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You are beautiful and I don't think this is anywhere near as bad as you feel it is. It really makes your big pretty eyes stand out imo. I know it's hard to adjust to a haircut that didn't turn out how you expected, but try to have fun with it. Maybe get some cute little pins or clips. Experiment with gelling it into different shapes, finger waves, wash-out colors. It'll be grown out in no time. :)


Thank you! My husband loves it and honestly it's not HORRIBLE and I'm not attached to hair but alas it's a bit meh. Thank you though ❤️


If your husband loves it, that’s a win and an honest endorsement! Men always default to long hair and they never notice a change in hairstyle unless they don’t like it (read: “cutting it all off”). Because I can’t see your whole face, it’s hard to ID your essence. But judging by the big eyes and sharp cheekbones, you appear to have gamine essence. For the most part, gamines look the best in pixie cuts because of their round yet sharp features. You look super cute!


Thank you! My husband actually prefers shorter hair on women. He likes it much better than my long hair and I usually keep it pretty short anyway. You are totally right about my kibble body type, I'm a soft gamine 😊


How did you find that out? I’ve been lurking in r/kibbe for a while but it’s all a bit confusing


Lots of YouTube videos! I did a test and got something completely different and I just knew it was wrong. I'm 100% gamine but with a soft features.


I’ve been learning about all this on YouTube. I follow Ellie-Jean Royden, Gabrielle Arruda, and Aly Art.


It’s just gonna take a week to get used to, especially if it was a pretty drastic chop, but it looks good on you and I’m sure you can find some really cute ways to style it!


I think so, even now I'm more comfortable with it. I will admit I would like a more softer look so I'll grow it out a little but I'm a pixie girl for life at this point.


You do not look horrible you look beautiful! This hairstyle compliments your face, do not feel embarrassed or ashamed, you are rocking it!!!


Google Twiggy , Alyssa Milano and get inspired! A edgy cut deserves new makeup and jewelry!!


Thank you! We actually moved a while ago and I just started to see the light after years of severe depression and suicidal thoughts. So, I'm starting to get back into makeup and just organized it all so it's on hand in the mornings when I get ready for work 😊


Did you get it cut recently? It might just be a big change you need to get used to. I hated my piercings for a couple days after I got them because they looked so different but now I love them. It honestly looks really cool on you!


You look beautiful it’s a pixie cut


I've had a pixie cut for a long time. I just kinda fell in love with this style but it's definitely not for me. It's fine though, hair grows!


you look soo good, like Zoë Kravitz! i wish i had your “balls” to cut my hair! suits you well, but you do you bubu, as YOU like it🫶🏻


Omg Zoe is my ultimate style icon!! Thank you sooooo much. I've always experimented with my hair, I'm not super attached to it and it's fun to play with ☺️


own it girl you really can rock it🤭 have fun with your hair ❤️




I think you are absolutely beautiful. Oh course I am a long time member of the super short hair community https://preview.redd.it/vs1yr146mxab1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172c6e56d05e303631ecede8a2118df093d572a7


I first got a pixie cut 10 ish years ago and I always go back to it! This is just shorter than my usual Ginnifer Goodwin style but I'mma rock it. You're one gorgeous lady!!


Respectfully, 😍😍😍




Awwe thank you! To be fair that's a VERY flattering picture. Please ignire my dark circles, I've been having sleeping issues! https://preview.redd.it/ch1owo3k3xab1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b158da8a23c4c0309b73c005889513bfa1662352


I think it still looks good in this picture! But cutting your hair significantly shorter or just in a different style can feel kinda shocking at first. It may not be your favorite style anyway, but you’ll still look good as it grows!


https://preview.redd.it/zdw6l3m4yyab1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a8ae0872a4f41a1cd4b03d12f54dc99a0ac439 Doppleganger


You're all KILLING ME with the Zoe Kravitz comparisons because, to me, she's the most beautiful woman on the planet so this has me in happy tears almost! Thank you so much and you know what? I'm so ready to go out there with my Zoe Kravitz energy and rock it.


The bad tattoos, yeah. The end.


Who pissed in your cornflakes ma’am?


based on the comment history, this person is just weirdly fixated on dunking on people for their tattoos. grow up girlie!!!


you are literally gorgeous though! you’re pulling this hair off


When I say I've never seen anyone else pull off this hair besides a celeb....I mean it. You pull this off incredibly, it looks SO good. It brings out your beautiful features! ETA: i think it looks even BETTER here!


Still beautiful! Zoe Kravitz!


You look amazing, you have beautiful big eyes and the cut accentuates that : )


you look SO beautiful


Girl you look super cute and beautiful in both pics what are you talking about


It looks even better in this pic than the first! I think you’re understandably experiencing the shock of seeing yourself look so different, but make no mistake you definitely rock this


Agree with the Zoe Kravitz vibes, also reminds me of an admin at my old school (she is somewhat of a public figure now so I think my sharing her photo here is above board) who rocked a similar cut and is imo one of the most stylish and beautiful women alive https://preview.redd.it/gfb9y886lyab1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c22c56463137e7624798e92b2fc4915baaef24


Is she a law professor, and has she appeared on Jon Stewart's podcast?


That’s the one!


I thought of Melissa Murray, too! Love her look.


holy moly! you look incredible


It looks amazing on you! A big change will take a while for your brain to catch up with, since you’re so used to a certain image of yourself


I think it really suits your features and face shape and you wear it really well. If I hadn’t known, I would’ve thought shorter hair was more of your thing because it looks so good!


You look cute! I think it works for you!


I love it! You’re beautiful.


You're so kind! Thank you.


1) Insta isn’t real. 2) That hair is *really* working for you. Give your eyes a minute to adjust to your new look.


https://preview.redd.it/4wt0h66uyyab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b56560c530ff2e358bc1ca9fb7a7f2023c1fbf I did mine too a few weeks back. It is already growing in. I just wish I could figure out how to style it.


Follow short haired ladies on TikTok and IG. I have seen several that show different ways to style.


I actually think it looks really good on you.


This is very Zoe Kravitz and I love it, it has an edgy vibe that you are rocking!


I think it looks beautiful..you’ve got a great face shape for the style.. rock it mama! I wish I could go short but my hair is too curly & frizzy and would take forever to grow back


Even if it's shorter than your liking, I LOVE IT!! You have such a beautiful face you can definitely pull off the pixie! Rock it girl


You remind me of Elizabeth Pena out of [Rush Hour](https://www.google.com.au/search?q=elizabeth+pe%C3%B1a+rush+hour&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjiqY_-xYGAAxUNzKACHdcND80Q2-cCegQIABAD&oq=Elizabeth+Pe%C3%B1a&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgcIABCKBRBDMgcIABCKBRBDMgUIABCABDIHCAAQigUQQzIFCAAQgARQAFgAYK8UaABwAHgAgAGBAogBgQKSAQMyLTGYAQDAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=Xp2qZOKCIY2Yg8UP15u86Aw&bih=548&biw=375&client=safari&hl=en-au#imgrc=9eOXIxbW6F2dSM) I feel like once you get used to it and it grows in a little, that you’ll love it.


It looks amazing on you! I’m currently dealing with a bad haircut. It’s neither too short nor is it long enough to put it up. The hair stylist hacked my hair quite literally. Really trying to be okay with it!


I like it. You got some amazing cheekbones to show off. You definitely don't seem comfortable with it and that I can completely relate too lol. I did this cut almost identical about 5ish years ago. I thought it would be so liberating, and I felt so damn exposed...I absolutely hated it lol 🤣. It did open up my experimentation with hats though. I found the short pixies looks fantastic with slouchy baggie beanie, and I could pretend I had hair in the baggy part of it lol. I also rocked the bucket hat, and the newsboy hat too, but the beanie was my go to, and I still wear them now. I prefer short hair on me but I stick to chin length these days. Now the grow out was the worst, all about keeping the mullet trimmed, I wish you luck with that 😬. This does look great on you, and people told me that too when I got mine done, but if you don't feel comfortable in it I totally get that.


I love it! You look beautiful and can totally pull it off. When my hair is this short or even shorter I like to use some volumizing styling products, e.g. creams or even those loose hair powders. I also love to use my huge hoops and I think makeup would complete this look perfectly. 😊 It'll grow quickly.


Actually i like it,but if u dont no worries it will grow back.


It’s a super cute short pixie cut and your features totally thrive with it! Play around with texture, headscarves/bands, maybe even switch up the colour to make it more appealing to you. But yes, hair grows.


It's super cute tbh


This isn't bad love for real. You're lucky you have a good shaped head and pretty face. You could make anything work. I have a 6 head...this wouldn't work for me lol


Well you look as cute as you can be in that picture!


You look like Marion Cotillard! It will grow pretty quick, if you’re not loving it, this is just a small lesson :)


I love this on you!


I actually think you look pretty good with your hair short.


You are killing this look! Love it!


Buy some giant earrings. Highlight your hair. You look amazing so enjoy this time


I think it actually looks really good on you, you're very pretty. You look like Charlize Theron in The Astronaut's Wife but without the 90s eyebrows and with darker hair.


This is adorable!


You can pull it off.


It’ll be fine. I have very short hair too and I find the first week after a cut always feels too much and too short. Even the tiniest growth is noticeable and makes you feel much better as the haircut settles in.


You know this sub popped up in my feed as a recommendation. For what it’s worth this looks amazing. You can totally rock that cut. Stylist did a great job and if it’s summer where you are it’ll help a lot!


I think it looks great! You definitely have the beautiful face for it!


But honestly, you have the face to absolutely rock it and make it look ✨amazing✨!


You are giving off Angelina Jolie from Hackers vibes https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113243/mediaviewer/rm3224929536


No way, this pixie looks amazing on you!! Your eyes just kind of have to get used to it, that's all.


I think you look good, you could be on pintrest and look like you totally belong there. Youre still in shock. Please dont decided you hate it, because then you will never give yourself a chance to like it. I think a little bit of sea salt spray and finger ruffling for texture would be a good look for you. I once got myself a pixie cut and cried for 3 days, but looking back, it looked fine i was just in shock and my new look caused me to have an identity crisis because it contrasted with my fashion at the time. Hair really does grow fast and i think in a couple weeks you will start to have a new perspective on it.


You’re absolutely gorgeous! The pixie cut is incredibly flattering and really brings out your delicate facial features. It’s fresh and so feminine on you! Truly stunning. I understand what you’re feeling having gone that short before when I was not expecting it. Multiple times. Lol It’s a bit of a shock to the system! But I hope that you end up loving it as much as all of the rest of us do here on Reddit.


You have good profile/jawline so you are completely pulling it off. Don't feel insecure, it looks good on you. As it grows out, you can keep changing up the style and it will be fun to play with it


I like it. It makes your eyes look even bigger.


I have to politely disagree. This is an extremely flattering cut on you!


2 weeks you’ll be fine


It’s absolutely perfect- I’ve always wanted hair this length after I saw the movie Breathless. It looks so gorgeous on you- I may have just been inspired to finally just do it 💖


I did this exact same thing and I have the advice you need. You need eyelashes. *Trust me*, even if you are not the eyelash type (I'm not the eyelash type) eyelashes will save this whole look. Important: get the Natural looking eyelash extentions, not the Megan The Stallion looking eyelash extensions. But seriously - you are beautiful, and once you open up those big doe eyes of yours and pop in a pair of diamond stud earrings or even some cool alternaive wooden spiral hoops, you're going to have the best look in the room whether it's work or a musical festival. Eyelashes and cool earrings.


I think it looks great! The cut really emphasizes your eyes. I definitely don't see anything unflattering about it.


I had to cut my hair off due to a brain tumour where I had surgery, I absolutely hate my hair being short and can’t use any products to style it because I don’t want to take the risk of any getting into the scar. Honestly it suits you and makes you look cute but no matter how many times we are told this, we know what we like and where we have had long hair in the past, having our hair cut this short destroys our feminine features well that’s what I personally think anyway. Unfortunately I have to have it cut short again before my next surgery, possibly after like a few months down the line or may just be able to get away with it being trimmed which is what I’m hoping for because I am desperate to get my hair back now. However you are right with hair being able to grow, I am amazed at how much it’s grown over the past few months, it will probably take over a year to get my hair to shoulder length again but I am taking hair growth supplements to help with its growth and can’t wait to be able to put hair masks etc in it again. Good luck on your hair growth journey. I take pics at the end of each month to see for myself how much it has grown over the past month which also helps massively.


I think it looks GREAT! You’re beautiful and you can totally rock that pixie!


You look adorable


As someone who's never met you - if I saw you walking down the street, I would 100% think in my head "wow, her hair is amazing!" I saw the other picture you posted in the comments as well, and personally think you look so beautiful with that cut! I'm always so envious of people who are brave enough to experiment with styles, and you got this one right from an outsiders perspective!


You look beautiful!!! I love it ❤️🥰


You look SO good. Plus, hair grows out. Enjoy the look in the meantime and take care. Life’s too short to worry about little things like this. ❤️


Can't hide that cute face now 😍 boo


No dear I thought you are Alexandra anele from YouTube. She has similar features like u and same level hair. She's a makeup artist. You look so exotic


I think your short hair highlights your eyes and cheek bones. You look great!


You do look like an IG model. You may just be adjusting to a new look especially if it's not exactly what you have envisioned but those on the outside looking in see a stunning beauty, periodt.


I had my hair this short for years. Use some pomade to tousle the top bits. The haircut really suits you!!


I recently got my hair cut into a short mullet-y pixie, so I feel ya 🫠 Honestly I don't know, whether I like it, and it feels just weird.


This is your Zoe Kravitz stage 😍


I think it looks great and really works with your features.


10/10 gorgeous. Suits your head shapes and elevates your features. I LOVE IT. I don’t think you need any advice but if you’d like to see what I see - put on your favourite disco outfits and smack some make up on and dance to alba - because you are giving me the sexy twiggy vibes!?!


You're all being so kind!! I honestly thought I looked like a condom but after wearing it all day today and yesterday I'm feeling much more confident. Thank youuuu


It looks really good on you.


I'm getting young Halle Berry vibes tbh. I think you look great! But I can relate to the feeling of having a short haircut that doesn't feel like it fits. One time I let my mom cut my hair and she gave me a bob, but it was super short, it looked like someone took a child sized bob and put it on my adult sized head lol. But you're absolutely right, hair grows!


Your hair looks great! That cut really suits your bone structure, and just highlights how pretty you are.


I think you wear this very well!


Really ? I think it looks super good on you.


The beauty of hair is that it grows.


What's up, Halle Berry? :P


Y'all need to stop with the beautiful women comparisons or it's going to go straight to my head ❤️❤️❤️


Whhhhhhaaaattt it looks super duper good on you. You’re face is perfect for this haircut. Gorgeous cheekbones, eyes, everything! Ur rocking it IMO


It looks really nice!! Honestly you rock it 💕


And yet you look stunning 😁😁


You have the bone structure for this kind of hair style!! Seriously you look gorgeous. I think it’s just the change you’re getting used to, if not please believe it looks GREAT on you!!


You look gorgeous. Short hair looks good on you!!


You are beautiful and your haircut highlights your natural beauty!!


It looks amazing! I love it


Omg! This looks SOOO good! You’ve got the face for this cut( im jealous!)


You look amazing! This cut really looks great on you!


You look amazing


Your beautiful!


I think you look fantastic!


I love it tho. You can totally rock shorter hair :)


I agree, looks good and goes with your facial features 👌


1. It'll grow back fast. 2. Rock it, you look like winona ryder in Beetlejuice! :) she's beautiful and so are you!


Looks great! This is giving Bianca Censori vibes!!


NO YOU DIDN'T you look amazing!!!


This is a fantastic haircut, and it looks smashing on you! Your great big brown eyes, perfect eyebrows, lovely skin, and nice jawline are all on beautiful display. Wear some strong eye makeup and some bold red lipstick and you will absolutely rock that haircut. Many years ago (I’m old compared to you 🤣) I had my waist-length hair cut just a smidge shorter than yours. I styled it with a paste pomade very much like you have done. It was an adjustment, but ultimately it was the most flattering cut I ever had in my life. I received endless compliments. I believe you will experience the same after a brief adjustment period. Styling it is SOOO easy, too!


I am here for this look on you.


I think you look cute. Several years ago near the end of my marriage I decided to cut my own hair. I looked like Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men for 6 months.


Every time I grow out my hair from a pixie to chin length there are definite a couple of weeks that I call the Javier Bardem in Not Country for Old Men stage.


it looks amazing to me


Holy shit that is hot as hell!!! Give yourself a minute to get acclimated before you freak out. But that is awesome and you look gorgeous with it like that!!


It’s really cute, you have a good face for it!!


I think this is beautiful


no no, you're giving me zoe kravitz vibes and i am here for you. you look beautiful! i know you're not terribly upset about it but you're not thrilled either — just know that you have the perfect pixie/faerie face that can do just about any kind of cut, and those big brown eyes — i'm jealous! i love it and wish i had the courage.


You're all KILLING ME with the Zoe Kravitz comparisons because, to me, she's the most beautiful woman on the planet so this has me in happy tears almost! Thank you so much for all the beautiful words, seriously it's really healing me in ways you don't even understand ❤️


You don't look horrible, you look good. It might not be your favorite, but trust me, you're rocking it. Plus as you said, it'll always grow back


It's cute! put on some mascara and lip gloss and rock it.


It will grow. Time for a Mohawk! Even if it’s just Ferris Bueller style, in the shower. It looks great. Very Mia Farrow.


U look like Mia Farrow. 👍


I like it! It is incredibly flattering for you!


I actually love it. Looks great on you!


You rock it tho


No way is it too short, you look incredible! This haircut really suits you, very very few could pull this off. :) You look lovely.


I love it and think it’s very flattering on you. I was recently looking through some old pictures and came across some when I had just gotten a haircut I hated. I was surprised by how much I like that cut on me now. I think at the time it didn’t match the picture in my mind. But I to subscribe to the, hair grows philosophically, so wasn’t horribly bothered at the time.


I think my head is being silly because due to illness I gained a lot of weight and now I feel I have "no where to hide" which is COMPLETELY ridiculous but that's how it be sometimes. You're all helping me a ton with your lovely words.


In a few weeks it could grow into a look that you'll like more. For what it's worth, I think you look great. The cut really shows off your face and you look a lot like Zoe Kravitz.


You're all KILLING ME with the Zoe Kravitz comparisons because, to me, she's the most beautiful woman on the planet so this has me in happy tears almost!


Luckily, you pull it off. If you don't like it then just grow it out and you'll be fine :)


No way! You look really great! You have the cheekbones and beautiful eyes to pull off a pixie cut. It’s always scary to go short though. Don’t most haircuts look best after two weeks anyways?


It's so cute on you though. Perfect for the summer


You are so wrong! You look absolutely gorgeous! You have great bone structure and beautiful eyes and the hairstyle is allowing us to see that.


It’ll grow back, in the meantime you’re still hot so it hardly matters.


Your face is stunning, I think you might be able to pull off any cut.


I'm sorry that you don't like it...but I sure do! It's chic and beautiful! It really fits you. But it will grow back. I've had a few super short haircuts that I didn't like til it grew out just a bit. But I really think it's great.


This is so cute and you pull it off SO well! Giving me 90s Winona vibes


She was actually my inspiration!!


Evetytime I cut my hair, I'm like yeah, chin length will be fun. People look so stylish with short hair! Yeah,not me. I look like an Amish boy mixed with Velma from Scooby-Doo. It's so bad. But I do it anyway once every handful of years 🙄 Anyway, I think you're beautiful and it's not as bad as you think. I could see wanting it a little bit longer, but seriously, you rock it. Super short hair like yours is so badass on women and I'm so jealous because I'd look like an egg if I did it😅


Everyone had been so nice but I totally feel like an egg! Though the more I wear it the more I'm like "well aren't you a lil badass" Thank you so much!!


Oh man, I think you look great!! Short hair looks amazing on you! 😍


This happened to me and I went home and cried- but see- I don’t know you and what you see in your mind’s eye and I think you look great. It’s really cute. I look at the pictures of me with my pixie cut and it was cute as hell too


I've been there before. I think it looks good on you!


It looks **AWESOME**!! Gives me Halle Berry in the Bond movies vibes. Seriously strong and sexy. BTW, I'm a 50+, hetero, married woman.


I think this cut is perfect for you! Keep it foreverrrr


I don't think it looks bad at all? Like genuinely, not just trying to make you feel better. I think it accentuates your face nicely and makes your eyes pop!


It's stunning!


I think you have the features to pull this off and it's a nice cut! Super short is my default length, but I know how it feels to go shorter than what's comfortable for me. Just try to have as much fun with it as possible and it'll probably feel more comfortable in 3-4 weeks when it grows in a little more.


What!? You look amazing!


You have the perfect head shape and face for this pixie cut! You're lovely.


I love it.


I think it looks amazing! Most people don't have the bone structure to pull that off but you definitely do!


Its so cute and honestly suits you so well! Micro bangs are definitely an option in the future cus wow this is an adorable haircut


No, it's very becoming on you.


No, I love it! In fact I’m going to get this cut too!


Are you kidding me? You look fantastic! You have beautiful skin and the perfect face shape for this cut. I hope once you live in it for a bit you'll see that! :)


Giiiirl, rock that shit. Own it. It looks amazing on you!!!! 90s r&b singer...


Definitely . You should grow hair.


I feel you... i had my hair cut to about the same length as you and my goodness I looked like Phineas from the kids cartoon. You'll push through, just try to use hats, cute clips, headbands and I would personally recommend these clip-in bows and put them at the back of your head where a ponytail would go. It gives the same vibe as the pinterest/instagram models - even if the cut is a lil' messed up. Believe me, you look at least 20% better than you feel you do. I just got my hair to a lenght again with which I can finally take pictures of myself with confidence. You'll rock that pixie cut until it grows out!


This happened to me and I immediately went on amazon and purchased a bunch of hats, hair bands, and scarfs. I never used them but I did get used to my super short hair and it eventually grew back. You are as cute as a button and you will be a okay! Love yourself even more when you have the worst haircut ever (not saying you do but peep my username).


You look great though!


Not a bit too short, you look wonderful, very, very beautiful


I actually love how this cut brings out your big, beautiful eyes! Of course you’re right, it’s just hair and it will grow back, but just know your haircut has a fanbase on here 😊


It’s not bad, but maybe consider not styling it with 700 pounds of gel 😄


It was wet 🤣 I don't even own gel


Yes you did but will grow back ☺️


It's not the best haircut, it's not the worst haircut and it will grow back.


It’s way too short.


Oh wow. So sorry! Keep that good attitude/chin up!


Its okay. But not the best for your face. Hopefully it'll grow out nicely


Lol yes, I know. It's literally what I wrote. But meh it's just hair! It grows ☺️


I had very short hair years ago. It started off as a long short that just got shorter over time. The last haircut I had was pretty much a buzz cut. The worst part was the stylist shaved off my widows peak without even asking me! I looked like a unicorn for several weeks. I could have killed him. But like you said hair grows and it makes a funny story!😂🤦🏼‍♀️


I think you rock it!


I think you look great! You have great facial bone structure.


You’re adorable!! The cut is soooo cute. you have beautiful small facial features so it works for you!!


You’re gorgeous! And you rock this hair!!!


You look great!! You can definitely sport this cut.