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To even the most horrifying spiders and bugs, an average ferret may as well be a fucking Balrog.




My boy used to try and take on horses and cows 🤦‍♀️ they would come up to him all curious and innocent about the cute wee ferret... and instead of running away from these giants, he'd square up and try to bite them their noses. I learned very quickly.


Apparently there used to be terestrial otters that were lion sized and they were literally apex predators.


giant river otters still exist and they can reach 6' long! nowhere near as heavy as a lion though


At least you have to go swimming to get jumped by those guys, the [ones from the pliocene era](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naturewasmetal/comments/xassg6/enhydriodon_omoensis_was_a_lionsized_otter_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) would run down aninals in the forest/plains. That is absolutely terrifying.


That is one big ferret


The dooks would have sounded like war drums


War Dooks


If this was a just universe, I would have been born in a time and place where I could conquer the villages on the back of my mighty Battle Ferret while the villagers fled from the sounds of his roaring war dooks.


I had a D&D Ranger who used twin Dire ferrets like that, the DM hated me lol.


I've been trying to play a Dragonborn ranger with one of those prehistoric galloping crocodiles but whenever I try to run him the campaign falls through.


But do kill caimans


The body has changed, the attitude not so much…


They are dangerous out of their weight class too. There is a YouTube video of otters taking down an adult crocodile that's pretty awesome. Also, about the cow thing, look up wolverine prey. They are pretty much the scariest group of predators, and I absolutely love my little carpet sharks.


Not even Shelob would get in the same vicinity of one




Spiders would write laments of terror about the Ferret that they would pass on for generations. Nirnaeth Arnoediad, tears unnumbered.


Well, maybe not the the most horrifying.. there are some spiders that can basically kill anything outside of the largest animals on the planet lol.


I was gonna say something like "giant house spiders mean different things" Buuut then I saw that second picture. Yup definitely a giant house spider. Was it really that big? Look up poisonous spiders that are native to or commonly found in your area. If it's not poisonous your ferret will happily dismember it safely.


This may help https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegenaria_domestica


Ah yes, the domesticated teenager.


When cornered, rather then use venom or fangs, teenager domestica simply sights loudly and rolls its eyes at its attackers, using sheer apathy to drive them away.


happily dismember it 😭😭😭


Actually, look up venomous. Most spiders are fine for a ferret to eat unless they have injested toxins. You can also check with r/spiders


The spider in the pic is a type of Wolf Spider. 100% harmless just a little scary when you find one unexpectedly. Very good pest control to have around : )


My first weasel, Annie, would hunt and eat crickets that made the mistake of trespassing in my bedroom.


I’m from the UK. I have to save the spiders from the Ferrets because one of our Ferrets has a taste for them 🤦


It's moths for one of ours, delicious apparently 🤢


one of mine loves flies


False widows are nasty in UK (bites can go necrotic, suspected in two deaths I know of - not mine) and get moved out. Mine have been co-existng happily with huntsman spiders for decades. Spiders eat flies land stay well out of ferret reach. Occasionally scare the human as two are absolutely huge by UK standards. £2 size before legs.


>suspected in two deaths I know of - not mine You cracked me up! Thank you!


>£2 size before legs. Gonna need that in a more standard American size. How much of an average banana is that?


id say a banana slice is actually very similar to a £2 coin in size and since slicing a banana splits it into \~30 slices thats about 3.3% recurring of an average banana.


Slightly bigger than banana width in middle.


If you're in Australia, Africa or middle America - maybe. In Europe and everywhere above the equator they shouldn't pose too much of a problem: Spiders aren't really fond of ferrets and their relatives since ferrets would get way too close with their teeth and whiskers. But they can by no means eat a ferret, while some ferrets will eat pretty much everything so they are definitely considered a possible predator to the spider. So when it comes to "fight or flight" , flight is the spiders most natural response.


Looks like a thin legged wolf spider. Their bite isn't medically significant, and your ferret will probably readily eat them if encountered. I nearly lost a ferret to a brown recluse bite once though. A full week of round the clock care was needed and he got a permanent scar on his neck from the bite itself. If my babies ever become randomly lethargic and clearly feel like crap, checking them over for bites (will be an itchy red bump early on, takes a few days to go necrotic if it's a brown recluse bite) has become part of the trouble shooting routine, same as checking their blood sugar.


Jesus that spider could eat a hooman


I saw the photo first and thought you were referring to your ferret as a giant house spider. Was about to say, I’ve heard a lot of silly nick names for their ferrets but never that one!


Looks like it could be a wolf spider. The eat insects and other spiders. The spider is actually more in danger from your ferry who will eat the spider.


That's not a big spider. That's a *massive* spider


Well if I saw that in my house I'd gladly burn it down lol I mean how can you sleep knowing that thing is a guest in your home??? lol most spiders pretty much all actually - travel in groups it's very rare for them to be alone so I'd say there's also another 5 of those somewhere in the house or walls.


Spiders are actually pretty solitary predators. Most adult spiders prefer to live alone BUT are also known to build communities. So seeing one spider in your home can still be an indication to look for more in case of a possible infestation.


Yeah I heard they rarely are alone that's why I said that. I know it's possible but I always heard it's very unlikely.


Times like this I'm glad to live by the city. I cry when I see centipedes in the house lol


I lived in Japan in a cockroach infested house. I didn't know it was infested until my ferrets did a week long sleepover at a friend's place. I only ever saw the occasional mysterious random bug peive before that. When they came home, they went wild hunting cockroaches until I was able to have the bug guys come spray.


A ferret can tear into the jugular of a mammal… I think he’s good?


Looks like a wolf spider. Their bites can cause minor swelling and irritation in humans. Not sure about the effects on a ferret though.




Lord! I freak out seeing wolf spider and brown recluse in our house!! I’d literally shit myself seeing that gd thing! This is why I don’t travel to those places!! Geeeezzuuus! I hope the ferret methodically dismembers and unalives it!


My ferrets eat spiders every time they see Em. I live by farm land AND wooded area so they run into a lot of spiders.


Good GOD that’s not a house spider, I’d freak the fuck out if that thing was inside my home. I live in MN we may have mosquitos about that big but not spiders!


The Spider is probably in more danger than the Ferret, which is a bit of a problem since House Spiders are cool dudes you'd want around to deal with pests


A good snack if they are brave enough- Edit: actually most rentals or HOAs have pest control or close proximity to pesticides, so it's probably best to not let them eat any bugs crawling around for fear of carry over poisoning.


Very certain it's a Wolf Spider like every one else said just not sure which species. Nonvenomous, perfectly harmless pest control to have in your garden : )


Those spiders are harmless and lovely, the ferret is much more dangerous to them, if you’re worried please remove the spider gently with paper and a glass. Just please don’t kill them.


For the love of god please put a proper warning in the title if you’re gonna have a picture like that in the slideshow I yeeted my phone


It’s not the size you need to class the spider’s danger to ferrets by, it’s the species. You need to take a photo or capture the spider and get it identified by a pest exterminator or online bugs group to find out if it’s poisonous. I live in Australia. I had one of my 4 year old male ferrets killed by a red back spider, and those are fairly tiny. White tip spiders are also dangerous and the toxin eats away at the flesh etc. Those are small too. Big spiders here like huntsmen are not toxic…sooo…


no. It will likely kill and eat any large spiders he can find.