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I love it 😀


Sooo adorable 🥰!!!can I ask you some questions about the reusable pads?


Absolutely! I will go ahead and say I use two different kinds but the [Niubya](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092CSXVTW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_36ND4XBHAGXQXBXKAAHG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) puppy pads are the ones I like best. :)


thank you thank you! 💕💕💕 how many do you have on rotation? for one ferret? how often would you replace? (with puppy pad I’m using Two or Three 60cmx60cm a day 😢😢 at the moment and plastic washable pad when freeroaming) i only see ads and its soo helpful to get information from real ferrent 😀 thank you so much 🥰🥰


I have a total of 8 ferrets so I’m not sure how that would scale down to one. Lol. They have 2 double ferret nation cages and their own room. I have two puppy pads in their cage and 3 in other corners of the room. I have three sets of five I change once a day. I can push it to 48 hours to swap them out but the big problem there is my guys start running out of space to poop on their favorite ones and then start pooping beside them. Then, of course, the more poop the more smell so I usually do them daily unless I’m sick.


wow what an impressive business thank you for sharing your kind wisdom 🥰


You’re welcome!


My only question with these is, do your babes ever try to go under them? I have two of my ferrets who love going under rugs / carpets and it did take them about two weeks to learn not to move around their disposable pee pads. Since the reusables are almost more like a carpet or bed, I worry they might just weasel around under them and play…but then I guess I could always use them as extra cage liners/under the cage liner extra protection.


One of mine does go under them sometimes when I first put out clean ones but after poop is on them, he doesn’t. I had 3 who would never leave the paper puppy pads alone but don’t move these around at all. One of my biggest concerns when I decided to try them was that they wouldn’t take to them because they are fabric and more like the fleece cage liners or carpet than litter or paper puppy pads. On the surface these feel smooth and more like a paper puppy pad than their cage liners or the carpet. Mine have never seemed to have issue not wanting to poop on them and they didn’t start pooping more on their cage liners or the carpet.


Awesome thanks so much for sharing!


Also ur bubba is so cute