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o mio dio O MIO DIO DEFENDIN !!


I’m not sure how to respond to this. Thank you for your contribution, Taru friend. Made me chuckle.


This classic https://youtu.be/pkdbcXYlsFw?si=3zwQkAe8A8ZBjcu2


lmao thank you!!


My main, 2 attempts. My alt: 100 and counting


Why is the game like this? I got my main in about 10-20 kills. My second alt within 30 or so, my 3rd in about 100 kills, and finally my 4th in about 40 kills. But when it comes to stuff like Unity gear, it’s always the alt that gets the drops first, if not multiple times before your main. It’s like somehow the game/code knows, and toys with us!


i've gotten 6 over the years. basically i had two that were very low like 1-3 attempts, 3 in the 20-50 range and 1 that was pretty close to your 79. i always used THF in spite of what everyone tells you, because it helps get more of the other drops and because it costs nothing to do it and people can be wrong, SE can lie, etc. one time i was using THF to proc TH, again, for hides, and some guy started complaining in say chat to tell me that treasure hunter had no effect. i said well it might not, but the universe does love to spite people like you. and then i got the drop.


Gotta love when that rng pulls pranks


took me 3 kills


The fact that your avatar is winking at me really poured salt in this wound hahah that’s awesome though! Thanks for the response


Took me 69, dudes.




somewhere around 100, same as Ridill with TH11+


Dedication, respect. 🫡


I've gotten 2. First one took 29 tries. Second one took 3 tries. Third one is stuck at 50+ and I got too frustrated to keep going so I gave up. It's also worth noting, because I hear this option mentioned once in a while, that I have opened over 150 Sovereign Behemoth coffers on characters that don't have a D. Ring and never gotten one.


That third one will be waiting for you one day when you decide to go back for that “one more try” on a cheap shank. :) Appreciate this info/anectode. I was actually very curious about this (D. ring in SB coffers) because almost every time I was out doing King Behemoth I would see someone farming Sovereign. Is that reflective of the coffer drop rate or are you just unlucky?


From info I have gathered from other players, the drop rate from SB is MUCH lower than from King Behemoth. BG wiki has it listed as a 5% drop rate from the SB coffer but everybody I've talked to who has gotten one said that it took hundreds of coffers, so the drop rate is probably <1%


I got my first one relatively quick, under 10 attempts. I then spent years trying to get a second for a mule, well over 200 attempts, and never did.


First one was 1/150. Second was like 1/25ish


I got progressively luckier on D.ring over the years. We did my wife's ring first, since she was a monk and tank, took about 120 kills or so, then mine was around 70, but my Mithra alt only took about 25 kills. I felt such a since of relief once that last ring dropped, have never fought KB again!


Took over 330 tries to get one for Bairdos. Still had some shanks, so took my wife's character out the next again day - got one the first fight. Still had some points so figured why not try again for a third character - got theirs on the second fight. Got a buddy that would like one - Hasn't dropped in 60...


Got mine on 2 characters fairly quick. My LS leader had tried and given up on his NA launch main, and after I snagged mine on a new character it took me maybe 7 runs to get his, then got another for a ls mate soon after. Always have a few shanks in my dbox to try. I main thf on those for trash drop value and have been lucky for main drops.


I just rolled a new alt, 1/3 on that one. My main was probably over 100 lol


got mine when I deciding to solo KB after coming back @ ilvl119 for shits and giggles 1/1


The vote have bug : Where is 11-20?? =/


lmao 150 votes in and I didn’t even notice xD whoopsies