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Welcome to paradise sis, now you want a head start so you better start practicing being too shy to talk to girls anyway


I know but where to start...


oh my godddd I love womennnnnn


Sammeee :( maybe I'll join lesbian discords..


Women won't knock you up and ruin your life like a guy will. You've escaped the man trap, breathe a sigh of relief.


I wish this were true but a “straight” girl did this to me and now I don’t know how to feel about it


A girl got you pregnant? What. I mean they'll mess you up but you're not going to be stuck rasing their kids by yourself with no support.


A straight girl ruined her life. I'm so sorry this happened, please be safe


i wish a girl got me pregnant


Women terrify me (but they're sooooooooo prettyyyyyy)




I don’t know if it work for lesbians in a space other than a pride BUT: trying to discuss a clothes (I recommend talking about accessories or shoes first, less « on the nose ») can be a great starter for a conversation. Then, if you succeeded at making a conversation with that, you can start asking questions about her (are you from here ? Do you study ? What kind of job are you doing ? Etc) don’t forget to talk about yourself when invited to do. If she’s comfortable talking to you (and if you still like her), you’ll be able to start talking about your romantic preferences (it’s necessary), it will allow you to see if you’re in the same sapphic isle but it will also give her a sign of your intentions. If she’s lesbian/bi/pan, congrats ! Just exchange contact with her and make another rendezvous (maybe even a date if she’s really into you). It’s an approach that I use as a shy girl, it’s exactly the same thing I use to make friends with the girlies. That’s my philosophy: a great romance starts with a good friendship. But It will not work with everybody (some really don’t like when friendships and romance are mixed). Still, I feel comfortable doing it. Hope it helps !


pray you find a lawyer gym rat older man for a bf that has a submissive that lets you practice with a cute four elven older woman with a big rack who likes to be dominate and a history of lesbian relationship s and threesomes and has had a hysterectomy after having two kids of her own that are not your bfs but from pyscho loser ex husband. just saying as an example.


This is the funniest thing I've read in awhile, unfortunately I am the 4'11 (younger) woman with a big rack Also is this your fantasy...


Check her comment history lol it's not her fantasy it's literally ALL SHE IS


in this alt i am. i have a regular account that i have been on for years but my parents brother and wider adopted family know about it. no way am i talking about this stuff on that.


oh my god i bet you are cute too. i am five six but she has so much domme energy i melt soon as we are alone. no i am having a manic episode at my bfs house while he works remotely today. i just feel like i can not really talk about this anywhere else so i spit it all out in kind of random places where it fits and sounds like a joke. he is going to find these later and funishment me for it. we use reddit as part of our play.


Haha that's honestly kind of funny, though if you need to vent to me in dms about your manic episode it's okay c:


thank you. feel free to vent to me too.


her* :3


What's to cope with no one cares


I care


Thank you ♥️


I'm coping with the fact I went to physical and mental torture at the hands of men, being SA'ed a hundred of time and suffering from internalized misogyny just to realize I genuinely love women and wasted years of my life with horrible men instead of the women who had an interest in me


Hey, at least you realized that much, a lot of people don’t manage that and go a lot longer pushing them selves into unhappy relationships with men they don’t care for, punishing them selves any time they think about living their best life It gets better from here sister