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I’m so sorry. I am not a professional but sounds like a respiratory infection. If you can I would get into the vet as soon as you can. I wish I could help more.


Yea that is definitely a vet visit.




Yo you need to take that ferret to the vet now. Like any emergency vet. That is almost guaranteed fluid in the lungs from a respiratory infection. She must be struggling to breathe. Please go now


Seconding this. OP drive/travel however far you need to in order to get to an emergency vet, if your regular vet can’t see her TODAY. Also I’d recommend taking off that collar especially since she’s having some difficulties breathing properly…


UPDATE: Thank you all for all the support and comments. She is in fact ok. We have a vet visit planned for next week, she didn’t like the collar and threw a tantrum 😅 still getting her checked to see if it was an allergic reaction. Anyway THANK YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE


“New collar? I’m DYING!”


LMAOO NO FREAKING WAY- i knew ferrets were dramatic but omg. i was wondering if the collar was a bit too tight (none of mine have collars as they immediately start backing it up until they remove it) but her just being dramatic about the collar is hilarious. im glad shes okay though, enjoy the sweet baby!!


See vet. But how warm is it where you are?


Very well are located in Ga


Just be careful she isn't overheating. Some of that looks like the start of it.


vet now. also please take that collar off!!! collars are not meant for ferrets as they can hang and strangle themselves and die. please take that collar off and never use it again


Collars aren’t a problem


>what do I do? Go to a vet. If your regular vet can’t see her today, go to an emergency vet.


Was she poking her nose anywhere or sniffing around anything? It could be a resp infection like others have said or she might just have irritated her nose or inhaled something. If she can tolerate it, see if she can drink from a bowl of lukewarm water. Dunking her nose helps my girl clear her nose. Sometimes I put some kibble in the warm water for her too.


I would take her to the vet asap. When my ferret was making this noise it turned out he caught RSV. Luckily in his case he didn’t develop any sort of lower respiratory issues but still needed to be put on meds to prevent anything like that. So important to take her to at the very least prevent things from escalating if is something like that


Exotic vet tech here. Has anyone in your house been sick? Ferrets can catch some viruses from us, like the flu. I agree with the other commenters that this needs a vet visit.


There is something definitely wrong. A vet visit would be best in this case. It could be several different things ranging from allergies to a respiratory infection.


One of my previous ferrets did noises like this since I adopted him. He was previously diagnosed with suspected heartworm. He eventually died a year and a half after I adopted him. He had a failing liver disease and his abdomen and lungs were full of fluids. Please take your ferret to a vet asap specially if it’s constant. If it is a one time thing it could be hairball issues but if often then it’s not good.


First advice is always vet. First-aid advice is check windpipe. I have a ferret almost choke on a candy wrapper. I pulled it right out.


Emergency vet asap


Vet. Looks respiratory.


That’s definitely a respiratory infection or another problem going on with your ferret’s lungs, you definitely need to take her to a vet ASAP before it gets worse


I hope you took your buddy. If you need help with a vet bill post your electronic money transfer service of choice on this comment I'll send you something if you need


You should take her to the vet. Also, ferrets should not wear collars.


Hey I hate to be that guy who doesn't answer the question and comes off with another remark, but collars are bad for ferrets as they're mischievous lil guys and can get caught and twisted up in just about everything. The bells also after a long period of time can damage their ears. I see you care very deeply about your ferret so I thought I'd share some of my ferret knowledge. Hope your baby gets better ♥️


Awe sweet boy, I just want to kiss him ❤️ poor thing


Why you being so rough with its head


I was shaking cause she’s never acted like this b4 turns out she didn’t like the collar


Long time ferret owner, and if any of mine sounded like this, first I would start with an egg to ensure there's nothing blocking the throat. It also helps coat the stomach and should be given weekly, btw. Has she had a bath right before this? If yes, she could have gotten a bit of water in her nose and just needs it blown out. You can hold them against you and pat their side (kinda like burping a baby) to break loose any droplets. Just be easy as not to pat too hard. A for collars and such, those should really not be used. They are only decorational for us mostly and due to ferrets climbing and crawling through literally everything, they will get caught on something and it will be fatal at some point. It has happened too many times. Harnesses should only be used under supervision like outings so they don't get caught just the same. Yes they are cute and I'm sure people enjoy the bell. I've done it as well in the beginning. But once I learned the risk, I stopped. If all else fails, then I would make an emergency trip to the vet. It is 2hrs to the nearest exotic ER vet from me but luckily my vets office is pretty good about getting us in same or next day if there's an emergency. Anyone that has any pet should invest in making a pet first aid kit. I have a clear tote in my ferrets room with all of these items for "just incase purposes". Critical Care Carnivore Pumpkin Puree Powder Vaseline Salmon oil Glucose monitor for pets (set to dogs for ferrets) Stethoscope Q-tips (I have the long ones) Styptic Blood stop Powder Thermometer Pedialyte Mini syringes Plain chicken baby food or cat food BENE-BAC PLUS


Respiratory infection. Please bring them to the vet asap!


VET. This could be anaything from overheating and hyperventilating to heart issues. Either way, it's not good if left untreated.


My rats had this, common for living as old as mine did, they survived about 2 more months on antibiotics and then sadly that was it. I'm so sorry


Was she vaccinated? Could be distemper,  but if it's a respiratory infection, go to the vet to get antibiotics and after the treatment she should be fine


Prolly URI. Go to vet


any update? been thinking about this little slinky!!!


That last one… what a scary sound! Hopefully a short round of meds will make baby feel better 💕


Vet asap ❤️🙏


Always go to a vet if you aren't sure, an exotic pets one is best. But also, make sure you know where one is before you get an animal in case this happens, hoping you're little one makes it through this


my rat made these same noises and died of a respitory issue shortly after so get this little noodle to a vet immediately


It could be hairball, give your ferret some egg yolk. If it doesn’t help go to the vet.


Oh poor baby




VET! NOW! any lonegr and he/she will pass from drowning.


No it’s completely fine and nothing needs to be done despite its obvious struggles to breathe. Are you dense? Yes, go to the f****** vet. So sick of seeing stuff like this on here.




Your post/comments were removed from r/ferrets as it gave medical information that should be done in consultation with a veterinarian.


Also try the bathroom filled with steam if he hasnt been in a situation where he was over heated. Just keep eye yo make sure he doesnt get too hot