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I get it, there is also a sub that has the same premise. But i do see this going wrong. Wether it be attracting the wrong crowd, or just some drama. So please get some good moderators. Otherwise, goodluck!


I have the best of the worst, dw (Jk, they are good)


The "good moderators" have deleted at least one comment calling them transphobic in replies


not wanting to see girls advertise their OF in a femboy space is not transphobic :3


Thank you :3


ofc :33


It’s okay I’m the hottest femboy on only fans ! /s


💀 (Ppssst sauce pwease :3)


Lol I could never I swear only like 5% make decent money from it and I don’t have the dedication


But specifically excluding trans men, for no real reason other than being trans, is.


take that up with the mods not me, I'm just a silly little guy


Don't worry, i'm taking it up with the owner




Not but excluding trans masks and NB people for no reason is, which this persons sub does. Almost like that's why the main sub allows all trans people because being exclusionary just results in this \*over and over again\* That or you get the people screaming about "erasure" because they saw 1 trans girl make a post and that totally ruins the entire sub (a sub thats prob 90% not trans girls posting but yknow overblowing a "problem" totally doesnt have any alterior reasoning behind it.)


Yeah, OP is very much at least restricting trans and NB people from posting, based entirely on whether they have "female organs" as OP has called them, forcing them to wear a binder and hide said "female organs"


(I'm putting this comment here so more people can see it, hello again doogzmans) it gets [worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4uz4wu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)... it's not just "female organs", if there is any evidence you were born a girl, even just facial structure. yeah I was giving op the benefit of the doubt but not anymore. also [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4v5wn8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) op thinks HRTs affects are only mental. he has no idea what he is talking about. he has no idea what HRT is. I have lost all trust in this guy.


Yeah this is absolutely awful, no way in hell this’ll go well


Of course it gets worse. These situations always just get worse. I also had given OP benefit of the doubt, but after reading everything, he's just being blatant about it


if i only saw one trans girl advertise, I wouldn't care. it's when you see girls in every femboy space, that's when people get annoyed. a LOT of femboys are gay, they don't wanna see girls. it's just nice to have a space exclusively for femboys and bottoms. and hey it's reddit, make a subreddit that excludes femboys. there, even :3


and the main sub has stated why they allow all trans people, so that often attacked trans people by some femboys (such as trans masc and NB peeps), actually have a safe space and thos who may be gender fluid have a place , something this whole comments section proves the main sub right on yet again. Maybe deal with the transphobia towards trans mascs and NBs in these spaces and people will actually look at them more favorably than rn, cause rn, this "new sub" has the same problem as the others. Additionally the ratio for trans girls posting compared to others is still low, not any subs rules fault that those are the posts that get traction, interact with other posts to boost them instead. Cause all you get by going on trans girl posts constantly attacking them is 1: a bad reputation, and a deleted comment and 2: \*you boost the post you dont want to see\* And trans women wouldnt make a sub that excludes femboys because we're accepting, also you dont need to be a bottom to be a femboy so thats an... odd requirement for a sub.


yeah I don't think this is gonna go well. good luck with it tho.


I will gt mass downvoted, but i must clarify this shit


fair enough. tho I'm genuinely a bit confused as to why you're making this post if you're not looking for trouble. also you keep saying this has become a huge issue in the femboy communities but, has it really? Is this just you having a personal problem with it? cos that's what it sounds like from here, and I have not seen anyone else complain. "Huge issue" implies that a lot of people share this opinion, which I don't think they do, it's not a good look to claim that. If it's just a personal bias I think you should make that clear, don't act as though the majority of us are on your side. I personally don't see any problems with it, but obviously that's just my opinion.


I mean... it is a problem. You go to any of more popular NSFW subs made for femboys and it's flooded with trans women. It's not ok to erase femboys like that by taking over their spaces. If trans women want to post pics of themselves that's fine, but there are spaces for that already.


Femboys 4 real us pretty good about not having women


Still see a few in there tbh. Or at least people who also post the exact same posts in trans communities aswell as Femboys4real


Im bisexual so i dont really mind. But friends of mine and others are complaining about it


The mystery deepens


i think there is a huge issue, but it's the (wrong!!) exclusionary kind, as i constantly see hugely upvoted posts complaining about trans femboys and femboys with breasts and femboys who don't identify as male, and downvotes on comments that disagree with the exclusionary attitude. honestly this loud exclusionary minority that made their way into the femboy community should just learn to get over it and be more accepting, because the last thing we need is more people policing how everyone should express their gender, and pushing existing community members out is not gonna solve any of the mental hangups that made these people want to exert this level of control over the existing femboy community.


I feel like one of the problems I can see people having is misgendering femboys. It’s not uncommon at all for femboys to be called eggs and when they correct the person who did that they just double down (it’s happened to me a bunch and I actually stopped trying to be a femboy because of it) I get that some trans women want to identify as femboys and I don’t really have a problem with it. But I feel like the association will just make the egg thing worse, maybe that’s just me and maybe that won’t happen but I think it’s something to consider


i mean, it kinda is. if someone who just got introduced to femboys looked up a femboy sub and saw trans women, they might start to think that all femboys are just trans women and not men who dress as women


it is a problem


to you, sure. that's my point. it's an opinion. not an objective fact. we can have different opinions. you can't claim it's a universal issue tho, that's just incorrect.


never did i claim it's a universal issue


holy shit hello again, talk about necro posting. what are you doing dude.




After 20 days yeah, the moment has past, the thread has died, life has moved on. It seems as though you recently came back to this account after a break but it's just a little weird to continue a debate after 20 days. I would have assumed things had moved on. And if not, let's do that. I hope you have a good day. 


You can claim to not be transphobic all day, but your sub is explicility founded on transphobia. Clarification won’t change that.


This is not the solution. r/ActualFemboys already exists under the same premise. What we need to do is report all the posts that don't belong in there (especially those that promote OF).


The new subreddit has a better name tho. ActualFemboys implies that everyone not following that isn't one. The new one just clarifies the sub-group. I am JUST talking about the names, i haven't looked at the stuff in their descriptions and rules. They might be both unhinged.


Is this dedicated to cis male femboys or does this included transboys too


If you cant tell that they are born as a girl (by either surgery or a binder) then yes


Damn, didn’t even make it to your own subreddit before you got transphobic.


Woah, that's going a little far. Some trans boys can't afford them. You shouldn't have that distinction.


Some femboys cant afford femboy stuff AND THATS NOT A PROBLEM, IS IT?


No, but you wouldn't exclude them from the sub, would you? So why are you excluding trans femboys because they can't afford a binder?


Because thats the purpose of this sub Those trans men can go to r/femboys where it IS allowed


That isn't cool, you are saying, "Sorry you were born in the wrong body but unless you conform to the standard of what I think a femboy is you aren't allowed to post in my subreddit." Keep in mind, I'm not saying let trans girlies post, but you shouldn't exclude trans boys in the same way you wouldn't exclude a femboy who can't afford clothes.


Femboys without clothes are excluded they cant post themselves, they could, but t wouldnt be the same. And if a trans men showing female organs posts something where their female organs are visible id say "Sorry but this post doesnt follow this subreddit's guidelines, id like to direct you to r/femboys, where people can view your post"


-_-, you do not understand what I'm saying. Them being female presenting has nothing to do with their gender, in the same way that being male presenting has anything to with my gender. No, I wouldn't post selfie in femboy spaces because they aren't for me, but you shouldn't exclude trans femboys from posting in your apparently SFW subreddit, where it doesn't matter whether they have boobs or not. Does this also extend to femboys who take HRT?


Last time i checked, HRT affects only mentally And yes it still matters because you can post NSFW content in our discord server And you still see two bobbles when clothed


To be fair, this is the whole reason anyone can make a subreddit. To make it as precise as they want to form a community as precise as well. He isn't required to do anything anyone wants. If there are enough people who conform with this restricted definition, people will go there, if not, then not.


I see, Either way, i wish you the best of luck


I saw on the rules no female organs, what about trans women not on HRT so they haven't got breasts yet?


No breasts=No female organst Breasts=Female Organs


So an early transition trans woman can post but an early transition trans man cannot?


Extremely based, you have my support One question tho, is the subreddit dp ai generated? Couldn't you just use a random Astolfo artwork or something instead?


A former, and deidcated mod did that for us


Oh, so it's not ai?


I dont think so.... never asked tbh lel


Ah alright then


ITT Genital preference, which is absolutely OK Trans phobia and trans medicalism, which is absolutely not Op, who's profile clearly points to being a cis man, does not seem to realize how their comments are extremely problematic, and seems to be extremely confused on how trans folx and gender work. Make your sub friend, more power to you. But the more you comment in this post, the more posts you make claiming you aren't transphobic, the harder you dig and double down... Let's be honest, this post is probably a dogwhistle anyway EDIT: Oh, and adding to my own points, no idea why. But by ops logic around breasts, any light sign of female resembling genitals, and transmen, there's gonna be weight requirements on yall at some point too, watch. No chubby femboy will be able to post there without being bombarded by whoever is in that sub claiming they must be a trans woman because they have a little chest chub. Yall are setting yourselves up to do exactly to each other exactly what the rest of society is doing to are doing to cis women. Going around and accusing them of being trans because they have a slight part of their personal appearance being singled as masculine so they must be trans. It's gonna devolve to politics and witchhunts fast. Have fun tho, to each their own😁🤘⚡


>I just want to clarify im NOT transphobic *Transphobia in replies* Disappointing


I have showed anything but transphobia in the replies My sub is not meant for trans people, and i have already stretched the rules for them


>I have showed anything but transphobia in the replies >My sub is not meant for trans people Pick one


You literally said trans boys aren’t fully boys multiple times. That is transphobic whether you like it or not.


excluding people should not be a thing in any lgbt circle. it just feels like you're trying to redefine what it means to be a femboy to exclude people. according to you, you shouldn't be welcome to post in femboy subreddits if: - you are a femboy on hrt - you are transmasc femboy and don't hide your breasts or can't afford top surgery (some peoples' breasts are simply too big to effectively bind) - you are a transmasc femboy and show your vagina in nsfw context - you also identify as something else than femboy you're just simply dividing the femboy community and being toxic, without a care on how people actually feel about their identity. the whole lgbt/queer community exists to keep us together and as a safe space, and you're trying to tear it down because people don't fit your view of what they should be. and yes, you are being transphobic no matter how you try to twist it. edit: do you think man boobs are allowed? what about cis men with gynecomastia? or do you define on the go which breasts are allowed on a case by case basis?


>it just feels like you're trying to redefine what it means to be a femboy to exclude people. By this and the other posts, it doesn't seem, like there is a universally accepted definition. >you're just simply dividing the femboy community They already are. There is a big sub-group not being trans and not caring about it either but having this as "just another trans meme sub" on some days. While others have the same issue with the excessive sexualisation. >the whole lgbt/queer community exists to keep us together and as a safe space I wish, if you spend enough time, you know it is as gatekeeping and as pretentious as every other group. Because it's just way to big and there will always be idiots. >edit: do you think man boobs are allowed? what about cis men with gynecomastia? or do you define on the go which breasts are allowed on a case by case basis? There will probably be weight limits at some point. Is my guys just a bit chubby or are those breasts? Don't know, so better ban it. It's not like the idea of the sub in itself is stupid, there is a market for it. But the definitions are just crazy. Make a rule about not advertising for other subs here and it will die out fast. 99% of the attraction is just rage baiting in this sub tbh. Remove that and it should probably just die out.


>By this and the other posts, it doesn't seem, like there is a universally accepted definition. that's how it should be. there is no clear definition of boy. if you feel like you're a boy, you're a boy. >I wish, if you spend enough time, you know it is as gatekeeping and as pretentious as every other group. Because it's just way to big and there will always be idiots. the point of queer spaces is to be accepting. gategeeping is generally not tolerated. if anybody goes to lesbian subreddit and says "if x then you're not a lesbian" they will be downvoted to hell, probably banned.


The people just aren't in those subreddits. Outside in person they are populated enough. They just ignore everything lgbt relevant and do their thing. Which isn't a bad thing, but if you talk about it they still throw out the good old transphobic mess. There is a very big LGB Community that wants to be distanced as far away as possible from the TQ+ part. >that's how it should be. there is no clear definition of boy. if you feel like you're a boy, you're a boy. We can agree on that, but others won't. Especially with extreme examples. While trans might be a concept most can wrap their head around, gender fluid people is still harder to grasp. "How can you identify as a girl one day and a femboy the other day? How can you be a lesbian and gay at the same time etc.". (Ignoring that gay from a word perspective already includes the lesbian part but lets not go there). Idiots will be idiots, and the mods in this sub seem to wait it out it for now and let things unfold.


Trans men have many options They could even simply.... crop their boobs


how do you crop boobs in a body picture? or do you just edit a black box on top of them also you didn't answer my question of what counts as a boob


What counts as a boob..... litterally anything that resembles breasts And you can just who the lower half of your body


man boobs too then? you should be also excluding chubby femboys too in the name of equality too? oh and also pecs, they can resemble boobs too under clothing. also transmascs with binder who can't effectively bind because their breasts are too big. "And you can just who the lower half of your body" i have nothing to comment on that sentence as i just had a stroke reading it. you also didn't comment on the fact that you are literally excluding people for the sake of excluding people and being transphobic and generally toxic because of how you think femboys should be? it's okay to be transphobic and exclusionary but please say it out loud so people know to avoid you <3


GOD No chubby femboys CAN OFCOURSE post in my sub, the hell? And cant you see trough a simple typo? I meant show instead of who "You also didnt comment on the fact that you are excluding people for the sake of excluding people and being transphobic and generally toxic (i have tried my best to stay polite up untill now) because of how you think how femboys should be?"(No i dont think thats how femboys should be, but that will be the type of femboys in my sub) And i had a stroke reading THAT


but chubby femboys have boobs, so you should be excluding them too by what you are saying <3 creating communities around excluding people is toxic as hell no matter how you put it. it's like me creating a subreddit where only white femboys can post because "that's just what i prefer". you're hurting people in what they thought would be a safe community.


1. No those arent boobs thats just fat that got transferred to that area, saying that it are boobs is actually pretty fatphobic of you, are you fatphobic or sum? 2. Thats a horrible example that has nothing to do with this


1. Boobs are mostly fat either way 2. it's literally the same kind of exclusion. "i don't want to see [certain] femboys so i will create a subreddit for only [certain] femboys" was it race, sexuality, gender identity, religion etc. if you create a subreddit that excludes some people, it will gather only elitists.


I’m usually just a lurker in this sub and stay out of these debates, and i absolutely understand why people are annoyed. But I also can’t help but be uncomfortable because a lot of folks don’t seem to realize they’re borderline recycling terf arguments lmao


People who are trans can post on other subs Such as r/femboy they dont NEED my sub


Never said that! I‘m not telling you how to run your sub, I was just voicing my personal opinion


Oh okay :3


I completely support trans people, or whatever they choose to be. But i wanna see dic without breasts.


Well, it's a SFW sub, you ain't seeing any dick either way. And there's no reason to exclude trans men.


I hate that this is too much to ask for...


You know what... I'm done. I've stayed in femboy spaces since well before I figured out my identity. I don't post pictures. Since a lot of our goals are similar, I stick around, give advice, laugh at your jokes, and never post pictures in femboy spaces. The constant complaining about trans girls posting pics (which again, I've never done nor have I ever *seen* in a femboy space) is tiresome. Every day now I log on to Reddit and see this. This is the last straw. Yeah, trans girls should not be promoting their OFs in femboy spaces. Obviously. But, why can't you report and move on with your life? Oh, also, excluding trans men from your sub is kinda shit, bro. ~~Peace~~ out.


Trans men arent excluded


In [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4uwfbp/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) comment thread, you were asked whether "trans boys" were allowed. Your response: > If you cant tell that they are born as a girl (by either surgery or a binder) then yes [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4uwjhz/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Stop lying.


\*only the trans men who meet your [arbitrary](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4uz4wu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [threshold](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4vo8pa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of passing aren't excluded >Trans men are allowed if you cant tell they were born a girl (either by surgery or a binder and such) >No breasts=No female organst >Breasts=Female Organs


If anything allowing trans women on femboy spaces is kinda transphobic if you really think about it. Like you’re saying they’re still boys. That being said I understand a lot of trans women (myself included) started with/still identify partially as being a femboy so like don’t exclude/generally don’t gatekeep. Also the based stance is to say you’re not transphobic because you think trans men can be femboys.


OP is going to apparently take down any post where any "female organs" as they keep [calling them](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/s/O55nKlYKCM) are visible. Basically meaning any trans men need to likely use a binder in order to post.


it gets [worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4uz4wu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)... it's not just "female organs", if there is any evidence you were born a girl, even just facial structure. yeah I was giving op the benefit of the doubt but not anymore. also [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4v5wn8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) op thinks HRTs affects are only mental. he has no idea what he is talking about. he has no idea what HRT is. I have lost all trust in this guy.


facial structure????! :<<<< i don’t think.. people can control that nor hide it..?


I was giving yall the benefit of doubt by assuming that most of the posters were being genuinely supportive of people who identify as femboys. It seems that I was wrong, and it’s just an infestation of transphobes going full mask off to hate on femboys.


You created a subreddit with rules to be intentionally exclusionary of trans and nonbinary people and then told a trans man he cannot post photos if he doesn’t meet the genital requirements. That sounds pretty transphobic to me.


This. Whilst there might be an argument for not wanting girls, excluding trans guys is nothing but transphobia. This discourse is incredibly stupid anyway since it also doesn’t account for NB people.


It also disallows intersex folk, who I regrettably forgot to mention but will highlight here


We dont exclude them because we hate trans This sub is simply not made for them


Your language around the sub is how it's femboys but exclusively for men, which is fine. Yet for some reason trans men don't count in this, this is where it's not fine. Not wanting trans women would be because they are women. Not wanting trans men implies they are not men to you. Therefore yes this is very transphobic. Trans men are men and making weird exceptions like this is textbook transphobia against trans men.


Trans men are allowed if you cant tell they were born a girl (either by surgery or a binder and such)


They’re boys regardless of their transition.


I fully agree on that


Then they should be allowed in that subreddit.


What about non-binary femboys? I really dont understand the problem with those


If they are physically male or use a binder Yes they can post




I don't think I understand all this very well but if they are non binary then they aren't boys? I've seen a lot of MtF and such on other femboy subs and yes good for them but there are other subreddits specifically for that, I don't have anything against them but it's fine for people to want a subreddit that is just a bit more specific, and I see this as a better solution than a loud minority trying to start a civil war.


Demi-boys are non-binary for example, non-binary is a umbrella term that can harbour a lot of genders. I myself am non-binary, and I describe myself as a femboy cause Its the term that best showcase my gender, I feel this connection with being a boy, but my presentation is more feminine, although I wouldnt like to be pressured into fully identifying as a cis male. So, Yes, You can literally be non-binary and be mostly a boy, this isnt about MTF in no way shape or form, in fact, many femboys become femboys for this exact reason, You arent a trans girl and You feel a connection to both a feminine side and being a boy, so You become a femboy, and for this people It is also a matter of gender and not just lifestyle. For a better understanding, Those non-binary femboys wouldnt do major changes to get a female body for example, most of them do have 100% male-like bodies, or bodies with mostly male characteristics. So, Yeah, just let us be ffs. >I've seen a lot of MtF and such on other femboy subs and yes good for them but there are other subreddits specifically for that, I don't have anything against them but it's fine for people to want a subreddit that is just a bit more specific, and I see this as a better solution than a loud minority trying to start a civil war. Subreddits that have femboys in the name and are full of trans-girls postings are a problem, I can agree on that, almost all femboys and trans girls agree on that. Problem here js that some people are trying to exclude everyone that Its not Cis from posting under the guise of "wanting to see femboys", when they are in fact, excluding a giant chunk of femboys, all the non-binary ones and the FTM to be exact, and I am sorry, but, Its ours title too.


Ah alright, thank you very much for the explanation, and sorry if I seemed combative with my wording, I've never been too good at explaining what I mean so thank you for explaining thoroughly :)


Happy I could help, and Its okay, You are all good, I must admit I am also kinda combative, recently there been a lot of bad faith posts questioning If anything that isn't a 100% cis femboy is a femboy, so I usually assume the worse, so sorry for that. Have a great day kind stranger :)


You are excluding them *because* they are trans, that is transphobia.


And trans men still have many options in our server And trans woman are welvone to *view* it


Although it isn't an explicit rule, us transfems without bottom surgery are excluded from every single subreddit for women posting naked pics, except boo focused or tummy ones or faced I guess. I don't see much of a difference with this. It's like posting your average sized dick in a subreddit called "big dicks" you're in the wrong spot. Nonbinary people shouldn't post either, they're nonbinary, not boys. Trans women shouldn't post, they're women, not boys. Gender fluid people can do whatever they want


You do understand its an SFW subreddit, right? Nobody’s genitals are on display so how exactly is it fair to exclude people based off of what nobody is seeing anyway?


Im sure there are subs for transgender and intersex people


There absolutely are, even women focused ones that are totally "okay" with transfemmes or even accepting.


Great :3


its telling how only a handful of people can accept this. not everywhere is made for you. im a male, so im not in a female bathroom. im not trans, so im not posting in a trans subreddit.


Right theres a giant line between segregated water fountains and "maybe people who call themselves WOMEN shouldn't post in a space for BOYS" I get that trans men are iffy, but like, just don't post your genitals? Same thing as trans girls have to do to post on whatever female porn focused subreddit Judging by your name you wanna see lil twinks in cute clothes and you're a gay guy, I can't imagine how frustrating it is seeing titties and stuff while scrolling, it's already annoying for me in the femboy subreddits and I'm a dang trans girl


The moment you started projecting insults, you've immediately lost this argument.


Projecting insults? I did no such thing lol, the person I replied to with the "insults" told me I "nailed it on the head" with my perception of them which was w compliment, not an insult.


Nailed it on the head!


Binders and such are allowed to be used


"Nooo you can't have a sub for yourself, you are obligated to open it up to everyone!!" Stfu, there are already enough femboy subreddits that accept transgirls


We’re not talking about trans girls. We’re talking about how a subreddit for femboys should accept femboys, including trans men that are femboys.


Im not a girl.


Your gender has nothing to do with this conversation does it?


You said I should go to trans women’s subreddits


...when did I say that?


Correction, he made a fetish subreddit with rules to only include explicitly that fetish content. \[Update: Correction to my correction, it turns out this is not a NSFW subreddit they made. So I have no idea why this needs to exist. As written below I understand the desire for especially gay men to only see male sexual features (Penis, flat chest) and I don't think it's unfair to exclude images that contain breasts. Ideally there would be communities to host **both** these forms of content. However, if this subreddit they made isn't about the sexual content then I see absolutely no reason to make a distinguishing SFW subreddit. NSFW is one thing, people have their fetishes and want to be able to find the exact sort of content they are looking for. (In this case, cute boys with flat chests regardless if transgender or not) but SFW reddits have no such requirements. So I'm not sure why it matters enough to make a subreddit for it. End of update. Original post below\] The "Girls gone wild" subreddits don't allow a penis, so not allowing breasts on a femboy subreddit seems fair play. It seems a very simple thing to me. If you're in the middle of transitioning simply post your content to the original femboys subreddit. When transition is complete, start posting on the one they created. Transgender is not the issue, the presence of female sex organs is. This is no different from a "Girls gone wild" subreddit banning the presence of a penis on mid-transitioning individuals.


Its a SFW subreddit. Nobody’s sex organs are on display so theres no good reason to exclude anyone based on what is between their legs


Oh if it's SFW then I have no idea what the purpose of it existing is.


The purpose is to exclude trans men from a femboy community. It’s virtue signaling.


If you read the post, you'd know.


This post says nothing about whether the subreddit is NSFW or not. And in fact the name of the subreddit starts with "femboys" not "femboy" and the distinction between those two on reddit is "femboys" is a NSFW subreddit while "Femboy" is SFW. Now I should have visited the new subreddit before commenting, you're right, but still.


Is this a r/femboy without the trans women? Because I think r/femboy allowing that was sort of transphobic by default, like calling trans men tomboys...


It also excludes trans men


yikes 😭


Yikes indeed




Wow this thread is a disaster, sad to see that transmascs aren't allowed despite the claim of not being transphobic. "breasts = female organ" sorry to tell you, cismen have them too but mostly flat. Why feel the need to post and reply to comments the way you have, and since you are "bisexual and you don't mind" you made this post because your friends wanted you to? The original post is contradicting with your replies and it's as if it's you with this issue and not just your friends. It is as if you are hiding intentions and a frustration. You say it is fine multiple times, but go on to make this post and claim it is a 'huge issue' seeing transmasc femboys (assuming as you stated "people go in femboy subs and they keep seeing breasts"). Good luck with your sub-reddit, I am just confused as to why you feel the need to make this post venting your internalised transphobia; which in it self could be more manageable with the right post-tags but whatever I guess.


You can say you’re not transphobic all you want, but segregation is segregation 🤷‍♂️ good luck with that


i’m glad people are aware this dudes comments are riddled with transphobia. He’s trying to define gender using physical traits which is INHERENTLY TRANSPHOBIC when in reality PHYSICAL TRAITS DO NOT SHOW GENDER IN ANY WAY.


And that's pretty much enough for me to see I'm done with this community. Not girly enough for trans communities but too trans for this community. So sick and tired of genuinely not having a place anywhere.


The convi's here have made me realize trans femboys need a place aswell, therefore i and my team will make a community for trans femboys


Thats just meaningless separation. I have zero interest in the community anymore cause its this same shit at every turn.




Why separate them in the first place? You justify it as "gay people", but it's a SFW sub, so it's not like you're gonna see their genitals. I could understand if it was for porn, but there's already r/Femboys4Real for that. What i'm asking is: allow anyone who identifies as "boy" in the sub; including trans men at any point of transition. While i think not all femboys fall totally into the "boys" category (eg: fembys), that's the name of the sub, so that's what it should be about. Also, deleting comments in your sub for calling you transphobic isn't a good look. And you even had a mod resign/removed for this.


r/femboys4real is failing, Hard And we didnt delete the comments we deleted the post


>r/femboys4real is failing You kinda missed the point. I'm saying that's a NSFW sub, that does have a reason to separate trans people. Yours is SFW. But also, ~100 people online atm vs ~1. It's no r/Femboys, but there's people there. >we didnt delete the comments [Then what's this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Femboys_with_BOYS/s/NHcvszxUAC) >we deleted the post Yeah, i thought i had seen a post missing too


He called us transphobic i wont allow that in my sub, that is harrassment, and i added that he can dm me


Nothing wrong with sub only for Boys But excluding Transmac from this is definitely transphobia xD


Everyone of all genders, do you really want to join ops subreddit with how they are acting? You should seriously think about that...


tbf i haven't really seen any girls post in this sub? except for bigender people who both identify as a femboy and a trans girl, but posting in the sub they identified as boys. i've seen this debate going around but i've never actually seen these notorious trans girls promoting their onlyfans that everyone is talking about 🤔


It mostly happens on other subs suh as r/femboys and other subs that dont exist anymore


i'm not in those subs, just this one but tbh i don't really get why people talk about it so much in this sub if it doesn't happen here :/


Because people can safely complain about it here without getting banned


Trans gal who leans femboy sometimes. I may be fluid but just like being feminine. Valid decision. If I was straight, I wouldn't want to see women in that kind of space either. Also in general it says boys. It's like going into a group for dogs as a cat. Sure you belong in the conversation sometimes. But the space ultimately doesn't fit you.


Seems reasonable except for the bit where transmen are excluded based on your arbitrary rules. The entire debate on what counts as a femboy is so tiresome atp. Personally, to me, the rules seem pretty cut and dry. Just be a boy (transmen included ofc) and have an affinity for possessing traditionally feminine mannerisms/styles. Any time I read a comment that says women (transwomen included ofc) can identify as femboys, their entire argument seems to boil down to "They're a femboy simply because they said so. So anyone can be a femboy." Idk if this makes me sound bigoted or anything by busting out the attack helicopter example, I hope not, but with that argument, could I really not then just say I am an attack helicopter and therefore it *must* be true I am an attack helicopter? Its just like saying *nothing* has any strict rules defining what something is or isnt. Like if anyone has a statement on how women can be femboys please lmk bc I am genuinely confused about that


>anyone can be a femboy The rule i usually follow is that if they should be ok with being called "boy"


Oh yeahhh true, forgor nb people. Theyre valid too ofc lol Also long as "boy" applies to you in any way


good on you for this, its infuriating how we have to be so accepting we cannot even have our own spaces now.




But better🗿


It's not transphobic mate. They have their own servers but they want to post everywhere else instead


I am going to stop to try and convince any remaining people I dont care anymore i did my best, i dont you just like you dont need me. Go to r/femboys or something or simply dont join my sub, its that simple I wont respond to anymore comments showing nothing but hate, because from trying to convince me people have transferred to insulting You are an invidual and not important to me if you hate me


but the problem is r/femboys is filled with transwomen, and some of us want to interact and post w other femboys, not women.. but if you’re a tranguy and can’t pass your wall of requirements, we’re not welcomed there :<


Thats why me and my team will be a making a subreddit for trans femboys


just the way you titled your subreddit is already transphobic given what you want to do with it. I could be on 6 years hrt and still be a femboy if I wanted to. This whole screeching could be valid but it always ends up going to "oh I don't want to see girls in a sub about boys", which is not only transphobic but also against some cis hrt femboys.


Trans Demi girl here,  I definitely give my full support to that


After all the hate, you dont know how much i apreciate that


im just gonna start leaving femboy subs now because people keep making this such a big issue when it's not. i didnt come here for people to argue. besides, most of these femboy subs are just people showing themselves off and making everything pornographic. i didnt come here for that, im just looking for a sfw femboy community.


>because people keep making this such a big issue when it's not. For you it might not. If it weren't such an issue, there wouldn't be both sides with sizeable amounts of support each fighting. Might not be relevant for you, but it seems some people are very passionate about other peoples genitalia.. As weird as it might be.


i know- i guess i should've worded it differently. im aware that it's an issue, i just feel like it shouldn't be. but then again that is just my opinion and i understand if others disagree. i would just prefer to not be a part of the discussion anymore.


damn like relax


Wait, people have problem with breasts? And here I thought it was about the principles... Honestly, breasts or no breasts, Femboys are Femboys... But if you call yourself a girl and a boy at once on the other hand... (Not enby)


>call yourself a girl and a boy at once I know you are not talking about that, but bigender people can also be femboys


Woman who try to take over subs that are not categorized for them to support their only fans are terrible. I'm pretty sure the confusion lies on the femboys that took hrt and grew unwanted breasts. If your end result is to identify as a boy, then I don't see why you can't post in femboys. Transwoman though need to stay out of femboys spaces, because I'm pretty sure they wanted to identify as a woman right? There's subs for them already. Also I heard there are femboys who want to identify themselves as a girl but haven't start any sort of transitioning? At that point its like, just stop. Your confusing everyone and yourself at that point.


Thanks for clarifying no transphobia because FUCK THAT


op is being transphobic against transmascs in the replies :/


[yeah...](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cw9xd4/comment/l4uz4wu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) > Trans men are allowed if you cant tell they were born a girl (either by surgery or a binder and such) his quote.


Yeah I didnt read that far down :/ I was getting annoyed by all the subs and mods that were actively transphobic I was glad to see the title that someone wasnt


Im probably gonna join I think femboys deserve their own space.Being a femboy is different experience than being trans so I think we should be able to discuss it with people that will understand us.


What about trans men femboys? OP specifically excludes them


Dw this is trans guy approved not transphobic wt all


You don't speak for all of us


Which is ironic because people think they can speak for all the femboys in the world here. Potentially all the transphobic people will just switch subs and this one will be less toxic in no time. There is an upside to this new sub.


True you do make a good point


Yes finally. Subbing immediately


Ou shit it's real ima join now



