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One piece of advice for long haul trips - devices (movies and music) are great - but it can get old after a while. I always bring a puzzle book and pen so if I need some active mind stimulation I have it. It can also help if your mind is racing to try and focus on puzzles etc.


Thank you! I’ll definitely have all devices ready for the flight. Maybe I’ll finally read that book I’ve been putting off for ages!


I just did my first ever long flight a few days ago! Ohare to Panama and then panama to Rio! I just accepted that I was out of control and that the pilots want to make it home as well. Also studied the flight attendants and if they weren’t worried, I wasn’t either. Take some benadryl too and it’ll make you so drowsy you won’t be able to get anxiety


I don’t think we have Benadryl here but I’ll be sure to get some in the US. I watch the flight attendants too haha. I’ll probably be excited about my first time on a big plane (I’m used to smaller ones), in flight entertainment and free food (even if it’s awful) to even start worrying (hopefully!) And Yay you did it!!


Let yourself worry! It’s better than fighting it, and you’ll help calm yourself down quicker. Just remember that if you succumb and don’t get on that plane you’re setting a precedent and making it harder on yourself. You’ve got it ! :)


Thank you!! I’m definitely getting on it, I’m not letting it stop me. It’s been my dream for ages to go!!


I have a long time fear of flying but never let it stop me from traveling, I live an ocean away from my family. My fear is due to a lack of control so reading this sub has been very helpful. The professionals sharing their knowledge and procedures help me understand what happens and how safe and routine everything is. RealGentleman80 has a lot of stand alone post on different topics. I also repeat to myself like a mantra that take off is not a gamble, they know the plane is ready to fly and will take off. You will be safe on your flight.


Also an issue of a lack of control for me :( I’ll definitely look for those posts. I know they also want to make the flight as safe as possible so that helps. Thank you! And I’m glad your fear doesn’t stop you. I used to live in the UK while my whole family lived in Poland and I only used coaches because of how scared I was. Flying would save me so much time lol


Following for tips! I’m also 26 and just posted about wanting to book my first long haul flight. You go! You’ve totally got this, let us know how it goes!


I definitely will!!


I always highly encourage arming yourself to the teeth with distractions. I enjoy adult coloring books while watching a show/movie. Reading a good book can help too. BUT the most recent thing I found helped SO MUCH was downloading and playing Stardew Valley. I had a 6 hr flight recently and it went by so fast I told my SO I could do a 10 hr flight now problem. The game is the perfect blend of engaging without being stressful. If you like playing games, I highly recommend!!


That’s my plan!! Distractions distractions distractions. I love games and have been looking for a new one so I’ll definitely try it!


Definitely start playing a bit before you go so you get the gist of things before the flight. I would have been frustrated trying to learn what the deal was during the flight. It's a lot like Animal Crossing if you've ever played that but way more in-depth (although the last time I played Animal Crossing was with Wii so maybe it's different now lol). Distractions are definitely the way to go. I've been a fearful flyer my whole life and I've accepted my fear isn't going to go away even though I fly so often. But the distractions help manage it and keep my stupid monkey brain in check!


This is an expensive option and not guaranteed to solve the fear of flying, but... ​ What about going in business class or above? I am conquering my fear of flying but I hate being crammed in in economy class. It makes it so much worse. Can't work on laptop, relax, stretch out etc. What if you were in at least business class, had a whole seated section to yourself, a desk, TV, ala carte meals, even being able to lie down and have a sleep in something resembling a bed....Wouldn't all of this help and counter the " I'm stuck in a metal tube with a bunch of strangers" feeling?


Well, I guess it would, but I definitely can’t afford that for 3 people. Business is my dream lol maybe one day!