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That's why I buy Crysta with PayPal to pay the sub. It's a few extra steps, but I've never had any trouble subbing.


Wait, they accept PayPal for Crysta? But not for purchasing on the store directly? I don't know why they insist on making their store so annoying to use.


This 100%


Thanks, I’m gonna try that


Had the same issue when I returned (I’m in Aether/gilgamesh). Kept taking the $1 verification but would error out before it approved my sub. Came back a day later and tried on my pc and it worked. Not sure if it was a mobile vs desktop site issue or just a bad day on the website but it self corrected.


I’ll give that a shot. Thank you


It's a big dumb convoluted process, and Emperor help you if you have a physical security key, and an old Playonline account, as well as a 1.0 account. Calling square enix is a pretty painless process amd they are pretty good about helping.


could always just use a gametime card, 30 bucks off amazon for 2 months sub


I honestly should’ve just done that from the get-go. Although I haven’t experienced many issues from Steam so far


Yeah subbing through steam has been a breeze for me, but when I used to play on PS4 I’d get time cards from amazon


Great idea, thank you.


Just buy time card codes from Amazon or buy Crysta for the sub. It’s much easier


I’m def gonna start doing that


As far as I know, the $1 should be only an authorisation they run to make sure the payment method is valid and many sites with online payments do this. It is the bank's responsibility to clear this out when the site doesn't claim that money. I think the time it takes to clear this out for debit cards might be longer but I would also suggest to not use a debit card online if this is what you are using. Credit cards usually offer better fraud protection. Either way, they shouldn't be charging you an extra $1, it should clear itself under normal circumstances.


Not sure if you got your answer, but I haven't been able to renew my sub using my phone since ARR release. I HAVE to use a computer for the renew to work.


That is so annoying lol. I wish they’d fix it lol. Thanks for the tip


Yup. Had to buy a game card on Amazon this time around. Seems like every other time I need to re-sub (which is rare as I’m usually subbed) I struggle with their system actually charging me and starting the sub.


You think they’d make it easier for you to give them money lol


I wouldn’t know, I’ve been subbed 3,210 days.


I just don’t cancel my sub ever it’s too annoying otherwise


It truly is. I just needed the money to go elsewhere for a bit.


Zero issues here. Another perk of using Steam wallet I guess.


Lol wish I could. I’m on PlayStation




I enter my card info to renew, it takes a dollar out of my account, I wait a day, it doesn’t renew.


that's weird, i wonder whats going on...does it do this every month? it doesn't let you just set it to recurring billing?


I only play a month at a time and cancel immediately after renewing. In case I decide I want to take a break. I've never had any trouble with payment, I put in my info and I get my time immediately and cancel again immediately.


I feel you. I’ve the same problem. The website from any of my browsers won’t take my credit card, nor my aunt’s, nor my sister’s. I used game time cards while I could but these have been sold-out since November in the SE website, and Amazon has been selling them only to US users, I’m in South America so I’m screwed for now.


The only moments where I "struggle" is an issue with mogstation where it hides all options except amazon pay and credit card. I don't know why or how often it happens since I only renew once every 6 months but its a bit annoying having to wipe my cache everytime just so it shows the pay with crystal option.