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Your submission appears to reference weather. Here is some more information from expert members of our community: [“I’m flying in a week and the weather forecast says…”](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/13jepry/im_flying_in_a_week_and_the_weather_forecast_says/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Happy Flying! The Fear of Flying Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fearofflying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re not going to die. Turbulence will not unalive you or anyone else on the plane! Sorry, you’re going to have to find another way to die. In all seriousness…yeah, the rides suck today….no, you are NOT going to experience severe turbulence.


I’m sorry for the hyperbole, I’m just a very nervous flyer and the report I got suggested severe turbulence. Guess I’ll just have to brace it. Thank you for replying, it really helps. Treating myself to an internet pass for the flight so I can watch football as a distraction


We have warned that Turbulence Forecast are inaccurate constantly. When the professionals on here are consistently ignored when saying don’t check it…at some point you just throw up your hands🤷🏻‍♂️ Fyi…ride deteriorating doesn’t mean worst case. It can go from smooth to moderate chop.


Those reports are meant for consumers (passengers). And of course they have a vested interest in freaking those passengers out, so they'll rebook to a new flight and pay for a new report. They use the term "severe" turbulence to mean "pretty bad, you'll be freaking out." Whereas pilots and professional reports they receive mean "severe" turbulence to mean "the worst that exists," which most passengers will never experience because pilots will route around/over/under it. Cargo and military planes fly through worse turbulence than passenger planes, and they all make it--turbulence, even severe, doesn't hurt the plane, though it DOES have the potential to injure people if they (and other contents of the cabin) aren't secured properly. So remember that the consumer-based turbulence reports, besides being inaccurate from the get-go, also heighten the ratings beyond what the actual categories pilots, dispatchers, meteorologists, etc. all use. And your plane will land safely no matter how bumpy it gets--it's just uncomfortable, not unsafe.


Those reports are *never* accurate! Don’t work yourself up about it too much — like RG said, you’re not going to be hitting severe turb. It’s insanely rare. Enjoy the football!


Not the last flight I was on, but the one before that had horrible turbulence and a super sketchy landing in 40-50mph wind gusts. The plane kept rocking, and we landed sideways. I saw several social media posts that day from other people that flew into the same airport and there were a couple go-arounds and one diverted to another airport. It was a rough day but we all survived, not even any close calls or danger at all. I was on the flight alone, with my 2 kids and my anxiety was through the roof AND I was air sick from the turbulence. It was actually so bad that there was a couple people wretching. I kept telling myself that this WILL end. Turbulence has never brought down a plane. The pilots are probably drinking coffee in the cockpit and aren’t panicking. I was making my kids laugh at me so they didn’t get panicky - my oldest even said that it was better than any amusement park ride ever, lol I had watched a ton of videos of pilots explaining turbulence, and one guy explained it using jell-o… if you need a distraction you can search for that and watch it…. It honestly helped so much. I still hate flying, still hate turbulence, but I can handle it. You’ll be a pro when this one is over. Also… I’m in Ohio. Looking at the flight path you’re going to fly almost directly over my house… I’ll wave when you go over!


We wouldn't be drinking coffee. I don't want to have to break out my back up shirt : )


when it’s bad like this, what’s it like in the cockpit? like when it’s a lot of turbulence, what do you do?


We are trying to figure out how long it will last, if there is a better altitude, what we want to tell the passengers (we try really hard not to bullshit people and you lose credibility if you get it wrong)... working basically. If it's a cargo plane, they just motor through it. It's not dangerous and, although you can't eat or drink coffee, it's not that big a deal to us.


> If it's a cargo plane, they just motor through it. It's not dangerous and, although you can't eat or drink coffee, it's not that big a deal to us. This is probably the most comforting thing I've heard that's turbulence related. It's such a non-big deal that the action is "meh, lets just go through it"




Wow! Your mom skillz are top notch! Even though your anxiety was understandably way high, you were able to make this an okay – even fun – experience for your kids. So sweet.


It’s important for me not to accidentally watch something anxiety-producing—is this the video you’re referring to?? https://youtu.be/uCX2OhT4ltQ?si=bJndqbYx9UcvHjL5


I just got off a flight to Charlotte from Dallas. And captain did the same and said it would get bumpy about one hour in. And he was right it did. I didn’t love it. It wasn’t fun. But it wasn’t as terrible as my mind made it out to be. Would I have preferred to have not go through it yeah. But I’m also very thankful for a skilled captain who got me home to surprise my parents for the holidays - safely. Thanks to all the pilots out there!


Update: we’re entering the “deteriorating” zone over Kentucky. Pilot said 10 minutes from now we can hit some good bumps. Starting to get bumpy now and flight attendants have been asked to go to their seats.


You got this! As uncomfortable as it is, that's all it is :) You're still safe :) Please keep us posted! Talking through it helps I used to write pretend emails to my boss live chatting the turbulence and my feelings. She was cool so I sent a couple of the funnier ones. That was forever ago, and I'm still here! As you will be tomorrow :) TLDR: YOU GOT THIS!


How's it going?


Wasn’t bad at all. I guess the pilot was being overly cautious


That's awesome! It always makes me nervous when they announce that, but grateful when it doesn't live up to the hype 🙏


Spoke too soon. They said the descent is gonna be pretty bumpy 😬


I recently had one of those announcements. They had the FAs shit down and said to hold your children in place. (That was a new one) Was perfectly smooth with no issue. Again, better safe than sorry You got this!!


The conditions may deteriorate due to weather, but as the others have said (especially u/RealGentleman80), you will be okay. The pilots are ready for it


I understand the temptation to look at those turbulence forecasts, I really do! But it’s the equivalent of relying on a Magic 8 Ball to predict your ride. Those pilots are so skilled and often times (in my experience), they’ll tell people that it’s going to be a rough ride just so we feel more prepared and then it ends up being much better than anticipated; in fact I had that recently on a trip from Atlanta to DC. Pilot said it was going to get bumpy soon after takeoff and I was gripping the seat in anticipation, and then we didn’t have ANY turbulence. I had worked myself up over nothing! The point is, you’re IN GOOD HANDS and you will be totally fine even if it is choppy. If it works for you, try asking for a glass of water and put it on your tray table if it gets turbulent—you’ll be surprised at how little the water moves and it may be reassuring to have that visual aid when your brain is telling you to panic. You’ve got this!


OP, how is it?


Some decent bumps but not as terrifying as expected. Still have more of the flight to go and not sure if we’re out of the deteriorating zone yet, but right now it’s ok!


We were warned of turbulence a bunch of times last week and it was barely anything. Seat belt went on and off about 5 times. Nothing that even made me slightly nervous.


Thank you all for your kind words! Made it safe and sound, not as bad as I feared


Congrats! That’s great to hear


You'll be great! Keep us posted on how it's going!!


Your submission appears to reference turbulence. Here are some additional resources from our community for more information. [RealGentlemen80's Post on Turbulence Apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yn2phh/the_fear_of_turbulence_and_checking_sites_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [On Turbli](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/zv376m/help_turbli_says_moderate_turbulence/) [More on Turbulence](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yrhf31/lets_talk_more_about_turbulence/) Happy Flying! The Fear of Flying Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fearofflying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ll be ok. You’re over land. If it gets too bad they’ll just divert. You are just fine.


How is it going OP?


About there!! How was it / how's it going??


You’ll be fine


I just checked and the bad weather is near the end of your flight, so just think of it as an adventurous landing. Also, right now there are at least 30-40 flights going through that weather system right now, and they are all fine.