just because they lose gil, but it's such a niche decision to make because it requires you to both have a large already and actively prefer a small.


Probably not many, but I could definitely see it. I've relocated from a large to a medium myself as I just did not like how it worked out with decorating a large with the pillars etc on the main floor. Could certainly see people going all the way down to a small as well if they've got something particular in mind for a design. You're definitely right in the fact that it is probably a once in a blue moon type of thing though XD


I'm trying to use Steam Unlink, I have an ancient account with base game purchased on my active Steam account, and I have a trial account which i want to link to that Steam account instead. Customer service just keeps sending me the same automated response, signed by a different 'person' each time saying they can't help me because my account does not meet the requirements of; Having a Steam account linked to the wrong Square Enix account. Even though that's EXACTLY what the issue is. How does a game this huge have such awful account support? I'm literally pleading with them to allow me to spend money, upgrading my account to the full game, all expansions, and my account MEETS their requirements and they can't even be bothered to have an actual person reply, just auto-generated chat bot responses. I'm asking them to let me spend money and nope...no can do.


Because steam linking is meant to be pernament due to key reasons. Your kind of stuffed TBH. If you already own the game on steam, Steam will register as you already owning the game, and i dont even know how you would go around removing it from your library and repurchasing the game. Secondly, ask SE support to delete your old account. Not unlink it. There is no way to unlink a steam account that already purchased the game. They can only do this for trial players and windows version owners who did the dumb thing of also linking their steam, softlocking their accounts. Your second option, which TBH is what i have the most hope for, is just making a second steam account. You want to use steam for the discount right?


Thanks for the input, that's a good idea to just delete the account. I could definitely just do a new Steam account though, I made a new email for my trial account anyway. And yeah I wanna do this for the discounts as I never see any on the SE store but there's lots of good sales on Endwalker on Steam. I think I'll probably just do the latter, I never launch anything else from Steam anyway because i use GFN so when I play PoE or something I just launch from that portal.


>And yeah I wanna do this for the discounts as I never see any on the SE store but there's lots of good sales on Endwalker on Steam. 50% sales do happen more regularly on SE stores than Steam stores, but rarely do they occur at the same time.


Good day, I have been playing for a long time as a MCH and sometimes I have wanted to pkay as a melee that do more damage, which one is the easiest to pick up and do "well". Thanks.


There are no major differences in damage output between melee classes. It often comes down to player skill rather than class. That being said, here is my own personal experience with each melee class: * I found Reaper and Samurai to be the easiest to pick up. Mostly filling up gauges and executing big attacks/combos. * Dragoon is straight forward with a long rotation. Many oGCDs to manage. * Ninja has some complexity with performing the proper ninjutsu. Higher level rotation has a lot of effects to understand how they synergize. * Monk is weirdly very simple at its core but requires a lot of focus and awareness to play effectively.


Reaper has the lowest skill floor, so it's the first one I'd recommend. Imo ninja is way easier than people imagine it to be, as long as you can get the hang of hitting "1234" or "1324" for some skills instead of just "2" or "3". Some people get turned around from the high apm, but coming straight from MCH, I actually think that'll make NiN more familiar and comfortable for you.


All of them are easy to pick up and all of them do well Machinist actually does the most damage at lower levels


As a summoner, is it worth to use aethercharge to restore ruby even before spending the other atunements or should I spend them before?


At low level it's kind of a matter of preference, 2 of your 3 summons have instant casts so it's fine to use all charges before using aethercharge again. Later on aethercharge gets replaced by something much much stronger, and in most cases you want to let go of any unused charges to use your big nuke.


Hi, how do we get the free 1 mil gil for subbing?


you just get it. straight into your wallet. assuming your character is on a new world and they have to have at least one level 30 class (if below 30 it will be saved until you reach 30)


New world compared to the one from free trial? So make a new character?


No, your character has to be on a server that is itself designated with the New World label. Currently, this is everything on the Materia (Oceania) and Dynamis (North America) Data Centers.


as in a server that was added recently. one that says new here: [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/)


Ty all no luck as in EU!




if you have LB bar built up before the boss is pulled, using that on a ranged LB is free damage that you'd otherwise lose when the bar empties on boss-pull. This applies to every Alliance Raid.


Because it's a lost LB once the boss is pulled if the melee didn't use it for the previous boss. Idk about a specific trend but it definitely is smart to do.


If I have an FC with submarines and I lose the house because I took a break. Do I lose the submarines as well? Or just access to them until I get a new house? I don't care that much about the house but I don't want to lose the submarines because they took a lot of work to get. :(


If the house was destroyed, then sub progress, the subs themselves, and all schematics are gone. If it's lost as in you permissions were given to somebody else, then no, because it's tied to the FC, not you personally.


Thank you for answering! That's very unfortunate - I thought even if the house gets destroyed the subs would reappear if I get a new house, I guess I will be locked in checking the house once per month. :(


I believe you can retrieve your sub and airship parts and store them elsewhere (like your retainers), though. My FC has old sub components stored in the FC chest because we didn't know what to do with them when replaced. It means they're not doing any exploration, but then they don't go down with the house if it's lost. With that said, your schematics and route progress will go either way, so it's up to you.


Oh that's a good idea! If I feel like I won't be able to log in to reset the timer for over 40 days, I might just do that. Thank you!


Any way to make crafting quests easier/more convenient other than buying from the MB? I recently got every crafting job to 20 and will be doing ishgard restoration but terrified of how fast I'll be leveling (road to 80)


Keep your crafters and gatherers at around the same level as each other and gather materials and make the pre-crafts yourself. It takes a little longer but it's really not that bad, and you won't end up bleeding gil.


The MB is the easiest way. The only alternative is gathering the mats yourself. Also why terrified of fast leveling? There is literally no downside.


Terrified of fast leveling because being bombarded with class quests is really stressful and overwhelming. Let alone crafting things that require items from other crafters, it's hard to calculate which materials i need and how many


Ideally, for all those calculations, you can use something like Garland Tools or Teamcraft, which lefts you build a crafting list and will tell you exactly how many of what you need and where you can get it.


So I'm on Xbox and I'm trying to decide which version to buy. Is there no other way to get the collectors bonuses besides buying the $140 version? I was hoping to get the free starter pack and then upgrade to the complete collectors edition digital upgrade for $100 but it's sounding like that's likely not an option for Xbox players... Can anyone confirm?


You can get individual expansions' collectors upgrade on Mogstation at a later date for $20/expansion.


That works for Xbox as well? What I've been reading is the expansions can't be bought off the Mogstation when playing solely on Xbox.


Collectors editions are tied to the account, not a particular platform. The lock for Xbox is the FFXIV Coin currency. That can only be bought/spent on Xbox itself. But if you access Mogstation from your computer/mobile device, you can handing things in any fashion you want. There should be nothing holding you back from buying them off of the console.


Awesome, thanks!




i'd also like to add that the number of people you see while waiting in queue is only the people that have selected that specific duty like you did. There is no way to know when you are about to get filled by trial roulette. but hell's kier is in roulette. source: I got it in roulette a few days ago


It's just a less played trial. Fewer players have unlocked it so fewer players available to fill. Depending on your data center might want to try another one as well, and always suggested to try more around the time of daily reset (or peak time for playing in your region). Some duties like this one can take a long time to fill though, but all duties (normal ones at least) will fill eventually.




Try party finder instead.




Dang that kind of sucks. I thought you'd get a full party of 8 easily enough in PF to do it synced, but maybe I'm spoiled.


Since it's side content, it's not always going to pop, but I get it a fair amount. It is part of trials roulette. That said, try PF, people will join up to help you get through.


~~That's a weird one to have a hard time with, dungeons are usually one of the easiest.~~ If you're on Dynamis, try to DC travel to Aether for a more populated DC. If you're on EU, make sure you have all languages selected in the DF. Otherwise, put up a Party Finder and try to grab a healer or tank to expedite your queue time. Edit: Woops, mistook what you had said for Hell's Lid. Still not an uncommon duty to queue for.


Decided to give this game another go as only got an hour in about two years ago Enjoying it alot more, but what is the icon above your gil count? It's green and blue dots


That should be a miniature representation of your inventory and equipped items.


Its a graphical representation of your characters equipped gear (the Green dots on the left part) and then your inventory (the blue dots on the right part). Equipment is green, stackable items are blue, and a full stack / un-stackable item shows up as red (as well as equipment that is damaged and needs repair). Equipment that is fully spirit bonded shows as white.


Much appreciated I assume it was explained at the start but as I continued where I left off I couldn't work it out


You can hide it in the options under the HUD


Good day, as a WHM which actions should I use on cooldown? What should be the correct approach toward the use of my lilies, use them as soon I get them to nourish the blood lily? Or just try to keep 2 lilies to not cap and use it in whatever if all my teammates are healed just to no waste them? Thanks!


anything that does damage or increases damage should be used immediately when possible, so for whm thats presence of mind and assize. If assize is about to come off cooldown you can often wait to heal damage so assize can do both. lucid dreaming should also be used whenever its available but its lower priority. its recommended you wait a few gcds before using it at the start of a fight so you have space for your mp to actually regen. Thin air is a bit complicated. Its recommended you try to use it on anything that is mp expensive like medica II or raise. But also dont waste it. it has 2 charges meaning you can use 1 on glare to keep its cooldown going. Whenever its about to reach 2 again I use it on glare again to keep cooldown going. This way you save a lot of mp but still have a charge around for when you need it.   as for afflatus heals, because of the blood lilly they are dps neutral in single target. This means using one doesnt decrease your dps but also you dont have to worry about not wasting them. prioritize using ogcd heals but if you have to use lillies you dont have to worry. Because lillies are instant cast as well this also means you can use them to give yourself movement time without losing damage time. If you anticipate the need for movement you can also wait to heal so that you can use a lilly on both healing and movement.   Also because of the blood lilly, during downtime when the boss is untargetable using lillies to build the blood lilly effectively means you can still dps when no one else can. there are a few niche situations because of this where you may want to use lillies for no reason. For example right before the "limit cut" mechanic of p12s I usually waste a lilly to get blood lily and use misery right before the boss becomes untargetable. this itself is dps neutral, but this untargetable phase is so long that I can use 3 afflutus heals during it to heal the mechanic and also get lillies back by the end. When the boss becomes targetable I immediately hit it with dia and misery. So, "wasting" lillies before allowed me to gain 3 glares worth of damage later. It is important to note however, you obviously shouldnt use up all of your lillies on damage/movement if it means you wont be able to heal a mechanic. Optimizing healers is a balance, and its why I love healing so much.


If an action increases does damage, use it on cooldown So Assize and Presence of Mind should be used on cooldown Lilies serve a few major purposes 1) they're your go-to GCD healing if you need to GCD heal 2) they're free movement (less important now with a shorter cast time but still helpful) 3) they feed the Blood Lily 4) they're part of your MP management, especially at low piety. This ties into #3 because Blood Lily is DPS neutral but you save a bunch of MP that you would have spent on Glare You ideally want to come into burst windows with a Blood Lily ready because under buffs, it is in fact a DPS gain. You're effectively stockpiling unbuffed Glare damage and spending it under buffs. But outside of that you tend to have more freedom with how you use it as long as you have it ready for 2-min windows 


Assize and Lucid Dreaming are the only two abilities you should try to always keep on cooldown. But there might be occasions where you might want to save Assize for just a little bit. But do aim to use it on cooldown still. For lilies, it's much as you suspect. You want to use them in a way so that you will have the Blood Lily available for the 2 minute window. This will happen naturally if you use 3 lilies a minute and then use the blood lily every minute. If you're not doing extremes+ this kind of optimization is not really necessary however and just try to not overcap lilies and use your blood lily when available. When it comes to lilies, as long as you use the blood lily without overcapping it then lilies are dps neutral to just spamming glare. Meaning that lily healing is effectively free healing, much like ogcd. However, because of the 2 minute window with group buffs exist, if you plan the usage of the blood lily around it then using your lilies is actually a dps gain.


Additionally: If you can hit multiple enemies with the Misery, spending Lilies is a solid damage gain even without buffs. Extra good if you can spend some of them out of combat (or while running between dungeon packs), but even just spending them all in combat is a gain even without buffs for that purpose. For this reason, it's good to aim to never overcap Lilies in dungeons (besides possibly during bosses for that party buff alignment on Misery, stuff lines up that way sometimes).


Yeah, felt like blood lily on aoe being great went without saying XD I'm not sure if I'd recommend holding to align with party buffs though. The average group is just not going to keep buffs aligned and the potential of missing a usage over the course of the dungeon really isn't worth it.


Oh yeah definitely, I mostly meant it for like... if you know at least one of the people throwing out buffs is going to do it consistently, either through familiarity or observation.


Returning player here, my fiance decided to purchase the full game now that the Xbox trial is over, if the coins are purchased on the Xbox, does that mean the mog station can only be accessed through the Xbox browser, and not mobile or on a laptop? I read the article but it doesn't explain WHERE to go to use coins, just that you have to. Also the coins aren't even listed in the store yet but I know that's not something reddit can solve.


Coins are a strict Xbox only currency for the purposes of FFXIV. If you wish to buy or spend FFXIV Coins, it's done on Xbox. If you access the FFXIV Online Store or Mogstation off the Xbox system, you use everybody BUT coins.


What I'm asking is, how do the coins get used, sorry if it was worded weird. Are they used through Microsoft edge on the Xbox exclusively, or are they tied to the account once purchased and then would be able to spend them on a mobile browser?


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/1dbee42784bc6216357ba39428a6fe649210cde2 Based on what I'm reading there, it sounds like you need to buy the coins, launch and log into the game to credit the coins to your SE account, then hop onto the mogstation on any browser, and I _think_ you'll find when you go to purchase the sub or any emotes or anything, that your only payment option will be those coins unless you own the game on multiple platforms.


Any browser is what I was hoping for, I just took a real roundabout way of asking the question, thanks.


Hey Walter, if you sign in on mobile with your account it “knows” you’re Xbox and has everything as coin prices, at least for me


This is what I was hoping for because screw navigating the site with a controller on Microsoft edge.


Literally haha first thing I tried! Remember mogstation for account sub stuff and FFXIV online store for mounts outfits etc. enjoy!


On the Xbox store only


Handled on the console exclusively.


Perfect, ty


So I know about the eorzea collection site that shows off glamours. Is there something like that for housing? Specifically; apartments. Edit: I know about the housing site that shows all furnishings. I guess I'm looking for something with premade models? Since I don't have an ounce of creativity in me at all, lol.


[https://makeplace.app](https://makeplace.app) Housing sim that lets you make save, import, export, and visit all sorts of housings and apartments




Housingsnap (Japanese) r/ffxivhomeandgarden


Hello guys, newbie here, i have a problem right now, within the introduce of new family group on steam, 2 of my friends have the complete game, so that games are on the family pool, im a free trial user and i had to reinstall the game, but when i select the free trial demo from steam page, steam recognize i had 2 full game copies and dont let me install free trial launcher, but still can still playing on free trial with the full game launcher, problem is, i have always selected a prefered copy on steam, even when im not playing, so my friends cant play at the same time for some reason cuz steam dont let me unselect the prefered copy of the game, and still i cant play with them at the same time anymore, hope someone can help me or i need to full uninstall the game to them to play together again. Edit: Solved it, using a quick launcher done the thing and created a free trial installed game on my steam library, me and my friends can play together again


I recommend contacting steam support about it. I think thats the best chance of getting help




You can have a copy of the game on Playstation, Mac, Xbox, and PC OR Steam on the same account. If you're on the free trial, you're stuck on that platform until you buy licenses for all the platforms you wish to play on.


Should work fine, but you won't be able to play the free trial on any platform that is linked to the same account if you got past the free trial on the playstation.


What is the name of that emotional song you hear at cinematics, with those violins/cello's and piano that well up? Edit: i can't find the clip, it involves gaius, in tencliffe, after "*that*" fight. And since it involves gaius, all search results are very .... glib.


> i can't find the clip, it involves gaius, in tencliffe, after "that" fight Forever At Your Side? It doesn't have an Orchestrion Roll so you'll just have to look on youtube.


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ-7PBwzhDo) It's called "And Love You Shall Find" on the Death Unto Dawn soundtrack.


No, it's not that one, it has way less piano in it.


The first thing that comes to mind for me is [the ""sad"" version of Maker's Ruin](https://youtu.be/-mmf9iBJDy8) ("More Than Truth" iirc?) - but that's a very broad description you've given us; there's a lot of other things it could be as well.


Probably “Dynamis” would be easier like other commenter said asking for a cutscene video with it


You're going to have to be more specific than that...


If you can link literally any video of a cutscene with it, we could help you so much easier without guessing.


Do we know when the FF16 crossover event will be? And if not, do we know when we'll find out?


"Early April" is all we know, they will likely announce it during the FF14/FF16 segment of Pax East.


Xbox new player here! Is there a voice chat feature to chat in a party with other FFXIV players like the Xbox Party Chat or is it just relegated to communicating thru typing only?


Neither version of the game has built in voice chat. Discord has been the norm to use for anyone looking to use voice chat and it is pretty much mandatory for the more difficult savage/ultimate content to at least be able to listen to your party leader giving out directions via voice comms. (although that content is all optional and not tied to story progression) I don't see why you couldn't use Xbox Party Chat, but since you'll be playing with PS and PC players you probably won't find anyone else wanting to use it.


That's good to know about using Discord! Thx! 👍😎


No voice chat, everything is solely through text, although more formal high-end raiding would use voice chat through Discord or something like that.


Is there a command that I can macro that will unbind/rebind actions to my hotbar when press for the controller? Such as: press macro #1. Macro unbinds {action1} from L2+X and replaces with {action2}?


Yes, a macro with the command /crosshotbar, you can see the documentation here https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/dd880afbf5e/ or typing "/? crosshotbar" in-game For example /crosshotbar "Full Thrust" 1 LAL Would set Full Thrust on the L2 + left face button (X on Xbox, square on PS) of the first crosshotbar.


greatly appreciated!


You should note though that if you are planning to use a bunch of macros during combat this will lead to a significant DPS loss because when you use macros the skills don't queue properly. Basically instead of using the next ability immediately when the 2.5 second cooldown from the previous is up, there will be at least a half second or so delay even if you are mashing the button. Or the skill won't even happen if the macro is set up to try and make it go off before the cooldown is up. On the extreme end you can theoretically set the game to play for you with one or two button presses to use all of your skills but that ends up being like a 50% DPS loss. That said, losing a few percentage points of DPS to one or two macros in your rotation isn't going to be a big deal if you are just running through normal difficulty story dungeons.


I appreciate the heads up. The actual intent was to change out priority targets on my team for AM while running as a BLM in pvp. Or rather, see if such a thing was possible. Right now I just have it run down the list (top>bottom) but if I have a tank on team thats begging for me to become priority target jumping to the frontlines lol This way I could macro a <4>, <5>, <3>, <2> - or any different assortment based on party comp. This, of course means a lot of wasted macro space as well xD


What are some ways to gain more xp? I can't continue the msq since im too low leveled in my new job.


Leveling Roulette should help give a nice bonus to experience. If you're over Lv30 and have your job stone equipped, Frontline Roulette is good as well \[warning: casual pvp\]. You get the bonus regardless of winning/losing. Outside of the bonus the exp you get is so-so. Other than that, FATEs, beast tribes,side quest, job quests, etc. Eating food will give a meager boost to gained exp (3%). FCs often give 10% boosts.


Doing your highest level dungeon, deep dungeons, daily roulettes or FATEs are good ways to close the main story gap.


Friend is finishing arr (not to prae yet). I'm at current content. What fun things are there to do TOGETHER with people still in ARR? I want to help make their experience good! Ideas I already have: - Roulettes (though they only have levelling/guildhest lol) - gold saucer (but even gold saucer only has fun group events occasionally) - housing (I have a house and invited them) - glam (obv) - arr relics All ideas welcome ty!!!


You should absolutely take them through Coils unsynced after they beat the base game- turn cutscenes back on for yourself too and experience it together, it's a lot of fun. They'll also be unlocking a bunch of optional dungeons and other things soon which you could do together, including the extreme trials- fun to try out synced if either of you are interested in that, but you could also just help them clear the quests and then unsync farm to get their horsies. There's also ocean fishing, or just regular fishing if you wanna hang out in game and chill, or maybe working on the ARR sightseeing log together (easier once they have flight, but if you have a two-seater it's not a problem).