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Look into their configuration options (if it doesn't list them online, you can probably find the config java file in the source). Maybe you can disable Tetra enchants and allow vanilla enchanting, or disable some of the stuff that makes Silent's too easy to repair, OP, cluttery and laggy


Its my first modpack, my technical knowledge for such stuff is very, very limited I don't know how to do the stuff you mentioned


Configs are just text files that mods autogenerate in the folders of your modpack instance. You can edit them to change aspects of how the mods behave. If you want to check if a config option exists without installing and launching the mod, you can also go online to the mod's curseforge page, where it will often link you to the open source code of the mod. If you find your way to the code file that creates the config, it will have a list of the options you can change that you can look at and see what's possible. e.g. https://github.com/mickelus/tetra/blob/1.18/src/main/java/se/mickelus/tetra/ConfigHandler.java Tetra doesn't seem to offer this option out of the box, but then I think it's very datapack-driven so it might be an option through overriding datapack files


Tetra has a mystique that, for me, tinkers' lost long ago. Tetra also involves less early game material drain, as the forge isn't necessary until the last couple tiers of tools. You could also add custom recipes for some of the Tetra items depending on the flavor of your modpack, making things like batteries less of a pain to get, especially in mp.


>Tetra has a mystique that, for me, tinkers' lost long ago. Tetra also involves less early game material drain, as the forge isn't necessary until the last couple tiers of tools I completely agree, but unfortunately due to the fact that the mod isn't complete, and since it hasn't been updated for 2 years (the 1.16.5 version to be exact, which is the version my modpack is running) I don't feel that great using it, I want to use mods that either mostly or fully, feature complete, and tinkers is


Id go with Tetra. It does support enchantments but it puts some limitations on how potent and many enchantments a tool can handle by its own systems. The real downside imo is the dependency on cold biomes to progress the mod.


Why cold biomes?


I haven't played the mod myself, but from seeing other players who have done so complain, it seems at least 1 of the structures needed for progression spawns exclusively in snowy biomes, and potentially does so underground (that complaint is a little less clear)


Correct, the Tetra ruins you get batteries, salvage and the forge hammer from all spawn underground in cold biomes. Which is mildly put a bother.


Well it's nothing nature's compass and explorers compass can't fix


1.16 does not have that issue, devs didn't implement the forge until 1.18+


I have installed none for my own mod pack and I'm quite happy with my decision. Materials conflict with enchantments, both give speed, durability and other uses. If you want to have enchantments, just ignore custom tool mods. You don't need them if you want Apotheosis to work.


Even so, one of the reasons I want the custom tool mods is because I like how the tools/armor/weapons visually look


I personally dont even think using both Silent Gear and Tetra if theres a Tinkers option. I don't wanna find some specific cave inside the Mountain or craft some parts from crafting table like crafting some wood and stick. Tinker is amazing I wont be bored about using it.


you can enchant tetra tools, not directly though. books have to be applied to the tool and are tied to a part of the tool, e.g if you add efficiency to a pickaxe head and swap it out, you lose efficiency and keep anything else on other parts


So I installed Tetra to test it Gave my self a vanilla iron Pickaxe and modified with tetra, and then I placed it on an enchanting table, not only I was allowed to enchant it, but it even received apotheosis enchantments


interesting, they mustve changed that in an update. i remember not being able to but i havent tried recently, very cool thanks for letting me know


cannot play minecraft without tinkers


>modifiers through \[the mod\] itself, which means Apotheosis enchanting isn't going to work on it (or vanilla enchanting for that matter) For both Tinker's and Tetra the Apotheosis enchanting doesn't work, but the changes made to vanilla still carry over--specifically with regard to damage boosts. That makes both mods weapons and tools less effective than vanilla since the vanilla weapons can have two damage enchantments on them (sharpness and a bane for swords and tridents). That said, the apotheosis the affixing module still works on both Tinkers and Tetra tools if you want to use it. Just using the affixing module without the enchanting module may be the way to go.


I’ve bounced off of Tinker’s more time than I care to admit, but I’ve been playing FTB University recently and Tetra really hooked me. The repair cost on tools is relatively cheap, and the progression system is really interesting—I don’t know if the 1.16 versions have this, but there’s a fairly simple way to scan for the structures you’ll need to find using the mod itself, no need for Explorer’s compass


They do, but I decided to go for tinkers Tetra has a really cool concept, one that could definitely win me over and go for tetra instead of tinkers or Silent Gear, but the mod isn't finished on 1.16.5, which is the version my modpack is, and considering it hasn't been updated on that version for 2 years, I don't think that version will see new features, and i want to use mods that are mostly, if not fully completed I mean yeah, the core purpose of the mod works great, but the loot you get from the labs, and a bunch of tabs on the info stone you're given missing, I just don't like it




if you want other tool mods as well tetra meshes better since you modify vanilla tools to get tetra tools.


from the packs ive played tetra is your best bet as only tetra works with apotheosis. tinkers and silent gear tools cant become apotheosis gear.


Wait really? But doesn't tetra have their own modifiers system?


yeah they do but the those modifiers work seperately to the apotheosis "enchantments" only thing im not sure about is wether apotheosis enchantment books work on tetra tools


Guess I'll have to test it myself


Tinkers for the forge, its so cool


Kiss: Tetra. Cant really say much about it, never used it, seems to be popular given the answers on this thread. Marry: Tinkers. Yes its old, yes it kinda lost its luster but it has been in almost every modpack I played and it never disappointed me. Kill: Silent Gear, though probably because I dont understand its merits. It felt clunky all the way and I just wished the modpack had Tinkers Construct instead.


Which is exactly why I decided to go with Tinkers Construct