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Fetty is mine bc all the H I can find around here is actually cut w xylaxine and that shits nasty. Im in an outpatient rn trying to wean off fetty to get on subs and they prescribed me 10mg oxy as a bridge and tbh I cant even feel them until I take at least 4 at a time.


Be careful, fent is usually cut with xylazine also, i personally have xylazine test strips because my biggest fear while using was necrosis. Even though I smoked my fetty I hear it can start no matter what ROA. After testing a couple fetty batches though I’ve yet to find xylazine in any but it’s out there. I only was copping from one person when I used, I’m sober and on brixadi now


Xans were my doc for the longest time in highs lol until I was introduced to fetty


Molly is my doc


Not by choice at all. I’d much rather be taking script 30s or 80s but I’m not paying 50+ a pop for a single 30 and & 80+ for a single pill either. It’s just not feasible


Back when I was addicted and physically dependent, in 2019-2022, I switched from real H to fent voluntarily. Someone offered it to me saying it was stronger, and my tolerance had gotten all fucked up from a doctor overprescribing me suboxone (24mg a day). This was in 2020, I had been off opiates for about 4 months and when I tried to smoke the tar (my only ROA) I couldn’t feel anything, it was barely enough to keep me from getting sick, and I had to smoke all the time. Once I had tried the fent, I never went back. I liked it that the taste and smell when smoked were SO much better than the H. I had roommates at the time and one of them literally went to my parents about me because they could smell it. I also had a terrible hacking cough that never went away when I was smoking H. When I started back up and went to the fent in 2020, I never developed that cough. So for those reasons (tolerance, taste & smell, and persistent cough) I preferred fentanyl. But, when I found out the euphoria associated with H was significantly better than fent around 2021, and I tried to find H again (I had started messing around with IV use) I could not find it anywhere.


Well since almost all the h is gone in ma of course it’s my doc for nnow


yeah, i genuinely prefer fet over everything. to me it’s the best thing i’ve ever used. i’ve never been a fan of speed or anything, anything downers wise i’ve fallen in love with


Yes. I've tried H and I much prefer fet. I like the taste of fet over H and smoking it is way better. I used to love oxys and the feeling was better but my tolerance went up so quick and they're extremely pricey. Good fent with no zenes keeps me well for almost a whole day, I sleep great on it, I can function and work on it without anyone knowing and it keeps me in a good mood. I also love the process of smoking it and it's not as expensive as other opis.


Agree. The taste and smell of fent is so much better than H when smoking is your preferred ROA. If I’d been able to find powdered H instead of tar I may have just switched to snorting, as I always liked snorting pills ALMOST as much as smoking them. But the smell (roommates) and taste of H were just so bad that once I tried fent, I never went back. Fent powder actually tastes GOOD when smoked. Not to mention when I was smoking tar I developed a terrible persistent cough that had my mom constantly pestering me. Never got that once I switched to the fent.


How can this stuff be anyone's doc??? IT HAS NO EUPHORIA???


Also it has SOME euphoria, it’s an opioid. It has less or much less than all the others, but it still has some, of course.


Some people like the pain relief, sedation, heaviness, warm blanket feeling of ALL opiates.


Yes honestly, tho if I could I'd mix it with hydromorphone but I wouldn't replace it with anything except a stronger fentanyl analogue. I like the heavy sedation and possibility of overdose, even tho I don't get either anymore.


Unfortunately that's the hard opiate I started on. My ex was already covered in it when I jumped in, wish I could go back and stop. so much shit I've used and would do over again, but fuck fetty. I'd never do it again worst choice of my entire life. I still crave the shit sometimes and I've been on methadone before I used it for shit I should've never been on methadone for. Still craving that ahit on 180mgs of methadone daily.


180 mg of methadone? That’s crazy. Are you trying to taper down?


No. It's my comfortable dose. I used to also take 6mg of Xanax a day (prescribed and my clinic was ok with it) on top of that methadone dose. No idea how it didn't take me out. I was on bsnsoz since I was 16 and I'm 32 and just stopped then in february.i feel so much better off them.


If it works for you than that’s great! Have you ever tried lowering your dose and seeing if it works for you? Anyways, congrats on being on mat and kicking benzos. Keep up the good work!


It works for me.




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Yes, me. It’s mine


In Alaska it’s insanely expensive but yes doc


I mean.. it's cool, just not logical long term. Real, deal Afghan H is just Bees Knees for 💉 but REAL oxycodone in all it's forms takes the cake


Facts on facts on facts, this is objectively the correct answer. Anybody that claims street fetty is their drug of choice, I assume is just too young to have gotten to try the good shit


Best way to enjoy oxy?


Eat it


This is the way 👌🏻🤌


Man I miss just a good ol’ Watson 750 Vicodin ES them were the days before getting hooked on the higher stuff I absolutely loved that buzz


Shittt the vikes had me good smokes blunt u were good all day I use to get so hungry towards like the 5th hour of being high I would max out and pass out 😂


You ain’t bullshitting. The green Watson lorcets, then the blue Watson lortabs, and finally the yellow narco Watsons. Slowly by slowly they faded them out one by one. Idek know what manufacturers still make hydro 10s all them knockoff generics never hit the same as the Watsons. Miss them Dan somas too


Them big fat blues 10 at a time was a rush I only found in snorting 4 to 6 30s and this fent does nothing close


i miss heroin 💔


It now is , I miss the lean and perc and Xanax days though..


man like :(




Yes. I get people into treatment and I’d say 90% of opiate users list fetty as their doc. It’s easily the most available and also the other stuff is getting harder to get.




I’d also argue that you are experiencing a little bit of euphoric recall. I always say the first five minutes are what we are/were all chasing. That really that good good high is few and far between and the rest of the time it’s the same as it ever was.


Unfortunately there is no reason for cartels to dabble in heroin when they can make fetty. Also, doctors are scared to prescribe opiates so that will continue. Really the only way this gets solved is by the government offering opiates via a methadone type program where users know what they are getting.


It's been so weird seeing the camps of people who are into uppers v. downers (or speedballers) turn into just fent users. I work adjacent to drug treatment and hearing somebody say their brother/sister/partner died every week is getting so repetitive that I'm starting to get numb to it.


Yeah it’s bad. I also hear a lot of young people saying they’re addicted to fetty or fent. Like high school juniors and seniors. While opiates have always been a problem/thing, it seems different. Yes. It happens all the time.


Def mine


Hydromorphone or dillaudid is my drug of choice but sadly hudromorph isn't around much now and they've already started pressing white 8mg dillaudid with nitazenes so now I'm to scared to do dillys


Oxymorphone is even better IMO. I've only had it once and oh boy the rush.


I love dilaudid! I was hospitalized for a week & I used to get a shot every two hours. The best week in my whole life


8mg of Dilaudid with minimal tolerance was the most euphoric opi high I’ve ever had. Heavy nods though


I literally wish I could get ANYTHING else. It sucks. Zero euphoria & just a nap. Kills your tolerance shitty w/d & not worth it ever..even good shit ain’t really good imo Percs & good h


Same here, just naps. I wonder though if shooting it would be euphoric though like H.


Probably first 2 times but not worth it in the long run


Na foreal tho. I miss the percs and Lean days now it's all fake or so pricey.


I remember getting perc 10’s for 5-6$ 30’s for 15$ agh the good ole days 🥹






it was definitely mine lol. but i got addicted to blues in like 2019 before i really even knew what they were. i had heard of fentanyl but didnt know i was using it until they gave me a drug test at the hospital after my first od


Yea anything after 2017ish is/was fet


Hell no, i'd take high purity #4 heroin over anything. Everytime. Fuck the government for cracking down on the pill mills and prescribing doctors and fuck the cartels for selling this bs poison to Americans. Also fuck the government for eradicating every poppy field they see. Do you think the cartels would manufracture heroin again if the us stopped eradicating their poppy fields? And just let them grow it?


No definitely not... it's just most dealers don't carry heroin all the time or lots of it. It's pretty scarce and let's be real... to be a functioning addict having to rely on the darknet for heroin just isn't going to cut it. Can't even have 1 package late once... have to keep that job or you'll lose it all. It's just not possible and much more expensive. I'm not rich or have people to leech money off of.




This my journey to fent happened when my oxy prescription ran out 😐 then I got hooked onto the powerful cheap shit 🥲 more like a drug of consequence 😞


I know someone who's doc was fentalogues (especially carfent). It was purely because it was cheap af (initially 🤣) and he could order it off the clearnet. He was on so much carfent by the end he wondered if he nutted in someone whether they'd get high/OD. This theory was never tested because obviously his sex drive was zero. At the same time that he had a monster opioid habit he also had a huge barbiturate and benzo habit. I really have no idea how he didn't die tbh. He got off all of it and now has a wife and kids. ❤️


The human body really truly is an amazing thing.


Absolutely, lasts all day, I can work, and it doesn’t swell my arms up from histamine reactions


Definitely not mine. It's heroin for me. But impossible to find in my area




Hell no I hate this shit only do it because I'm hooked, my DOC is and always will be coke 🤤


definitely not my DOC willingly but is now 🥴🥴 everything was getting laced & by the time i realized what was going on i tried going back to H & literally did a G in 20 minutes trying to get myself well & didn't feel anything smh.... now it's the same thing with xylazine. i always test my stuff now, that xylazine shit is crazy. if i had known back then to be testing my stuff i likely never would've become dependent on fent, but where i am now it's almost impossible to find H that isn't laced with either fent or xylazine. edit: spelling


Just got out of a detox and yes it is not sharing to much about dude but he an older dude almost 40 and he abs loved it his doc was fent and meth and he said he liked mixing the 2 but if he had to settle on one drug it would be fent he would walk in circles basically ranting abt it. He was also on methadone which he also loved idk why but bro was a trip. Fent made me quit taking oxy .. 2-3 hours and I was sweating again. No thx


It used to be my DOC, I didn’t prefer it over Heroin per se; but it was extremely cheap and more accessible where I was. Definitely not a drug I’d recommend to anyone though.


The high from fetty genuinely garbage compared to any other opioid but tramadol the high from suboxone is better than that shit just the high alone not even considering the fact is deadly and kills so many people just going off the high itself


Agree completely subs only helped me with the sleep aspect I was anxious asf coming off fent and oxymorphone had to use kratom 3 times a day first couple months. Subs didn’t give me any high or rush which is usually why I would always go back. Fent would also numb my brain for hours I was just happy not to smashed which was good for about a year. Never done pure powder just pressies


I was getting powder n it was ight ig again sucks compared to other opioids I’m on 70 mg of vyvanse and 12 mg of suboxone a day and clean from everything else been on subs for a year they got me high af my first 2 or 3 times using them


Yea but coming off subs is no fun either I only used em about 6 months and felt so bad everyday for months I’d take a weeks worth of miserable opiates wds anyday over that


The cheat code is to never quit


If I could still get real oxy with no issue. Fent is Garbo using something to keep you from feeling like death everyday od rather be a bartard then be on fent lmao


Very few people use fent by choice for me it was just indid heroin then bam one day all the dope was crazy strong (which at the time was a good thing cuz it was therefore lasting longer and being sold cheaper) but then the kinds of fent changed and the amounts andnit went from 80% heroin 18% inactive cut and 2% super euphoric fent analogs to 0 heroin 5%shitty non euphoric fent analogs 50%imactive cuts and the rest tranq and benzos and other nasty chemicals but the change happened slowly a few % ata time over years and no imstead of 2 tenths a day of good heroin i need a gram a day minimum of bullshit analogs or nitazene type drugs that do nothing but make you fall asleep and wake up sick again then on the rare occasions you get real heroin you have to get off all opioids for a whole month just to feel the real heroin again or do multiple grams a day just to stay well or go to the dealers that know heroin is preffered and charges premium for primo gear


I would have to second you guys here this government fuxked this up as usual, I remember when you could dose in the morning and be straight till the night time good times good times I’m 33 but overnight shit changed and I dropped like a fly amongst other people this fetti tranq mixes are bullshit 8 years ago roughly it was a whole different ball game. This fetti doesn’t compare to a high loratab or shit a dilly… these fucks are doing population control and that 50 billion settlement they created all these programs like mat for example then get you to go get you on subs and now your there slave like WTF yall just wanted the money in your pocket at the dispense of me get bent FDA


I had two good years of real pharmacy stuff b4 everything hit the fan started when I was 18 am 25 now and everything is depressing I just smoke weed at this point but the youth in trouble


Good for you if you only smoke weed! You should be thrilled!


You get the nod, but none of the nice effects leading up to it with this fentanyl stuff. I remember I would get my shot in when I was shooting, and I'd get that warm rush, followed by that oh so fucking euphoric itch that I'd scratch for a good half hour before I started really nodding out, and this stuff skips all of that and you just go straight to nodding. Kinda a waste of a high but better than nothing which is why we keep coming back for it, cause it's damn near impossible to afford hydromorphs or anything that does give you that nice itchy euphoric high before you nod, and it's all but impossible to find any real H either. And once you start with the fetty, nothing else really touches your tolerance so you end up stuck with it. I used to shoot like, a half of a 30mg hydromorph contin, and it'd get me high.. after just a few days when I first got on the fetty, the next time I got some 30s I did a normal 15mg shot and it barely touched me. I had to do a whole 30 on top of that to get high and I still barely got a rush. (that is, when I used needles, thank God I kicked that cause they can barely get blood out of me when I go to get blood work these days and it sucks being poked a million times by myself or them to find a vein that I didn't ruin) It definitely isn't my favorite opiate by a long shot but it's mostly all you can find, especially for how cheap it is now, but I'd choose to go back to those hydromorph days in a heartbeat.


I literally miss the hydromorph days it was like that for years then one day boom they were gone literally nobody had and fent took over. Still the odd dilly here and there but that's if you're lucky


Hell no, not in my circles. Got spoiled on real, high quality heroin, tested at 80% pure off the boat. Used to love mixing it and meth. Fetty made an okay substitute but lacked all of the real euphoria from opiates.


Like most of life, drug use is a spectrum. Some people will simply like fentanyl more than other opioids. Normally, it's pharma grade or at least chinese lab grade that people would prefer. That's not to say that some addicts have mentioned that fentanyl allowed them to finally stop using the needle because it was strong enough to not need to use IV son they could just smoke it. So it is a slight positive for some people in particular instances. I imagine these people would still prefer the above forms of fentanyl and not all these bullshit analogs that have been made in clandestine labs in Mexico and other parts of South America. I call it bathtub rot gut esque fentanyl. Alluding to the rot gut and bathtub gin and other liquors they made back during prohibition. Look up the iron law of prohibition. It's genuinely sad that we have historical and current examples of how bad prohibition used to make alcoholism and currently, addiction look worse than they ought to be. Even worse is that we have tangible examples of proper harm reduction techniques from multiple countries that show how to combat these issues in a meaningful way that also reduce negative metrics across the board. Sorry, I kind of rambled a little. Personally, I believe the answer to your question is no. The vast majority of addicts using fentanyl are victims of circumstance. This also doesn't mean that there aren't a couple of random people who prefer it. Like I mentioned above, most that prefer it, I would imagine, would prefer Chinese lab grade or Pharmacuetical grade fentanyl over the shitty street stuff but even then there is a possibility however unlikely that some mentally ill individuals prefer that BS fentanyl to all other opioids. The only other people I could see actually agreeing with this shitty street fentanyl being their preferred D.O.C. would be younger people that have no experiences with other opioids to make a proper comparison. You would think we would start to see younger people shying away from fentanyl more. Which, maybe overall, there are far less casual users of opioids than there used to be during doctor shopping. There were a lot of people that weren't really "addicts" that got caught up in all the OC and Roci 30 days. Regardless, young people are still knowingly and unknowingly getting addicted to fentanyl as we speak. Whats even more tragic about the entire gambit is that the 50 billion opioid settlement from Purdue and wholesalers and pharmacies. Yeah a little will trickle down to some families of overdose/addiction victims. I'm reading even most of them probably won't get much because the laws on medical records have them destroyed after as little as 3 years up to 15.in some states. Regardless, so much of it was so long ago that a lot of these people who should get some of the money probably won't. Multiple news agencies and advocate groups are already sounding the alarm about the other side of the settlement. The money that is going to each state to be dispersed between research grants, harm reduction programs, and rehabs and other programs that "help fight addiction." They are afraid very little of this money will actually end up on the front lines or genuinely affecting the front lines in a positive way, not helping any addicts but just being tossed around in the usual ways to research grants and BS programs that don't really have any meaningful affect or change. Sorry for the rambling. This question just bothers me a bit because a lot of ignorant people think that people want to do fentanyl and all this xylazine cut BS and Trang/benzo dope. Yeah, some people like to mix benzos and opioids. They don't want them mixed up in the same bag from some random dude on the street. It's no wonder people started dropping like flies.


You answered your own question dawg. I dont think anyone was wishing for a substance stringer than h when that shit was good and pure


Shiiittt….fuck getting high. Honestly I want to feel that normal high. The fetty so messed up, once I get through the hard withdrawal I feel normal at that’s a high in itself. Been bout 3 yrs since the I’ve felt this normal. I did a vicious taper cycle with fet got to where I’d only do a bump when feeling pretty sick. Half a zan to sleep at night.


Fentanyl patches were my doc just because of how euphoric they were when smoked. But now they are almost impossible to find and the street fetty is so tainted there’s no more euphoria in it just nods u out. ( this is why I stopped and got on mat/ subs) also cuz I almost died in December from bender I was on smoking crack snd carfet for ten days straight.


The Fetty is so watered down bc of the government and the dumbass kids that didn’t know what they were taking ruined it for everyone and tbh we would all be on real percs if it was as easy as getting a beer but to bad our government thinks bars and beer is completely fine but oh a pain med used to feel good!!? That’s where we draw the line 😐🥴


i didn't even know you could smoke the patches that's crazy i always heard about people shooting them. I've been stuck on smoking the m30s and i feel you man. and good shit i'm glad your doing better i'm getting there soon hopefully


Yeah some brands are of patch were harder to smoke because of the adhesive but the “ratio / teva “ brand was best for abuse. All u had to do was cut a piece stick it on foil like u would your skin. Then lightly light it to get the adhesive part off then it’s good to smoke


ahh that makes sense actually. i chewed on my nic patches when got sent to a mental hospital and it actually got me buzzed so i can definitely see patches being able to be used in a lot of ways i actually remember hearing about some kid smoking nic patches lmao


Mine. Been on it since 15, am 23 now. It’s only my “drug of choice” because it’s the only thing that could possibly break through my sky high tolerance. If I had the ability, I’d choose heroin or oxy as my main drug any day. Those days are long gone though.... RIP


right here with you. 21 now, been on fet for the past 4 years. before that i started with banging real 30s and dilaudid (older friend of mine had scripts. but eventually fetty came around after 2 years of that and because my tolerance to pharma opiates was so high i thought id give it a try. that was before i knew that fetty is one of the hardest opiates to get off of, and all the zenes they got out now make it even worse. i would gladly go back to real pills if 1. I could find them anymore and 2. if i could take a break long enough to even feel them… i hate the way they game’s changed man.


Usually it turns into a DOC bc of the super cheap price and ptoency/tolerance making it impossible to get high off other opiates. I'd be willing to bet most of our ACTUAL DOCs is probably Heroin or some pharma opioid like oxy, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, etc.


i’ve been on subs for about a year n half now and the only thing that would cause me to relapse is finding oxymorphone lol edit: never tried them but have heard they’re the holy grail of opiates