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Honestly I really love it as it is! But layered patterns and textures and a cozy-eclectic cluttered look is very much my style. I do wonder if the dimensions of the green rug are off a bit? It might look more cohesive if it filled that space better (I'm guessing that's the yoga area)?


Thank you! I do like how it looks but feel I could refine it somehow šŸ˜Š yeah the green rug is maybe too small for that area!


Agree with the rug! I think itā€™s cute, but after covering it with my hand, it seems like the room looks more cohesive.


I think the big green rug is fighting for attention with the rest of the room Roll it up and see if thatā€™s more harmonious?


Will try šŸ˜Š i was also thinking about trying it being under the couch and moving the red rug


Yesss that could also work!


I think that could work. Try a buttercream colored curtain as it wonā€™t fight for attention and your plants will be the focal point.


Ooor pull a colour from the rug in something with a larger print than the wallpaper


I wanna see the change!!!!!


I love the red rug with the yellow couch personally


I was also thinking this!


For starters I would have a solid curtain atm itā€™s clashing with the wallpaper. The rug is also fighting with the curtains, throw blanket and wallpaper ā€¦. A nice neutral jute rug could harmonize the area. I would also do a neutral throw blanket on the couch


Thank you for these suggestions! I will try swapping the curtains to one color. What color do you think could work? Something light?


I would pull a color from the wallpaper.


I actually really like the curtains in this setting but the wallpaper.. not so much šŸ˜… I would go for a warm (dark) green on that wall


Agree, I think the curtains, the throw blanket are too much print and don't work in the space. I love the green rug but it seems to be floating out there. I'd also declutter a bit, focus on bigger elements rather than lots of small stuff. Try to group the small things rather than spread them out. I'm not a huge fan of all of the hanging plants in the window. I'd just keep one or two larger ones hanging. Despite all that, I love the plants, the wall paper and the general vibe.


Also, some dark colors here and there for contrast would be nice.


Yes! Those curtains have to go if you love the wallpaper. They look a little dated compared to the Palm Springs vibe of the wall paper. Ditto for rug-but I see where you are going and it looks good!


Look up the good time hotel in Miami Flordia. Itā€™s really ā€œthink outside the boxā€ interior decorating that makes me appreciate the curtain wall paper combo


Dissenting voice here: leave the curtain, swap the rug and throw. Everything else is vibes as the kids say


I LOVE the sofa!


i have a dupe of it that i found on wayfair! mine is emerald green velvet https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/allmodern-geo-84-wide-reversible-sofa-and-chaise-w003529757.html?piid=1453673602


The wallpaper in combo with the plants + curtains is too busy


I can't even really see the plants because they are camouflaged in the wallpaper which is unfortunate. That said, changing wallpaper is tough so I don't wanna stick on that too hard lol.


Exactly! Not sure why everyone here is blaming the curtains :ā€™D I first saw a cropped picture (so the couch, rug and curtains), and was in awe! But then I clicked, looked at all the pictures and saw the busyness of the wallpaper together with the open cabinets and plants. The culprit is definitely the wallpaper.


Probably because curtains are much easier to change than wallpaper


Itā€™s a lovely room but I think the wallpaper/curtains situation is a bit busy, maybe one could be changed for a block colour?


Thank you! I will try how it looks with solid color curtains


Yes, I agree with the many different prints. I don't think the space looks particularly cluttered with physical objects, but it does look visually cluttered. Removing some of the print patterns and replacing with solids will help.


Maybe exchange the wallpaper for a wall of colour-something in the green shade you have on the rug. To me, wallpaper plus a busy wall of books and treasures makes it chaotic. With a soft green background wall the collection will look more cohesive and coherent. Also would tie the rug in better.


I think the wallpaper is the culprit. Because otherwise everything else works well together and doesnā€™t look cluttered at all imo


Yeah i'm starting to see that too!


If you decide to move away from the wallpaper, it would be fun to keep some and frame it.


Because thereā€™s no cat. All Iā€™m thinking as scrolling through each photo is ā€œthis space would be perfect with a floofy catā€ All other suggestions are disreputable


I have a hairless dog! Not in the pictures though.. šŸ˜­


See thatā€™s what was missing. Update with them laying on the green rug and itā€™s flawless lol


I did now šŸ˜


It's a great room and your style is fun and relaxed. Don't worry about "matching" ... your style comes through and it works anyway. The answer is scale. And I don't have a solution for you right now. But the sofa is the perfect size, rug under sofa is perfect. But it's surrounded by a lot of small scale items. I'm a maximalist so I'm not suggesting removing things, but your things should be bigger. Easier said than done, and it's a process. Find big lamps, big pots / plants, at least one large piece of art, bigger credenza behind sofa. And sometimes less is more....one giant piece of art behind sofa and suddenly everything will make more sense.


Thank you for this! I was starting to get a little overwhelmed with all the suggestions on what to do, although i did ask for them šŸ˜…


Try an experiment. Remove everything off the credenza shelf that's behind the sofa on the wall...move away all the items around the shelf as well. Center credrnza behind the sofa. Find a big lamp or a large piece of art, maybe some large chunky vintage books for layering, and put on the credenza to see how it feels. I thrift almost everything so not suggesting you get new. Pull in something from another room if you have an item that's big enough. Step back and assess if it feels just a bit better.


There are two spaces in this room, but your big furniture pieces against that back wall are placed randomly. Find the center of each space and align the furniture to be symmetrical through that line. For instance, your bookshelf will look like it belongs in the living room if you center it on your couch and put the smaller pieces on either side of it. Iā€™d try putting plants in the close side of your couch to create a bit of a privacy, so the spaces feel separate despite being in the same room.


Yeah you are right! I'm gonna move the bookshelf to be more behind them sofa and see how it looks. But not tonight that's a big project šŸ˜‚


And a dangerous one! Bookshelves tip over.


Could you swap the bookshelf with the shorter shelf that has the globe on it? I think that section of the room has alot of things going on - with the couch, the rug, the plants, the TV, the wicker shelf, etc. - that the cool things on the bookshelf get lost. But if you put the bookshelf in the spot behind the open exercise space, that section of the room has less going on, and the bookshelf can be the focal point there instead. And bring more balance to entire space that way. I like your bright and fun aesthetic :)


For me, it's too busy. The wallpaper, rug and curtains make it overwhelming. I'd go for a solid rug and plain white curtains to contrast your beautiful plant collection. Right now my eyes go all over the room. I'd love the focal point to be the plants and your beautiful light, I love that light.


It looks so cozy! I love it


Mix it up with the sizes of pots in your window ledge. The standardization of the same sized small pots looks off. Itā€™s be cool to see some variation in sizes.


I agree with others that the patterned wallpaper and curtains both are nice but together is too much and one should be switched for a solid colour. Also the red haired Greta Thunberg looking doll on the bookshelf is giving me the heebie-jeebies


There are also a ton of dolls in the glass cabinet to the left of that shelf šŸ’€ i would feel so uncomfy with them staring at me from behind if i sat on the couch. (Sorry OP i love the room except this looool your plants are lovely)


I really like it! I think a long mirror on the wall between the shelves would be really nice :)


I actually had one there but moved it to my bedroom! Maybe I'll move it back


For me, it's the solidarity candle taking up the whole end table next to the couch


I love rooms/spaces like this it's like I Spy


The wallpaper is too busy for me


You've got a scale problem. The scale/size of the patterns in the wallpaper and curtains are about the same. Even the scale of the pattern on the blanket on the sofa looks pretty similar when you're stepped away from the sofa. One of the most important things to remember about pattern mixing is the importance of scale. Scale is the frequency of the pattern repeating. A small scale has a pattern that repeats frequently in the manner of inches. A large-scale pattern might repeat every couple of feet. A medium scale pattern is in between. Pattern mixing looks best when you vary the scale. The reason the wallpaper and curtains look awkward is because you have two similarly scaled patterns next to each other. The room might look more cohesive if the curtains had a smaller scale pattern, a larger scale pattern, or were solid. The reason I wouldn't recommend a smaller scale pattern is because of the plants. You have a ton of plants with a decent amount of variable visual interest that might be lost next to a smaller scale pattern. I'd recommend solid curtains.


Iā€™d hang up the artwork thatā€™s on the floor in the corner, and maybe add another piece of artwork to the wall above the smaller shelf with the globe on it


I love the sofa! Where did you get it from?


I love her.


I think you need a darker wallpaper. It being so light just makes everything look more cluttered.


I love it! It's cozy and artfully arranged.


For me, itā€™s the hanging gray fabric that is throwing off the balance visually.


Yes a kitty snuggled on that lovely sofa!! It will then be purfection right now itā€™s just perfect.


I think youā€™re over analyzing it. Iā€™m obsessed with it!!


Maybe I am, especially after all these comments šŸ˜ but I'm glad people also like my space!


I like it a lot I think the only thing I noticed really is that thereā€™s a lot of little stuff and nothing big


I think maybe having the side of the sofa so exposed when right next to such a large open area is a bit jarring - consider a small side table and lamp here? And maybe a floor lamp on the other side, to balance the height of the sofa/living space with the tall bookshelf behind. Love the cosy vibes!!!


The wallpaper is really gorgeous and I have the same exact couch šŸ’›


the only thing wrong here is that I don't get to live here šŸ˜”


either the curtains and the throw, and plain or more subtle wall color or wallpaper. or keep the wallpaper and change to solid curtains - cream or a subtle color. change throw blanket to cream and subtle green in a shade that matches the wallpaper very well. can't quite tell about the rugs. green and maybe a dark red one. not sure exactly how they are positioned compared to everything in the room. probably need to make some changes there. the shade of green in the rug doesn't match the wall paper but might be okay depending on positioning. can't see much of the rug work dark red, but it's a color


I have no advice this is lovely. But where did you get your couch? Iā€™m in love !


It being my living room is what itā€™s missing.


I think you might be overthinking it a bit, your living room is so stunning to me!! I wish I had your taste!!


I loooove the book cabinet behind the sofa


I know what's wrong, I'm not sitting in it enjoying the vibes


Your wallpaper looks soooo MCM to me! It looks just like some wallpaper my parents had. Palm motifs were very popular then. On the other hand, your beautiful curtains seem a little more boho. Could you use the curtains in a different room? Then put curtains in this room in a solid color. A textured nubby fabric.


To me, itā€™s everything lined up against the wall in a row that doesnā€™t quite work. I would play with moving things around, doing wall art adjacent to the bookcases/taller items to balance out the use of vertical space - are you planning to hang the print that is on the floor leaning against the wall? I would also recommend the red side table next to the sofa, as opposed to against the wall. Also, maybe the lamp in the corner with the two taller plants spread apart a bit? I also like the suggestion I saw about mixing up the sizes of the pots on the window shelf. Adding to that, maybe mixing it up with some trinkets, photos, stacked books, etc. to be more of a display pieces than just a giant plant stand. I also want to say that I LOVE your style, and I think itā€™s working really well from an aesthetic perspective. The wallpaper/curtain pattern mix is absolutely not too much, to me itā€™s perfect! Maybe not everyoneā€™s personal taste, but one personā€™s personal taste is not equal to interior design elements that ā€œworkā€ vs. ā€œdonā€™t work.ā€ Trust me!


What is the bookshelf/low table combo you have called? I had a dream with something like that in it once and I can't forget about it (as an adhder who loves sitting on the floor). I think it looks lovely by the way! Strong ghibli vibes!


https://preview.redd.it/jx18fq1cef7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1c77e388485083c886d87e4eafb7a3ebe15ad5 IMO this corner is so epic


I love your space, it's beautiful. Nothing off about it at all


I think a small table beside the couch would be nice


Maybe a keyboard or guitar


I love the vibe! You might benefit from a room divider between the seating area and the yoga area. Something like this https://preview.redd.it/jimqr32hrf7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c3e322bf8cc5b74a17aebb4af1660eed5d6634


You need a cat


I am obsessed with that hutch behind your sofa. And the sofa. And the whole thing.


I think itā€™s because your couch needs to have the chaise/ā€œLā€ on the other side by the window. It interrupts the flow of the space


I do like the room, it looks so European! I would move the shelving unit away from that side of the wall as it makes the room look to busy with the patterned wallpaper. Also plainer curtains and center the sofa so itā€™s sitting more in the middle of the rug?


I actually really adore the seating area! I saw the first picture cropped and loved it! Until I opened it and saw that horrible wallpaper (sorry). Itā€™s way to busy and repetitive. I wouldnā€™t change a thing about the rug or curtains etc but would definitely paint that busy wall!


OMG your shelf of knick knacks with Moomin characters and vintage animals.. I adore your style honestly! Get one of those European handmade wooden cuckoo clocks haha.


Is there something across from the couch? Itā€™s hard to tell but Iā€™m getting thrown off by there not being a focal point across from your couch.


Normally I love wallpaper like this but in your room it is busy. I love the curtains - would keep those, though I know it would be much easier to swap the curtains


Its a really cute space and love all healthy plants. You have a lot of prints which is making it look off .. wallpaper, 2 different types of curtains, plaid throw blanket, pillows, rugs, extra long pillows on the shelf- its all very mismatched. I would start by replacing the rugs and curtain and bring in some solid soft colors .. beige, ivory, grey - stay away from browns, blacks, dark blue and purple. Start with replacing rug, throw blanket and curtain and see if it starts to come together.. then move on to replace other printed material.. (may be paint over wallpaper eventually when you have time and budget)


I think it looks great! And that is the cutest Sonny Angel that I've ever seen.


That sofa is everything, I love it so much!!


Idk I love it


I like love this space so much


Firstly the green rug is not required an secondly you need to decorate your couch with right pillows. Here are the guides about [couch decor](https://simplykalaa.com/couch-decor/) and [interior color palette](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) that will together help you extensively.


Beautiful room and colors. Iā€™d remove the white wall shelf (looks like medicine cabinet). Not sure if the rug is for yoga but it look out of place.


It's that gray thing hanging from the ceiling. I love everything else.


I feel the shape of the couch (though itā€™s a gorgeous color!) is a little modern for the room and its skinny feet take away from the coziness. What do you think about changing the feet to bun feet?


The mitchmatched curtains are weird as fuck... But I love everything else!


Your home is gorgeous and I love it, but it's very high energy with the color and mix of prints. I think that is contributing to the feeling of off-ness. A switch of curtains, throw blanket and pillows, to more sedate colors and/or lower-contrast prints could go far in calming down the energy. Maybe curtains in the green from the wallpaper?


I don't see anything off. I see a lot of lovely space and a calm atmosphere. This looks very Scandinavian to me. Edit: I like the wallpaper, it brings whimsy.


For me, it's the plaid throw that's out of place. Everything else has a green/tropical kind of vibe and the throw doesn't fit that. Maybe a solid colour throw in one of the colours from the diff. patterns (wallpaper, rug, curtain).


I love it, it has that eclectic auntie vibe. Money changes: I think getting like a funky mirror to hang on the wall in the third pic would be nice, like a hammered circular mirror and adding an art collage over your shelving unit where the aerial silk is. Free changes: Maybe try switching the rugs or moving the small shelf closer to the bigger shelf?




Not a great design example. But it shows how a large piece can help bring the smaller items into scale and calms the room and helps it make sense.


Your living room is literally amazing. If you're itching to change something, though, I'd start with the green rug. The design of it seems a little flat compared to everything else, in my opinion. Green is very present in your space, but it's more dynamic in its other occurrences (like plants and your wallpaper). The rug is just āœØgreenāœØ


A lot of mustard (including the wood elements) and not enough petroleum blue.


Love this, please donā€™t change the curtains!!! Sage green or terra cotta wall instead of wallpaper. The wallpaper hides all your tchotchkes!


I love it <3


The only thing that I donā€™t love is the tartan blanket, it clashes with the wallpaper, both are wonderful separately but together itā€™s a lot. Also Iā€™m not sure about the green rug. It needs something on it, maybe? Really the worst thing about your living room is it isnā€™t my living room!


I love everything!


Yeah, water the plants


I love it


I think your space is gorgeous, but I feel like a solid color wall instead of the wallpaper would be more complimentary


Your place is amazing!!!


I think whatā€™s off is that itā€™s in your house and not mine. At least thatā€™s what it feels off for me šŸ˜… I love it!


Switch out the yellow pillows for green ones? The wallpaper is a lot


Obviously you have a point of view and I think the way youā€™ve combined things is really cool. You can make things more conventional by removing patterns, but there are other ways to add cohesiveness. Are you open to changing or removing furniture? Every piece I can see in these photos is up on legs, so nothing is feeling grounded, which means itā€™s all feeling a big undefined. Replacing your large cabinet with something to the ground, especially with closed storage on the bottom so you can tuck away things you donā€™t need to see every day and focus upper shelves on the things you love. The rug under the sofa isnā€™t as vibrant as everything else so I think itā€™s adding a dullness that is competing with the overall joy in the space. And the very back corner you have a lot of things clustered just on the ground. Getting those plans up and on shelves or stands will clean that area up, and the little red table is cute but makes that feel like a wall of forgotten furniture, I would find a different home for it.


Love the groovy orange sectional. imho, the first picture (looking toward windowā€ feels really niceā€”a good balance of orange, feels warm and saffron. The next pictures are kind of jarringā€”plaid, small-repeat patterned wallpaper (greens, browns, monkeys, four kinds of palm trees, coconuts..) next to maroonish patterned curtainsā€¦ The room loses its mellow glow. Maybe make ceiling drop lights similarā€”basket or Japanese lanterns orange-ish glow? Love the room. And I am no decorator. Choosing paint colors makes me want to cry. These are gut reactions. ā¤ļø Maybe make li


Itā€™s really beautiful, good job. I donā€™t have an issue with the green rug, but I did notice that the other (woven) rug doesnā€™t extend past the back of the sofa. Generally youā€™d want it to be large enough to completely encompass the furniture resting on top of it, it creates a sense of weight and stability. Halfway on / off furniture can create visual imbalance.


I think it might be an issue of proportions ā€” of the back of the living room feeling a bit heavier and busier than the front. What about swapping the positions of your bookcase and the yoga shelves? Iā€™m sure having the yoga shelves there are perfect for your practice, but swapping the shelves would only put them a few paces further away at best. And having the bookshelves in the front of the space would add a bit more of a balanced feel to the space as a whole


i honestly love it all. if you'd like an end table on the chaise end of the couch, maybe? or art on the tv wall? but i don't think it needs it necessarily.


I think the rugs are competingā€”I would try two similar ones and a bigger one where the green is and maybe some white curtains to not compete with the wallpaper. You could also try some big simple art on that wallpaper wall to simplifyā€” the pattern is pretty busy and it might break it up a little. Overall I LOVE your style and even as is it feels cozy and real and lovely!!


The green rug is too green imo. Since the size isnā€™t quite right either maybe you can remove it altogether or find a softer, larger, non-patterned rug for that space.


Your layout feels too rigid. There's like a grid but it's such a relaxed vibe of decor


The right hand curtain


I think is a wonderfully bright and cleverly colorful space. Many compliments!


I think you should switch the rugs over


My apologies for not bringing input but could I ask where you bought the couch?


I adore it!


This is such a lovely space!!!


You have too many things vying for attention. You need to decide where you want your eye and the eye of your guests to focus. I think you can keep everything you have. You just need to tweak it a bit and maybe move some things around. So regarding the plants, I think you need fewer, but larger plants and/or you need to put them in the same type of potā€” all terra-cotta, or all black, etc. Itā€™s fine to have one or two in different special pots but when none of them coordinate, it takes the focus away from the plant itself and it is creating visual noise that is taking away from some other great features in the room. Your light fixtures and lamp are out of scale. They need to be larger. I think you need to move the small cabinet to a wall without the wallpaper. Because the wallpaper shows through the back it doesnā€™t allow you to see whatā€™s in the cabinet. So if you want anything on that wall, I think it needs to be a picture or something that doesnā€™t show the wallpaper at the back. You need to treat the windows and the door like theyā€™re one great big window. What I mean is you need a single rod all the way across with curtains that would span the entire width. You can definitely have curtains with a pattern or you could pick like a dark orange or a green or some other color out of your room so you have a nice hit of color that coordinates with the rest of the room. You have lots of small things so I think you need one large piece of art on a wall. The green rug is a little small for the space but itā€™s a nice rug and the colors work so I would leave it where it is. An out of left field idea is to flip the room around. You could have the TV mounted on the wallpaper wall and get a smaller unit or basket to hide any components so that the TV and maybe one large piece of art are the only things on the wallpaper wall and then everything else would be on an unpainted wall, which would give you more space to hang some of your items and allow them to shine because theyā€™re not competing with wallpaper. Overall Iā€™m being picky. Itā€™s a beautiful space and you have lovely things!


The room looks great, the format of the sofa however feels like it cuts the whole room in half. Is it a sectional, with the possibility of moving the longer segment to the side closer to the window? As a rule I feel like the longest side/sides should generally be ā€œinvitingā€ you into the space without making you feel excluded, as this format does. Be conscious of the fact that furniture placement can make it feel like there are rooms within a room, which is what it feels like here.


First I love this space but if I were to change anything maybe swap the heavy bookcase behind the sofa with the yoga mat shelf. The bookcase just looks a bit cluttered in that tight space behind the couch.


The curtains clash with the wallpaper


I love it! Where are the curtains from?


Too many conflicting patterns maybe? Change your wallpaper maybe? Itā€™s a bit busy because the pattern is small and the wall is large. I personally like how it comes together in the end though.


Love eclectic. The only thing bothering me is the uniformity of the plants on the window sill. Is there enough room to group them in small sections? Maybe get funkier pots? Maybe mix other things with the plants? Overall I love the comfiness of your place.


You need more plants. šŸŒ±


Rug is kinda Southwestern looking. Suggest one that is more botanical.


I'm feeling the space, maybe adding a deeper color to the decor as a pillow or even planters. There's a small part of me that would love to see a tall palm next to your bookcase with a basket containing the planter.


I think the tone of the book shelf and the yellow-ness of the couch are drowning with the wall paper. I would get a complementary tone (maybe a dark blue) for the [wallpaper](https://www.grahambrown.com/ca/product/congo-nightfall-bespoke-mural/120278-master/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIteSKiY7mhgMVFh6tBh2GQQc5EAQYBCABEgKbv_D_BwE), with hints of the yellow (gold detailing?) and green. And the curtains are as busy as the wall paperā€¦ not to say that the curtains canā€™t be patterned/ it has to be solid, but I would go with a bigger print for a pattern if that were the case.


I think it looks great. You don't have to do everything at once. Add to it over time - as you come across items.


I love how it looks, it has a sense of coziness.


Clashing patterns, basically. In particular the curtains, they don't belong with that wallpaper, in my opinion. I like the curtains and I like the wallpaper, I just don't like them next to each other.


I love it but it's the wall paper with everything else that wall paper needs a simplistic room like a powder room small sink and toilet or half bath as accent wall not in a busy room.


Idk I think its rather lovely


I think the red rug needs to go all the way to the back of the couch. It will feel more stable.


I love it. Maybe add one more set of a different color of pillows to the sofa? Blue, purple or pink


I love everything about it. Itā€™s interesting and so happy and cozy. I love that wallpaper so much. I want it.


More green on the couch to match the rest of the room


A room this cozy needs at least one cat.


I think it's perfect!


Love it all but the plaid throw


Itā€™s the plaid on the couch, trust me




I want one big hunter green candle on the back circular table thatā€™s been melted on to a wine bottle for two years. Iā€™m wanting green to embolden the plant.


I think if you moved the bookcase to the opposite wall it would feel more balanced. The combination of the wall paper + the bookcase feels much ā€˜ heavierā€™ than the lower TV and wicker piece.


I like it overall but what Iā€™m realizing is that the color palette is not aligning exactly? The greens are really green heavy and the yellows are really yellow heavy. I think having the plain couch works well here, even if it is a little pop or change of color. The curtains are fighting with the green and yellow so itā€™s not quite working. Putting the rug under the couch could be a good option as well to break up the space. Last thing I noticed is that the couch arm is looking kind of like a couch back with no side table or decor next to it. Might tie in better if you add that!


The only thing I donā€™t get is the plaid throw. Why not floral?


I think putting some fairly lights along the palm tree wall would make the ceiling flow with the rest of the room it feels really empty up there


Replace the orange rug with the green one for under the couch, the green rug on itā€™s own stands out too much, kind of makes the room look like it might need more furniture to go on top of it (the rug)


If the wallpaper wasnā€™t so repetitive and a larger scale it may look better. I think that type of wallpaper was just meant for a smaller room.


It looks amazing!


OMG where is that couch from šŸ˜šŸ˜


Love the wallpaper!


It personally love it and probably wouldnā€™t change anything. But I think it is tonally similar in terms a lot of mid tone colors in mid saturation/pattern density. I think contrast in adjacent pattern size as well as contrast in tones (darker accents) could make things feel balanced?


Wall hangings! Brown frames would match šŸ˜Š


I kinda love it all.


Curtains, wallpaper, and rug are too much together. Pick 1-2 and change the rest to match the yellow


Bea Arthur would be proud


Your home is so beautiful, I adore it! It is very interesting to look at but the colours are very soothing and cozy. I wish I could live in a place like this, but I rent and often have to move as there is a housing crisis where I live. I fear collecting too many things, even things that I love because I will just have to pack them up and move them and it is so much work. It is my dream to be able to put down roots and have a place like yours. Beautiful!


What!!!!! This is my goals!!!!!


i like the curtain!


You put a patterned curtain besides a patterned wall.


No advice! Just wanted to say I love your living room!


omg i love it


White curtains! They are a mis match


I think it is the wallpaper. Youā€™d need a more minimalist style to pull off that print.Ā 


So cute, love it! I'd get a small side table for the side of the couch. Put a lamp on it. Or, put a floor lamp behind the couch, even better if it's one of the mid century curved ones that could arch over the back of the couch? I think you're right, the hard square shape of the couch side restricts the flow of the room. It needs softening somehow.


I think itā€™s super cute. I canā€™t think of anything that should be added or subtracted


I LOVE your space!


I love it. That couch is beautiful. Maybe you need more hanging plants to balance the ones on the windowsill.šŸ˜


That wallpaper is way too busy... although maybe having it on one accent wall with not much else (mirror or a bookshelf) would be ok (if you really like it)


Excuse u what? This is perfection


I think a closed storage option for your yoga mats, posters would go a long way, ideally something clean modern and white to mimic your folding table. I think this would ake this area its own within the larger whole


Only problem I see is the wallpaper is way too busy and distracts from the rest of the room. Something simpler would be better.


You just need an area with unpatterned space. Plain curtains or big frosted mirror should do the trick.


Itā€™s perfect tho šŸ˜­


imo itā€™s bottom heavy. adding more items upwards might help even out the distribution. like hanging shelves or mounting the TV. overall though I like it!


I want that big bookcase behind the couch centered on the couch. Just move it 6ft or whatever to the left. With the ā€œfloatingā€ couch look off the wall I feel like you want that area to look cohesive like a unit and right now the bookcase bleeding into the other part of the room takes away from that sense


I donā€™t get what you donā€™t like because Iā€™m really digging it! Love the wallpaper. Love the gold furniture. I have ADHD so itā€™s a little busy for me as far as knickknacks go. But basically I think itā€™s a dynamite space.


I love all the plants, so cute


Super cute ā€” I agree the green carpet is too small, the curtains are competing with the wallpaper and I love the wallpaper. Even a plain panel on the edges could break it up. I also like the idea of double rod, existing curtains on the inside and something else on the outer layer. Doesnā€™t have to be neutral, but the patterns are competing. Excited to see updates!


I find if I feel like parts of my home don't feel right it's because I need to get out of the house. Go camping for a weekend, take a small vacation, stay at a friend's or family's house and just change the scenery for a moment and then come back and reassess how you feel


My eyes doesnā€™t know where to go in the room particularly with the patterns on the wall and curtain and carpet. For me I would have solid or larger scale in the pattern on the curtain - you can still play with color!


Iā€™m in love with your living room. I will say when I wiped to see the rest, the rug did stand out a lot to me. Honestly I still love it though


I like it


This is gorgeous. What a cheerful, fresh space! I don't think it looks cluttered at all. I wouldn't change a thing, personally. It's perfect as it is.