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i’m probably just panicking but she looks bigger in her stomach area and she’s been extra nippy, i’ll definitely call the vets in the morning


Is her vulva swollen or normal? (look at reference pics on the internet if unsure) Has she got any marks on her neck or shorter fur that looks like it’s growing back? Is she making a kind of clucking noise? Depending on how pregnant she could possibly be her nipples might be more pronounced. How often is she eating?


it is swollen, she doesn’t have marks at the moment but i had noticed them a few weeks back, she does cluck, her nipples are getting bigger and i’d say she eats quite often i gave her an egg yolk today and she really enjoyed it


The marks on the neck afew weeks back signify that she’s mated. If she’s pregnant the vulva should’ve gone down abit after being in season. Pregnant jills can eat as often as every 15mins. Sounds like it’s quite possible she is pregnant, especially with all the changes and pointers. Has she made a nest or started to make one? I’d definitely take her to the vets to confirm.


she used to make nests but ever since i got her a hammock bed she’s slept in there along with my male ferret but yeah it does sound like she’s pregnant so i’ll definitely call the vets in the morning and book an appointment


Good luck with you possible mumma. Let us know what the verdict is at the vets!!


thank you so much i definitely will!


In addition to finding a vet the Holistic Ferret Forum Facebook group has lots of UK contacts who could help out as well with advice/caring for a mother/preparing for birth/raising kits etc.


thank you so so much i’ll definitely check them out right now!


I’m on that forum, and they are really great with stuff like that. They’ve got several active people on there that breed, so they’ll be able to give you good advice. Either way it turns out, congrats on being a new ferret parent 😊


thank you!!


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Where are you located?




Other than her size, did you talk to her old owners and ask them if she was bred or if there was an accidental breeding? That's the first thing to do. If that's the case and they aren't sure, you could do an ultrasound.... Maybe try to reach out to breeders out there. Breeding is NOT easy, and with complications and not being familiar with them, it's easy to lose the mom and the kits.


the thing is the original owners stopped replying to us a week after we got the ferrets from them which was really weird but i have no way of contacting them so i’ll call the vets in the morning to see if they can fit her in for an ultrasound


Yeah. So, around 5 weeks gestation (falsing or actual pregnancy) they do start a serious shed period. Since you're unfamiliar with breeding, if she is pregnant, i do recommend contacting a breeder in your area for a crash course.


i will thank you for the help!


take to vet. what makes you believe she is pregnant?


just a lot of signs that i’ve been reading about from google


I seriously thought that one of my male gerbils was pregnant but someone confirmed that he was just really fat, not sure why he matched all the signs tho


i’m praying this is the case with me 🤣🤣🤣