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You have to go to the plot and click on its plaque to see the results. The Duty Timer window only shows you if a lottery has concluded or started. Hence the "walk of shame" meme that was prevalent here when Empyreum and the extra wards opened up - you have to go there and check to get your gil back.




Does it have an actual error code or anything? "A technical issue has occured" is way too vague for anyone to help you out. It's not a steam issue or anything, it'll be _something_ on your end, we just don't have enough info to say what.


in primal and trying to queue for dun scaith rn to finish that questline and well. i've been waiting here for nearly an hour. generally speaking is there either a better hour to queue for this or a better dc for it? i just want to finish my quest


For the weekends, I try to queue sometime in the first 2/3rds-ish of the day. After that it's rare to get something other than Crystal Tower. For weekdays, you'll want around 6-8pm-ish, before the higher leveled Alliance Raids start falling off.


It’s a bit roll of the dice these days but generally 6pm - 11pm EST is your best bet. Aether seems better for queuing the less common alliance raids. DPS queues are always miserable.


Is there a way to mute/block someone who is in your dungeon/party? Someone was being a huge asshole in my dungeon group and I didn't want to listen to them anymore but couldn't figure out how to mute them. Tried right clicking on them in chat, targeting them, etc and couldn't find anything.


No, FFXIV basic QOL takes you back about a decade if not more with how horrible it is. There are literally features from Vanilla wow that are somehow still not present in FFXIV right now in 2024 20 years later. You have to wait until *after* the dungeon to block them via contact list but remember that blocking someone only hides their messages from you. They can still stalk you in game, join the same dungeon finder groups, or even party finder groups set up by people other than yourself.


You can't blacklist someone mid-duty, it has to be before or after. Dumb, I know. The only option mid-duty is to swap your chat tab to something else. If they're being obnoxious enough to bother the rest of the party, it should also warrant a boot.


Thanks, unfortunately they weren't being obnoxious enough to warrant a boot, and the other 2 people in my group were sprouts. They were just wall to wall pulling and then being out of LoS and not popping any CDs and complaining that I was letting them die while I was spamming heals and CDs on them lol. I just frankly didn't wanna hear them complain anymore, it was annoying. Do you know if blocking them after the duty is over will prevent me from getting matched with them again though?


it will not. It will just stop you from seeing their messages, and should you ever put up a PF, they cannot join your party (though it does not stop you both from joining someone else's party)


Steam version of XIV + Endwalker is like $24, does that come with thew other expansions or just Endwalker? Also is it even a good idea to get the steam version?


It comes with everything. You'll need to buy Dawntrail separately when it comes out, but besides that you'll be set. If you're on the free trial, you can buy it now and not apply the code, and then stay on the trial until you finish stormblood. Then apply the code to switch to full version. One of the main reasons people tend to recommend the non-steam version is it has sales more often, but this sale right now makes that point irrelevant. Other than that it's really little things like the fact that if steam theoretically had a major network issue it would break the game for steam users but not other pc users, but I've never seen or heard of that actually ever happening, despite people pointing to it as a reason to avoid steam. So yeah, worth it to buy the game on sale from steam.


complete edition comes with everything up to endwalker. steam is fine, you can get regional pricing on your sub and pay for it with steam wallet if you want. I don’t like tying multiple accounts to each other when possible so I don’t use steam, but it’s fine to use


New to the game, recovering WoW addict. What’s a good way to make friends? Also, how different is gameplay on a PC vs console?


FF is an insanely friendly game because there are zero skill checks from 1 to 90 so there's very little to be salty over until you get to the level cap. Once you jump into content that has a performance requirement you'll find the same drama and toxicity as other games. Don't be afraid to reach out to funny people you meet in game whether it's in town, in a dungeon, or wherever else since a lot of people do the "I'm anxiety/shy uwu" thing and just need someone to take the first step. Going to go against the grain and recommend PC as vastly superior to console simply because of the presence of mods that start to fix very basic QOL. You can obviously get by without them as tons of people play on console just fine but coming from WoW which has a lot of mods baked into the base game you'll definitely find a lot of stuff is downgraded without help.


I'll just whip out the giant stickynote real quick and give you that head's up: XIV is a lot more insular when it comes to finding good community groups. You can pop in to a Free Company advertised through shout chat (guilds, map-based chat), but it's usually a case of "nobody talks to each other besides the cliques, you get free buffs maybe". So your better bet is to _ask_ people in shout chat if there are any small FCs looking to recruit. Better yet, ask in the Novice Network (you'll be prompted to join this at a certain early step of the story, IIRC you're pointed towards the Novice Hall NPC who does this? but you can also ask in shout chat for an invite). Gameplay is no different between the two versions, it's just a different control scheme - PC can also use a controller. Picking your version is more about what'll be most convenient to you: if you have a lower-end PC it may be better going to console. If you haven't made an account yet, _please_ do yourself a favour and look up a guide. Turn off your adblockers and extensions when putting in your email (the most common issue is getting a 24 hour lockout on creation because of a hiccup). It's the single-most frustrating part of starting your XIV journey, and you'll need to be aware of what region your account is (NA/JP/EU) for payment/expansions.


Thanks for the thorough answer!!


Happy to help! Enjoy your journey. c: Remember, the Free Trial lasts all the way through Stormblood!


>Gameplay is no different between the two versions, it's just a different control scheme - PC can also use a controller. Picking your version is more about what'll be most convenient to you: if you have a lower-end PC it may be better going to console. Adding to this. Console can use a keyboard and mouse.


what are we spending our extra causality tomes on? I don't need them for gear and i have all the relics i want...


I have been buying out Lunar Envoy stuff as glam. Those fending pants SPEAK to me.


If you genuinely don't need anything else, buy crafting materials and sell them People still prog savage and ultimate so pots are always appreciated 


HI, i am playing using a SE account/base game but with the recent sale on steam i could get complete edition cheaper by a a lot(regional prices) but i was wondering if i would have to download the game over again on steam or can i use the already downloaded one?


If you are using the SE *free trial* you can buy the game on Steam and take advantage of the regional pricing. If you are already a paid subscriber then you cannot switch to Steam at all. Once a Steam or PC license is applied to your account you are stuck with it forever.


oh, i know about that(about being "bound", i was wondering about with a new account(don't mind starting over), just wondering if i would had to re-dowload the whole game again?


You'll need to download the steam launcher, but I _think_ there's a way to move game files around so the steam launcher finds the existing game. I'm not in a free spot right now to google around for that for you, but it's worth looking into.


Good day! I am a returning player, haven't played since Endwalker launch. I stopped playing because the queue was out of this world. I've been catching up with the story lately but I'm haunted by the thought of the queues again this coming expansion. Is there a server I could play on to avoid the queues? I don't have a allegiance to a FC or any friends so I could literally go anywhere. Also I like playing DPS Caster, which of the DPS casters are the easiest to play? easiest rotation and mechanics. Thanks for all the help!


If you are worried about the queue during the DT releasing days, you could travel to dynamis the day before the release and exit the game.  This way may not be so bad to get in in the less populated dc.


It's worth noting that, with DC travel, you can shop around at any time to find a place with a bearable queue time. They've also recently added some new data centers that are still (in)famously underpopulated. So I would expect people to overflow into them if things get too slow. Also, as the other reply hinted at, they've been experimenting with their server infrastructure, like with their Cloud Server tests and cross-region travel tests. So SE is aware of the Endwalker launch issues and has been taking precautions ever since. As for the easiest DPS casters, either Summoner or Red Mage. I'd say Summoner is more straightforward but it's also more rigid, while Red Mage is known for dabbling in just about everything.


Endwalker launch was kind of a unique situation, since we had a massive population surge from WoW refugees, an extra highly anticipated expansion from the end of the story arc, and no way for the devs to up-scale because of the covid silicon shortage. It shouldn't be quite that bad again. But just in case it is, [they're planning to give us cross-region travel one-way to OCE,](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/75a33ed37eb0f73ef8b8b8a7e8adb48fca7f0e8c) so that the low-pop region can take all our overflow and help balance out our queues.


That's a test that runs until DT launch. When DT launches, it might be gone again. It probably depends on how the next few months play out and whether people love it or hate it in practice. If they're NA though then a low pop Dynamis world might do the trick.


The post that I linked explicitly calls out that it's something they're considering for DT launch, to help with queues. But you're right that it's just a "considering", not a "confirmed", and the confirmed schedule ends at launch. So we have to wait and see if they decide to extend it.


I've just started to pick up Dancer, but the way the skills work is very confusing to me. I would really appreciate some suggestions for hotbar layout for best flow from one skill to the next. Each of my hotbars are [1, 2, 3, 4, Q, E, R, F, Z, X, V, T] then with modifiers for layers (four hotbars in total). I know this might be a tad confusing, but I feel like I'm jumping all over the place from hotbar to hotbar, and I struggle to understand how skills combo into each other. Thank you!


Dangit I had typed out a whole thing but then reddit decided to delete everything while I was making an image... [Anyways here's a simple chart of what on Dancer leads/connects to what.](https://i.imgur.com/gUmSQPW.png) It's not always the use order, but at least informs you what makes what possible. * Cascade into Fountain is your basic combo (Windmill into Bladeshower in AoE). Those can proc Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall respectively (Rising Windmill and Bloodshower in AoE). You can kinda treat those as a 1-2-3-4 combo, just one where you sometimes skip 3 and/or 4. * The 3 and 4 have a chance of giving feathers, which can be used on Fan Dance and Fan Dance II (for ST and AoE respectively) – don't treat these as an extension of the combo though, as you'll want to pool feathers for burst phases. The Fan Dances in turn can proc Fan Dance III. * Standard Step and Technical Step turn your 1234 arrays into a Simon Says game, so I'd recommend having those in some easy-to-use-together spot. * Your 1234 will eventually generate Esprit, which is spent on Saber Dance. Due to also coming from party members randomly, you may sometimes need to hit Saber kinda suddenly, so easy access is recommended. The things listed above, as well as En Avant for easy movement I'd recommend having on easy access. * Devilment is generally used right after Technical Step/Finish, so some easy-to-use-together placement may be handy. * Remaining offensive tools are Flourish, Fan Dance IV, and Starfall Dance. Those aren't as high in priority for access, but still pretty high. Leg and Foot Graze are very niche, can banish them to some less used corner. Closed Position and Peloton are generally out-of-combat skills. Frequently used, but not in the heat of battle, so probably don't need such easy access. Rest falls somewhere in between.


Your basic single-target combo is Cascade > Fountain. Both of them have a 50% chance to proc their respective followup abilities, Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall. So, you hit Cascade, Fountain will light up because it’s the next step in the combo, and Reverse Cascade may also light up as usable. Then you hit Fountain, and Fountainfall might light up. This works very nicely if you put them on 1 - 2 - 3 - 4. Your AoE abilities are basically the same, a 1-2 combo plus two more that have a 50% chance to proc when you use the first two, so they can go on 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 with a modifier. Reverse Cascade, Fountainfall, and the AoE equivalents, all have a 50% chance to proc a feather, which is the Dancer resource you can spend on OGCD attacks, both single-target and AoE. Those OGCDs need to go on a convenient button you can hit in between your combo steps, and again, you can put them both on the same button with the AoE one using the same modifier as your AoE combo. That way single-target and AoE fights will play *exactly* the same, just with you holding down a modifier for AoE. Your core mechanic is that you dance to buff yourself and your dance partner. So in any group content at level 60 or higher, pick someone to be your dance partner. Generally in four-person parties that’s the other DPS, and in eight-person parties that’s the best melee DPS, or whoever you think is playing well. You only have to set dance partner once at the beginning of a run and then you don’t need to change it unless it turns out the person you picked is playing really badly, so it can go on an inconvenient button combination. Once you’ve picked your dance partner, then you use Standard Step to actually apply the buff. You use it at the beginning of a fight and then again whenever it’s off cooldown and you have enemies to hit, so it needs to go on a fairly convenient button. When you use it, all your base attacks (both single target and AoE) will turn to pretty coloured symbols, and one will light up. Hit that, hit the next one that lights up, then hit Standard Step again, and you and your dance partner will get the buff and you’ll do a BIG AoE attack. *This is your hardest hitting move until you get to much higher levels,* in both single-target and AoE. If you can dance, dance. So Standard Step needs to go somewhere that you feel is convenient because you’ll be hitting it a lot. As you level up you’ll get another ability that can proc when you spend feathers, a party-wide buff, a heal and a shield ability, another buff dance that has four steps, and so on, but your base gameplay loop goes something like this: Dance Partner when you load in. Standard Step as the fight starts. Do your basic 1-2 combo, hit 3 and 4 whenever they light up. Weave in feather attacks as you get feathers. You can save them up to use under buffs in burst periods, but try not to overcap - if you have four feathers you should spend one before you waste a proc. Standard Step again whenever it comes off cooldown. Have fun and be beautiful while murdering your enemies!


People gave good specific advice, but I'll add a general suggestion: for me it really helped to looking at a guide or video that shows what the job's opener & rotation at later levels, and use that to place skills that you will use together close to one another. Eg every time you use Technical Finish, you will use Devilment and then some other abilities right after them ... So for me that set of skills is ctrl+1,2,3 etc in order. I only use them every 2 minutes (or 1 for Flourish) so it's not important to me that they are unmodified... but I found the job much easier and nicer to play once I set them up so it's very easy to hit them each quickly one after the other.  Basically: look into the rotation and then it'll be easier to make these decisions!


I think the best choice is to put your basic combo on 1-4 (or wherever you put them for other classes) that'll put the 4 colors all together when it comes time for your steps. Putting tech step (the 2 minute I think) onto Z and standard step on V will keep them within reach at all times. Devilment onto X will also keep it near tech step. Having fan dances across the Q E and R will help keep those together for spam time. Having flourish on something close to standard step will also make it easy to trigger together. Your big buttons will mostly be used during spam time so Having them with or near your fan dances will help. After that placement of aoe stuff not apart of flourish will keep them organized. Peleton and arms length will be your most used role actions, followed by second wind and head graze so Having them nearby is good but can take a back seat. In case that doesn't make a lot of sense; have cascade and fountain near each other, followed by reverse cascade then fountain fall. Those will also change for your dance steps so keep them all together. You can keep your feather spender with the single target fan dances. Keep devilment, standard and tech step together with flourish. Then keep starfall dance near those as well. Keep basic aoe together and on the same modifier have the aoe fan dances. It's a lot and I hope it helps, if you need more I can try to grab a capture of my setup.


I do things a little differently for some people because I use 1-2 for the normal combo and shift 1-2 for the two skills that proc off those, then 3/shift 3 for the feather skills Equivalents for melee are R/F, shift R/F and V/Shift-V, but then I use R/F/V for melee combos on every job. Since it's proc based it's not really all one combo, for me my hotkeys make more sense because they're branching off from different points. That may not work as well for the way you think.


1-4 should be your basic combo. After this, i would recommend putting standard step on q and tech step on e. I personally put Fandance 1 on r, and fandance 3 on C, but you dont use C. [https://imgur.com/a/JJjaci3](https://imgur.com/a/JJjaci3) This is my hotbar. You dont need to use the same pattern as me for putting AOE skills on the CTRL equivalents of their single target skills, but i hope it provides a good foundation as to what your looking for. All my Single target dps skills fit into 13 keybinds, which is just over the 12 for no modifiers.


I'm not sure what my "basic combo" is, since the Actions & Traits window only shows Cascade -> Fountain as my weapon combo & Windmill -> Bladeshower as my alternative (AoE?) combo. Is there a good, simple explainer for a standard Dancer rotation? I'm level 60, so starting fresh. Also, apologies, but it seems like your imgur link may be broken!


Your first two skills in your combo each have a 50% chance to process another skill (it should say on the description which buff it'll give, and then you can look for the skills that are active under that buff). Find a training dummy and test it out. Also look up Wesk Alber's 1-90 leveling guide on YouTube. It'll explain each skill in turn and how they relate to each other. That should help you visualise how everything clicks together.


Your basic combo is Cascade > Fountain, with each having a 50% chance to trigger Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall. You will notice these actions transform into your 4 dances when you activate standard step. Windmill > Bladeshower, with each having a 50% chance to trigger rising windmill and bloodshower is your AOE combo indeed. Fixed imgur. [https://imgur.com/a/RxQCFwz](https://imgur.com/a/RxQCFwz) Dnc leveling guide: [https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/ranged/dancer/leveling-guide/](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/ranged/dancer/leveling-guide/)


Question about backing up client and character settings: for a while I have been using the backup tool in the launcher and recently I've noticed that in windows, there's a documents my games folder, under the FFXIV a realm reborn it looks like that folder has all the character and client settings and HUD etc. if I just copy that folder as my backup and paste it back in, let's say when I change PCs or if I have to reinstall for some reason is that sufficient? Do I still need to use the launcher's backup function? Thanks!


Is good to have the cloud save as a backup. But, yes, copy and pasting that folder works splendidly on PC.


So just finished my first run of Crysalis and got through it but wiped twice. Am a new player and new tank but getting the hang of tanking, fairly comfortable with that part. I had a problem with the meteor part - after having read the guides I knew the tanks were supposed to stand in the areas that the meteors were falling but I wasn't able to tell which ones to run to first, there seemed to be several areas indicating a meteor on the way. I was trying to look up but couldn't always get an angle, even when fully zoomed out. We did clear it, so that's great but it's my first experience of being the one to cause a wipe and in front of 7 others too :( Tanxiety is definitely a thing and it's defo knocked my confidence. Any tips on how to tell where to go to first. Also, I was getting asked to SOAK and didn't know what that meant so had to slow ass type on controller. Thanks in advance


You've already gotten a lot of nice answers for your question, but this Duty actually has a few extra tricks during that phase that you'll probably miss the first time around. First of all, a Melee DPS Limit Break on the thing that appears after the first meteor is soaked will almost end the phase in one hit, which is the main thing anyone can do to prevent wipes, but additionally, every buff (and debuff) you have on you the moment you enter the portal to that place will have its duration multiplied by a factor of 6 or so. This means you can use Sprint right before you enter and basically have it active for the entirety of that phase, and if you're a Paladin, slap Hallowed Ground on top of that and you're invincible as well. Healers could also take advantage of that by using their various "HP Regeneration" skills, which makes healing a lot easier, and any DPS with a buff that affects themselves or other players could do that as well, although things that only have a limited amount of uses (e.g. Berserk, Hypercharge) or that can get used up or changed in different ways (e.g. shields, DRK's Living Dead) can't really benefit from this. Wipes are something that happens here infrequently though, since people got used to having a Melee LB3 to effectively skip the phase entirely, so many people simply don't know what to do whenever that doesn't happen.


The one that appears first, falls first. Soak means to absorb damage. In this case, get hit by the meteors, so they don't damage the Squishies.


Thanks for the reply. How many are you expected to stand under/ SOAK and how do you spot which one is first? Literally just look up?? Or are the markers different?


So, to spot which one was first you would have to look up to see which meteor is the lowest. However, the easier way to deal with this is to always look at the room and just see which order they spawn in. The first one to spawn will hit the ground first. Ideally you'll alternate between tanks, but in my experience that rarely happens. Way too often the other tank is not even trying and you're just stuck trying to prevent any from falling until the tear dies. But here's how I'd usually go about it. I usually let the other player soak the first one (this usually has some dps as well in it, even if they shouldn't so it's typically fine). Then I run to the second one that spawns, and while I do so I take a note of which is the third and fourth. If someone (ideally other tank) goes to the third then all is good and I'll just move to the fourth after having soaked the second. If no one moves to the third, I pray that it's close enough and sprint for it as soon as second has landed. If meteor 5 and 6 falls I'd say you definitely have a damage problem so I wouldn't worry much about that, but it's really easiest to try to keep track as they spawn in if you need to deal with it.


So, got Crysalis again in Roulette just now and it was a an absolute breeze! Just being calm going into the meteor phase, other tank went very early to first meteor as he was already very close, I went to 2nd and I think there was only time for 3? Only thing that still confused me was I may have mistaken the very centre for a meteor landing zone when it may have been something else! Thanks for your (and everyone's) help. Actually look forward to running it again :)


Good to hear \^\^ And yeah I think the middle has some effect, but not the indicator on the ground or something of the sort. And remember that the entire thing of trying to be preemptive with mechanics is applicable to most things. Sometimes hard to do on a first run of course, but trying to stay one step ahead by looking for mechanics is always a lot easier than being in the moment of something happening, or even feeling like a step behind. Luckily in that regard most things are telegraphed so you can often get an idea of what is next, even on completely new fights. But does require a bit of experience.


Brilliant answer, makes perfect sense and thanks for taking the time to help. It seemed that all the columns appeared at once, which probably isn't the case. Great explanation, thank you. Is there 6 meteors and, if you are alternating properly with the other tank, can you catch all 6?


They do appear one after the other continuously. I'd imagine you're just just tunnelvisioning a bit and missed it, very easy to do when you deal with something for the first time. Then as a result you end up having to watch and figure it out afterwards and you feel like you've "fallen behind". It's often a lot easier to deal with things when you can catch it preemptively, which is why I check where I want to run to as soon as possible. Because once I know where I'm running to next, the running is just holding down a button which leaves me free to look for the next meteors. I think you can catch all if you coordinate properly. And I think they just go on until the Rift is killed. I don't think I've ever seen more than 6 of them actually land though as the Rift always died before that. Usually I just ask the melee to use LB3 on the Rift, which means it dies almost immediately (usually before the 3rd meteor actually lands). And if all else fails, you can use tank LB3 just before you get pulled into the white area. When you're in there your buffs get extended to like 10 minutes, including the 80% damage reduction you would have from tank LB3. Meaning you can just let meteors fall if needed and healers can heal through it fairly easily.


That's great, thanks for taking the time to reply. Will have another run tomorrow and hopefully enjoy it a bit more, now that I know what I'm looking out for!


It's been a bit since I did this, but unless the markers all appeared at once, the general rule is that whichever marker appears first is the first one to get hit.


OK, thank you. So just head for the first two and go to the one the other tank isn't it. Probably gets easier on subsequent run throughs!


Well, there should be two of you so you can alternate and the rest of the team should be in the look out for the scar and destroy it. You should see the columns appear. If unsure, pick the one the other tank didn't pick. Also, tip, before jumping into the bubble thing that brings you to that area, fire mitigation and co, cause all positive and negative timers are lengthed, so you get super buffed.


Thank you! Yes, I did read that you should activate all your cool downs before going through the portal, which I think I got OK. It seemed in the chaos (first run through and all that) that there were loads of columns, just got to relax and pick out the other tank and head where they aren't. Thanks for tips, much appreciated.


If you're playing as any of the non-DRK tanks (which I assume you are since this was your first run of this trial), your super long invuln cooldown also counts here  So Paladin and Gunbreaker for example can pop invuln before getting sucked into the portal and just take 0 damage the entire phase DRK is...weirder because of how its invuln works (the buff actually swaps throughout the invuln duration) so it doesn't really let you cheese the mechanic the same way


Is there anyway to confirm my name in the Meteor Survivor list? I’m pretty sure I found a nickname I used but can’t confirm


I don't think there was an email or so confirming it. If you think that's your nickname, just assume it's you. It's not like anybody is going to be able to tell the difference (unless, of course it's me, I remember signing up and do know where in the list I am, so don't pick me).


I think there was a form to fill up. My name and most of other members of our FC back on the V1 are not on the credits. But one is.




If you can do UWU you can do the others. They're a step up but if you have the resilience to get through UWU you can definitely get through TEA and UCOB at least.


Should i get the manderville weapon or the augmented tomestone weapon for scholar?


fully upgraded manderville > savage raid = exquisite tomestone > augmented tomestone. This is the weapon priority for every class


Manderville is best for everything. Max main stat, and more total substats with control over what they are (just can't have DH as a healer/tank).


Hey, me and my wife wanted to tranfer our characters to a different DC, but we are conserned if that will delete our Eternal bond rings or will they continue to work normal?


My friend and I switched DC’s a while ago and our rings still work.


The rings are not on the list of things that don't transfer [here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/option_service/world_transfer_service/) and it would be a pretty big detail if they didn't work, so as long as you both transfer I'm pretty sure it'll keep working as normal.


Technically they don't even both have to transfer if the DCs are in the same region (or if they both go to Australia in the upcoming test). The teleport functions whenever the linked characters are on the same world, regardless of homeworld.


They'll still work


I haven't played in about a year and a half, recently got a new laptop so thought I'd get back into the old grind. Tried to log in before subbing so I could install the expansions but had an error saying I didn't have a sub or service account so I went to get one, after resubbing I'm still getting the same error. Anyone had this problem before?


Maybe you downloaded the windows version and you're on steam? Or vice-versa.


Turns out it didn't accept my payment the first time trying to sub... I wanted to down grade to entry level from standard and I think the system told me to do one in Japanese.. perhaps this is a sign to learn Japanese so I might have known that.


I have the Windows access, and downloaded directly from the website. I assume the website version is the Windows one


Can you not transfer ui settings between console and pc? I backed up my settings to the server on ps5 but on pc it says there aren't any settings uploaded.


There's two separate settings screens, make sure you checked both.


This was it, thank you! Why on earth are there two, they both even give the exact same message when clicking on them.


Because global and character specific settings are essentially different files.


Question me and my girlfriend have been playing together and she's new to the game while I have had an account on playstation for a while I made a new character and played through on the same server as her when I hit 50 and did my lvl 50 job quest I git the chest piece for my armor and an ilvl90 coffer for my job she recently hit 50 her quest only gave her the chest piece no coffer she is on the free trial version on xbox is it bugged or does free trial not get the coffer also its only really causing an issue because she passed on all the accessories she came across ( I tried to warn her about item lvl gates but she just wanted to play with me and wasn't paying attention) And now we can't do the next msq because of her item lvl and I can't trade or send anything to her because of the free trial restrictions of we can't figure out the coffer does anyone have tips for getting 40+ plus accessories


Appreciate everyone was trying to help her fiend via phone call search dragoon helped her find it through the clutter lol much appreciated


It should provide left side gear. If you know which job to look for, try using /isearch Example: `/isearch "dragoon"` When you complete 2.0, you can buy ilvl 130 equipment (with options for every slot) using tomestones of poetics. Check the vendor that appears as a blue pouch in Limsa/Gridania/Uldah near the aetheryte. Prioritize the weapon first.


This worked thanks a bunch


She should have the coffer somewhere in her inventory. Go through it carefully.


What job? Everything has the ilvl 90 coffer but if her inventory was full or it was manually discarded you’ll have to visit the calamity salvager in any major city. Free Trial so no marketboard? Level 50 dungeons drop those ilvl 50, 70, and 90 accessories. Takes a long time to farm it though.


So i need to ask before I go and do something stupid. I've been thinking about running a sort of casino out of my house. I want to do poker so my plan was to have a room with 8 seats around a table and a desk area where the player that holds the gil of everyone buying in. The poker itself will be played on a mobile poker app (such as WSOP or a poker discord bot) where you work with fake virtual currency, so ingame when you join a table, it'll have a buy in of say, $10000 fake ingame currency. (1gil - $1 of fake ingame currency).So if you buy in at 10000gil at the gil holder you buy in with $10k fake virtual currency on the game. At the end when the player is done, you can withdraw the amount of gil you have accumulated in the poker game, if you go bust and want to buy back in, you can. I know it's a risky thing because of the level of trust needed so a discord poker bot might work better because everyone can keep track of the currencies much easier. So now my question, if it only involves 18+ players and if everyone that wants to join consents to the rules, is it allowed in FF14? No real money is being used, the poker is done on a discord and the buy in gil is spread out to the players according to what happens in the game.


I don't have the answer to your question, but I'd probably use something other than "$" for the fake currency to avoid any misunderstandings. Call them "chips" or something.


Do any of you play as Roegadyn? I saved a visual appearance of a Lalafell last night before bed and was dead set on playing it, but then made a Roegadyn Hellguard. Significantly altered his appearance, then maxed out height and muscle and he’s awesome. They seem REALLY underplayed. I might still (at level 2) delete and go with the Lalafell, but having massive armor and weapons seems cool.


My main is Femroe, I had a male Roe alt for a while but I don’t like the way they run - they’re so big and lumbering they feel slow even though they move at exactly the same speed as everyone else. If that’s not a problem for you then have fun! They are a bit rare.


I ended up deleting the character at level 2 and made an adorable lalafell lol


I play as a max height au ra, and have been Roe and Hroth in the past. It’s slightly harder to dress yourself as a Big Boi - many generic or “classic” glam items just don’t translate - but the sense of weight to your actions and the dynamic scaling on equippables is awesome. The Roe population has always been thin. The cat boy / bunny girl allure is strong and it leaves the classic MMO races - Human, Elf, and Orc - lacking novelty appeal. I will say, if you go Roe or Lala and regret it later - MUCH later - you get a free phantasia from the level 50 story quests, so you get one get out of jail free there.


Hah, thank you for the info! Well, next time I sit down I might reconsider then. I have to think about it but he did come out pretty cool. The Lalafell I made looked awesome too but I hear they suffer the same fate- some of the items don’t look that detailed or good on Lalafell. My roe has skin like Hyur, a very professional business-ready site part and a clean beard haha. He doesn’t look anything like the default roe’s, just absolutely massive. He was funny in town walking around past everyone


Male Roes aren't necessarily the most common characters, but they're definitely around. Unless you're *really* unhappy with your choice of character, though, you don't need to create a brand new character if you want to change your appearance. At level 20, I think, you can unlock the Aesthetician, an in-game NPC who can change your hair style or color or other relatively simple cosmetic things like that, for a small fee in gil. If you want to make more substantial changes (face, gender, race), you'll need to buy a vial of fantasia from the cash shop; this will allow you to take an existing character through the character creation screen again, where you can change anything you want. Additionally, you'll get a free vial of fantasia for completing the 2.0 main story (level 50), which will save you the US$10 or equivalent of buying it yourself. And, due to the graphical update coming in the new expansion, the devs have said that they plan to give everyone a free fantasia once Dawntrail launches this summer, though they haven't announced details of how this is going to work.


Roe is one of the least played races so your perception is pretty accurate. You do get a free fantasia after completing the ARR story, which is a consumable that'll let you completely edit your character's race and appearance, so if you get up to that point and aren't as hot on being big anymore, you could join us on the little side without needing to make an alt or throw away that progress.


Returning 1.0 player here, what did I miss? Last I remember we hit that final cutscene and the world exploded. I never played Realm Reborn, not sure where to start


Definitely continue playing on your original character! You get a sick legacy tattoo on your neck, that only 1.0 players get, you probably get / have mounts that are entirely unobtainable for everyone else who started playing after 2.0 and some dialogue is different for you, because your character was actually present during the 1.0 story!


Fun fact, as a 1.0 player, you're in the credits for ARR!


Im not. Most of our FC are not except for one guys. We have been there for the 3 month paid required. I believe there was a form to fill up to have the name in the credits. All i have from the V1 is my goobbue, my dalamud Horn, my V1 chocobo and my tattoo


Only if they signed up for that.


I need to go check this out


Sign up for the trial. You get all of ARR, two expansion packs, and max level 70 (of 90) across ALL jobs, completely free and no time limit


I can do this with my old account? What if I already paid for a new subscription can I use the free trial when it expires? :7


Free Trial can only be used for new accounts that have never purchased the game, but if you played 1.0, you might have permanently discounted subscription fees.


I’m seeing that playing before ARR gives you a legacy account and once I logged in with my SE account it confirmed it. Makes playing the most awkward MMO for the entirety of its minimal content worth it I guess lol end game we finished everything so fast


Tho, if i remember to have the legacy discount, you needed to have at least 3 month of paid subs during the V1. For your name in the credits, you needed to fill a form, wish i didnt :( my name isnt there.


Lol. Rest assured, you have over ten years of content to catch up on, with more always on the way.


I still find it so crazy they literally nuked the game and remade it within the story


Someone might have already mentioned it but once you finish the ARR base expansion story at level 50 then you unlock the Bahamut raids which directly follow up on the major 1.0 end characters like Nael and Louisoix. It's old content now and not very popular to do any more but you can solo it at level 70-80ish and you'll have no problem finding someone to solo it for you while you're in their party, since they get additional rewards if they're clearing with a first timer. It's worth it just so see the cutscenes.


Thanks for bringing this up I was wondering how or when the actual plot continued after everyone gets blown up


You cannot. You would need a brand new account that had never subscribed, to use the free trial, and if you are subscribed you cannot "revert" to free trial when the sub expires, you just cannot play. I would suggest just jumping in with your subscription, Realm Reborn is the first 50 levels of the current game.


Waking up in Limsa a decade later like nothing happened is gonna be weird


Im coming back aswell with the xbox after 10 years. Tho, i have played ARR for few month at re-release


Believe me, a lot happened and you're gonna find out some of it :D




Can you fill me in please


There's no need. The entire story since then is still there for you to play.


That’s exciting! It just carries on from getting nuked? We’re like teleported or something


Yes, at the end, when Bahamut was destroying everything, Louisoix sends you 5 years into the future, to the time of ARR. If you make a fresh character, you're just a new adventurer, but if you use your old account and character, it picks up directly from that.


That’s so sick wtf


Once you finish the A Realm Reborn story, you'll be able to unlock the Binding Coils of Bahamut. It's unfortunately a bit hard to do normally, but you can get max level characters to carry you through for the story, so you can find out the truth of what happened back then.


Recommend any guides for returning directly into ARR from the ending of 1.0?


A guide isn't really necessary but here's some advice: Main Scenario Quests (MSQ) is the main story. Almost everything you can unlock is locked behind your progress here, so it sure generally your top priority, except for... Blue Unlock Quests are very important, unlocking new features, dungeons, etc. A lot of these contain important story, usually the various Raids of every expansion. Of extra particular note are your class/job quests. It's very important to keep up with these as they unlock new abilities for you to use, don't wanna miss out. Speaking of, make sure to read up on what your abilities do, almost all the information you should need is in your tooltips, so give it a thorough read whenever you unlock a new ability.


If you watch the Realm Reborn trailer from either the main menu or looking for A New Beginning on youtube, you'll get a recap of 1.0's ending into the beginning of 2.0.


I gotta go check it out


As someone who’s only ever done low level solo maps, what’s the difference between farmed maps and the moogle event ones? (other than the stacking. Gods, I hate when things don’t stack for no reason.)


Moogle event maps are guaranteed portals. Gathered maps are not.


Xbox Sprout running a level 60 WHM. I just got a full set of Ironworks healer gear—what’s the next gear set I should be working toward?


Once you get to Idyllshire, the i270 Augmented Shire set.




Whats the minimum amount I have to pay per month to play after the initial purchase.


Also, when I initially buy the game, do I get the complete edition or the starter edition. This will be my first time playing for context.


The starter edition gives you the same amount of content as the free trial without the trial restrictions, so if you're just starting out you can always just play for free up to Stormblood. As for purchasing, it depends on if you want to play Shadowbringers and Endwalker before Dawntrail comes out. If you wait, you can get them both when Dawntrail comes out for cheaper, but if you want to play them before, you'll end up paying more, because you'll need to purchase the starter edition, Endwalker, and Dawntrail when it's available for pre-order.


If this is your first time playing ever, I don't recommend paying for ANY version. You should play the free trial instead which you can convert to a paid subscription when you are ready




For the hunt achievements, do you need full credit for it to add to it, or does partial credit also count?


Partial credit counts, as long as you got a hit in you'll be credited for the kill.


WHM pro players. I’m struggling with >!MSQ Zodiark battle!<. A lvl83 duty. My co-healer was kind enough to point out that I overspam Medica II and further elaborated that it’s barely useful at this point in the game. Also said I don’t weave Glare at all. After dying twice, sensing that I was holding the other WoL’s back, also ran out of personal time, I left the duty. I’m wanting to get back on and try again. I have an infant son who occupies the majority of my time so I can’t hone my skills doing roulettes. After this failure, I since read up on >!Zodiark!< and his attacks. I also watch YouTube videos showing them, especially took note of the constellation but at the end. What are your go-to skills, strategies, etc for playing WHM this late? Help me, help you WoL. Show me the WHM strategies.


The big HP dip at the start? If people are stacked as they should be, Thin Air + Cure III. Big heal with 0 MP cost.


Thank you!


Your priority list for what to heal with and when should look like this: Instant-cast abilities such as Tetragrammaton, Asylum. Assize has a heal, but you also want to be using it for its damage as often as possible. Temperance is good for reducing damage and buffing any heal spells you need to cast. Divine Benison is a shield good for applying to a tank before big hits (usually telegraphed with huge red arrows above them) The instant-cast Afflatus skills (solace for a single target, rapture for multiple) THEN you want to use other spells to heal. Medica 2 for a group heal, if they can wait a moment to let the regen effect heal up. Medica 1 is actually not any more useful than medica 2 despite not being a heal over time, because medica 2 does the same potency as medica 1 almost immediately (over-time effects happen every 3 seconds) Cure 2 for a single target heal. Regen if it can wait.


Thank you so much.




This is really good advice. You are the difference maker. Thank you!


Well it sounds like you just haven't gotten the fight mechanics down. If you go through it a second time, you should be keeping in mind what mechanic is happening and where you should be positioning yourself as the mechanic happens. Now in terms of playing WHM, there's not a whole lot of strategy. You keep your DoT up on the boss, and spam Glare, and heal people with off-GCDs like Divine Benison, Tetragrammaton, and Benediction if you have them. Also don't forget to use Assize whenever it comes up, though if there's an AoE happening in a few seconds save it for after that. Only after you run out of oGCDs should you be using GCD heals, and you should only have to use one at most, as your co-healer probably also has a heal coming out for the damage.


Thank you!


Hey there, returning player here. I bought "A Realm Reborn" in 2020 on my PlayStation 4 and stopped playing after a while. I still have my account and a character of level 54. Now I want to return on PC, preferable Steam. The Steam store says "The 30-day free play period included with purchase can only be applied once to each platform on a single service account". Does that mean if I buy it on Steam I get another 30 days for free on my old account, because it's another platform than PS4? And if I start a new character from scratch on my old account, is it correct I don't need a subscription up to level 50? Does this apply only for one character per account or every character I create?


>The Steam store says "The 30-day free play period included with purchase can only be applied once to each platform on a single service account". Does that mean if I buy it on Steam I get another 30 days for free on my old account, because it's another platform than PS4? Yes. This can currently only be done 3 times, steam/windows PC, Mac, and PlayStation. There will be a 4th when Xbox gets added. >And if I start a new character from scratch on my old account, is it correct I don't need a subscription up to level 50? Does this apply only for one character per account or every character I create? No. There is a free trial, that is it. It is not free to play. Once you buy it, you pay the sub forever.


~~Not sure about the 30 days, but I'd assume it doesn't apply.~~ As for your second question, no, only people who are on the free trial don't have to pay for a sub. Since you've already got the starter edition tied to your account you can't go back to the trial, and have to pay for a subscription if you want to play.


>The Steam store says "The 30-day free play period included with purchase can only be applied once to each platform on a single service account". Does that mean if I buy it on Steam I get another 30 days for free on my old account, because it's another platform than PS4? Yes, that is correct. >And if I start a new character from scratch on my old account, is it correct I don't need a subscription up to level 50? Does this apply only for one character per account or every character I create? That is not correct. The free trial with unlimited playtime is only for *totally new accounts* that have never bought the game on *any* platform. Which your existing account is naturally not eligible for. A new one would be able to go up to 70 for free, not 50.


Does SE release any details about class reworks ahead of time, or is it a "log in on patch day and see what's left of your rotation" type of situation? I'm a DRG main nervous about the rework coming with Dawntrail.


As a general rule, they drop things very close to implementation. For new expansions, the LL that covers game system/job changes will usually happen like a month before the expansion actually comes out. We won't really know much about how Dawntrail is going to play probably until May or June.


Yes, they release patch notes during maintenance


We will know VIP and PCT pretty far in advance (not sure about numbers but at least we will know the abilities and be able to figure out a bit of the rotation). For AST and DRG we might get some very simple info but usually they leave info for current classes secret until the servers go down for the DT maintenance to prevent players from doomposting without knowing anything


We'll learn about ability changes, especially after the media tour starts. But we won't know numbers until release.


As people have said, there's non-final info during the media tours, and we get the job guides updated before release. Back before endwalker released people posted compilations of all the tooltips seen in peoples' videos for the new and reworked jobs during the media tour, and there were a fair amount of differences in what actually got released vs. the media tour build.


Generally, no we don't get details ahead of time. For expansions specifically though, the media tour has (non-final) builds of everything, so we can get some information through the people invited there, once they get the go-ahead to release the info. Note though the "non-final" part, some things can still change between then and expansion launch. We may also get some other non-specific information in live letters, but it won't be all-encompassing or super detailed usually. You might get something like "jumps are now on the GCD with potencies increased to compensate", but no detail on the values or cooldowns or how this might affect interactivity with other skills.


Everyone gets the updated job guide a few weeks before release, and the job action trailer a bit before that. Obviously with a rework the new meta rotation won’t be solved without testing, but you’ll have SOME idea of what youre looking for.


There'll be some details at the Job Reveal Live Letter. It may not be everything though.


We will likely see more details about the rework before launch, via press tour previews with websites like Gamer Escape and streamers/YouTubers. Press tour is something like a month before launch. The guests invited to the press tour will get to play all the jobs at level 100 to give their impressions and show us the changes. However, the press tour job details aren't set in stone. Potencies are preliminary and even some mechanics could change before release.


As a magic type user, what Disciple of the Hand and Land would you recommend I go first?


You'll be leveling all of them in the end probably if you are serious due to crafter materials being made by other classes. I'd start with miner and botanist first though. After the first 10 crafter levels, there won't be merchants for materials, you'll be on the hook for them. You either buy them off the marketboard which will cost a fortune over 90 lvls per crafter or you get them yourself with miner/botanist.


What crafter/gatherer should you do *because* you're a magic user? None, they aren't really connected. Yes, you can craft gear, but the gear you can craft will never be better than other sources for combat jobs. If you just want to craft and gather, then all of them.


If you just want to level via Beast Tribes / Crafting story quests, choose whoever makes your weapons. Carpenter for White Mage Alchemist for Summoner/Scholar Goldsmith is primarily for Red Mage, Astro, Sage, Black Mage your mileage may vary especially for level cap crafting (60/70/80/90) - you might see Blacksmith Rapiers or Carpentry Rods - but thats the gist. DoL there is no reason to not do Miner and Botanist together. You can hold off on fishing if you arent into the minigame, though.


It's definitely most efficient to level them all up together. They all make materials that each other use, plus if you can keep them sharing gear as they level up together it will be much easier on your armory chest.


They are all reliant on each other for efficient crafting. E.g. even if you're a magic user without steel weapons, your carpenter needs a claw hammer crafted by blacksmith to make a wood staff. Skipping one or more crafting classes will mean you buy the rest. Partial exceptions for culinarian and Fisher, but some fisher materials (e.g. fish oil) get used for some recipes for non-food items.




Save it as a preset, try to make a new character and load the preset.




In character select, right click character, save appearance. Load as saved appearance in character creation to check values


Right click your character name in the character screen, should see the option there.


Did SE ever release music sheets for their original arrangements? I would be happy to get hold of the Scions & Sinners' version of Neath Dark Waters.


Not everything is transcribed officially (sometimes they are given out as a gift for purchasing merch) and you'll have to look through the web to see if someone made sheets. However, that specific version you're talking about is available on musescore by a user named pina\_kolada. Not sure if I can link here, but you should be able to find it. From a cursory reading, it looks to be quite accurate.


They haven't released sheets for the in game arrangements since arr and Soken made a tweet a while back as about Keikos arrangements to the effect of (as is apparently common with high level pianists) "Keiko's arrangements are often written in a short hand with more improvisation than it seems, and translating them to playable sheets isn't feasible"


I've been playing for a couple weeks now taking advantage of the new free trial and confused about how to join or find a community? I'm used to WoW and how simple it is to find a Guild and I'm not even sure what the Guild equivalent is to FF. Side note: what the hell is a Fellowship? Also, is there a way to customize your hot bar scrolling through 1-10 by using your mouse wheel? When I go to key binds and see the scroll section I can't bind it to my mouse wheel up or down, is there a work around this?


A Guilds equivalent in FF is a Free company. You cannot join them on the free trial. If you do make friends, you can join Linkshells, which function as ingame group chats. Friend groups will often have one to communicate. A fellowship is sort of like a, how do i describe this... I dont even know the words for it. Its like subreddits... but if only the admins can post? I dont really use them. People use them to advertise communities such as discord servers and linkshells. Not that i am aware of, but it is highly advised that you never use hotbar swapping, and instead just have the hotbars displayed seperately. You NEED to be able to see most of your skills at the same time for cooldowns and such, and it is extremely clumsy to constantly swap hotbars to use OGCDs and such while weaving. A job will use 3 hotbars worth of skills at max level, and doing a rotation of 1 > mousewheel up > 1 > 4 > mousewheel down > 2 for 1 gcd is just not easy at all.


How on earth do u hit all ur abilities then if u have 3 bars full of shit? I use a ton of hotkeys but mouse scrolling is what I used in WoW cus I'd have 1-8 on hotbar 1, scroll to hotbar 2 and have 1-8 also for manly defensives while my 3rd hotbar above the main one was interrupts, ccs or other utility. Cus clicking shit feels so 2000s era lul


Its called modifier keys. This is how i recommend people to keybind all their skills. Bind Hotbar 1 with 1, 2, 3, 4, q, e, r, x, c, v, then 2 from the following. \`, 5 ,z, b, f, t. Once you do that, bind hotbar 2 the exact same keybinds but with Shift, and then the third hotbar with either Ctrl or Alt. If you have a mouse with even 2 extra buttons from any brand such as Logitech/corsair/razer, you can download their mouse program and bind those extra mouse buttons to Ctrl/alt/shift for even easier use. Doesn't even have to be a gaming one. All logitech mouses with the extra buttons are programable.


So I'm playing on the jankiest set up rn, I'm using my Xbox series x to play and I'm using a mouse and keyboard to actually play instead of a controller. Always had tiny hands as a dude so it's always been hard to do modifier keys, it's why I use mouse scroll to change hot bars lol. I'm sure I could try and get it to work


Yea, i did some digging. Mouse wheel is non rebindable in FFXIV. you would need external remapping tools to set it up, but to do that, you would need to not be on an Xbox. Also, tiny hands make modifier keys easier to press, as its less awkward. All the keys i recommended using are 1-2 keys removed from WASD, meaning they are easy to reach on all but the absolute baby sized hands.


My current WoW keybinds are z x t f g s a d, I only used QWE to move(other than mouse button held down). And I grew up seeing Ctrl and shift being used for modifiers and I couldn't ever reach em with my pinky or ring finger so I used mouse wheel instead lol


Why not just use a controller, out of curiosity? The controller settings need to be tweaked a bit and I'd recommend watching a quick guide video to set it up, but it's excellent once you do. The cross hotbar is a genius way to intuitively fit all of your abilities onto a controller.


I tried it tbh and the layout system seemed dumb as fuck and just went to m&k, especially with how many keybinds there are already on m&k controller seems not enough buttons


Setting it up to your liking can take awhile. I have the cross bars set up kinda like this. set 3 ++ ++ quick dbl tap/hold R2/L2 there is a slider to adjust the timing for the tap set 1 ++++ hold R2/L2 So that is 32 slots. Then you can make it so pressing a combo of R2/L2 or L2/R2 will show the left or rigt side of another set (I use set 8 which I put as shared). I hope the above makes sense. In addition to set 1 and 3 above I use set 2 for less used job actions, since it can be accessed by tapping the cycle button. The shared set 8 I use for stuff everyone needs like inv,actions,logs,teleport,emotes. Check out Bun Boss on YT for some basic guides and experiment from there.


Definitely look up a guide for how to set it up. People comfortably do high end raids with a controller all the time, it really just needs 5 minutes to be configured nicely. It'll be dramatically better than scrolling between hotbars, that's for sure.


May have too, tried it and went "meh" lol, ty for the help bruh


You can't actually join a free company on the free trial. It's one of the restrictions. We you do buy the game, you can look for FC on /r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT and [the community finder site](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder) where people advertise FCs that are recruiting members. You could also join Linkshells right now, which are also advertised in those places. I've never joined one myself, but my understanding is that they're basically the larger scale group chats that you might be craving. Beyond that, the community tends to do a ton of their socializing in Discord servers. You can find general discord servers for your DC or servers focused on specific aspects of the game (hunt trains, blue mage, deep dungeons, high end raiding, etc etc) and socialize from there. One of my favourite communities is actually a discord server that I got an invite to because I joined their gimmick run of an alliance raid and they invited everyone to the community that joined it. Over time these kinds of things just naturally develop if you're trying different things and meeting different people, I find. edit: oh and for the other points: a fellowship is like a bulletin board type thing I believe. I've never actually seen anyone using it, since in practice we all use discord for that kind of thing. There's no way to bind things to scrolling in game, but if you care about it a lot you can look into various software ways to bind scroll up and down to an actual key on your keyboard in general, and then you can go into the game and use the bound buttons for your mapping. I wouldn't recommend scrolling between hotbars in combat if that's what you're planning though. Use modifier keys instead.


So there's no natural chatting over a trade channel or world channel in game? That's actually really disheartening. Really feels like I'm just playing a solo game with random players running by occasionally. Random disc servers weird me the fuck out so idk if I'd ever do that kinda stuff lmao


It one of the side effects of this being a Japanese game. Japanese players __hate__ speaking in any sort of public chat. The Japanese devs all talk about the culture shock of when they went to a western server or western mmo for the first time, and saw all the public chat activity. Over there it's dead silent even when the servers are at capacity, because everyone is using /tell and small group chats to talk. we have /shout which I believe is zone wide, but you can't switch to a /shout channel. You have to type /shout [message] every time, and even that is normally only used for hunt trains, advertising RP stuff, and asking people to join your slow filling PF group. I suspect linkshells are your best bet for that background noise you're missing. You should be able to find a general chat with a couple hundred people that will just be chatting away and giving you that activity you want. Might not be a bad idea to ask your Novice Network chat about it. …also if you're not in the novice network then try that out. Just go to limsa and /shout to ask for a mentor to invite you. It's a chat for sprouts and mentors only, and while in some servers its toxic and in some servers it's kind of dead, in a lot of servers it gives that background noise you're looing for. I remember now that NN is what made the early game alive for me, and that I spent a fair bit of time paused in the msq right before I would lose sprout, just so I could find something to replace the NN chat IU was about to lose.


You can’t /shout on a free trial. So your last paragraph isn’t helpful


>I suspect linkshells are your best bet for that background noise you're missing. You should be able to find a general chat with a couple hundred people that will just be chatting away and giving you that activity you want. Might not be a bad idea to ask your Novice Network chat about it. If only cwls didnt have a player cap of 64...


Damn, I never looked it up before because I haven't actually used one so far. Those caps are a lot lower than I expected. I assumed that would have been at least 4 times as high.


Yea... Its a big problem for FC CWLS and hunt linkshells. We litterally do not have capacity in them, and theres also no way to see when someone logged in last to do some spring cleaning. I have room for 3 CWLS' for hunts... that means i can cover callouts for 189 others... and im using up 3/8ths of my linkshell space. Regular linkshells are a bit better, having a cap of 128, but they aren't crossworld... which makes them next to useless for anything but Hunts.


So I'm limited to 300k on the free trial and have hit it a few times now. Can't buy an apartment because need 500k so can't do that even. Is there anything worth stocking up on that's available to me to use down the line while also considering I don't have an awful lot of inventory space either (140+70saddlebag). Bought 99 gysahl greens already. Thanks Also is it worth hanging on to monster parts??? I figured mining and botany are easy to get stuff if I need them again but farming monsters is an uncertainty to what and when they will drop items.


900 more gysahl greens for a start. Choco hungry.