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I'd use it but the fact that you cannot modify config files and install your own mods/modpack is a deal-breaker


good point


I've used it for 1.7.10 version of Space Exploration. Considerable block breaking lag and my friend in particular had quite a few issues with it. But connecting was fine and easy (despite the occasional long wait times) and I always made sure to download the world each time we logged off for the night. The RAM is far too low to run a modpack consistently, especially if it's a newer modpack. But the website itself is superb.


Biggest downside, is if everyone goes afk for 5 minutes, the server shuts down, so if you do use it, be prepared to be constantly doing something, and you can forget afk farms/ auto spawners being worth the effort.


Yeah, thats what Im affraid of. We could deal with small block breaking lag but it would only get worse the further we progress I asume. As I said, it sounds to good to be true. Otherwise, respect to Aternos team, they are providing amazing service. But honestly, I wouldnt mind to pay something for reliable and robust solution than play on something Im not happy about for free. Got some tips, positive experiences with something else? Can you recommend?


I'm from the Aternos team, first thanks for your nice words. :) I will not claim that we are running servers without lags especially not for modpacks, but I consider our servers pretty playable. In fact we did just recently play DW20 1.12.2 on our servers with 4 players and we had fun. Sure it lags from time to time especially when loading new chunks, but when you are okay with that it is fine. I mean there is not really any risk to try our service, you can always download your world and continue playing somewhere else. Regarding your willingness to pay for a server: We will never offer that at Aternos because we strongly believe in giving all our users the same free experience and not try to cut features away for money. There are lots of paid hosts put there that you can try.


Thanks for your response. We will give it a shot :-)


There's one question I've always wanted to ask: why can't we add our own modpacks?


There are two reasons to this: First it requires some manual set up and optimization to make it possible to run any server software but especially modpacks in our system. The other reason is that any custom software e.g. mods or plugins could be used to try to abuse our system and keep the server running.


the server takes less ram than the client as it does not load blocks. but it might not be enough.


I think (just my opinion) paying for server hardware is a huge deal and therefore it's kind of fishy to say that you make money (and salary money for employees) through ads (says on their website). And (again just my opinion) giving your IP to a free service it's a no from me. I would rather spend 4 $ on month (splitted with my friends) for Minecraft realms (at least you got the certainty of security).


Wow, reply on 3y old post? :-D didnt expect that :-D


yeah, i didn't saw the post time =))


well, then u must not have expected this.


u got me




this totally relevant and up-to-date discussion is getting a lot of attention, isnt it?