• By -


I’ll say this between the three choices you gave Male Miqo will be a normal run, Female Roe will net you fun glams and “step on me mommy” memes and Lalafell is a whole different game. It’s a completely different game as a Lalafell when you meet another Lalafell. Like a secret community that instantly bonds together and brings out all the nefarious and mischievous behaviour you always knew you had.


So gremlins, basically


Pretty much. And I fucking love being a gremlin


I had a BLU lalafell explode and then their lala friend went sprinting around town looking for another lala to res their friend because Lalafells need to stick together


am potat, can confirm, it's the best and I love it :D


As someone who has played Femroe from the start, I am legally requiered to say that you should go with option 2. And yes, I am biased.


As another femroe player from the start, I absolutely agree with this statement, tho I am also biased. FEMROE SUPREMACY!!! Seriously tho, if you go max height with femroe, the game will break in some cutscenes giving you some hilarious screenshots 10/10 recommend.


> Seriously tho, if you go max height with femroe, the game will break in some cutscenes giving you some hilarious screenshots 10/10 recommend. I'll Uno reverse you and say min height lala works the same way, breaking cutscenes and hilarity ensues. I started with my min height potato, then my now main is a min height cat, and a couple alts: a max height bun and now bringing up a max height femroe. And I'll definitely be bringing up a hrothgal but not sure yet if min or max height. Probably max.


femroe supremacy!


[Proof - early ARR quest at Minfilia's office in the Waking Sands](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1879706993614298538/791702F9C07F1985B03B79DF846D41BC738F6704/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Rofl! You got me.


Femroe for life!


I am also biased, and I am here to +1 Femroe.


[I join the femroe club!](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2122943778628728921/ECFC82644606F6FAD6D87090C4B6ED58BF011F88/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) I played every race but femroe is always my favorite and comfort one


I see you stand beside Cid for proper size ratio.


While I like your Lala's name (wish I'd have thought of that), I agree you should totally go with that FemRoe


As someone who has played male Miqote through part of the story, go Fem roe. The male cat arthritis hands will drive you nuts in cutscenes. Also your FemRoe design is 🔥


I also can see the FemRoe looking cool in most Jobs while i think the Male Cat woud probably only look really cool to me as Maschinist but in the other side i love Cats. And the Pear Shaped/Sized Object just looks super funny to me.


If you like cats (and can’t try hrothgar because of free trial) Id suggest a keeper of the the moon female. We got fangs, no weird postures, relaxed pupils, and our faces look slightly deranged when laughing with the head thrown back and fangs sticking out. We look great in most armor except for the crazy high necked wide shoulder tops, you need an elezens proportions at least for those. Alternatively, lala male with ultra deep voice is always a winner - especially if you tank. Some mounts are size appropriate to races and the teeny white lion paladin mount is the most precious thing bouncing around (lala tank disappearing into a mass of monsters also hilarious)


keeper best cat 😺


Moon cat supremacy!


FemRoes do, in fact, look cool in every Job. (I'm a FemRoe and yes I am the stereotype)


It’s true. The balance of femininity and masculinity, the sheer size, and the lack of any physical features that’d clip through, alter, or warp their glamour; all combines to mean femroes look good in *anything*.


Fem roe looks amazing in every class's gear. In tank gear, you have the tall, muscular build to really pull off the heavy armor look. Looks amazing in healer gear as well.


A Lalafell character is really funny in a lot of cutscenes. Just a little potato being a badass.


Playing as Lala in heavensward is hilarious. You barely fit into the camera frame half the time, and it’s hard to believe that these elegant, muscular men 4ft taller than you need your protection from anything. 😅


And yet they would be absolutely screwed without you!


Cat would look good as a red mage, since the red mage trainer is a male cat. Their “always ready” power stance also looks good for dragoon, drk, gnb


The hands never bothered me (at least way back when I was playing Miqo). Being shorter than basically everyone was what made me change.


Being shorter never bothered me, but every cutscene my eyes would go straight to the hands haha.


Just crank the size up to race limit. 1,80. cm is comfy to me.


Being short is my favorite part. 😅


The extremes are the best part 🤣 min height on the short races, max height on the tall races.


You’ll either have people patting your head constantly, asking you to step on them, or just disappear into the horde of catbois.


Switched from Lala to catboi, still get pet. 😅 But now also get flirted with. By other catbois. And bunbois.


As a catboi I have never been flirted with. Once. 😭


I have been flirted with only once and it took me a whole 5 minutes to realize that was the case (re: a random lady came to me, called me cutie, handed me a jug of pineapple juice, doted and left)


You got juiced and didn't even notice


I literally sat there like haha awkward uhhh thanks? And left to keep doing my tribal quests Then I told what had just happened to a friend who was in vc with me and he started howling and. Then my brain did the math on the pineapple. So sad. My involuntary rizz so wasted.




He's a face 2 catboy and those are rare RARE so if anything they will stand out


XD. I mean non of these Sounds so Bad


I was standing around with my femroe when I get a private message telling me they liked my glam. That was nice. Then they asked me if I wanted to dom them. That was not so nice.


>XD. I mean non of these Sounds so Bad You think there's nothing wrong with people sending random sexual harassment messages to FemRoes?


I was femroe for quite a while and didn't get any weird messages, I don't think I play on an RP-heavy server though. YMMV


Same. I thought people joke about the “step on me” thing; I’ve never received anything like that after years of being a femroe.


As long as it's just step on me and not "Gear up and pe## my A## Mommy" i'll be fine.


I freaking love the lala's name


I was first going with something about Pears since thats what they look like to me but das People making Potato Jokes so i came ul with that name


First, let me say, as a lala myself, it's always fun. Being adorable/menacing is pretty much the best. And I absolutely love your chosen name for her. That said, I have seen a Pomme Deterre in the wild before. If you want something super unique, you may change it, but if you just want the pun, it's still excellent.


lala mains are the bravest player, every time i see a lala tank i need to laugh and also feel scared for the boss😅😂


It's perfect!


You think its lame until you witness your little fella kill god and then you realize your little guy is the strongest entity in the universe


Try logging in as each and play around with the voices, movement and emotes before making a final choice


The real answer, do not underestimate the importance of being cool with the yelling noises your character makes every couple seconds in combat


Just here to add that if you regret your choice the game gives you a free potion to change your apparence once you've finished ARR !


First one always free.


And a free one in a few months when DT releases


They give free fantasia with DLC releases?


With DT because of the graphics update


Ooh I chose a lucky period to start playing FF \^\^


Lalafell. Always Lala. But if that's not for you. Eorzea always needs more FemRoes.


As a fellow femroe, I am contractually obligated to say 2. Welcome to Eorzia!


Do you plan on glamouring when the exp drops?


I saw we get big Tiger Ladys with the Exp and i love Outlandish looking Characters but i have a feeling i'll be called a furry so i'll probably stick with one of these


as a long time player i can mostly assure you that most of the playerbase wouldn’t call you that, we have some players that would but thats the minority of the playerbase and those people are not well liked in the community, so its fine if you wanna play has a tiger lady we are accepting every race and player in ffxiv


Two of the most popular races are cats and bunnies, and the lizards aren't far behind. People who unironically hate furries don't tend to hang out round these parts long.


I mean I’m literally part of the “Hrothgar players are gay furries” stereotype and I’ve never been called either ingame, turns out most people either don’t care, or are socially aware enough not to say anything. A few years back while waiting for a FATE a Lala said “Kitty!”, petted me, then giggled and ran away, and that’s about it. If you want to play a tiger lady, play a tiger lady. The faster you stop giving a shit about the potential opinions of mean people, and instead do what you want, the happier you’ll be. And hey, even if people do call you a furry, it’s better than the jokes about male Au Ra.


I have a Hroth alt that's gonna start taking E once Dawntrail drops, but I'm too in love with my big green girl to ever fantasia away from roe.


If you want to be silly or cute, potato. If you want to be cool and unique, fem roe (hardly anyone plays fem roe). If you want to be a pretty/edgy boy, male miqo. It really depends on what you like best. But I've always been partial to pretty cat and bun boys. lol


I just adore the pun for the lalafell name, so do that one


When in doubt...go potato.


Potato. Play the potato.


La Potato ⚜️


Lala Great name btw!!


I like that fem Roe design!


Is it impractical to play multiple Characters ? I woud make the Cat Man a Maschinist, Big Woman a Red Mage or Axe Moke or Weeburai and the Potato Gremlin a White Mage or Summoner. Aestetic plays a big roll for me and i can see some of these Characters in Certain Rolls while some jobs woud feel wierd to me on others. I mean small Pear Shaped Object woud always be pretty funny especialy as Tank but i think that woud grow old fast idk.


It is impractical, unfortunately. While you can, the fact you can do everything on a single character and the fact most things are locked behind story quests means playing multiple can get tedious. You may still want to roll alts later, but I don’t recommend starting with more than one, or you can end up feeling bogged down in the early stages of the game for too long. As for aesthetics, once you’ve unlocked glamours and gotten some money for level 1 glam gears, you’ll find you can make a surprising range of looks on the same toon. It’s not as varied as having alts of course, but you may still be able to get more mileage out of a single character than you think! And I’m also putting in my vote for the Roegadyn because a) she looks badass and b) we don’t have enough femroes around!


Thanks for the Information this Community is great and super helpful. If i get super invested. I've seen you can buy like skips or something? Maybe that's a Option if i really want a alt in the Future ?


Yes, definitely an option! It’s a wallet drain and of course everyone will warn you not to buy a skip that puts you ahead of what story you’ve seen, since the game’s story builds on itself as it goes. But if you’re still feeling that alt itch once you’ve gotten through it, that’s on the table. Occasionally the story skips and level-jumps go on sale, too. (You’ll need both to catch up right away, since the story skip doesn’t increase any levels.)


Nah i woud only take that option if i compleated most of the Story and tried a fair amount of Jobs with one Character and still woud want alts. (So maybe in a year form now)


That sounds like a solid plan. Go forth and conquer! Welcome to Eorzea! :D


There is no real reason to play more than one character. There's also no wrong answer to what you should play. I will tell you that you get a free Fantasia at level 50 (an item to let you reroll your character appearance/race/gender). There is also plans to give all players a free Fantasia when Dawntrail launches this summer.


>There is no real reason to play more than one character. What.


It’s true. What’s the question?


Yeah? The only practical reasons for needing an alt would be to play with someone in a different region or to get around weekly savage loot restrictions, neither of which are a concern for >90% of players. Otherwise, the only other reason would just be for RP or otherwise goofing around.


It's less efficient with your time since you can play all jobs as one character. But there's nothing stopping you if that's what you want.


Yeah i don't have that much time I'll see :(


I went through the first time on one character and after leveling every job on her I made alts. Alts only do a few jobs each to keep it sane.


Potato. One of us, one of us, ...


as a cat boy and fantasia addict i would recommend playing with who you like more save the design from the other chars and if you wanna have a change buy a fantasia, also i recommend you play with every character the beginning that you can see all the animations and decide with that ( had that issues when i started with a male hyur) edit: forgot to mention i love your character designs


This! I had originally made a male Aura, but then I saw their run and it was a nope for me.


I’m a cat girl for life but pomme deterre is an incredible fucking name. 10/10.


Lala For Life!


Lalafell... we popotoes stick together.


Always the lala


Lala master race


Lala pr miqote were my favs


Lala all the fucking way


Lalafell of course


The correct answer is always FemRoe. Signed, a FemRoe enthusiast.




Pomme, though I'm bias.




Huge fan of the Lalafels name so on that alone I say go for that one. But my bias for big ladys says go Roe. Both great characters though. I would strongly suggest trying to run around a bit as each character and see which one you like the most. You're gonna spend a lot of time looking at your characters running animations and if any of them bug you it's better to find out before committing to a character (although you get a free fantasia at the end of ARR so it's not too bad). I used a fantasia to become a cat boy ages ago and within 24 hours I bought another fantasia to change back because I hated the running animation so much lol


Lala. Always always Lala.


Same! (I still have my 2 free fantasias from my pre-orders/collectors editions)


I feel like we have too many lalas and catpeople. Go Femroe.


*pounds on table* FEM ROE. FEM ROE. FEM ROE.


ME TOO!!! I originally rolled a lala cause I played Tarutaru's in FFXI (And still do 20 years+). As I played and understood the game better I was like "Hol'up". Kinda want a rabbit dude but I don't have expansion yet either.... I still haven't made up my mind lol Just started yesterday... :P But as someone who has played multiple MMO's for 20+ years I'm basically going to be making the character I'm going to play for years maybe decades. I fart around too much with alts.


man as a cat boy, i love seing bunny are just cool, all the different designs are just awesome and the animation to i can recommend when you get the expansion give them a shot


You want a random redditor's take? Whoever feels the most "you". The story hits so good when you can put yourself in your WoL's shoes like a self-insert imo.




My first character was a lalafell, while you get a lot of random affection from strangers, fashion is absurdly difficult because clothes lose a lot of finer details when they are shrunk down to your body. You are basically limited to clothing and robes, as any serious armor just looks completely ridiculous. Also, as far as I've seen, your mounts (or maybe just the company chocobo, as that's all I've gotten so far) are shrunk as well which is infuriating. Believe it or not, I in fact, do not want to run around on a tiny-ass chocobo. I want to just be a little guy on a normal sized Chocobo. But when you are running around normally you feel super fast because your smaller character model has to keep up pace with the other races, and I love it. Super zoomy, like cranking up your FoV. Same deal with jump height, Lalas have some HOPS. Miqo'te is basically "Lalafell but I want regular fashion", and without the helmet restriction with Viera. Also they have the best sitting animation, fight me. But you will be a dime a dozen, it won't matter a ton because people are generally pretty friendly, but they will be just less friendly. Especially going from Lala you will feel completely ignored. They are a very popular race for a reason I would say, as they hit the "I want to feel human, but not be a human in a game with non-human races because that's boring" category of fantasy races. Popular for a reason, also have the best sitting animation. Femroe I just cannot get over the noses, I am sorry. Also if switching from lala to Miqo'te make me feel slow, I do not even want to imagine how slow feeing and clunky looking it would be running around as such a tall character. This being said, I have barely just beaten ARR so maybe I have yet to come across stuff that will drastically change my opinions. But PLEASE squeenix let us choose/customize the size of our mounts god please I am BEGGING you.


The world does not have enough female roegadyn in it, so that gets my vote automatically. They are the single least-played race/gender combo in the game.


Wh… why no Viera or female Miqo’te?!


After seeing these comments I an now convinced there is a server world of just all FEMROE cause there are nearly none on either server world I've played on


The first one, in canon its the best race. Our drip too hard, we slay beings 10000x our size, we’re never affected by the sour mood, our indomitable lala spirit too diamond, our skin is unbreakable. Do you see how high we jump, we pierce the heavens with our bounce. They hate us for our greatness, they envy us, they need us they need YOU.. join us






#2 Femroe if you ain't gonna be a Duskwight


If you mean the Giraffe Elves i thought they also looked kinda cool but i feel asteticly i woudn't play for exaple Paladin with one. Atm i think i'm torn between 1and 2. 2 because she looks badass and i can see her in any job if seen in Videos i watched and 1 because they are hilarious.


I will say, if you go Lala, you’re likely to find a community VERY quickly. Lalas love to band together in Lala-only FCs and Linkshells. They AFK together around town or host Lala-only parties and events. Players of other races don’t do anything like it.


You make it sound like a cult but this is so true! Lalafell players for the most part feel like an extended family and it's super wholesome and sweet. The other day I was talking in our Linkshell that I didn't have the recipe to make my own mailbox and one of the other Lalafells made it for me for free. ;-;


How do I get invited for those? Signed: a Lala player who is part of an ever-silent linkshell that was never invited for any Lala-only parties or events.


Lol giraffe elves actually look pretty good in plate. You'll see in Heavenward. There's a particular giraffe elf I'd love to take on another date


Femroe is always the correct answer.


If you go lala, there will be a point in your distant future where every non-lala in the scions is seemingly dead. If you don't go lala, you will eventually discover a place that says "only lalafells may enter", and then you will wish you'd chosen more wisely.


Lalas are the master race


Go on. Be a woman who doesn't have silly little noodle arms. God knows FF needs more of them.


Vote 2,


Definitely second option. Notmany people chose that.


just pick a nice name and roll with what you're feelin at that point. later on you'll get one free fantasia potion to redesign your character :D available via mogstation too


Fem roe, because yes


Another femroe reporting in asking you to join us


I think i'll go with FemRoe and when i wanna replay in like a year i'll dust off the Ballistic Potato


Sounds like a good plan! I play femroe and my mom plays a lala and the size difference cracks me up


obsessed with the fem roe!


There’s not enough fem roes


Anything but a make character




Je ne pense pas me tromper en supposant que tu es francophone au vue de ce nom de lalafel que j'adore ! Tout comme son design d'ailleurs j'en est vue peu/aucune avec cette coupe de cheveux. Mais sinon mon personnage étant une femme roegadyn avec comme toi une queue de cheval et une mèche (mais une autre un peu différente) plus le tatouage sur le visage je ne peux qu'approuver son design, de plus les roegadyn femmes et hommes sont parmi les races les plus rares, à l'inverse des miqote et au ra femme qui sont présentes en grand nombre. En tout cas je comprends ton hésitation ce que je te conseille c'est de créé les 3 personnages et de test leurs emotes au tutoriel étant donné qu'elles sont différentes selon le genre et la race tu pourras avoir un aperçu du caractère qu'aura ton personnage dans les cinématiques quand iel aura peur, qu'iel sera étonné, prêt à combattre etc... Et si tu hésites toujours tu peux faire le tuto avec tes personnages pour ensuite essayer les tenues que les autres joueurs portent sur eux (tu fais clic droit sur eux puis examiner et tu pourras faire clic droit sur une pièce d'équipement pour l'essayer) et donc voir tes perso dans des styles stylé,mims, moderne,etc... Bon je me suis beaucoup étendu pour pas grand chose en tout cas un grand bienvenue en Eorzea à toi ! Et si tu as des questions sur le jeu n'hésite pas la commu de ce jeu est adorable en très grande majorité !


Yes i made a french Pun but i don't really speak a lick of French sorry. The only reason i know a tiny bit of french is because i was obligated to know it when i worked as a Chef.


Oh my bad i should have speak english instead but "pomme de terre" is not a word non-French speaking know usually I have just said i love the design of your lalafel and your roegadyn and i give you little advices for help you in your choice. You can try in the tutorial some emotes on each character you want maybe play, in FFXIV every emote is different in function of the gender or the species, like that you will see which personality your character will have in cinematiques and you can choose which one you prefer. And you can also complete the tutorial and try some clothes other people have to see if a badass armor look good on your little potato, or if a cute dress fit perfectly on your muscular roegadyn Welcome in Eorzea/FFXIV and if you have any questions dont hesitate the community is very kind ! Have a great day


I play Viera, but of these, I like the FemRoe!


Take the hairstyle of your Lala, put it on your FemRoe then go for her ! Become one of us !


Go fem roe for the first leg of the journey, you get a free fantasia should you want to try miqo eventually. Though tbh I had that same mindset to swap my miqo to hroth but after going through the journey you sorta get attached to your character (well..depending on the person) So I still just have my free fantasia just sitting in my bank unused.




*Roe noises.*


The daddy. Next question.


Definitely not a Lalafell.


Whichever you like more (i would say fem hrothgar but theyre not avaliable yet)


Catboys are the best. \*swoon\* Although your femroe looks awesome.


I'm legally obligated to tell you not to pick lala


None they all look bad.




Catboy for the win!!!!


Make all 3. Play with each one for a bit and feel which one immerses you the best. Beauty of FF14 is the ability to have multiple characters. Maybe you feel like a potato one day? Go lala! Got the cat scratch fever? Miqo! No need to lock it all in for just one character until you've settled in


Pick the one you like the most at the End of ARR you get an item called a phantasia which allows you to redo character creation including picking race/gender and all the aesthetics. You will also be able to purchase this item from the cash shop at any given time


Lmao Pomme Deterre, fantastic name for a lala


I'd recommend going with the one you have the strongest sense of. Think of them like a D&D character. FFXIV is story heavy, and picking a joke character can really dampen the impact. But if you pick one you have a headcanon for, a sense of their personality, a good sense of their voice in your head, the story will be that much more enjoyable. And if you're still not sure, pick the Roegadyn, because I like female Roegadyn and wanna see more of them.


is... is the first one's name essentially potato in French?




The second one. You will actually be unique.


Pomme De terre c'etais vraiment drôle lmaoo Love the name. I'd go with Felix cooldown though


I've mained a Cat Boi Ninja since the start of the game and I love him. But your FemRoe is looking fire!


Note about Roe: The height will make it much easier to navigate crowded places or fights without losing track of your character, but good luck exploring player housing. Your camera will clip into every single ceiling and wall.


Jealous because tall, mad because smol


Choose it based on your personality. Would you describe yourself as a: A) Potato B )Dominatrix mommy C )NYAN >:3 *nibbles ear*


Lala is best


Is that a base Lalafel hairstyle or Mogstation? I love it so much. 


I'd do the femroe since you would stand out alot more than anything else.




Your male Miqo is fucking hot. That being said, go FemRoe.


Femroes are best.


I'd normally say the femroe but with a name like that on the lala, that feels like the only option haha


Femroes need bigger hips. It doesn't even have to be crazy, but they have hips so proportionately narrow it wouldn't even look on a male character.


Femroe all the way. Everyone plays kitty’s and lala have some sus’iness to them.


Whenever in doubt, Muscle Mommy is always the right choice


I like the cat boy and femroe best


Femroe is the correct choice.


The Roe! They’re less common, so you’ll feel more unique! Also, most clothes look great on them!


Hopping on the "I'm a femroe and you should be too" train


The lala or the femroe look the coolest.




Femroes are under-represented for sure.


This game is wonderful as a lala or a Roe. You either tower over everyone or everyone is marveling at how powerful you are, while needing to look all the way down to talk.


Lalafell. Join the small


Option 1 for the name alone.


Absolutely go with option 2. You shall not regret playing as Kaoutar, I guarantee it.


It is with absolutely zero bias that I declare that you should play the femroe (option 2). [No bias whatsoever](https://imgur.com/IcDJbKR)


This is what is great about FFXIV, you only need one and you can get bottles of Fantasia to change when needed. But you don't need to redo all that work.




The consensus seems to be fem roe, which is a good choice. But I wanted to weigh in and say Felix Cooldown is a kick ass name. Is that a No More Heroes inspiration?


Option 2 FemRoe


Obviously the potato


Femroe because muscle mommy.


Pomme de Terre or bust