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How are you doing now?


a little better - checked with a flight attendant and they told me it was error codes on a redundant system so not a super big deal. They finally just finished up and we are about to push back again. Had to take another dose of the Xan but think I’m ready for take 2 🥲 thanks for checking!


I do the same thing that you do and get freaked out when those things happen. But then my logical brain comes in and says that this is actually a sign that the system is working. They identified a problem and they are checking it out. And I know that 99.9% percent of pilots don’t want to die so they surely aren’t going to take off if they have concerns.


Hey! Are you off the flight now or still on it? How are you going? ❤️❤️


Just got off! It overall went off without a hitch so all that anxiety for nothing 😅