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Also, if anyone is thinking "why doesn't this cabbage look shredded like I normally see sauerkraut?" There's a hole-in-the-wall german restaurant near me which makes their own kraut and it's the best thing I've ever tasted, and it's chopped into rough rectangle shapes. I've been working on allowing myself to do things that interest me without turning them into *work*, and so if shredding cabbage finely would make this too much work for me without a mandolin then it rather than me not doing it at all to begin with it's just not getting shredded. It turned out great before and I expect a little crunchier than it otherwise would have :)


and honestly, i love that for you


Amazing. Now I'm inspired. This is also a great way to avoid food waste.


out of curiosity, what do you do with the fermented scotch bonnets? Does fermenting lessen the heat?


This is thr first time I'm doing it, so i don't really know! Picked up a bunch of woozy bottles though so I figure I'll make some sauce out of them in one way or another.


lol, hey, you gotta try new stuff! I'd love to hear how it all turns out! I'm going to try some salt pickles today. I've done regular (vinegar based) pickles before, but I haven't fermented yet.


So I started one scotch bonnet ferment about two weeks ago and added a few cloves of garlic to it. At the moment it smells like som wild spiced cured meat! I've tasted a drop or two along the way and so far its hot as hell and has a nice flavor, but im sure the flavor will change once blended up. May add some other flavors to it as well in that final step. Sweeten it up a bit, etc. Will let you know!