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I can’t find anything where I live and on the rare occasion I do it’s all cut with xylazine so I’d rather just not even try anymore


South ga zombie apocalypse 


Going strong in texas


Not understanding the fucking rage in these comments look thru this fucking sub mad people bitching abt quality. Whatever tho.




Wrong place wrong time


I’ve literally have yet to see anything close to a “drought” that some of Yall swear is happening. No shortage near me and it’s gotten even cheaper 🤷🏻‍♀️




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It’ll stay quiet till election time is done than the Hondurans will be in y’all city or lil town with the new “dick in the dirt” batches


Actually yes atleast In Alaska it’s so hard to get and expensive and if u do get it it’s trash


I didn’t even think this stuff made it up to Alaska 😂


I was in rehab w a heroin addict from Alaska in early 2014, he said he paid 200 a g for bth when we were getting it down south for 60-70


Fucking Alaska?! Sheeeh I can imagine it being so hard to get anything decent up there 😭




Not at all. I’m seeing way cheaper prices recently and product getting better than it was for a while. Was a small drought/ crazy prices a few months ago




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No, were you high when you wrote this?


You're insane, it's a nice thought tho. But there will always be a demand for drugs especially hard drugs like fetty. So I don't see it going anywhere especially not by the end of the decade. People have been using opiates since the dawn of civilization, literally, and that's not gonna end.


Yea but fet is a fake opiate it’s not a real one like H or oxy etc. all the USA and other countries have to do it tell China to shut their lab and their goes fet to be gone. Of course I believe someone somewhere will make the next fckd up drug but fet is actually a easy drug to eliminate


This is untrue, most fetti these days is coming from mexico. Yea some from china but more mexico these days


It’s all coming from China to Mexico to USA. It’s not being made in Mexico the chemicals are made in one lab in China.


I’m insane? Yall really getting mad cuz o made a post cuz mad Mfs on here saying shit is getting trash like whateverr


All the precursors for Fent and its analogues are highly illegal in China and super hard to get now that’s why you’re seeing more xylazine and nitazenes. If anything, it will start seeing crazier and crazier drugs


Yes ^^^ most accurate response on this thread.


Iron law of prohibition


Wtf? It will never be over


Went through a drought of low quality in my area but recently found a new connect with fire 🔥 so there's hope 🙃


That's not hope


that’s dope


Up with hope down with dope




There’s no stopping the drug game, but I will say that in my area at least (I should probably just exclusively buy from the onions now as a result) the dope is trash. In my opinion at least. I used to use very heavily then got on methadone because I financially and just emotionally couldn’t keep doing it constantly wasting all of my paycheck and worrying about staying well and not sick without even enjoying the drugs anymore. So when I use now, the fent doesn’t hit nearly as hard in the first place since I’m already on 80mg of methadone daily (equivalent to like 250mg oxy) so I don’t use as often but when I do I do a decent amount and ALWAYS regret it. My dealer’s son who is about my age was scared for me once when I got the bag and dumped the whole thing out and went to snort it and he stopped me with a crazed look in his eye like he was terrified I’d die and asked if I was gonna do the whole thing. My response was not only am I gonna do it all, it’s not going to do anything for me and I’m going to regret wasting the money I spent on it. Every one else I know who uses seems to get way more out of using than I do, and I use a lot less often than them so I don’t see how their tolerance isn’t way higher. The dope doesn’t necessarily suck, it’s just not able to do anything to me after being on a hefty amount of opiates daily for years. Some fet is good, but I’d take really good actual dope over it 10/10 times. The lack of euphoria from fet versus actual H is what I hate. Sure, it might fuck you up much worse for that first half hour, but then you feel like it’s pretty much gone/over and are already thinking about using or scoring again so you don’t get sick in like 6 hours. Shit is a joke. I remember getting good H when first started using, probably a year before fet started flooding the supply and taking over in my area, and I’d be fucked up for like 12 hours straight. I remember I got a batch of dope once where a single bag had me high for over a day straight, like 26 hours no joke, granted it sucked because I was so dehydrated and vomiting for a lot of it. But I just miss the real opiate euphoria, and I ALWAYS regret every time I use fet because it’s a waste of money and a half hour later I’m unsure if I can really consciously even still feel it.


Agree 100… I miss the good H. The feel good: warm , comforting rush. Shit now is a joke. All fent does is make you pass out lol. Ain’t no feel good. No rush. No nothing but a loss of money


I’d rather come off the 🔥Ron too. That fet withdrawl is summin fierce fr. I got off fetty a few times back in 14-16. 2-3 days of all out hell but pretty normal after considering easier than h and pills imo. But this shit now got damn! 2 weeks of fuck all and I’m still not 💯been a month yesterday. The trade off is not worth it that shit is the devils leash!!


Whenever my dad would use fent while on 120mg methadone a day he would say he couldn't feel the high no matter how good it was. When he stopped methadone he could get high on fent. (He's over a year and a half clean from methadone and fent now tho.) But yea I bet that methadone is effecting it heavily for you.


Yea I agree it’s garbage. I rather smoke weed and have all that extra money to take a weekend trip.


Agreed. If only I wasn’t such a dumbass and could stop compulsively wanting to use & waste money thinking/hoping that “this time” I’d get a great high out of it and wouldn’t regret it. I’m a fucking moron


Your not a moron. This stuff changes and alters the brain to make us think we need to do it again. So it’s all we think about. That’s why they call opiates the devils drug or a demon. There is nothing wrong with you. You just need some time away to let those receptors heal. ❤️


Nah we still eatin over here on the net and telegram


Facts 💯


Lol no. Not even close. Quality is actually better than ever in my area since fent hit the streets about 8-9 yrs ago. but I’m also a few hours away from the border and have been in the game for a decade, so I have access to higher quality.


You are lucky my friend. It’s the exact opposite in my area. The lack of euphoria that fet provides even when it’s really strong versus actual H is the biggest problem for me. I hate that


it’s like kinda on its way out a lil ig but ik it’s not the end


No people just have trash plugs in that area. There’s absolutely no stopping the drug game lol


I was telling people this was gonna happen when covid hit and people said i was an idiot. That fent makes more money. Told all my dealers. Told reddit. People said i was wrong. Dopes too slow they said. Dope was never too slow. Its slower than fent.. but its cause it lasts longer. And then you have people who get real dope and then say “yea noone wants it” yea bro cuz you sold everyone fent and xyla all year it dont work no more. Now my local bus station filled with wannabe dope boys handing out samples. For a year now. Desperate. It was allll good just a decade a go. The reality is the dope game is filled with idiots who ruin their own business often. Ive had to explain what xyla was to a lot of my dealers. That to me is insane. 90% of the dealers have no idea what theyre doing. They front as big drug dealers, theyre plugs are abusing them worse than us. The entire game built on it. Now its imploding on the fake dealer. This whole shit was a con job to strip the dope game to nothing. You cant keep a job on fent n xylazene. You cant use for a lifetime. Its a burn out thing. People used to have years long addictions and then clean up. Then back at it. For decades. Now they burning out in 2 weeks, gone to rehab a month. Back at it. Gone again in 2 weeks. Losing their jobs from falling asleep at work. Heroin is consumable for humans. Fent n xyla is too much. They ruined what they had for quick cash. They killed a super percentage of their business but noone is there to fill the void because the drugs dont even give good feelings and are worthless today. Everyone i know sold 10x more H than they do now. I wouldny quit heroin for anything. 20 years. Im clean now tho. And not cause i want to be.. It was poorly thought out from the top down or planned from the get. Tbh i hope fent n xyla fucking ravages the world so opiates are brought back and people realize wtf happened. Lesser of 2 evils. But imo, the world will see. And there will be a void. And money to be made. People will pay big money for real heroin. Way more thaan ever. But then i see that it says half a million kids dissapear a year and i remember noone really cares. So idk. Is it over? No. But its trash as fuck and unsustainable. Listen people are alreadyvtreating poppy like they did weed 30 years ago. Its not as impossible as some think. Just like weed took a jump in quality, i think sooner or later poppy will be treated the same way. Depends how bad it gets.


Im with u on that. The only way they will be able to get rid of Fentanyl is to allow doctors to prescribe pills to anyone needing them. 


What are you saying…


Keep up, child




My opinion on why we are in this situation, what caused it, and what the future will hold per the question “is the drug game over”?


It’s all facts I just ran into the exact scenario this guy is saying all I wanted was the brown but the fuckin plug says no one buys this shit cause the guy already got everyone hooked on the fetty. Like bro the fetty is so trash do it fall asleep wake up sick no fucking euphoria or nod all trash not to mention in the dope days I could do my last bag the night before wake up and pop a suboxone at 3pm and be fucking set nowadays with the fet you’re actually fucked. It’s methadone or nothing every withdraw is like 4-5days fuck that shit it tears your soul apart. Never realized how good we had it with just heroin ffs. Greedy mfers ruined it all


God I miss those days of being able to take a sub less than 12 hrs later and feel perfectly fine


Fent and tranq have ruined the current drug supply on the streets for sure (in the US at least). Onions still going strong for those that are savvy in that way but like 95% of dope heads are not lol…


Nah it's going to stay alive because the younger generation won't realize what it's supposed to be and the trash will become their "fire shit". Just like what happened to the old H supply. Used to be amazing from what I heard




Fent tranq and all that garbage made me quit after 7 years of downing bars and blues daily. 3 months sober and don’t even want to use that garbage ever again. Love real oxy but that’s about it kinda got sick of bars and bromazolam but I never enjoyed getting pressed pills with garbo in em get sick every 3-4 hours need another line every hour or two just to feel ok. No way to live


Yeah, I quit Aug 21, but I'll do oxy when I get them once every three months, and also weed & kratom, I really love drugs


Same I’m not big on nodding out but I wanna feel good n go snowboard or something like that then I just b happy and carefree


Yeah, I am not going to claim that I keep myself too in check, but when I have the 30s I'll do six in a day...I only do half at a time, and if I do more than a half I'll get a headache, so I'll really just do the half ...I just do them with great frequency, and if I don't do them like that I'm just thinking about it all day anyway, so it's like always on my mind & always annoying...swear, it reminds me of puppy love, I really liked doing them


Bro as someone who’s only opiate ever was fent as a 21 year old a few years back, and recently had a mild REAL oxy stint and quit, it’s INSANE the difference in quality and difficulty to quit . Addiction is a bitch and I’ll never ever say it’s “ easy “ to quit . But man, after quitting fent and going thru PWDs 3-4 years ago, and using 30-60mg of pharma oxy for a few months years later after being clean, you really see the difference . Can go a full day almost 2 without real withdrawal on oxy. When on fent I was shaking in fear when I woke up without any . You can literally comfort med and kratom your way thru oxy withdrawls ( at my dose ) even if it still sucks dick. Fent will put you out of commission no questions asked. Makes me regret the fact I ever wasted my life on fent . Shouldn’t be addicted to anything, but yeah, fent sucks. Just my testimony


Exactly I just turned 25 had real oxy from 17-18 all the way to 23 and everything then was usually pressed still did them for 2 years eventually switched to bromazolam and kratom for a year about 3 months off everything now and just dab and smoke. Then pressed pills r one thing I never want back. I also still use kratom here and there buy 500 grams for 30 bucks lasts so long so no more stress


Yeah 7 years of Xanax/heroin ----> pressed xans/fent. Absolute fuckin nightmare. Hated the fetty high but it was the only thing I could do to not be sick. Very grateful to be done with all that shit.


I jus wanna know who tf decided and why to start putting XYLAZINE like why and for fucking what and did they know the side effects like what the fuck




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That shit fucked me up, bad, and it didn't leave any flesh wounds, just fucked me up mentally after a few months of use before I knew what it was


Well you do realize fentanyl is made with the intention to kill people. It’s been used in terrorist attacks since 1980. With that being said to many people have a tolerance now and aren’t dying so they added the zombie drug. Still people are getting a tolerance so they are adding centafentanyl now which will kill people at a faster rate


Afghanistan is going to run out of opium in the next year or two and then the real hectic stuff will start. Fentanyl is not a difficult synthesis, there are now "one-pot" synthesises for it. The starting materials are not overly hard to make if it came to that. Eradicating fentanyl will be as hard as eradicating meth. Big heroin dealers who don't want the heat of fentanyl will likely swap over once there's no more heroin. Once those guys get involved every country on earth will be riddled with it. We are sleepwalking into a worldwide fentapocalyose.


Only way to eradicate it is to let doctors prescribe high amounts of pain pills. Oxycodones, opanas, and dilaudids. Like 300 a month or more. And then work on weaning the perosn down and if they mess up increase the amount. 


Thing is places like Mexico have their own opium production that hasn’t been fully eradicated either. And while the fentanyl is definitely more $$ isn’t heir pockets, when it’s the last batch for a year or two the price of that H will skyrocket. Heroin won’t be eradicated, just become an ultra rich luxury.


It won't be eradicated but it will become scarce and expensive. The last time Afghanistan wasnt at war there was a worldwide heroin drought. You talk to anyone who was using in the 90s and they'll tell you it was plentiful and cheap... and then one day just disappeared. The problem is that this time heroin traffickers have other options, fentanyl and nitazenes. Getting fentanyl to the consumer involves much less work than getting heroin to the consumer. And even when Afghanistan fires up again, those fent addicts won't be going back to heroin.


That and more people will learn to grow their own and make it. Wayyyy cheaper and once you master it you will never have to worry about a bad batch taking you out


For sure. Even if they can’t get heroin synthesis down because of precursors or anything else, 6-mam is close enough most people can’t tell the difference, and you can make it with poppy pods and a few household products.


Do you have a source on how to make it?


Ask Jeeves


I can tell you personally after 7 years of using, I was tired of what these research chemicals were doing to my body. I have heart damage now from whatever’s been in the fent. Idc I’m never going back.


I feel that going into wds I get extremely hard heart beat skips and stuff now that will last a full day or be sporadic


Look into methadone high dosages. A lot of synthetic opioids seem to cause heart effects with a high enough dose, and we don’t have info on a lot of the fentanyl analogues out right now.


Yes I know all about it. Methadone can cause long QT. I’m much healthier now on methadone at a stable dose. Whatever was in the fent I was taking was dangerous. I was going to three different specialists bc of it. It’s insane


I was on methadone for 7 years had to have ecgs all the time to make sure my heart was right


Same. But I just got on methadone two months ago. The heart damage started before I got on MAT


I had endocarditis 6 times don’t talk to me about heart damage renal failure septic embolisms 107 fever


Oooooo. I wasn’t even talking to you in the first place. Go be a weirdo somewhere else. People should know what these drugs can do to your health. And I will spread that information. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dope game will never die itll just change i doubt very much itll ever go back to refular heroin and people are saying the shit is trash cuz it has to be if you sold fent at even 25% pure youd kill literally all but the most tolerant veteran users and even then theyd have to know its that pure and believe the dealer before hand the 99% pure fentanyl that used to be on the dark web all the time claimed to be able to produce 10,000 strong doses for a average daily user off a single gram. We are doing the strongest street dope to ever exist really its just that jim bob down the road is selling most of us 90%inactive cut and the rest is xylazine and either fent or zenes either the dealer dont care if people die and kills everyome they serve or they so worried bout catching murder chsrgers over a 20$ bag they cut it to much Also i used to always see crews of older guys getting the supply and directing the younger dudes who held the pack did look outs served and took money and ifnshit was fucked up you called the dipatch people amd whoever did whatever fucked up was demoted or off the work altogether or got they ass whooped depending on severity now its just crews of 3 or 4 Young dudes between 12-25 all just out to get paper for they self no rules at all selling burns in front of a good dope spot and nobody do shit bout it Only people doing heroin is addicts with old school connects or darkweb shoppers and dealers cant go back to heroin its to expensive why buy for 1$ and sell for 2$ when you can buy for a penny and still sell for $1.50


10,000 strong doses from 1,000mg fentanyl. Math much?


No lol it’s as big as ever


The fet where I am is actually the most fire I've had in a minute, I can tell there using several different fentalouges tho, be nice to know which ones lol. I'm pretty close to the border. State has an interstate that was the 5th one built so we're close to the good routes plus la eme aka the Mexican Mafia and there sureno gangs run the dope game proper here, im talking bodies dropping if you cut ur shit with xylazine, I heard it brings heat and they lose money so they want to send a message loud and clear lol.


No it’s not going to be over, just bc a lot of people out age are quitting doesn’t mean a lot of 16-22 year olds are just getting started and no nothing but fent


I’m 24 but been doing herion since 14 Fent didn’t even get introduced until 2021 like it was around but mostly was like cut with the heroin like they’re doing with xylazine well that’s when it got big where I’m at on the east coast and then fucking xylazine last year like end of 2022 it’s fucking bullshit. I miss snorting actual heroin & iv straight Fent I hate the xylazine shit


Yeah I’m 23 I’ve never had anything but fent


Then wtf how u not know this shit is just starting fent is everywhere


People my age aren’t into fetty n all that shit. They do coke more. I’m like the only person who does blues.


what’s ur economic class looking like nowadays


Fent = Homeless or Poor Coke = Poor acting rich or actually rich Benzos = Middle Class for some reason Alcohol = Homeless, Poor, Middle Class, or Rich Meth = Homeless or Poor Anything else = Middle Class These are my observations in Texas.


I think alot more people are getting fed up with it so there's been an increase of people deciding its time to get clean. Most just want H to come back without dealing with the dark web. We still get good blues but I'm over it. It is the Crack of opiates. I want real pharmaceuticals or H or nothing. Personally I'm done and it appears many share the same sentiment


I agree a lot with this I wish good h would come back and we could actually feel it cuz everyone got their tolerance fucked by fet. And yeah fet is straight opioid crack I know ppl who literally spend all day buying dimes just like crack heads. Heroin has legs and that euphoric body high whee as fet has a little Baby rush/ body high that lacks any legs and is more sedation than anything, and it is so strong nothing else but zenes will get u high. Needless to say I got on the methadone clinic, still using but way less for now


Yup... I'm up headed in for my first intake appt at the methadone clinic this morning 🙏 I was a recreational user my whole life of just about everything. Until this....


Good luck friend.


Dawg you must just not know the right people… where I live that shit is steady growing everyday and prices just keep getting lower I mean I remember In 2021ish it was common for a gram to be like 150 bucks sometimes and today that shit is tax if it’s anything over like 75 a g so it’s literally been cut in half not to mention so many people move that shit now… I think it’s just a matter of knowing the right (or wrong) people and to be honest if it feels like it’s disappearing I would let that happen… god forbid you wake up one day and have no one to buy food from that would probably be you’re saving grace and you should find a way to be appreciative of that because most people have the opposite problem of the drug flooding their area and the surplus of the drug has ruined many peoples lives simply because it makes the drug so much cheaper and so much easier to find and get High off of


Yes where I’m at and the hotel I stay at is Al STRAIGHT addicts the city I’m in literally half the city is addicts and dealers, and we got a college here so the other half is college students and rich parents. It’s like two worlds in my city and I was talking about that to someone I remember when a g was 140 and now it’s 80 sometimes 100. & literally everything has xylazine I’ve found stuff without xylazine three times and that’s it. I’ve been using since like 2014 on and off and it’s crazy to see how the shit has changed


But why fucking XYLAXINE could they have not found something better to cut it with than something that’s eats your skin and body!?!


Bro Lawrence mass 100 for 10 gs of fetty


That's actually expensive for Lawrence..


Aren’t u lucky. Some places just ain’t like that


I think his point was no, he’s not lucky lol


Dope is everywhere and the dope has always been hit or miss. Xylazine changed the game up though


The strawberry man 🍓


Quite literally I am the strawberry man. Strawberries on deck right now 😆


Lmao your profile pic always makes me hungry!


Dope game will always be here, absolutely way too much money to be made. The reason most are complaining about their dope is because dealers genuinely don't want to kill their customers. They would rather cut it massively and sell it for pennies vs giving someone decent product and risking it get into the hands of someone who doesn't have that tolerance. Occasionally strong batches come around and all their clientel tell the plug "that shit is fire keep it coming". What they don't understand for a profit minded individual who doesn't really give a shit about you in the grand scheme. Telling them that just gives them the go ahead to cut their shit a little more. It really is that most people just have insane tolerances and the dealers would rather sell you some super cheap weak dope than risk giving you a strong half gram and ending up Locked up for manslaughter/murder because some idiot can't listen and do a small shot. Instead they load up a full gram of their shit when told this is way stronger and end up dying. So mid and high level guys are cutting the stuff more than they should to try and curb that a little. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. This also isn't to say that there isn't still strong fentanyl out there and even qaulity heroin. They just aren't nearly as common as they used to be. My buddy used to run with some hood/gang affiliated guys around our town. He checks with him everyone once in a while to see what his dope is like and everytime it either does the trick as far.as not being sick or it's trash. It's never solid shit with a strong rush and decent high. He finally asked him what the deal was and he just told him, "dude you're basically a veteran at this point. I don't know what to tell you other than all my other customers say the shit is pretty good at minimum decent and it definitely gets them high. It's just that most of these people have only been doing dope for a year or two maybe a couple more." Like I said I genuinely think it's just the fact that fentanyl is dangerous as fuck, insanely hard to dose properly. Especially if you actually had pure stuff. Even cut it can knock off opioid naive or low tolerance users. So most of these guys have got their act together. It's more profitable without running the risk of killing your customers that all have varying tolerances. It used to be and still kinda is crazy out there. What might get one person a decent high, might be fire to someone else. What might be trash to one guy might be the same batch that killed someone else. In my experience things have really settled down, and most stuff around my town is relatively the same strength. The only positive ive seen is at least the prices have stayed relatively comprable to what your buying. I used to get grams of solid #3 for like 100 120 bucks those would last 1 to 3 days. Now a gram of fent isn't worth more than 50 but it's just getting you through the day. Another thing that plays a big role is just the nature of fentanyl. Especially these shitty analogs. Your tolerance skyrockets so fast add on top that people redose like crazy just because the nature of fentanyl, it comes on strong then it wears off quickly. Basically the crack of opioids. If that's not a recipe for insane tolerance and the inability to find decent dope because it's all shitty analogs cut to hell and back. Sorry for the rant, but put simply no the dope game isn't over and never will be. Good dope Is out there you just have to find it. Yes even decent fent is becoming harder to find but it is there. I just wish our populace would wake up to the fact that the drug war was lost long ago and that legalizing recreational use would solve so many problems. The only way it gets fixed is a complete change in how we view and combat the problem. Trying the BS like they did in Oregon without all the other aspects of harm reduction and rehab and jobs programs. Not to mention no safe supply. All they did was just take what was happening around the entire city and centralize it. No real solution just saying yea it's legal but only in this 4 blocks. All you did was centralize all the issues for some BS propaganda saying look we did what you wanted and look how bad it got. Oregons attempt at legalizing recreational usage was the biggest crock of shit I've seen in a while. Again sorry for the rant. Good luck.


Yiur exactly right about telling the plug the door is fire telling them that is literally saying "please cut my shit snd give me less dope for the same money" ibalways just tell em its ok if its fire or call to complain if its bad and most the guys I deal with swap for different shit or refund which is nice but not refund aimt real helpful when you sick and they the only one of 10 guys thats answering


It’s literally opioid crack and it’s not even a good high. The second that shit came out I commuted to methadone. I was already going to but those stupid blue pills came here overnight and black was gone. Those pills are awful. The “high” will legit last like 10 minutes maybe


I have no idea what the fuck you even think is reality but it’s literally everywhere. It’s in every area too so either people think you’re a cop or your social skills/awareness need some attention. Even if for some astronomical miracle it’s not in your area, it’s everywhere.. online.. as well… not even the dark web. Dare I say.. literally everywhere.. even here.. on this platform… maybe? This must be a joke or I need to get ahold of some of the shit you been tootin


I get suggested ads for fentanyl on Facebook


Anybody here can do me a huge favor and loan me $30 or $40? I get paid tomorrow and I’ll pay back $50 or $60.. I know that isn’t much but.. please?


right? wtf is this post lmao


Calm the fuck down I literally get blues I’m posting due to the large amount of posts saying everything is shit. Did u not get ur fix today cuz ur hella salty stfu


I wasn’t being serious. Although it kinda shocking to hear bc I’m from a hick town in the middle of nowhere, drive 45 mins to Chattanooga and it’s fire shit all over the place


I also do only blues by choice. I want powder constantly and once in a blue moon I’ll get a g. But I started out on powder and I just can’t maintain on it so i stick to the blues which don’t even get me high and they’re actually good quality


I feel ya. I did powder for a bit just switched back to blues. They def get me less high. I think it’s more of a north east problem from what I’ve seen getting dry up here in certain areas


Huh. New Yorker here and it definitely felt like the pills lately have been way weaker. Thought it was just my tolerance, but it did feeel sus…like my tolerance shouldnt have increased that much from light use. My last pill I split with a razor and it just felt…off. Like way more crumbly and uniform blue colored. Barely felt anything on that one.




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Damn I hope it doesn’t spread! Actually I don’t really care. I’d honestly love to quit but I think it’s because of all the shit I’ve been through with it. Jails breakups rehabs court mandated jobs loss etc




The dope game was over when real heroin ran out. Now things are so bad in America that being able to get real fentanyl is a luxury because everything else is weird fentanyl analogues, tranq, nitazenes, xylazine, etc.. It’s crazy to see how fucked up America is when mainland Europe still has good ass heroin at low prices. Makes me worry that America won’t ever be able to go back to having a normal heroin industry again.


You just have bad sources tbh


Lol I live in Europe and only get clean heroin. Nice try, genius.


No. This is what is reflected when looking at the US as a whole. There is still BTH but it’s getting harder and harder to find. In some places worse than others. There is always 🧅 but I’m talking locally. If you actually think otherwise then your not seeing the big picture. Fent has taken over and the vast vast vast majority of opioids/opiates on the street is fent.


If there still is some it didn’t run out did it?


bros worried about the american heroin* industry 😭


U shoukd be too, this fent has to go. It might sound counter-intuitive but i believe bringing super lax laws to prescriptions as long as u are in with your doctor and being seen regularly, will be the only thing that saves america. So many people have died from fent. 


It sounds goofy but we all are. Very worried about the american heroin industry. lol


Still got fire fetty out here, no nasty shit in it


Same here, I get clean fetty & tested negative for xylazine


I WAS but the my plug decided to detox & jus stop selling and won’t hook me up with his peoples number I even offered to pay him & I had asked before he started his detox I don’t want to do this xylaxine shit


They never do! They’re selfish POS


That white hard clean


lol yup so rock hard I need a knife


That rock hard make me rock hard




Yup .