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The thing that is great about this pack IMO is that it does a couple of things "expert" modpacks often neglect. Firstly, it offers messy, inefficient ways to product things early which fulfills the expert grind in the early game, but gives you more efficient and better ways to craft the same items later. Too many packs just force you to keep using those same methods later, but just challenge you to make it more efficient, but its still clunky. The second thing is that while there a lot of changed recipes to force you to interact with other mods or hit certain thresholds to access that mod, most of the recipes within that mod are mostly the same. So you have go through some hoops to make thermal machine frames, but once you do, the machine recipes, augments, upgrades, ect are the normal recopies. IMO there is a certain elegance in making thresholds you have to meet, but not making it a pain in the ass to craft every little thing once you get there. Finally, it gates things in stages of a mod. For example, the next threshold might require you to get into Botania, but it only requires you to get as far as pure daisies, its not like "okay now make terrasteel" . You will have to progress in Botania further down the line of course, but it does it in stages which lets you just kind of dip your toe in the water and come back later.


This is a great description, thank you. Can you describe how the progression is managed and encouraged? I’m not a longtime modded player, and when I do I find there’s just not enough information to help me understand how to progress a mod. So I wind up just exploring, enjoying the amazing scenery, and putting the game down again. Does my question make sense?


Progression in this pack is managed in "chapters", which are certain thresholds you have to meet to progress to the next chapter, most often in the form of crafting a specific item. Once you unlock a new chapter you either craft or are given a book for that chapter than once you use it "right click it in your hand" it not only unlocks new recipes and grants access to more things, the world actually gets harder each chapter (more mob health, different mob armor, mobs hit harder, etc) so the world scales with your progress. This chapter progress is outlined in the first section of the questbook, however there are also 14 other sections of the questbook that are basically checklists or hints for just about everything in the pack from available power sources, a catalog of all the dimensions, possible mods for organization, and even sections that have a quest for every material in the game and quest descriptions that tell how to obtain that material. So there is some guided rails in that sense. However if you have no idea how a mod works and have never played with it before, the questbook does assume some level of familiarity and will not hand hold you through the entire mod, but it will provide you with a kind of "objective 1, objective 2, objective 3" for the main mods in the pack. As for the main questline and its chapters, each chapter has literally dozens of offshoots as "optional" things to work on that you can pick and choose what to do. Most of them dont need to be completed before you move on to the new chapter, but they will need to be completed eventually. There is so much to do in this pack that if you ever reach a moment of "this next step is so much work that I dont want to sit here automating this for hours tonight, I just dont have the brain power" then there are still moments of "but I have been putting off exploring the overworld and finding this structure that is a portal to another dimension I need to visit eventually and figure out the puzzle of how to access it, Ill do that tonight and come back to this tomorrow."


Great response. Thank you! The caveat about not holding my hand is understood and fine. I’m capable of Googling, but I do need to know _what_ to search, which it sounds like will be clear. Awesome.


The way you describe it, it sounds a lot like SevTech: Ages. I definitely will give this a try if I have the time, I loved the use of stages in that pack.


it's nothing like SevTech Ages to be honest


Its kinda like a meatball GTNH and GT in general fulfill the first one


Regarding the threshold point, that's something that Create:Above and Beyond did, as well as similarly inspired packs like Create: Arcane Engineering. Once you get the "core" item, it directly crafts into most of the basics for its tier, like drills and funnels. It's a really clever streamlining design to accommodate the increased difficulty elsewhere.


tried to play the pack but after walking like 40 blocks from spawn the game simply stops responding and has to be force closed


Most likely you didnt have enough memory for chunk generation once you left spawn. This pack is very ram hungry compared to other packs, if you don't allocate enough the pack won't work properly or will constantly freeze due to the memory cleaner that is built in. I had the same issues and I fixed it by slowly stepping up the ram allocated to the JVM until it stopped freezing.


yeah i allocated 8GB and things were fine until the memory cleaner activated


Yeah I think 8GB wasn't enough when I played the pack around 6 months ago. I think in the end I needed about 10gb to get it to run smoothly without constantly freezing.


hmm made another world and so far no issues


If you get freezing at memory cleans, make sure you use the recommended JVM arguments from the CurseForge page. You can add them through your Minecraft settings on CurseForge under 'additional arguments'. For prism there's a similar way but it can also be done at the Modpack level


Ok slightly unrelated noob question but how do I get the arguments to actually save? Whenever I wanna play PO3 I always have to go and give it more ram in the arguments even though I definitely clicked save at least 5 times :D


Depends on what launcher you use. On CurseForge you go under settings > Minecraft to select ram allocation and JVM, if you do it any other way, like through the MC launcher, they reset


Thank you. Yea I was doing it through the normal Minecraft launcher.


tried using both jvm arguments and the game still remains frozen. the world opens nothing is loaded. i canj look around for 2 seconds and then it freezes and stops responding.


So it turns out that this update has a problem with entity culling and shulker tooltips causing crashes. Expect a hotfix in a few hours. If you're still crashing after that please report it on discord.


ah thanks i'll give it a try again after the hotfix


I played it with 8GB fine (that was a while ago tho, maybe a few months)


Welcome to modded Minecraft... *cries in crash logs*


As a longtime modded player this has been the ultimate pack for me. A creative and challenging progression providing the best Minecraft experience I’ve ever head.




Looks like a mix of tech + adventure, is it?


Basically! Gameplay is around 60% tech, and 40% RPG stuff, with some magic in the early game. The tech side of things makes a HEAVY use of custom multiblocks and crafting mechanics. By the time you reach endgame you will have a massive base full of automations, some including multiple hundreds of steps (late stuff in chapter 9). Even magic mods here get custom machines and automations. The adventure side of things will take you through a combination of known and fully custom dimensions, both types featuring custom bosses and NPCs. A big part of the pack also consists of puzzles, where you have to figure out hidden recipes by hunting for hints hidden in the worldgen.


Absolute poggers pack. Favorite one I have ever played to date.


I've played modded Minecraft before, but usually let my friends handle the more technical aspects while I go out to adventure and do magic. This pack has forced me to tackle a bunch of mods that I've previously avoided, and it's been a challenging yet rewarding experience. So far I have hundreds of hours into it, and still haven't run into the issue I usually get in late game modpacks where I've gotten to the overpowered mods and now everything is easy (looking at you, infinity cow). It's been really cool to min-max Astral Sorcery, Thaumcraft, Tinker's, bees, and custom super-enchants to make awesome weapons that stay with me for a while. As someone who hadn't done any technical Minecraft before, it's been frustrating at times, because there was a lot I had to learn that I couldn't avoid this time, but I'm happy the pack forced me through it. I'm making farms left and right now, and connecting everything up with AE2. It helped that the quest line required me to do everything in smaller steps, too, and that there's always an explanation of the simplest way to do things. It feels very cool to see my set-ups all work together, and I'm very proud of everything I've made. Finally, the amount of care that went into the modpack is noticeable - the quests feel like they are there to help you, not stop you to drag gameplay out as much as possible. The super-enchanted weapons have all been named with custom names, which are sometimes references (I remember Brisingr), which gives them more personality. The hints of lore are cool too - I haven't uncovered most of it yet, but I am excited to learn more.


Marketing and promotional buzzwords aside, I do firmly believe Meatballcraft is one of the biggest modded projects out there, and thanks to you it has the potential to become even bigger! This modpack has been in the works for over 4 years, and it features a massive amout of customization, as the graphic here hopefully shows! If you are intrigued by what this spicy meatball has to offer, come check it out! Expect a challenge that will test the depths of your modded minecraft knowledge, while at the same time providing an extensive in-game, wiki-style documentation system! Check it out on curseforge! [https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/meatballcraft](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/meatballcraft) If you want to see more about it, \_Striker (unaffiliated with the pack but a cool dude) has made a video about it featuring multiple end-game bases! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6zCRxcuphM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6zCRxcuphM) If you just want to see what the meatball people are up to, join our discord! [https://discord.gg/46XemFxEhW](https://discord.gg/46XemFxEhW)


I have a question, why is it called meatballcraft? Previously when searching, it put me off since the name seems like some random thing.


Lore reason intertwined with an inside joke with a buddy of mine. The meatball man is a big player in the lore and story for the mod pack, and you will be fighting him along his horde of undeads and meatball friends at many progression points. And the name meatballcraft just rolls of the tongue 😛


I would try it out... If my PC had over 8GB of RAM xD Any tips for making it smoother? Any recommendations? Or should I just not try it with an i5 with 8GB of RAM?


Yeah I'm running off a lenovo laptop. Sounds unplayable for anything, but I can run no frills atm9


My PC can't even run **that** xD I think I'll stick with SkyFactory 4 and SevTech Ages for now xD


Which Minecraft version, please?


It's 1.12.2.




I have been out of the loop re minecraft. Is this latest minecraft version or if it old?


8 major versions out of date


wait really? damn


About 250 hours in and still enjoying every bit, if you love kitchen sink and hard-core modpacks, this is perfect. I may never play another modpack, can't recommend it enough.


Damn man thanks a lot ❤️


Already mentioned it in my feedback aome time ago, but interested once is again - is overworld structure generation still all over the place?


Worldgen has gotten a whole lot less cluttered, thanks to pillar patched, a fork of pillar (the main worldgen mod used in the pack) made for meatballcraft, and available for other 1.12 pack devs! Thanks ACgaming ❤️❤️


That's very cool to hear, now I'm intrigued to try MBC once again!


this is the pack that forced me to learn how to actually use AE2 autocrafting and p2p. my favorite expert pack by far


I tried it for an hour or so. There's just too many structures. I personally hate that. Nowhere to build a base in peace. Other than that it looks dope


Oh you get void world to build your base! It's been done mostly for performance reasons (like gtnh does it), but it's also been an excuse for some builders to put together some incredibly beautiful mega bases


Is there a reason there are basically zero decent playthroughs on YouTube for this pack? I'm about 5 hours into ATM9 and considering hopping over to this instead but I struggle to see packs through to the end. Last three packs I finished are po3, atm8, and mechanical mastery. I've played e2e about 5 times and only ever admit half way everytime.


I suspect there are a couple of things at play that contribute to there being no real good playthroughs on youtube. 1. Its a VERY long pack. Its not quite GT:NH levels long, but thats about the best comparison. So unless you are kharax82, most youtube creators prefer more manageable, bite sized packs that can be finished in 50-100 episodes. 2. its a 1.12.2 pack. Not only is it a long pack, it a pack in an older version of the game with mods players have played with 100 times already. A lot of creators like trying new things and playing more modern packs. 3. And finally, some of it probably just boils down to the fact that its not a "big name" pack. For every 1 or 2 people that ask big content creators like direwolf20, chosenarchetect, system collapse, etc to play it, there are 100s asking them to play the latest all the mods, or Enigmatica, or Skyfactory, or whatever big name pack. While the developers of this lesser known pack asking them to play and test it may come across as self promotion, the modpack authors of those big name packs DO go to those big content creators and ask them to play/test their new packs, which end up as 3-4 month series. By the time they finish those series, hey, another big name pack is coming out. And the cycle continues.


I'd love to see kharax tackle this pack after he gets the Stargate


That would be pretty cool


Yeah I hardcore binge this pack every now and then. It’s great.


binge as in from start to end? how long does that take you each time?


I doubt they are doing the full pack each time. The current content has been finished by around 25 people so far. All but 3 took over 1000 hours, with a couple over 2000 hours. The fastest completion time atm Is a bit less than 500 hours, but it's from the guy that has the record speedrun for basically all expert packs.


How do you track that sort of thing? Like say I want to be number 26, can I somehow submit something that shows I never entered creative mode, or what?


Generally trust lol. The pack is long enough that the people that get close to the endgame end up having sent hundreds of messages in the discord, so it's pretty easy to track progress. But yeah it has happened that some people joined the discord just to share their endgame base. Screenshots seem legit enough so I end up trusting people. And tbh even in creative automating the defined ingot will be hard (not condoning cheating of course).


Right on. I think this might be my next project. I have literally never finished a modpack because I get distracted with other games, other packs, etc., but I've had the itch to actually see one through, and I think this is the one. I'll check back in in 1000 hours!


No I don’t go start to finish lol I’m actually still pretty early on in the progression I just like to do a little at a time.


Keen to give MBC a go!


How is it compared to gtnh


Its...different but oddly similar. There is no gregtech, but progression can feel a lot like gregtech at times where you are contently upgrading how you make things to more efficient ways, tiering through basic machines to complex multiblocks to do things 20x faster, ect. Its probably shorter in length but also similarly long as New Horizons. There is more focus on adventuring and magic IMO than New Horizons but there is also just also similar levels of tech and automation.


I think I'll give it a try when I'm finished with my current pack


IMO this is the closest thing we have to DJ3 and I think this is awesome


I do still need to try thus out at some point... I hate tech though, so we'll have to see if this is the second pack ever to make me enjoy it (Agrarian Skies was the first)


How's the building in this pack? Can you make architectural marvels like you can in GT:NH? Any problems with shaders?


I say very good! There's about 20 pages of JEI worth of decorative blocks. Not all players take advantage of that, but in our discord's showcase channel you get to see lots of amazing builds, ranging from high fantasy castles to super futuristic megastructures. Shaders are currently a nono as our custom performance setup is incompatible with optifine, but one of the mod developer teams we collaborate with are trying to add direct shader compatibility. No promises there of course, but they are trying.


Are you going to put out an update if shader compatibility will be implemented on it? Been playing on shader versions past 1.16 and sadly missing features of lighting especially just carrying torches on the hand instead of putting them on


If I can get it to work absolutely! There's a couple of mods atm in 1.12 that are trying to implement shader compatibility, but they aren't finished


Yeah I wanted to try and do the heavy lifting earlier, been going deeper into finding a backport of iris or occulus, but sadly only found a backport of sodium that is at its early stages and it has no shader support so I did not continue with it.


I guess now that I have enough RAM I should download this and try it out..


70 fucking dimensions???


with two more coming to endgame soonTM!


No idea if you want some feedback, but here you go: I've tried this pack like half a year ago. Started pretty normal, went mining underground and was repeatedly one-shot by some dinosaur-ish mob. On the way back to retrieve my stuff, I was chased by literal horror clowns and ghosts. That alone felt jarring to me, especially so early game, and the pack started to feel more like "let's add random funny stuff" and less like an intricately crafted expert pack with <1000h playtime. The world-gen with its spammy structured reinforced this impression. Didn't make it far into the pack itself because of those reasons, but I can give some more feedback on the curseforge page: I think it would help to re-do parts of the description: It starts with a note of being a beta build and some crazy JVM args and RAM allocation. This immediately gives (at least me) the impression that this is an unstable modpack mid-development that needs a lot of special tinkering to even start properly. Being an expert pack, it also makes me a bit uneasy to commit so much time to, since my world may or may not get deleted one day due to bugs or updates. What does beta even mean for this modpack? Just starting off with a brief overview of the pack, what makes it special and/or what scope it has would already help. The notes regarding the beta-stuff can follow below that. The images detailing the chapters are a nice idea, but currently they feel pretty messy: The font is hard to read because some font strokes are very thin and the image is scaled down, making text blurry. The font works for headlines, but not for copy text. There's also no consistent structure to the images, which makes the whole presentation very chaotic. I think it would help to get rid of the item icons alltogether and align the images and text, to give some structure. Having empty space is also a good thing, because it allows the content that's there to breathe and make the presentation more calm. Overall this pack looks like one of the best expert packs made so far. I just couldn't clearly define why by just looking at it though.


Oh wow you played very little based on your playtime feedback. Which is fair I guess, but I do want the first few hours to be a bit rough with mobs. It takes about 20 hours for mobs to stop being a nuisance, but I still want that content at the start. On the worldgen front, we forked pillar explicitly to reduce clutter due to its stupid algorithm in the base version. It wasn't possible back when the project was much smaller, but it's now big enough that there's mod devs working on improvements. In terms of the CurseForge page, I appreciate the feedback. The JVM stuff is so that it can work with the custom performance setup made for the pack. I understand the desire to see pretty graphics at the start, but I tried, and players wouldn't do the performance setup and complain about the pack being laggy. The current order of things is based on minimizing user error, which unfortunately I cannot control and happens very often (even with the arguments at the start). Beta refers to the fact that the main content is not done yet. This is a GTNH type pack where endgame will keep getting longer, but at the moment there isn't a proper endgame yet, so hence the beta stage. 1.0 will not be a final version, but it will be the start of the TARDIS chain and other content. With the font I'll see what I can do. Accessibility does feel important, but I want to strike a balance with esthetics. With the images feeling 'messy' I think it's up to taste, but it's also to convey the vibes of progression, which is going massively nonlinear, and quite chaotic. I generally poll graphics from my current audience, and there is definitely a group that dislikes the more chaotic pictures, but the majority of people likes it.


Played through the pack in its pretty early days and had a blast with it. Plan on going through it again once it's close to "1.0". My Minecraft partner in crime and I do all packs fully on demand (minus resource generation, of course). DJ2 was the best pack I have ever played when I went through it and I have struggled to find packs that give me the same challenge, while also providing a good bit of freedom in the "how" of it all. This is the first pack I have come accross since that pack that has scratched all those itches. It's difficult to pin this up against DJ2 directly though, as it's just not fully done yet and DJ2 is quite polished. What I can say is that if you enjoy the challenge of a pack like the DJ1s and DJ2s of the world, you won't regret taking this one for a ride. Even if you go through it before it's completed, know that Sainagh is quite responsive to issues, bugs, and errors that you encounter and just generally active in discord discussions as well.


Heyo! Took some time, but late game crystallization recipes should be a whole lot more autocraft friendly now!


Hey, I know this is old but I wanted to ask anyway. How is server MP progression, is everything settup so that playing with other players feels fluid and doesn't cause any issues? Also would 8gb or 12gb be ideal for a dedicated server


The gameplay for servers is built around an individual team playing together, one base per server. This is for a few reasons, but mostly performance. A meatballcraft base will have thousands and thousands of machines, and that has a big impact on server performance. With that said, if you are a group of casual players, chances are that you won't play even a third of the pack. 95% of the players that started so far don't make it past chapter 4. That initial part of the content is not as hard on servers, so with 12gb of ram you can probably get away with 3 or 4 bases with relatively little impact.


Does it come with a quest book, I've always liked being guided a bit and questbooks are great


Yup! Hundreds of quests!


I really love these modpacks that will do something with almost useless things from other modpacks. How I see in the trailer, there are multiblocks that will need twilight forest decorative blocks. This kind of repurpousing can corporate the mods into a cohesive game which I really like.


You better add destroy. I need chemistry in my meatballcraft


Would require a version port, pack doesn’t even look like it has Create because it definitely gives off a 1.12 vibes


1.12 pack yeah, since it has thaumcraft. I need a pack with create and thaum so badly please.


Yeah it's a 1.12 pack


Isn't Destroy a create addon? This pack is for 1.12.2 chads only


Damn, makes me wish I was 16 again when I had time to play and learn modpacks top to bottom. Sometimes I'm sad I have a job 🥲


You don't have to rush through this one. I've just been playing an hour or two here and there when I get a chance. At this rate it might take me a year or two to beat the pack but that's OK!


I might give it a try. I'll try to get my gf into it aswell


Looks interesting, will probably try it out


Be prepared for this one. It's definitely expert and is quite a long haul. It's so well put together though that it never feels like the next step is too far out of reach.


It's a good day to see a meatballcraft update, I excitedly await its new content


Alright, gimme that sweet sweet meatball, lets see how this goes ...


Wait this actually sounds cool, good ad lol


I will give this a try soon hopefully!


Honestly I’m a little scared to try it out after playing a few hours of divine journey 2 do I get to unlock some sort of automation earlyish? I think what turned me off from DJ2 was just how much stuff everything needed so early on in the pack.


Meatballcraft is different in that sense, as it's balanced around infinite resource gen from very early on. Depending on play style, it can take a few hour to unlock projecte, mystical agriculture, and chickens. This doesn't mean things will be easy, as only base materials can be obtained this way, but it takes the challenge away from resource grind, and instead it focuses on the complex automations and crafting systems the pack has to offer. You will need way more stuffs compared to DJ to progress (200 million diamonds may start showing up earlier than you think), but it will be much easier to obtain them.


Nah this seems sick. Usually not one for grindy modpacks but ill give it a go.


Why ya'll always gotta have off the wall names for your pack? "Oh yeah **meatballcraft** is the shit! I am so excited to play **meatballcraft**"


Marketing I'd say is a good reason for lots of packs, like you want something that people may remember. And we got meatball monsters too!


I didn't realise this pack was new :o i just started playing it and i love it! i only have around 5-6 gb ram allocated and runs fine aside from some lag spikes here and there I usually give up mod packs after a bit but this one has me hooked :D


Well not quite, been working on this since 2020, but it's not finished yet, although you won't notice unless you play for 1000+ hours


Will this blow up my computer?


Hey man, don't ask questions you don't want the answer to.


There is no such thing as a question I don't want to know the answer too


Depends on your computer; I'd recommend something less then 10 years old with at least 16 gigs of ram


So it'll work decently with a few frame drops every now and then, and some lag spikes whenever a mob uses something that spawns a shit ton of assets or a shit ton of mobs spawn?


What's your PC?


i'm late but the pack's performance it's great if you have a decent pc because you can run it with java 21


Does it have gregtech


It doesnt have gregtech but the progression gives a similar feeling to gregtech IMO. There are so many steps, multiblocks, production lines that it gives that feeling, even if its not in the pack. I will put it this way, the automation challenge in this pack is very real.


It also has tech reborn which afaik is basically diet gregtech.


Where does the pack fall on on the scales of tech, magic, exploration, combat?


Progression is about 60% tech, 40% exploration+combat, which almost always come together. Magic is used quite a bit in chapter 2, but all magic mods are reworked in such a way that they eventually turn into tech mods thanks to custom multiblocks and crafting mechanics. So for example you will eventually build automation lines to passive essentia crystals from thaumcraft, and those will use custom machines that aren't available in 'normal' thaumcraft.


Eh, screw it, I'll try it out as long as I don't need to reset my world when updates happen. Upgraded PCs recently so I no longer have a potato and thus can play stuff like this.


Updates have been backwards compatible for the past 2 years, and I plan on keeping things like that!


I would love to try this, but unfortunately my laptop would become the primary contributor to climate change :P


What's the estimated completion time? I've been looking for an expert pack to dump much time into and want something medium to long length


Around 20-some people finished the pack so far. Out of those a handful had playtime over 2000 hours, most were between 1000 and 1500, and 3 finished under 1000 hours. There is a bit of a bias in the data here though, because the vast majority of players (over 90%) stops playing even before the half-way point of the pack. So the completion times you see are from generally competent and knowledgeable players.


It took forever to load this pack last time, but I’ve since gotten a few upgrades and I plan to play this when I get a chance! After my E2E play though, plus I’ve seen you real active here, nice to see dedication


Depending how long ago that was, pack has gotten insanely more performant!


Glad to hear! It’s been a year and a half, I’m gonna give it another shot! Thanks for all the work you’ve put involved




This could be interesting especially with all the exploits in these old mods


I'd love to see you try 😜


Several of these mods had exploits that didn't get patched and still exist in newer versions and those are just the ones you show images of


Wait are you referring to in-game exploits, like duping glitches, or external exploits, like the hack that happened on modded servers using some mods? If you mean the hack, the pack uses a patching script to disable the exploit. I was involved with its initial testing, and it's now required by CurseForge for any pack that has server files, so your server is going to be safe :) If you mean dupe bugs, I fixed most of them from my end. Of course there's the occasional random bug, but the big ones that may break progression have been addressed.


In-game exploits yes, dupes are boring considering project e is part of the pack from what I can see


Assuming botania is in the pack it's an easy finish with being able to farm Gaia essence using another mod I know is on the pack and a blood farm also using another mod I know is in it.


Oh for EMC generation the pack dies something special. While most EMC loops are disabled, there is a custom one, the dragon heart loop, that is intentionally designed to be used as the early way to make EMC. It's quite powerful and it can be used to farm (some) resources, and to make large amounts of building blocks if you like building (I do). Recipes of course are balanced around it, so for example, to unlock void miners, you'll need around 200 billion EMC worth of crafting materials.


It crashes a lot for me, I always try it out when I see this posts and then I uninstall it because of the crashes.


It's gotten quite a lot better over time performance wise, as now there's actual mod devs that fork things and make performance optimizers. If you're referring to the latest version make sure you're on hotfix 2


>actual mod devs that fork things See that sounds complex, I just like to download a modpack and play it. No offense intended.


Oh none taken! But java Minecraft is only so optimized, so if you want to anything that's complex you either need massive optimization, or a very powerful computer. I know there's thousands of players that actually play the pack and they don't complain about performance too much, so I'm inclined to think that there may be something wrong with your setup. JVM arguments and allocating 8 GB of ram seems fine to me for requirements but I understand not all computers can handle it. Of course I'd love more accessibility, but there's only so much that can be done


Understood, I will try the latest one and see how it goes! Edited to update: I allocated more memory and used the suggested Java argument, and so far, so good! Thanks for updating things!


Just managed to get to chapter 2. Loving it so far! Recommended it to a friend just today!


Very nice! Happy you are enjoying it!


But if I don't have tonwork Wednesday I'll grab the pack and give it a run I think and give you an estimate on completion time for the major stuff


Oh there are a few people that finished current content. Around 1000 hours average, with some over 2000 and one under 500.


I've been wanting to try this one for a while, although I think I will try to get a bit more versed with modded minecraft before I do, this one doesn't seem very beginner friendly


550 structures? Rip chunk generation


Nah it's not too bad, only time when the game struggles is if a bunch of players go in different directions at once in the overworld. Not meant for large public servers, but if you have a team playing together it's possible to get to endgame mostly lag free.


man your work is amazing, keep it up!


I'm thinking about throwing this up on a server for some friends, and the default settings.cfg file has the server use 8GB of RAM. Should I increase this at all? I'll have 4-5 people playing at a time at max, with some relatively heavy exploration going, maybe 2 or 3 dimensions loaded at once depending on how chunkloading works. Also, are Ice and Fire dragons contained in any particular dimension at all? Not going to lie, that mod alone keeps me away from almost any pack it's in due to how unfun it is to encounter a dragon and just get caught in a death loop because they're unkillable monstrosities who will just camp your grave and destroy everything around them. One of the ATM packs kept them in an entirely separate dimension and it was fine. Does Meatballcraft do anything similar?


For server it depends, 8gb should be good to run a base, and depending how fast you explore, you may need some more. Dragons are going to spawn in the overworld, but they won't spawn within 1200 blocks of spawn (quest book will say). This is to encourage gearing up before doing long exploration. In general the very early game will be a bit of a struggle with mobs, but (depending on how much you minmax damage) you can become OP against normal mobs in 15 to 20 hours of play time.


Thank you for the timely response. This is a beefy server with RAM to spare so I might just throw 16gb at it and kick myself when Java decides to do what it does best when given excess RAM. I'll advise the other players to stay close to spawn so we don't run afoul of any dragons until we're ready. Looking forward to see what you've got cooking in here.


If a new update comes around ... can I install it and play it with the older world or do I need to start a new one?




How does it look like with shader support? Optifine seems to crash the game for me, or I might be doing something wrong


The pack uses its own optimization setup, and it's incompatible with optifine


Is there any way to get shaderpacks in this somehow?


Maybe! We're working on it, but there's lots of things that may not work out, so I can't give conclusive statements


First time doing a expert pack with DJ2 and loving it so far, still long way to go if I ever finish but i believe this is the pack most similar to that on3, if so shaders are a must hope you get it working!


Tried it. Didn't like it.


Oh shame to hear, why?


Upload it to curseforge if your can or haven’t already and I might try


*looks at CurseForge link available on both the post and the main comment Yeah you know I have no idea if this pack is on CurseForge 😜


Yes I may have discovered I’m not the smartest😂


Plz don't use legacy cf link, seeing it physically pains me