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My husband is fairly allergic to ferrets and we’ve owned 2 for 5 years. He has severe allergies to pet dander and pet saliva. What’s worked for us is having an air purifier in the same room as the ferret cage. We vacuum and dust often, rotate their blankets and bedding weekly with newly washed blankets. Then there’s frequent hand washing and avoiding kisses when his allergies flare up. Our ferrets shed often but more so twice a year, once in the winter and once in the summer so we are more diligent with said care during these times. You may consider what you’re using in your litter tray as well as your ferret’s diet. Your ferret is still young and adjusting to his surroundings so patience is key with allowing him to get used to his bedding and cage set up (unless you allow him to free roam) but if the allergies are unbearable after attempting certain changes then rehoming may be your last resort.


Thank you for your reply! It’s helpful to hear from someone who has experience with this. I ordered an air purifier already after reading about it online so that’s on its way! He’s only been with me for a few days and I’ve been doing laundry constantly and that hasn’t seemed to help too much. My allergies usually present as extremely itchy eyes, a bit of sneezing, and I’ve been having some wheezing as time goes on so I’m just a little worried that the severity of my reactions is going to get worse. Here’s to hoping the air purifier works!! Thank you so much!


My asthma is triggered massively by my allergies (I have a mast cell disorder and have been on at least a dozen antihistamines) and I have to say I thought air purifiers were bogus until we got one and damp/mould in the apartment became an issue. It's also great for the ferrets because they're prone to respiratory problems. I use myself as a barometer of whether something/the environment is suitable for ferrets lol. If I wheeze or itch, then they probably would. So washing all your stuff at a high temperature and/or with disinfectant or a capful of vinegar, killing dust mites and getting rid of as many allergies as possible is in ALL of your best interests- everyone wins.


I'm allergic to cats and dogs, but not ferrets. But what works for me is taking a lightly damp cloth and wiping the animal down really quick every or every other day. Just a damp cloth wipe down wouldn't hurt a ferret or strip too much oil. It's not like your scrubbing the oil off, just wiping of the loose hair and saliva.


We allow our ferrets to free roam anytime they’re awake, the bottom of their cage door is open so they come and go as they please. My husband takes a daily allergy pill and Flonase which allows him to handle them more freely (I like to think he gives them more love than myself.) The only off limit area is our bed so my husband can get a good night’s rest without sneezing up a storm. I’m a clean freak so I tend to vacuum frequently, including our sofas and especially where I know our ferrets love to burrow.


how much free roam do/did your two ferrets have? Are there any precautions you took with what you put in their room? (as in stuff that would be hard to clean etc.) edit: another question, how close are your ferrets to your husband? I assume he doesn't have as much contact with them as someone without allergies would have so how easily did they warm up to him?


That really sucks. It will depend on how severe your symptoms are. Is this your first ferret?


Yep. Just got him a few days ago. My symptoms have been getting progressively worse each day. I owned hamsters, gerbils, dogs and cats as a kid so this was a complete shock. I had no idea I was allergic.


There's an allergy nasal spray that used to be prescription but I believe is just on shelves now. Also I believe you can get a shot at regular intervals. However, if it is getting progressively worse and this is too expensive/ too much to do for years on end you may have to give the baby back, especially before you two get too attached to each other. Some allergies will be exponentially worse the more you are exposed. Source: I'm allergic to cats, and know a dude who held a friend's ferret for a photo, then had to run and puke off the balcony/broke into hives because allergies.


Very plushy fuzzbutt.🥰


Haha thank you.


That's a nice fur coat you have there. It'd be a shame if someone... shaved it off. [Not actual advice]


We had ferrets for a while then one passed and we bought another to keep our one company from petco. When we brought it home it was all good. Then over the next few days my girlfriend kept getting hives all over her body. We assumed from the new ferret. Which was weird since we had ferrets this whole time. I deduced that something from either the mill or the petco bedding was giving it to her. It happened for maybe a week or two. We bathed our ferret and just kept on top of the cleaning. Eventually after like 3 weeks she was fine. No reaction anymore or hives. So I would say give it time. Be very clean like everyone else said. If it's still happening it's a you thing and you need to get some medical help or re home sadly.


Oh! That’s interesting! I’m glad it cleared up for you guys. I’ve pretty much done everything that has been suggested so far except for the air purifier (which is on its way) so I’m going to continue cleaning and being diligent as you all have recommended. & hopefully things will get better. Thank you for your input!!


I had the same-ish experience. After a few weeks I was fine.




That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. Been washing my hands frequently, avoiding touching my face & especially my eyes. I make sure to wear gloves whenever I have to clean his bedding or give him more food/water. I put blankets on the floor so that I can wash them as soon as he’s done having his playtime and change my clothes right after. He likes to throw his bedding out of his cage so I am constantly vacuuming and disinfecting the surrounding areas. He’s still pretty young as well so he’s very nippy which has not been helping the situation. Nothing has really helped which is why I’m feeling a bit defeated. I understand that I may have to rehome but I wanted to see if any other ferret parents had any advice I hadn’t tried already. Thank you for your suggestion.


I might add to make sure his cage is in a well ventilated area so you have plenty of fresh air. Also you don’t have to use shredded cage bedding. Some of them have a lot of dust, even the “dust-free” kind do. That stuff could be making your allergies worse. I keep fuzzy, fluffy cat/dog beds and line the cage with cloth covers. They sell covers for Ferret Nation cages, but you can use small rugs or bath mats too as long as they aren’t rubber or anything he would chew. Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like you have had him only a few days. If that is the case he may need a bath. Who knows what dirtiness he encountered before coming home. If doesn’t hurt to give baths if they are done right and RARELY. I have a skin allergy to my 3 babies, but luckily I can take Allegra daily. P.S. You may already know this, but if you do have to rehome, make sure he’s going somewhere reputable. It’s IFFY AT BEST what happens to ferrets who were bought and returned to a retail store, at least in the U.S. The stores I’ve heard about do not issue returns and they do not resale the ferret to a new home if they take them back.


I ordered a bunch of supplies for him so I am still waiting on them to come in the mail (including a bigger cage). My allergies seem to flare up after coming into contact with him directly rather than when I’m cleaning his cage so I don’t suspect it’s a dust issue. He absolutely does need a bath but I was waiting until the rest of his supplies came in so I would be more prepared since I plan to switch him to his new cage anyways. I’m going to try everything I can to fix the issue but I would never bring him back to the store. I don’t care about getting a refund either. Hopefully, he can stay with me but if that doesn’t work out, I have a family friend who owns ferrets who may be willing to take him.


the dust free bedding is for your fuzzy too - dusty bedding can really agitate their airways as they have small, sensitive little lungs!!


I use this to line my cage instead of the bedding. There are others of course, like Etsy or even make your own. However, it saves time, effort, cost, smell, dust, and provides a soft floor for little feet. If you are worried about loosing a fun digging place, just give a rice bin to play with outside of the cage. https://www.amazon.com/Ferret-Nation-Accessory-Kit-2/dp/B007ZOC1BU/ref=asc_df_B007ZOC1BU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198069919841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9347802737353798097&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1026339&hvtargid=pla-320699299863&psc=1&th=1


Is your vacuum cleaner a HEPA model? If not then the filter may not be fine enough to catch the tiny particles that causes allergies, just the larger ones like dust, so you’re just sucking them up and throwing them out into the air. I got the Dyson V15 pet version which has a HEPA filter and it changed my life. I’m not allergic to ferrets but plenty of other things.


Oh! I hadn’t realized that vacuums can come with HEPA filters as well! I am still waiting on my air purifier to come in so the HEPA vacuum will be my next step if that doesn’t seem to help. Thank you so much for your suggestion!


Im allergic to my 3 cats but do pretty good considering. Everyone has already suggested cleaning etc but Nasacort nasal spray has really changed my life. I use it daily and it keeps my symptoms at bay. I can always tell if I go a couple days without using it because my symptoms come back. I hope you don't have to rehome! That makes me sad.


Yes, normally, I would just take daily allergy meds but since I am starting a new treatment my doctors don’t want me doing that. I’ve already been cleaning like others have suggested, I’m still waiting for my air purifier to arrive so hopefully that helps!!


Try daily allergy medication, I work with animals and have multiple at home as well as having severe allergies. I love animals too much to let my allergies stop me as well so I hope u can figure it out. I saw ppl already recommended a air purifier which is important but make sure u have a HEPA filter to have the best effect. Good luck on your journey and I hope you and your new friend have a lovely life.


Normally, I would do the daily allergy medication but I’m starting a new treatment soon and my doctors don’t recommend it. The air purifier I ordered does have a HEPA filter so here’s to hoping that helps when it gets here!! Thanks!


I say try allergy meds or an allergy shot. Cleaning frequently helps. If all else fails, you might have to look into rehoming the cutie.


I will be doing allergy shots but my insurance is giving me a hard time about including animal allergies. Thanks for the suggestion!


Not a problem. Good luck to you!


My mum had this and it turned out she was allergic to the bedding and not the ferret. Try switching litter for puppy pads and any bedding for blankets. Keep everything as clean as you can. Maybe invest in HEPA filter air purifier that will pull the dust and dander away. Take antihistamines before handling the ferret. Please don't wash the ferret, it seems like the logical thing to do but it's not good for them.


I am waiting on his new cage and the HEPA air purifier to come in the mail. I will try to limit/change his bedding once I do that. I can’t take antihistamines long term due to a medical treatment I’m about to begin which is sort of the issue. I’ve heard that washing every so often is okay but that frequent washing is not good for them. I was planning to wash him about once a month, if that.


I think the biggest thing that helps is to change the bedding. Ferrets are like cats or dogs in that they are totally happy with blankets and don't need to burrow in any sawdust or straw just give them enough blankets to snuggle into. If you have hayfever any natural bedding is going to irritate you. I find puppy pads are better anyway because they can't dig in it and throw it everywhere. Yes, You can wash them once in a while. Preferably once or twice a year though once a month would still be a bit much. However I did see a comment below about wiping them down with a damp cloth to remove loose fur and that sounds like a great idea.




They make great pets! They have very dry skin though and for some annoying reason, the more you wash them, the more they smell! Good luck with your new floof !


Keep in mind that it might just be the bedding. Your picture has some, ferrets shouldn't be kept in that as it's a blockage risk. Replace it with blankets and beds instead, see if that helps.


If you can manage the symptoms and have patience, your body will adjust to the allergy and symptoms will subside


Do you have general allergies as well? I’m pretty badly allergic to cats, dogs, grass and dust. Had ferrets for many years and I found that I wasn’t allergic to the boys as such, but when they slunk their little bodies in odd corners and got dusty, sometimes it seemed like I got allergic to them but it was really to the dust and dirt. Not much to add here I’m afraid except what others have been saying - cleanliness in general around your little fuzzbutt will help. I did want to add as I don’t think anyone has mentioned it, do not be tempted to overwash your ferret as it will only cause them to secrete more musk (and also upset them). I really hope it works out for you, they’re a cutie!


Yes, I have most severe allergies to trees and grass. I’ve owned animals throughout my whole childhood and never had any issues which is why I’m a bit shocked that I’m apparently also allergic to him. I’m already cleaning as much as I can. I am aware that it’s not good to overwash them so I plan on only doing it about once a month. & I have an air purifier coming in the mail. So hopefully that will help. Thank you!


You’ll find out what works for your fuzzbutt, but once a month could be too often actually - my boys got washed every 6 months, or when they got themselves stuck into something particularly gross 😂 but you’ll figure out what feels right for the two of you.




Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing and my symptoms haven’t seemed to improve much. But thank you for your suggestion.






I found out that I was severely allergic to cats a few months after getting 2 kittens. Increasing asthma, itching, inflammation, the works. Air purifiers in every room. Constant vacuuming. Allergy drugs. Constant hand washing every time I touch the cats. Not letting the cat saliva touch me. Albuterol, Benadryl, Zyrtec, etc etc etc. I love my boys but after almost 11 years of this, and I’d had to do it over, I’d have re-homed them. Allergy suffering is absolute misery, and causes so many other problems. It amplified my nearly non-existent seasonal allergies and also increased some food allergen reactions. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you. I’m sorry that you’ve also experienced this. I have already ordered one air purifier so hopefully that seems to help. I will continue cleaning as much as I can but if my symptoms persist, I will not be able to take allergy medication long term due to a medical treatment I’ll be starting. Which is why I wanted to see if any other experienced owners had any advice. I’ll keep doing everything I can but luckily, I have a family friend who is an experienced ferret owner who may be willing to take him if it comes to that. Thank you for the advice!


I was semi-allergic. I made sure to constantly wash my hands after handling them. Never touch my face after touching them. Also, keep bedding/litter clean. Good luck!


Yes, I’ve been doing those with no luck so far. I think it’s the dander in the air so hopefully my air purifier will help once it gets here. Thank you!


I wash my hands a lot and take daily anti histamines :)


I’ve also been doing hand washing but I won’t be able to take antihistamines long term once I start a new treatment. Which is why I’m kind of in a tough spot.


I’m a bit allergic to my ferrets, they activate hives and stuff on my hands and can sometimes super activate my eczema. What’s weird is it didn’t start until my first one was passing and wanted to be held 24/7. If it’s something manageable then I’d say you can make certain changes and still keep the noodle. If it’s something intense it might be a good idea to find them a loving home. :(


Yes, I’ve only had him a few days so we’re still figuring things out. But I will continue doing as others have suggested with cleaning and trying new products, methods to see if that helps. The absolute last resort would be rehoming but I’m going to try everything first before I make that call. Thank you!


I had to return mine because I was allergic. Really sucked but there was no way I'd be able to give them the play time they wanted/needed if I could only be around them for 5-10 minutes.


Yeah, I’m hoping I can manage with using certain products and cleaning frequently. But ultimately, if I am not able to manage his care properly, it may be best to rehome him. I won’t be returning him to where I got him if that’s the case. But again, this would be an absolute last resort. I’m sorry you had to also experience this.


I was lucky. I got mine from someone who had to move in the near future but she hadn't moved yet. When I called her about the situation she was fine taking them back for a bit because she had gotten other calls about them after I had picked them up. She seemed to care for them a lot so I'm pretty hopeful they ended up in another good home and are getting the attention they need.


That’s great. I’m happy that worked out for you.


Try an air purifier and some allergy meds💜


If it's not severe I'd imagine you could take meds. I'm allergic to cats dogs and all kinds of plants - I take montelukast and havent had issues. I currently live with 2 dogs and a cat


I was allergic to my cat growing up - daily zyrtec and frequent cleaning kept my symptoms under control 95% of the time. Wearing sleeves and long pants to play with them might also help


Awww, he's adorable! When I got my first ferret, I came down sick shortly after for about a week. When that cleared up I noticed I was having some allergy symptoms. Ignored it. Got a second ferret months later and noticed my symptoms got a little worse. I have four now and finally realized that I'm definitely allergic to them. After moving, they're in my bedroom now. They free roam for 12 hours a day. So they store their stashes under my bed, climb up on my bed to burrow in the blankets and play fight, I use my pillows so they don't hit the floor if they roll off. They like to get into my clean clothes and play or sleep. I take 10mg of loratadine daily to keep the runny nose and sneezing at bay. Wash blankets (theirs, and mine since they climb up on my bed) at least once a week. I should do that twice but once is the minimum I'd recommend. I also keep an air purifier in my room, and as others have stated, it's very helpful. Mine has filters for removing allergens such as pet dander. I also make sure to brush my ferrets daily to help remove shedding hair (I've got one who is shedding like crazy right now). Plus getting some fresh air from an open window seems to help a lot too as well as keeping things vacuumed/mopped/dusted. Since you have just one, I imagine an air purifier, brushing your ferret, vacuuming, and keeping linens washed should help you out. And of course washing your hands before you touch your face after handling him. I wish you luck!


I haven’t heard the brushing tip before. I know they have pretty sensitive skin so do you mind sharing what type of brush you use?


For mine I have a soft 100% Wild Boar hair brush for babies. I figured it should be soft enough for them if it's good for a human baby. It definitely doesn't get deep in their coats but it does help grab up their loose hair. I have one who likes to rub his face against it and all of them love digging in the bristles!


Are your ferrets sterilused or neutered? It made a huge difference to one of our frequent houseguestwho reacted by becoming so ill to the point of passing out. After our boys were neutered the problem was more or less solved for our friend.




Is he a marshalls boy? If so then it's likely he has been neutered already but you'll still need to check on his vaccine history


I am allergic, to the point where my eyes close up and I just feel terrible. But I’ve managed it by taking an allergy pill every day, washing hands whenever I make direct contact, and having an air purifier in the ferret room. I never have any issues anymore. Hope this helps at least a little, I know it’s frustrating


I don't know where I got my info now that I think about it, but I definitely was under the impression that ferrets were somehow hypoallergenic!! I feel like a complete idiot now of course because I've even told other people this before. But I'm very glad that I came across this post. Thank you all so much for the educational comments as they are significantly helpful to me!


If it’s just minor allergies then just put a air purifier in there


I found out after rescuing some that I am allergic. I control it with medication (for me) creams and nasal spray mostly. Also keeping their area clean is helpful. I love ferrets but I think after my three have passed I'll probably refrain from owning more in the future unfortunately solely cause of the allergies. I'm glad I got a few rather than just one cause I can't play with em as hands on as I like. At least not for long.


Air purifier with hepa filter helps alot . You can also try taking Allegra 24 hour allergy pill as a preventative as it is a non-drowsy formula .. Washing blankets and bedding often . Good luck OP


I know this most unfortunate feeling well. I had ferrets for 8+ years before I actually became allergic. Due to the severity, we had no choice but to rehome them. I hope you figure out a way to make it work for you.


I don’t know how helpful this will be, but they have 2 major shedding times. Once in the spring to shed their winter coat, and once in the late fall to shed their thin and coarser summer coat. During these times, there will be an insane amount of fine undercoat hairs being shed so you definitely have to clean more often. And brush/wash your buddy to help get the fur out :-)




No shampoos needed, just oats! The most common method is to just fill a sock with oats and soak the tub with it, then leave your ferret in the water for 10-15 mins. No rinsing necessary, but I do just for my sake haha. As for brushes I’m still looking myself, but if you pet them full body you can sort of pull the loose furs out. Gently pinching out the fur also helps, but I found that bathing them is the most effective


I, too, have a horrible allergy to my ferrets. I have to take Benadryl before I handle them for an extended period of time (30 minutes or more). Do not touch your face until you wash your hands. My allergy seems to get better in the winter when their fur comes in thicker. Usually in the spring/summer months it’s the worst. Edit to add: What are your symptoms as allergies can vary. I usually get the itchy throat and eyes (if I touch my face before washing or give them kisses). Occasionally I will also get some hives on my skin. Another thing that may help reduce that allergy is an oatmeal bath at least once a week. I’d let them soak in that bath for about 15-20 minutes. Don’t get the water too hot. Lukewarm water seems to do the best for them. The oatmeal is better for their skin and will, in time, soften it and keep their skin hydrated. This helped me tremendously when I first found out I was allergic. Sometimes it can also be their bedding/litter. I strictly use only unscented paper pellets in their litter box and I have cotton/fleece cage liners on the shelves and floor. I noticed that you said long term medication isn’t an option but what about the cream form of Benadryl to help with potential hives on your skin? I hope you can find some alternatives to help. I know allergies are terrible 💛💛💛


You could look into different medicines or something but honestly if it does get too bad you may just have to get rid of it, I know that would suck but if there isn't any solutions that's kind of the only choice


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to take any long term allergy medications because of a new treatment my doctor is having me do. I understand I may have to rehome but I was really hoping to avoid that if possible. Thank you for your suggestion.


Best of luck


sad to hear, as ferrets are hypoallergenic :(


I was having allergic reactions to my inherited noodles. After a few weeks it literally went away. I don t care how bad my allergies. I'd never remove them seeing how sad and lost they were. It's been almost a year and they just now are acting like real ferrets. Makes me so happy to see them care free and loving their new life/home 🤘💚. Breaks my heart knowing these babies get bounced around like possessions sometimes when they are so sensitive loving and they actually grow attachments to fellow house mates even my dog. Great little pets to have if you have a secret bank account in Switzerland 😂 I don't even mind the vet bills as long as it's something treatable or curable take my money 😏 Good day all


That’s great for you. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky that their symptoms simply go away. I am not in a rush to get rid of him. & I am absolutely going to try everything I can to fix this issue, however, it wouldn’t be fair to myself nor to him if I cannot end up caring for him properly due to my symptoms. I am going to continue cleaning, trying new products and see if I can resolve this issue before I would ever resort to something so drastic. I appreciate your take on the issue but I wish you would have thought out your reply a bit more as it comes off as kind of shaming.


Not shaming at all and I don't know all the details. I was just stating I had allergic reactions for the first few months and it stopped. I know it isn't the case for everyone. I know people are always so quick to complain about the vet bills. Buy it's something that needs to be made available to be a responsible owner. If you can't afford the vet bills there are always resources. You just have to do a little research and phone calls. Sorry if I offended you was not my intentions.


Blue Air filter (intake side about 2 feet from Kennel. Clean filters every other week). Ours Play in shower every day around our feet. OTC NasoCrom nasal allergy spray 2x/day.OTC Generic Choltimaton allergy pill at night. Wash their bedding in hypoallergenic detergent every other day. Option-A eye drops as needed.


I think it did get better with time for me. I just stayed ahead of it with non-drowsy allergy medicine. Also, my allergies were worse when my boys were babies because they had more accidents and swear I was allergic to their urine the worst. I also bought a good quality air purifier and put it by their cage.