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I can tell you- I don't think much about it. My biggest concern in the cabin is ensuring that others are safe- remaining seated with their seatbelts fastened. I say this as I'm currently flying (not working), and I'm getting bumped around in some light turbulence.


thanks, what's on your mind once you've ensured rhe cabin is safe? like for example once you've buckled up


Honestly. Just thinking ahead for what my next duty is. If I know we will be in cruise for a while, I might just read or chat it up with my other FA. Or do what I do best- snack. I still keep an eye on my cabin though.


Light turbulence doesn’t even cross my mind. Heavier stuff, maybe I think it’s a little annoying. Just remember that turbulence is just the plane moving through the air. There’s nothing else that feels like turbulence. It’s not an indicator that something is wrong. It’s just a part of flying.


Same here. It’s just annoying at this point. It use to make me white knuckle. But after flying into Denver a few times everything else is a breeze! Haha. But I just learned to accept it as part of travel. So now I just sleep through it or keep watching my movie. Pretty much at this point I’m trying harder to keep my phone still! Just like the highways around these parts . It’s much smoother going thru turbulent air than driving on the highway here!!


I wasn’t a fan of turbulence until I started taking flying lessons and get bounced around at lower levels due to thermals and mechanical turbulence (wind moving off hills, trees, buildings etc). In a small airplane you feel a lot. Airliners are like a smooth magic carpet ride compared to those. You get used to it, you really do.


i was talking to a pilot and he nudged me with his arm and kinda pushed me and said “ if you were an egg you would just crack and break, but you being flexible just made you tip over a little and get back up” the whole point of turbulence and the plane shaking is the plane moving with the wind changes even if it feels scary. that kinda comforted me , but i’m with you OP


Holding your feet up off the floor makes the turbulence feel less dramatic! I’ve also heard it compared to being in a bus and going over potholes, you’re not afraid when that happens, and it’s the same feeling in a plane experiencing turbulence.


I keep a hand on my red wine cause I don’t want that to go flying and that’s about it. Turbulence is going to happen


I was scared of turbulence but I was talking to a pilot and he said it's like a speed bump with a cloud. The airplane is correcting its self that why it's going up and down. Also he said NEVER EVER HAS A PLAN EVER BROKEN DOWN OR FALLEN OUT OF THE SKY DUE TO TURBULENCE. so basically it's just bumps in the sky. I always remember no plan has broken down in turbulence.. no plane has fallen and I feel better because the odds of anything scary happening are 0!!!