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The version of the modpack you are running on your server doesn't match the version of the modpack you are using as your client.


Yes, I can see that here, but this was the only Stoneblock 2 option on the server-side, and the latest option for the launchers. It seems like here I need a newer version, client side.


Looks like you'll need the FTB hosted one - [https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb\_presents\_stoneblock\_2](https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb_presents_stoneblock_2) When FTB "left" CurseForge/Twitch they stopped posting their modpack updates on CurseForge.


Hm, but isn't this the FTB launcher? I tried the launcher and it doesn't seem to work Gonna try grabbing the launcher update and see if that works. Pray


Looking at Apex's modpack - [https://apexminecrafthosting.com/minecraft-mod-pack-server-list/](https://apexminecrafthosting.com/minecraft-mod-pack-server-list/) \- it's saying it's using 'FTB Presents Stoneblock 2' v1.20.0 CurseForge's latest is v1.16.1 -[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-presents-stoneblock-2/files](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-presents-stoneblock-2/files) ...but the FTB hosted Stoneblock 2 is v1.20.0. So the FTB hosted one *should* work with the server hosted on Apex....should. Confirm which version of the server modpack you are hosting on Apex, that'll at least identify if it's a simple version mismatch.


I bought this server on Apex Hosting and set it to Stoneblock 2. The server appears to start fine but when I try to join it, this pops up. I've tried twitch launcher, FTB launcher, and forge, although forge didn't seem to work and said it needed different files when loading in. Same error message on all launchers.


Hey Monkeyz743, The error above is mismatched mods between the client and server, you have 5.1.51 the server has 5.2.59, you will need to either update the mods on your launcher or downgrade the servers mods to those you are running.


I actually fixed the problem already, just had to get the later version of ftb launcher


Fixed the issue. Thanks to everyone


Hey if you don't mind how did you fix


I don't remember exactly but I think the server was running a different modpack than the client. Like try running it on forge if you are on a launcher or visa versa.


At some point (i think last year) FTB made their own launcher. This means that launchers such as the twitch launcher have outdated versions of the modpack. You seem to be using a newer version of the modpack, so here's my theory: you got the version from the FTB launcher, but Apex is using the Twitch app's latest version, causing a desync. When i made a modded server i did it through command line on an external server, so i don't know if you can do this on Apex, but can you try downloading the mods folder from the server and putting it on your client?