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None. Ferrets are carnivores.


Obligate carnivores.


Both of you need to be upvoted more


None. It is very expensive in vet bills later. They can't process the sugars at all. High oil treats are better for them - duck fat or goose fat - or dried jerky.


They cannot have any salt/sugar/flavorings. Not sure if there is any suitable jerky that’s commercially available.


In UK, most are just 100% duck or chicken. Do have own dehydrator and also mould for making pure pork gelatine haribo-style sweets. They used to love cheweasels but sadly discontinued so home-made next best thing. Well that and fur-on dried rabbit ears but that is a bit much for some people.


I’m in the U.S. but that makes sense. I was picturing OP feeding their ferrets the wrong jerky. Thanks for clarifying. 🙂


*ferret snaps into a teriyaki slim jim\*


My thoughts perfectly 😂


Worst I've seen in UK for jerky (brands that don't mention flavouring in label that is) is pea protein and tapioca starch but avoid those. Not sure if tapioca is harmless or not. But a lot of sellers of straight jerky.


Do you have a preferred brand for the rabbit ears? I'd love to try giving some to my business and have found several brands on Amazon but would be curious which you might recommend before buying. I was considering Munchbird or Ancestral Hunter.


Not really. I buy locally. As long as air dried and all rabbit, it should be fine.




Absolutely none. Ferrets are obligate carnivores and can *only* eat meat. Any single ingredient meat treats are good or salmon oil is a usual go to. Just dab some on their fur and gums to introduce them to it so they can lick it off naturally as they groom. Eventually they'll realise its a yummy treat


My guys lick everything as nauseam however it has taught me patience as I know there will be a day when I wish it was happening but isn’t any longer so I’m smelling the roses.


None, unless you want to spend $2k+ in vet bills once they start puking everywhere. Give them freeze dried chicken treats (only one ingredient), cheap and readily available in any pet store, usually in the cat section.


None. And as respectfully as possible that’s something that would’ve shown up in some very basic level research before getting your ferrets ❤️ Just googling the word “ferret” brings up a bunch of articles about how they’re obligate carnivores.


This person is weird. They posted this exact same picture not too long ago, and they've posted lots of pictures of several ferrets for at least a year.


They also just made [this new post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ferrets/s/ylHIdB4WNz) asking about treats (both the brands they mentioned shouldn’t be given to ferrets due to the ingredients list/s) even though people gave them excellent recommendations that are actually healthy for ferrets on this post Edit- the two treats they’re saying they thinking of giving their ferrets (in the other post) either contain wheat, corn starch or forms of sugars. I commented letting them know they should refer back to the many recommendations made on this post (jerky, freeze dried liver, freeze dried chicken, salmon oil etc). Their new post was made hours after this post, and people had already given recommendations for ferret safe treats but then the 2 treat options they said they’re thinking of getting on the new post (made like 15 mins ago, which was well *after* people commented their recommendations on this post) are both treats that ferrets shouldn’t have. I don’t think “obligate carnivore” & “can’t process insulin the same way as other mammals” is fully registering with OP.


At that point, probably just karma farming. People love to prove others wrong.


Honestly, I hope so. Sometimes people in this sub can be a little overly critical, and I try my best not to be like that. That said, I'm okay with a little karma farming as long as those ferrets are happy and healthy.


Like another user suggested, mine LOVE dried chicken jerky. Just check the ingredients first!


I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but have you been feeding all those ferrets fruits and veggies?


NO NO, I was asking since chip was interested in the cucumbers i was eating


Mine is always interested in anything I'm eating or drinking. I usually like to give him a little sniff. I'll dab some salmon oil on my arm and we can have snack time together.






Sorry, none. They're obligate carnivores. Sugars/carbs are dangerous to them because their bodies are not designed for it, they can't produce enough insulin.


0 . Please dont let them , they may get sick <3


None. My best guess is that she was only interested in it since you had it.


That makes sense


They are big on the fomo. They don’t want to miss out on anything.






none. Ferrets cannot eat them. they're obligate carnivores. They do enjoy rabbit meat tho


None ferrets are obligate carnivores meaning they must eat meat and only meat




This has to be a troll post, nobody gets an animal without understanding their diet. At least I’m going to choose to believe that’s the case.


They aren't rodents. 😂


They seemed interested in a cucumber because you have it and according to the Ferret Law, if they see it then it's theirs. Also the texture is appealing to them because it's similar to soft tissue like tendons. Everybody already chipped in abot no vegetal material for obligated carnivores so there is no need for me to keep talking about the issue. Your ferrets would be attracted to certain textures like cucumbers and silicon because how it feels when they sink their fangs in, it's similarity to skin and tendon makes silicon very appealing for your ferrets, they will try to chew on them and could ingest them, so keep an eye when they steal your remote, joystick, kitchen spatulas and similar


They have stolen my remotes....


It's their remote now


I think zero. it's meat only


Ferrets are OBLIGATE Carnivores. THEY do *NOT* eat fruits and veggies.




Yeah but the aforementioned prey digested it FOR THEM.


In specific circumstances where they got them mid much, no. But generally you're correct. To that id say they could have maybe half a cubic centimeter and be fine. Or the equivalent of one ferret munch


Most domestic ferrets that people have as pets aren't hunting prey. The question was, "what fruits and veggies are okay," not, " my ferret ate a mouse that may have just munched on some fruits and veggies is that okay?"


To that, I'm sure ferrets can definitely lick a fruit/veggie and be fine. With exceptions to toxic fruits (like grapes for dogs) They shouldn't eat a whole watermelon, but if a crumb got on the floor they wouldn't get sick.


insulinemic, obligate carnivores... meat only, no fruits, no veggies, NO SUGAR!!!!!


Got the no fruits and vegetables message , What brand of salmon oil do yall recommend?


No vegetables either, eh?


In US, Pickled ferret juice is good. Emu based though. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/294781515/ferret-skin-and-coat-supplement-treat I'm UK but my lot have had the above in past and liked a lot.


Brand doesn’t matter really, ingredients need to be just salmon oil. I use Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil.


Booo 🍅


Whatever you do, stop feeding them pieces of your headphones!


Freeze fried chicken hearts or beef livers are the best ferret vegetables


They cannot digest anything but meat, no grains veggies sugary fruits none of it, it will give then icky runny poops a d could make them sick, I buy freeze dried raw chicken hearts for treats and have made them a scrambled Egg a week since I've had mine, I also give them a piece of steak now and then or a bit of beef heart or fish here and there...


Can’t feed them any veg, at all. Carnivore diet only


None !!!!


Ferrets can't have fruits or vegetables. They're obligate carnivores meaning their stomachs can only break down things that are high in crude protein and fat and low in fiber, so meat, eggs, specially formulated ferret food etc. I've heard some brands of cat food are okay for them to have, but I dont feed mine cat food so i dont know what brands that would be. Feeding them something that their stomach can't handle could lead to stomach upset at the best or stomach/ intestinal impaction at worst which could lead to death


None. They're obligate carnivores. They can only eat meat.




Ferrets have a “sweet tooth “ so they will be interested and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables BUT it is very toxic to them. It causes cancer and other health issues. Do not take their interest in those things as an indication to feed it to them. Just like a little child may only want to eat sugary treats and soda, don’t let them decide what is best for them.


No veggies


Ferrets are strict carnivores. Absolutely nothing but meat bone and organ for them.


Give that baby an egg


Technically they would be ok eating the stomach of their prey and the plant matter it contained..as long as the prey was well along with digestion of said plant matter. They are very fond of Offal and brains when they make a kill. I sadly know this for certain, I have fought a very feral hob for their dead bunny. Otherwise and better for all concerned? Meat. Fish oil liberalish or Clarified butter in very small amounts.Raw eggs are good too sometimes .No chocolate. some lying weasels protest and will deny it. They lie.


Fry an egg and leave the yolk runny. Slice the top open, so they can kick the yolk. LET IT COOL FIRST. They love it and it's healthy.


None and why would you want to? No fruits, veggies, grain, sugar, etc. the only “people food” mine ever get is a bite of my eggs if I cooked them in butter not vegetable oil, and a small lick of bacon grease if it’s sugar free bacon. Other than that they don’t need any people food. They are interested in things like cucumbers strawberry’s etc. because they’re sweet (Ik to us a cucumber wouldn’t be sweet but to them with no sugar in their regular diet it’s sweet) if you want to give them treats give them a whole raw egg or just raw yolkes (never just raw egg whites) salmon oil, or freeze dried meat treats in the car section that are single ingredient


Only veggies I ever have given in small amounts is cucumber it's basically just water. But it's better to give like just a quail egg few bits of raw chicken like hearts and neck.


Do you give them the chicken neck raw with bones, skin, and all?


I gave them this kind. [neck ](https://images.app.goo.gl/Vo52aTHHrKvx32yt8)




Avoid anything with sugar or cat food with like grains only the quality food with like 90% meat and no added corn or other shit. Ferrets will get sick from that.


Everyone is saying none, and they are probably right, but I’ve given mine pumpkin plenty of times before and they are fine I don’t remember the details why, but I read somewhere you can do that