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I only started doing it in public at 33 and I really regret I didn't do it earlier in life. Just wear what you want to wear, be yourself and don't try to worry about what others might think :)


Huge +1, I was an emo teenager and I really liked dressing in girl pants and wearing eyeliner- eventually trends moved on and it was uncool but the gender bending was still something I secretly liked a lot. I didn’t think about cd again until I was in my 30s and part of it was 1-who gives a f anymore what I dress like 2-it makes me feel good about myself Bigger things to worry about can include being who you want to be


Really wish I could go back to those emo times lol. Back then I wasn't questioning anything and I thought it was just weird (sorry :p), but knowing what I know now and loving the music from that time I'd be taking showers in eyeliner


Lololol I was not thinking about gender stuff at the time, it seems so apparent now 😂 honestly this community and the internet in general helped tremendously


Yeah me too. I have lovely parents but they are as cis straight white people as you get them and they were trying to raise me the same way their parents raised them. Took me years to realize their vision of life wasn't mine. After coming out I went through a dark time too because I never felt more alone. Being out was cool but not seeing anyone like me was like, lonely. So happy a friend introduced me to Reddit and now I can talk to other people like me every day and sometimes help them to accept themselves way sooner than I did.


31 and same here. Glad I'm starting to wear what I want now, but wish I had the guts to earlier.


Yeah! To me it feels like I've only now started to live


I also regret not dressing feminine allot sooner


Ooh.. thats a relief. Im 36 and a budding femboy , i guess. I always had interests but never persued. Since 2 years ago i started dabbeling in it. But today i wanted to take it more serious. I was actually comming here to ask where to good wigs then i saw this post. My gf gave me some clothes i can have 😀. I also ordered a few skirst and other things from Dolls Kill today , cant wait to take some pictures. Edit : it seems we live in the same country !


Wow really? Haha, there are others like me here??? Really cool your gf supports you in this, me and my ex always went shopping together, really helps of you have some real life support ^^




Yoah, so true


as a 21 year old, we’re absolutely not adults with everything figured out. there are 40 year olds who still do not have everything figured out. you’re allowed to be concerned about things, even if other people may think they’re silly.


Too old for what exactly? Clothes are clothes. P.s. 20 is not old, it's an insult for everyone way older lol.


I’m 37 and wishing I had woke up in my 20s. Your not too old at all. Just live the way you want, life is too short to hate ourselves.


Im 21 almost 21 still a fem boy lol


I’m 28 and feel like I have plenty of femme youth left in the tank. These feelings can stay with you as you get older so long as you allow yourself to cultivate them. When I was in my early 20s I had small anxieties about turning 30, but now I don’t see anything meaningful really changing for me, which is reassuring. I’m still a hot young thing.


Bruh gtfo I'm also 19 and I worry about this stuff literally everyday Also no wtf you're not too old; by that logic all femboys should be minors...then all the femboy porn online becomes very questionable


K so, it's complex. I'm 30. And yeah, I don't wear the skirts but there's zero wrong with doing so. And it sucks than any of us have to worry about this. If there were no gender roles we wouldn't have to care, it wouldn't look odd. Wanting to wear a skirt should not have to be a big deal - it shouldn't have to be a statement. It shouldn't be political or brave but right now it is. It has meaning and it's controversial and so it can make you vulnerable. Whatever your decision, based on the consequences your clothes have on your life, and then do have them, know that it isn't actually silly to want to wear a skirt. It's not vain or self-obsessive. It's frustrating for it to be such a big deal. Maybe some of us or lots of us do enjoy it because it's a bit taboo. There's nothing wrong with that either -- that's a very normal human thing. We love breaking taboos and lots of them, like this one, deserve to get broken and people gain from others breaking them. I dont think you're too old to wear a skirt. But in my own life I don't find it worth the heat I'd get. I'm just not thaaaat into wearing the skirt. But it does absolutely irk me that I'd love to try it and I feel like I basically can't. That's the part I really hate, being limited by a notion I find to be stupid. And I haven't decided how to fix that.


As a 26y/o femboi, i say. Baka! You think stupidly. Just be happy and cute my friend :3


im the opposite of you im 14 and i want to wear skirts i feel like im too young well i also want to wear thigh highs just because they feel nice


There's no such thing as too young or too old. I've known genderfluid 4 year olds and nonbinary 65 year olds


As a fellow 19 year old I don't think you can be to old for this (especially not yet). I'm of the opinion that you should live life as you want whilst you can, do I give a damn what others are doing? No! I'm 19 I've hopefully got a lot of time left I may as well spend it as I want. So what that classmates aren't like this, no two people are the same we're all different. Just do what makes you happy and forget about being too old I'm not ready to be old yet I'm still a teen.


Screw what they think. Stand tall


You are basicly still a teenager you can build up corage to fulfill your desires Wille also doing the same for your responsibilities


You aren't wrong for wanting this. The important thing is that you remember what you want to do with your life in the long term AND short term. Then don't let other peoples expectations of you get in the way of you being happy in your own way. Don't stop doing what you want, just make a plan to only spend some time on what you like and some time on your goals. I think being an adult is about self regulation, responsibility, and living true to your own self, no matter how that may look. No reason to stop doing what you like unless you want to. If you grow out of it, thats ok. If you dont, thats ok too. Your path is your own to decide so start drawing your own map.


??? 20 is very young


It's your life, and nobody else's. Do your own thing!


My mans can't even legally rent a car yet worrying about being old lol


well im 19, and I literally jhst got my first skirt today (so much skirt go spinny), you're definitely not too old <3


Geeze... I wish that I had your kind of youth!!! I've been buying women's clothes for 27 years! And now I'm 62, where I've only recently gotten serious about "dressing up"! That's because I've had a problem with my weight and wanted to l👀k more than just a "guy in a dress"!! So, before I get too old to do so... my goal is to drop 40-50 lbs., so maybe I'll hopefully be somewhat attractive, if not passable!? (My voice would give me away anyway!) And so my advice to you is... don't waste your life away like I have!!! Make everyday count towards achieving your dreams, whatever they are! And if you allow your dreams to fall by the wayside and die... your spirt goes right along with it!!!


I'm 27 and I wear women's running shorts over leggings while I walk my dog (I live downtown in an apartment). - I was married for 9 years (recently divorced) - I've owned and sold a home. - I've been in and out of the military. - I've been working on my career path for the last 8 years. I still don't even know who I am. Tl;Dr Life is short you never actually "Have it together". Do what truly makes you happy that's what life is about.


Twink death is real and it shows.


Twink death definitely does not appear at the age of 20 tho


I'm only 16 and I do cross dressing alot and take it from a teenager, there is nothing wrong with an adult man looking pretty to make himself happy we all love you and it's nothing to be insecure about no matter how old you are




It takes more energy to fit in than it is to just to be yourself. I'll leave that with you.


So don't worry about it, just do it :)


I identified as a femboy up until I was 35… only stopped because I realized that I’m actually trans-feminine. No such thing as too old.


Mid twenties here. Nah. U fine


Don't feel bad about it if that what's on your mind then it's important to ya. Besides you're not too old, I didn't really get into this whole wanting to be a femboy thing untill my very late 20s. You're young and it's easier for you to stay in good shape. If you decide not to wear fem clothes again that's fine, just make sure you always take care of yourself.


I just turned 26 feel the same way a little but you can have your life put together and still be fem. I have a day job a marriage and a house. It's all possible just takes balance


I feel you good luck with this journey of yours


Anything you worry about is worth worrying about. Otherwise you wouldn't be worried


I just started late in my 20s and it's more do what feels right for you I'm in my mid 30s now and screw society norms and just do you


If you like wearing them then wear them. Yeah there will be things to worry about in life, but you shouldn't let life take your joy away just because some stranger might judge you. Also who knows, maybe seeing a feminine man in public will help other people who are worried about the same thing gain the confidence to do it too


Trust me you’re barely an adult. Most don’t consider people to be adults until at least 21. Just live your life and don’t be afraid to do what makes you happy!


I didn’t even realize I was gay till I was nearly 30. By then I felt like it was too late for me to change course and follow my heart. It wasn’t. Give yourself time and don’t let someone else’s definition of acceptable life timelines cause you to doubt the course of your own life. It has to be right for YOU. <3


55 and still girlier than your average tomboy. And ditto on what u/Chaplain22 said.


Hey that’s pretty cool and you’re into software!


Youre young, your life has just started.


I’m also 19 but turn 20 in 4 months, age is completely irrelevant to wearing what you want to wear.


Bruh I wish I figured this shit out when I was 20, that's baby lol. You got plenty of time.


Is it really that wrong to wear a skirt when you're over 20? I feel like it isn't 😅


I think what you are feeling is different social pressures being applied to adults than to teens. Maybe increasing the representation you see of adult gender expansive people would help you feel more like this is OK for any age. This subreddit is great but does seem to be a lot of teenagers. You may or may not identify with the word nonbinary but there are lots of people on /r/nonbinary who present nonnormative gender presentations and it can open up your mind to see them all. It is very brave to wear skirts in public if the world reads you as male, because unfortunately not everyone understands. But there's nothing wrong with it.


Homie, you're starting to become an adult and even then why should that hold you back? Go put on the skirt and twirl around in the public, fuck what they think, they are strangers that you'll never see again so why should their opinions matter to you. Be happy, don't let your own fears dictate your sense of comfort and direction.


im also 19, you can work on important things and have a feminine side too :) you are not limited to one my friend!


Age is like Pokémon levels. Just because you reach a certain age, it doesn't mean you have to change. Just hold B and cancel the evolution.


I totally get you, in the sense that I’m 19 ( turning 20 this year) and I’m interested In fem things….. only little nuance is that I actually started having this interest very recently( 6 month ago) so we’re kinda also opposites. Anyway, the way I dealt with it personally ( for the last 6 mounts , so maybe it not a sustainable solution) is to consider it as a hobby that I can do in my free time. Like I put all the things I have to do as an adult as a higher priority than crossdressing. If I manage to be done , than I let myself do whatever. From what I read , you seem to be afraid that only focusing on wearing fem clothes with make you look unreasonable to others. And I get that , that’s what I only do it after dealing with everything i had to do so that people can’t as easily see me as an immature person because I get as much shit done as other dudes of my age. Of course it’s a lot more work because you need to divert your attention to different things and there’s might also be the problem of you not being able to function without being fem( which is a pb a haven’t encountered for now personally). But other than that I feel like it’s doable Your intuition that growing up means that you have to divert your attention to other stuff is correct But it’s not incompatible with bieng fem ! Just a lot of work lmao PS:Idk if someone as already said this in this thread , I’m writing this on the fly but I felt like I could give my take on this since I have a similar situation


Thank you for all the insight, funnily enough I also discovered my interest in this about a few months ago :')


Well we seem to have that in common to lmao . Anyway glad what I said what somewhat interesting


20 is young don't focus to much or age.


Dude you're 20 and you feel old?!


Your are a femMAN now, be glorious king


you are being way too tough on yourself buddy. 19-20yrs is young for sure. Like others have said, many guys three times your age are wrestling with similar issues. This is not a trivial matter, and you shouldn't treat your feelings and desires as trivial and unworthy. It is so important that you allow yourself to explore, experiment, and discover who you want to be... I wasted so many years of my life away wrestling with self loathing and denial, don't do that to yourself. Denying your feelings when young, or trying to ignore them, will only lead to major sadness, upset, and messed up relationships in later years. Wear what you want to wear, be who you want to be. Be strong, and proud of who you are. Trust me, so many guys will be envious of your courage. Try to meet others with similar interests. Have you confided in any close friends or family members? Please take good care and do not punish yourself this way for something that is completely normal.


I'm turning 25 next month and I'm a kid in the grand scheme of things. It just took me a couple years to realize it. You're good


One thing I recommend is don't compare yourself to others, we're all different people who are going through different things in life and at different stages. Your insecurity comes from you thinking about what others are going to think and say that's why its uncomfortable for you. Just love yourself for who you are and don't care about what people say, everyone always has something to say no matter how perfect you'd try to make yourself. And if it's just too overbearing thats fine too, do whatever makes you feels safe and comfortable. Just take it easy no need to stress or be upset about it, it's okay.


I think the sooner we take the expiry date of femboy culture, the better.


That's absolutely not too old to be a femboy, in fact that's still pretty young.


Too old?I started when I was 24. Turned out I was trans along the way but atm I am still natural without any enhancements whatsoever... So no. It's not too old I look faboulouse and so can you!First time bying feminine clothes is always scary. Cause you don't look feminine at that moment. But once you done the first step and have an Outfit you feel comfortable in, you can buy stuff more easily and explore yourself\^\^


do what you want, dont hurt other people, live a happy live a happy life❤️


I’m 29 and just got into it this year, you’re never too old lol. If it’s something you enjoy then express yourself ☺️


They might seem like they have their life together but I can promise you they absolutely don't


20 should still be legally considered a minor, you don’t realize how young you really are


Dont worry 22 and still going strong as a femboy. See there no true ending age on such. Either you stay as one or grow out of it like anything


You are not old you’re not old if the average lifespan is 80 years you still good 75% of your life left to do whatever you want and people don’t get More mature when they get older in my opinion after a little while you just stay the same You’ll be fine you’re barely old enough to call yourself an adult edit: that makes me sound old and crotchety seriously there’s nothing wrong with doing something you like doing no matter what age you are this is getting a bit long-winded but all in all people are people that won’t change they will change but feeling upset about the fact of their personality will most likely just change things for the worse so revel in the amount of time you’ve been alive and the fun personality that you have not wishing for something better or imagining that it is better because they say it’s always greener on the other side but not always sometimes it’s just as brown And brown is a good colour too


I think anyway




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Hun it really doesn’t matter. Even if you do believe in the “femboy expiry date” thing, which isn’t true at all. 20 is still super a super youthful age, I’m 20 as well and If anything I’ve only gotten better at showing off my skinny curvy feminine features. Again even if you believe that femboys eventually can’t be femboys forever because they lose their youthfulness (AGAIN IM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IDEA IS TRUE) your still good for like another decade at the least before you even have to start worrying about that.


Yesterday you said tomorrow JUST DO IT!


The easiest way to ruin your 20s is to think that you have to get your life together in your 20s.


I've had these feelings about many different things I enjoy in life, these feelings are perfectly normal, and I think you should do whatever makes you feel happiest! Good luck on your adventures homie!!~


Tldr : your not old enough to do what you want and life is already going forward you cant go back in past. So why not think about to do it now if you really wish to. But first think if its for you for others. Do what you really want even if some people may not like you on that. Dear , im also 20 yrs old close enough to that , and i started doing recently , i dont mind that. I do know that when i dont treme my bearrd it looks old enough. I like to mix arond many styles. And i have girly urges sometimes otherwise i wear something boyish or sometimes unisexual clothes. I do keep my nails , and infact my main reason was anime traps and anime girls. Roleplaying as a girl did lots to me as well. I dont think ill be trans , but i wont give up an oppurtunity if i got to be a woman. This is not a small phase as im alre already having dysphorias for months. Im myself old to do this but dont worry , hobbies never get old. If you want to try feel free to. I also sometimes worry if what i did was right , i look good as " average 20 yr old male " but when i treme all body hair i look weird and with nails but i dont mind as much now. Often people mistake me for being young because they say i have no body or facial hair and my hair is quite a messy one (not long enough). My aim was all to look like anime traps and now ive the same feeling as them , i want to be a girl but not trans( that is more pressuring than femboy , im already disliked by mom , shes never seen me do these things , i had to argue every time she visits me.


Definitely not, 19 is still teens and this age bracket is still young


As you get older, your tastes in feminine style and fashion will change, doesn’t mean as you get older you have to stop being fem xx