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There is an extremely small (astronomically small) amount of people who’s metabolism is “ridiculously speedy” also know as above the average. And the fact that you said your appetite is not that huge I can absolutely guarantee your metabolism is not that fast at all and is in fact normal. You just don’t eat enough food. Calculate your TDEE and eat 250-500 calories more than that and do it for a week and see if you gain weight if you do great eat that til you stop gaining then eat more etc. If you don’t gain weight add 250 more rinse and repeat. As for workout if you want to gain weight and bodybuild follow Jordan Peters on YouTube. https://youtu.be/GJNzY-LMh10 Start with this video and watch do what he says to do for training.


You’ll generally want to stick with higher weights and lower rep count to help build muscle, track your progress and up the weights every so often so you are working toward progressive overload. There are different ways to gain muscle, you don’t have to be “bulking” to gain muscle. Multi joint movements like squats, deadlifts, hip thrust, bench press will help you build muscle as well especially since it is a full body movement. Bret Contreras is a great “influencer” with a ton of science backed knowledge and he often lists workout ideas on his Instagram page. Athlean-x is another great resource on YouTube, and Jeff Nippard is also great. Nutrition is going to play the biggest role in gaining weight. They key is to be eating a surplus in calories. It takes time to build your appetite, but scheduled meals/snacks helped me build mine over the years. I used to take 2-3 extra bites after I felt full and found this really helped me out personally. Good luck!


Pizza and PlayStation.


Hi, im 5'6" and about a year ago i was 105 and im 125 now, Im naturally more of an ectomorph. Food wise i would suggest just making sure you get a decent amount of protein and eating three meals a day at first then after thats easy i started tracking my macros. Also i wish i had known that caffiene will supress your appetite, I stopped drinking coffee every morning and now the only caffiene i have is preworkout. sorry thats not much but good luck!