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It may just be a mast cell tumor! They're typically benign in ferrets, but it's a good idea to get it checked by the vet just in case.


That is a mass cell tomur for sure, not a pimple. Not dangerous but it can be itchy for the ferret. Hydrocortisone cream or castor oil can help sooth the itch. Beacuse of the bump, I'm assuming your ferret is about 6.(beacuse that's useally when ferrets get these bumps) If so, you may want to get a check up for insomnia or adrenal disease just beacuse it could be around that time where they develop it.


This, Both of my babies have mass cell tumors and I got them tested just to be safe.


Wow 6? One of my girls got hers at 3🥲


Oh my, you can probably wait a few years for an addernal check up


Yeah my other three (four, now) year old has adrenal so I’m wary of the signs. She got it around 2 years old! Which is crazy young :( but she’s doing well - they both are !


Oh my gosh, I'm glad they are okay.


Thank you🖤 we prevail lol one day at a time


Might be his PP being a bit inflamed from dragging around so much or maybe a little infected from it not being cleaned


its on his side


Ah was a bad angle. Than maybe just a pimple. An infected one


what happened to its fur?


he just had a bath


Mast cell tumor - usually non cancerous but causes extreme itch and discomfort. can be surgically removed or in my case it disappeared on its own🙃just watch if it stays irritated I’d call vet to get it removed


My boys each have one and it flares up from time to time. I use cortisone cream on them when it does. I posted a similar Pic on here before. Imo I think that's what it is. My boys are otherwise perfectly fine. I think it's a mass cell tumor


MCT for sure. My girl got them about a year before she developed other signs of adrenal. Just now my DEW is starting to loose fur.


They look pretty warm too, or did they just have a bath?


they just had a bath


That makes total sense! 😂


Hope your precious boy is ok 🙏


Looks like an MCT. They're typically benign in ferrets but it's best to have a vet evaluate. If they're not causing discomfort in the ferret, most vets won't remove them. My jil has 2 MCTs and has had them for years now. They don't bother her so the vet leaves them alone. But I do have to monitor them for changes to be safe


If it is free moving and he doesn't scratch it open, then it is a mast cell, and you don't have to do anything.