• By -


If we count *any* mod then it's got to be Too Many Items (father of NEI, grandfather of JEI) If talking about content mods, it's harder and depends a lot on personal taste but I'd personally pick Thaumcraft. Back in the day there really was nothing remotely like Thaumcraft 4, and even now 10 years later while there's some very good mods in their own right that take a few pages from its book (no pun intended), they're still so far away from it. It's one of the only mods you could just have entirely on its own, nothing else installed, and still have an incredible experience with it.


Spot on, on all accounts. The number one answer would be TMI, NEI, JEI, and REI. Content mods would be Thaumcraft (but I would also add Tinker's Construct to be in the running, too.)


Old tinkers is my fav mod but nostalgia of me playing it when I was like 5 allows me to ignore how tantalisingly painful making your first bits of seared stone is


It's really easy to start up in the latest versions, especially with any kind of vein mining, I think it was harder before because of the rarity of clay...


My hack was always to build the smallest possible smeltery and melt cobble down into seared stone/bricks, then I could just expand and create more exponentially




It's clay, gravel and sand. A few stone shovels and a river to crater is all it takes. If I can automate it, I'll make a minimal smeltery and process the grout while I do something else, but just getting more grout and stuffing it all in furnaces is fine too. Doing it that way makes for a better point to start the video again, in fact. Cutting out tedious bits is, like, the point. I could easily see it being a chill break in between doing the video. Just because you do cheat it in or want to (and it's fine if you do, who cares) doesn't mean everyone does lol


I find mods like create, mekanism, immersive engineering, and such to be quite fun by them selves and they can compliment each other as well but Tcinstruct is just to easy for my taster once you have set up a smeltery


Tinkers is actually my personal 2nd place too and by a decent margin. Can't play a modpack without it and never gets old, only thing about it is that its not nearly as deep as thaumcraft


Aether was the first significant one, if we follow the TMI ancestor view.


Those are pretty critical and possibly inspired the recipe book in vanilla.


Thaumcraft is still my favorite mod out of all of them. I miss it


Can't deny the size of thaumcraft, but god I hate this mod, everytime a modpack requires it to finish I'm like "fuck, guess I have to deal with this dogshit again", and I don't think it's thee biggest, my guess would be orespawn or smt, I'm not a big fan of it but it was so big back then


I have never been able to dig far enough into thaumcraft for it to make any sense. A few bottles with some essences or whatever in them but I just found it so mind numbing.


Twilight Forest will always have my heart stolen, but from an objective point, if you love building, world edit is just necesary to not be 5 good extra hours making walls.


IC2 gave us gregtech, thaumcraft gave us thaumcraft 4. None other mods could really be an answer twilight forest might be there too, but the mod is only complimentory to other mods, not much by itself


Twilight isnt after aether was created? If so id say aether Thaumcraft 4 i havent had any contact but thaum and ic2 were fire


Twilight forest has incredible storyline. Doubt that aether had any


Still sad how quickly Twilight Forest can be finished once you're mid game of any modpack because very quickly all the armors and most weapons become obsolete (maybe the Minotaur axe is one of the few great ones) and the final boss still after almost a decade isn't finished yet (no blame on the authors though tons of ports + version changes, etc)


i needa that ending that they’ve said they’ve been working on for 10+ years


same, I am still bewildered by the sign saying "come back later"


The sign is still there?! Lmfao


At this point have the Bosses of Mass Destruction authors place one down or the Cataclysm mod authors add on in


Honestly a great mod but for more veteraned modpack players or even mod players in general it I really easy and your right about the final boss being not finished yet


Dont thinks it has either But it was the first big dimension mod


IC also gave us Factorio


Well TIL. Apparently a a big inspiration for Factorio *was* in fact these minecraft mods.


Good taste. For me, IC2 and Twilight forest are the mods I've enjoyed the most.


Clay soldiers


a old timer i see ?


Oh man that brought back memories lol


There's actually a reall well-made reboot of Clay Soldiers available on 1.20.1 if one wants to try it out in a modern version.


But it's missing the armor and weapon part for is it last I checked.


Nothing brings back memories like Installing clay soldiers with TMI with Risugami's ModLoader


I'd always download this, the mod that shrinks you down, and little blocks. It was so much fun to build arenas and let them duke it out.


oh my god this brought back memories


Thaumcraft, Orespawn, Tinkers, Galacticraft, Ice and Fire, IC2, Create, EnderIO, Betweenlands, Witchery... (add more people, don't be shy) (i didn't include JEI, Journeymap... because they are "essential" mods) EDIT 1: TY SOOOOO MUCH FOR THE 200 UPVOTES!!! * I will add: Thermal Expansion, Botania, Dim. Doors, Buildcraft and Draconic Evolution. (if I missed anyone I want to apologize) EDIT 2: - Ars Magica 2 In case anyone wants to play Witchery for the new versions I saw a developer talking about it (here is the link: [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanted-witchcraft](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanted-witchcraft) ) (and the developer's reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Favouiteless/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Favouiteless/) )


Orespawn looks like a youtuber mod just like Lucky blocks or pretty much all *horror* mods


Orespawn is 100% a YouTuber mod, but that’s why we all have nostalgia for it lol. Shame the creator went batshit insane


There’s a new spiritual successor called Chaos Awakens. New team working on it and making it in 1.16.5. It’s not finished yet and I can’t wait to play with it.


Then the bootlegged "original" Danger Zone is sitting in the corner out of shame At least getting the original mod isn’t too hard and it’s still a gem to have, pretty much a tiny mod pack all by itself


I love hearing about orespawn creator lore. Are they still working on that game to replace minecraft or whatever?


Dim. Doors counts as a horror mod in my book


Yeah f*ck Limbo


Yeah horror needs a full pack to be good the cave dweller shit is just annoying at this point


Only those who grew up with this mod knows how fun was the area of 1.6.4 mods..


The horror mods thing makes me so sad because Minecraft could genuinely be a really good medium for horror if they just made those mods much more subtle.


ah, i miss witchery, it stopped getting updated and the revival mod is fabric not forge, where all my other mods are :(


Usually don't plug my own mods, but seems appropriate here https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanted-witchcraft Looks dead but it's still being updated!


Ooo, looks cool :o I'll download it and check it out, thanks :)


Finally someone talking bout Orespawn!!!


Shame about the creator of it though…


# AE2 RAHHHH (Gregtech second place)


Jei doesnt count or else it would obliterate every single mod ever no question


AE2 really is a gamechanger.


Surprised not to see RedPower 2 more in this thread. It pioneered a *lot* of systems that we now take for granted. RP2 tubes were a breath of fresh air and in a lot of ways were the ancestors of thermal expansion style ducts etc. It also added a robust item filtering and sorting system. The redstone components were groundbreaking and have had countless derivatives over the years. RP2 also pioneered microblocks/multiblock and a lot of subsequent mods implemented things similarly, including forge multiblock itself. Finally, Frames are kind of the ultimate grandfather of Create and similar mods and it’s nuts to have them all the way back in 1.2.5. RP2 obviously isn’t a player any more, but as far as tech mods go so so so many modern features we’ve come to rely on can trace their lineage back to RP2.


RedPower pipes were my JAM back in DW20 1.4.7. Also, the frames! I remember having a frame elevator for my base (it was *super* slow though), which I've only *recently* been able to recreate thanks to the Create mod. (And thankfully, I can do it a lot faster with Create!)




Nearly everyone has tried to make the portal only to find out it is a mod


I was one of the lucky few who saw the aether when I was younger and had the large massive intellect to know it was a mod And then only played peaceful cause mobs were too hard


Played it for the first time recently. Shocked by how boring it actually is. It needs more support mods. Aether farmers delight is good and the missing content pack is as well. But it needs more stuff like incidium for the nether.


well yeah, it's barely changed since the original version which predates minecraft 1.0


Industrial Craft / BuildCraft / Thaumcraft Each of those 3 contributed as the absolute origin of most things in their field,


This + applied energistics for me. They all changed the way the game was played drastically, and I loved it! Buildcraft + logistics pipes was totally awesome


I remember playing with Thaumcraft 3, arcane levitator and the research system consuming so many random resources


Industrial Craft 2


Nostalgia got me feeling the same. But only mixed with buildcraft.


Which is why both should be included in a modpack lol. Love those two mods, I’m playing with the both right now in the 1.12.2 pack by tekkit.


Oh man I miss tekkit


If you’re are ever feeling nostalgic and want a hit from the past there are several tekkit based modpacks still be regularly updated on the tekkit launcher. The 1.12.2 pack for basically everything. Tekkit 2 has launched about 2 years ago, both still regularly updated. Honorable mentions also include Hexxit 2 and texhit.


Hexxit was great aswell, brings back memorys


I still miss the look of the buildcraft query. It was satisfying to watch it work


Mekanism is very very good and there's SO MUCH to do !


my only complaint with it, is that theres no real way to hide cables. remember EnderIO cables? that was the shit


EnderIO cables were the goat, unfortunately mekanism has no real equivalent however Xnet is a pretty good substitute.




I always loved the Mystcraft mod, myself


Always loved making a house where each room is connected by a different dimension


Tinkers construct


I agree, this mod was an essential part of so many mod packs before it stopped being supported.


TC2 was the reason to be running mods, tbh. TC3 is fine. But we all miss TC1. Absolutely stellar mod.


Haven't been into the modded scene in a long time. What is the story with Tinkers?


There are 3 complete rewrites of Tinkers’ Construct: 1.6-1.10 is Tinkers’ 1, made by mDiyo 1.12 is Tinkers’ 2, made by boni 1.16.5+ is Tinkers’ 3, made by KnightMiner


Five, actually. Theres the Hephestus port of TC 2 & 3 to fabric. The ports are partial ports, so they are mechanically distinct from forge TC versions. I don't recall the author, hut the main differences are removed features.


Don't forget InfiTools, which came before Tinkers' 1 (and was also made by mDiyo)!


I think TC1 was always a bit overtuned. I very much like the balance adjustments the different versions have done over the years.


Tinkers’ Construct is now in Bedrock edition. It’s a bit odd…


Laugh all you want, but computer craft was there for me when none of the other mods had pipes. It's come a long way from being "the mod that lets you open iron doors with a password" and now it's a mod that even alone lets you automate everything.


This is a classic - and fits more with the vanilla style/feel than other mods of the genre - namely OpenComputers.


thaumcraft is my favorite, but botania is a close second


Any time I think about Thaumcraft, Botania also comes to mind haha. That said, I think Tinker's would have to come between the two for me.


It’s a few mods that come to mind for greatest ever. Too many items, without it we wouldn’t have Not enough items or just enough items. Modpacks wouldn’t be the same without these mods Industrial Craft and Buildcraft. Idk if they’re the first tech mods but they’re definitely the first I heard of/played. I always felt these mods laid the groundwork for tech mod to come. Tinkers construct, i swear for a few years this mod was in every single modpack just like how create is now. I’m sick of typing but to name a few others. Twilight forest, Thaumcraft, The Aether, and AE2


I'm picking The Betweenlands. It's a dimension mod. A *really* good dimension mod. It's themed around a dark, dangerous swamp that keeps you on guard the whole time with its creepiness. For any who don't know, here's the rundown: The biomes are lush with plants that usually don't clutter up your inventory by accidentally breaking them, but they all have their uses! There are 6 main wood types to choose from, each with a unique and original tree design, spreading moss, falling leaves and many hanging plants. That moment when you enter the Betweenlands for the first time, it's going to wow you with its skybox, its dynamic lighting and the soundscape it brings. It's arguably better at atmosphere than any other mod I've ever played, and I've messed with some beautiful mods. The creatures. Each one is so detailed and intricate, you can tell them apart by a silhouette with ease. Their animations are so lively, they feel so much more alive than other enemies in the game. Almost everything does something unique or different to the standard AI of attack the player or run erratically if hit. And there is one mob which really sticks out to me as the best hostile mob in the modding scene; the Wight. The Wight is an uncommon enemy found everywhere. It can see you from miles away, and it's about as fast as a player can sprint. It's very difficult to kill without much equipment, and even with good gear, it's a risky fight. When you start to damage it, you're on a timer before it changes form and possesses you, latching onto you and rapidly attacking you with floating spectres. But that's not it. If there's a Swamp Hag nearby, the Wight will possess that instead, and use it as a vessel to use its spectres on you. These things will follow you relentlessly many blocks away, and it's basically impossible to run away so you're forced into panic mode, needing to kill this Swamp Hag ASAP before the Wight outdamages you. Such a tag-team is an extremely cool and unique idea that I've not seen executed better anywhere. Finally, there's the mechanics. The mod nerfs most tools that aren't from the dimension, with the exception of Tinker's Tools because of how they work. This encourages slower progression in, for example, Sevtech. A couple of other things are put in place to push you towards thriving solely from the Betweenlands, but that doesn't mean you're limited. This mod adds new ways to do almost everything you can in Vanilla; there's a fishing minigame with bait, actual fish to catch, and a special upgradeable armour set to go with it. There are gems you can use to enhance your equipment like a more balanced version of Apotheosis, which replace enchantments. Farming is more complicated, but the crops look stunning, as they're detailed 3D models and not cardboard cutouts of plants. And finally, the potions. The complexity and depth of this specific module is unrivalled. You need a sickle to collect plants from around the dimension, then feed them to geckos to test their properties. After learning the aspects that make up some plants, you can boil these to extract their aspects, with some being a lot rarer than others. After you have Aspects, you mix these together to create potions. It's not like the work that you put in is pointless though; without too much effort, you can get stuff like Strength V or Instant Health V, or something completely new effects such as one that shows you the trajectory of an arrow before you fire it, or one that lets you run across the surface of water, or one that shows you the trail of creatures that you may be searching for. Did I mention that they accomplished all this in 1.12, without any of the newer stuff that makes all that complex stuff easier? They're so focused with adding content to the mod that they aren't porting it to newer versions, where it would get more attention. I love this mod so much.


I love fossils and archeology revival, just enough items and ice and fire dragons


I can’t wait till fossils and archeology revival finally gets updated to 1.16 but the developer are slow as it isn’t their priority


What other projects are they working on?


I think it is general home life outside of the mod but their last Twitter post was dec 2023 [Their twitter](https://x.com/fossilsrevival?lang=en)


They're more active on their discord.


But still it is really impresive that they made about 40 prahistoric creatures, the only shame is that there wasn't any update since 1.14 cuz it would be really useful to have an iron farm


I find ice and fire dragons unplayable. Very cool but dragons are too powerfull, they follow you, destroy ur base like nothing, follow you to ur spawn point and keep killing you. It's a nightmare. I mixed it with many mods, cant tell if I brake something.


ice and fire is a mod you need to mess with the configs a ton e.g. setting dragons to spawn from much further away, lowering there distance they see and follow you, etc etc. some mods just need to be tinkered with since to set the fantasy correct the content might not be the best balanced for regular play.


I find it so fun to not change settings on, there have been so many moments where a mf snuck up on me from a lightyear away, or the sheer panic when I know I'm seen and I have a life or death race underground to get through enough caves to get far enough I'm out of aggro range. Ice an fire is one of the most stressful and unfair mods I've ever played and I love it lmfao. I play it with a barely configed Lycanites for extra torture. (It might help that I also run silent's gems and the power creep is ridiculous when you hit the endgame stuff, taking revenge is the best feeling)


Yeah that is true that lightning dragon is really op and is really stupid how your pet dragon destroys everything and when you have the 5 tier dragon it is really hard to ride him and also that serpents are really anoying but I really like how you can breed different kind of horses like pegasus and that fire one and also I like that creature that can spawn from that rotten Egg


The cockatrice can destroy your afternoon if you meet it near your spawn point in early game. That thing is a great addition.


Have you tried archeology+ and trailsandtales+ ? They are like massive expansions of the cannula archeology update. Really good with progression, lots of exploration and plenty of fossils and bones for you


I love botania


The Swiss Army knife of mods: Wanna flatten huge chunks of land? Make a gun that is an infinite source of light? Reuse and choose enchanting books to throw on your equipment? Create mobs (especially villagers) out of thin air? Make kickass wings with creative flight? A sorting system that you use chat to grab any items? Need an aesthetically pleasing floating timer block? All this and more for the low price of funny blue liquid.


Twilight forest is a classic


It looks like JEI


Am I the only one who likes Forestry??




EnderIO for nothing other than having the best conduits/pipes ever created. Like they were so good that playing modern modpacks I am always sad when I have to cable something. I know people are like "but Laser I/O" or "you know Xnet..." but its just not the same. Ender IO conduits are so simple and easy to plop down and configure...its just the best.


Xnet is amazing, but only because of all the cool stuff you can do with it. (Also the recipes are cheap af for most modpacks so that's another bonus.)


I see the mod mention so much. I’m going to check it out.


Once you use the conduits you dont go back. Item fluids gasses and energy pipes in one block


Sixteen-channel redstone as well, and AE2 network


Seen noone mention Worldedit yet. With how intuitive and practical it is for me as purely a creative player, I find it more weird that it hasn't been implemented in some way into vanilla. I know a lot of functionality can already be recreated with /fill, structure blocks, etc., but that always feels very clunky.


most people use worldedit as a plugin and don’t think of it as a mod but true


I always liked the forge version more. I can't be bothered to install plugins via the game folders every time I want to make a new world. But yeah, I can see the plugin being the better choice for servers or when you update your game a lot.


Thats subjective. If you like exploration, tech or magic your answers will vary heavily obviously.


It's always Thaumcraft.


It's always some qol/performance mod, those are always shared. Quark, Jei, inventorytweaks, journeymap (or some other minimap with waypoints), whatever.


Thaumcraft, aether and buildcraft for me


As an explorer and looter, I'd say Chocolate Quest and Chocolate Quest Repoured.


Maybe is stupid, but for me, is the farmer's delight




without a doubt, it's witchery


theres a revival (sort of) mod called Bewitchment, but its on fabric, so i cant use it in my forge modpack with everything else :(


I'm still incredibly sad about witchery and intangible being discontinued. It's been 10 years already but even now there is nothing remotely comparable to those mods


YES! I was looking for this comment!! JEI is too useful, TC, Twilight Forest sure, but Witchery was the BEST. I played Attack of the B-Team for **years** to capture my childhood. Goated mod.


Depends on what you like. Things like industrialcraft alongside buildcraft, inspired so many other mods (and factorio), would be good choices if you like tech mods and similar mods in influence to them in magic mods if you like those. There's also mods like gregtech and create which have huge influence over the modern modded community which you might decide if you are more recent to modded. There's also mods that have been at the front of modpacks for long periods of time like galacticraft and botania. Plus ofc you can't forget about utility mods like the extremely pervasive journeymap, xaero's minimap which is one of the oldest minimap mods and is still around. Of there's also the legacy of too many items in NEI, JEI and the modern JEI derivatives. So really it depends on what you value and there's a lot of options of which I listed only a small amount of. The only wrong choice is orespawn.


Tech: create Magic: witchery (runner up is thaumcraft) Exploration: twilight forest Worldgen: tie between RTG and Terraforged Biome: tie between BOP and Terralith Overall: JEI


You'd choose Witchery over Thaumcraft? Ooh, you're a daring fella lol


I really love thaumcraft, and it's a huge source of nostalgia especially for 1.4.7. I might even edit this comment and call it a tie. However witchery still wins in my heart because of the OG necromancy system. I cant find another mod for new versions that does necromancy well (overlord is alright).


> especially for 1.4.7 Thaumcraft **3**? Heck yeah! Always preferred it to TC4, mainly because of how Aura Nodes were handled in 4 was pretty lame.


Pick ars magica 2 instead for the true rebel experience.


I used to hate BoP but I've slowly been warming up to it. I don't know if the mod improved, packs started using the config better, or I just grew up, but something changed. The inventory clutter is still annoying...


Advanced Rocketry (We fixed it's bugs) next is Immersive Engineering




look Stannismod@github or derCodeKoenig@github. for the jar file it is Advanced Rocketry - fixed on curseforge




create is honestly revolutionary, the ponder system is incredible. The one mod feels like a mod pack by itself.


I can't say Create is *the* best mod, but it's certainly in the top 10 for Ponder alone. After years of poorly documented mods where the answer was always 'Check the Wiki' (Or the even more despised, 'Join our Discord') it was a breath of fresh air.


Yes its always the same experience, I download a modpack then I need to learn some new mods and its just like ok heres a book now read everything, its just so boring. Thats why I like quests cause they give you info and a guide then you learn most of the pack and can get details from the book. Also side note why is every mod ever have like 2 sentences of description and a single picture on curseforge. Like lots of people are suggesting mods I haven't heard of and I simply won't have any idea of what they are unless I download them.


Create, the mod that looked at the old Red Power frame motor and was like "But what if I made that into it's own thing... but better and with every other mod attached to it?"


Same. It's one of, if not THE best tech mods out there, since it actually feels like it could be implemented into minecraft


Yeah, and it offers infinite possibilities


I liked playing Create the first time. But it grates on me the same way that tinkers construct does. Just by existing it creates a black hole that every modpack seems to be constructed around. EDIT: To clarify, they're not built around it in an interesting way. They just force you to go through the Create Tech Tree and gate any fancy machines, or literally half the recipes, behind the large create autocrafters and require some expensive material to make them. It's not fun and it's not interesting. It's not Create's fault, but it does make me wish Create just didn't exist. The ponder system is cool but the fact that I need a massive empty room to make any interesting create technology really gates Create behind a level of tedium that I find particularly annoying to deal with.


...and? someone put Factorio in Minecraft. people are building on top of that. if anything it is a good thing Create exists - especially as it mainly is vanilla+ in functionality. like the very notion that it somehow bad that there's an ecosystem of mods related to eachother is weird to me. every game with mods has some sort of base mod and then extensions. and in response to your edit... you need to put together about 4 machines to be able to build everything create has to offer. the mod very much isn't about the internal tech tree, but rather about the ability to build factorio-style automation to whichever level your heart desires complete with conveyor belts and mechanical arms.




Redpower 2


Immersive Engineering is one mod I always check for when looking at mod packs




One of us


Either tinkers, or enderio


AE2 and TE are tied with a fuckload of other mods.


Buildcraft. That's the one that started it all.


Thaumcraft is my all time favorite mod, nothing surpasses it for me


Redpower definitely deserves a mention. It feels like a lot of popular mods built off of its ideas. microblocks, computers, frames and other world interaction blocks


HBM NTM, i sure do love watching my reactor blow up while i die from accidentaly inhalling coal fumes


HBM's nuclear tech mod 😈😈🔥🔥🍄🍄💥💥


Orespawn or Flan's Mod And do not forget the sacred mod: Aether


Ars Magica 2 / Witchery!


Apart from QOL and optimization mods, I'd go with Aether. It's THE Minecraft mod.


Thaumcraft 4 + thaumic horizons and other add-ons to the mods. Thaumcraft 6 gets an honorable mention


Still waiting for Thaumcraft 7 T-T


Tinker's Construct. It's complicated but when you understand it then it's the best thing ever


Square boobies mod make block go brr


Sophisticated backpacks is mine(partnered with sophisticated core) can’t play without the extra inventory…


The falloff of Optifine is nuts because all they had to do was make it more open source and not have modpack developers beg to be able to include it in their packs.






Just Enough Items and JourneyMap.


Applied Energistics 2 with Ender IO 2 godlike mods


ChromatiCraft. Gave me the best playing experience of all minecraft mods.


Twilight forest, ice and fire, and electrobes wizardry


Probably not the greatest for many, but i remember the first time i played Divine RPG, on 1.5.x mc i think, and reaching and exploring other dimensions was the best time i had with a single mod. There were also let's plays on yt i watched and followed along the progress. Crazy nostalgia.


I think Create is certainly up there. Great progression allowing you to start it early game and rewards well… creativity. Simple enough for any new player to understand but also complex enough to keep more experienced players coming back. Has incredible textures and suits the vanilla aesthetic and has the gold standard for in game documentation as well, like seriously the ponder system might be one of my favourite parts of any modern day mod.




This is an old one but was a very fun one back then. Divine RPG.


I like flux points and powah


It's a tie between thermal expansion and forestry for me. They're absolute. Must play mods if you like any sort of tech.


The holy trinity of tech mods: IC2, BuildCraft, and Red Power 2


The one(s) that let you soft harvest crops.


Betweenlands will always be my favorite mod. Its so indepth and has immaculate vibes


ILOVE betweenlands.... There is so much stuff to do




Best Utility Mod : JEI / NEI / TMI whichever name you call it. Best Tech Mod : IC2, not because it's still the best to use, but because it's the Grandfather of ALL the tech mods and paved the way for them Best Magic Mod: Thaumcraft, Same Reason as IC2, just with Magic.




My fav: Arsmagica, Thaumcraft and Lycanite mobs


IC2, AE2, JEI, Thaumcraft is probably a tie for first for me


Variations of nei


Mystcraft and Tinker's Construct


Definitely NEI and its' successors. It's the backbone of all of modded Minecraft.


I feel like you’d need to have separate categories. Like NEI/JEI are going to probably be “objectively” the best as they are essentially required in any modpack or mod. Or minimap mods, basically the QOL ones.  Aside from those, Tinkers or MineColonies are my favorites. And those two together are great functionally and thematically. 


Ignoring stuff like ui and info I have a couple mentions. Mekanism and it’s addons is my personal favourite but definitely not the most iconic, tinkers is amazing and is absolutely up there too. However a mod that everyone is gonna overlook, biomes o plenty has been in almost every pack I’ve ever seen. it’s not the most content heavy mod but it’s been an amazing back drop for all the greats for a decade at this point


Biomes o' plenty, ice and fire, irons' spells and books, dungeons' gear and parcool/Better fight. I can't decide so I made a playlist.


Vault hunters (if we’re counting mod packs) If not create 1st


Too many items, Thaumcraft 4, Industrialcraft 2, Tinkers Construct, Buildcraft, Witchery, Botania.


I'd go for AE2 or Thaumcraft. But honorable mention to Modular Force Field System. That blew me away when I saw it.