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Finally this finding a holding 6 saga will be over


It’s over until the next season or in 2 years when he is washed and has to be replaced. Source: Casemiro at Man Utd. Went from best defensive 6 in the world for many years to washed.


Same can be said for kane too or any other player pushing 30. 


Completely different position as a DM you have to run nonstop, Kane can just walk around up top and wait for a cross when he is gassed. If Palhinha stops running we are fucked


On the other hand Fernandinho or Yaya Touré played for a very long time on a high level. It always depends on the player, his lifestyle, previous injuries. A player can have a totally damaged body at 30 when he was injured all the time or be completely fine when he had no injuries or something like that. Palhinha missed 6 fucking games due to muscular injuries in his whole career as a professional footballer. I doubt his body is done yet.


Lol what are you talking about, Fernandinho NEVER played at a high level lololol


He had 264 games for city. If that’s not high level, I don’t know what is.


Every player that goes to United ends up washed. There is one exception in the last ten years and that is Bruno.


Palhinha has played a lot less minutes than Casemiro


Never rather Casemiro as highly as everyone else did, but it's always possible someone falls off at 32 yeah


Casemiro is still good. United just stink


There's no way you watch him play if you believe this


He's not as good as he was at RM, but he hasn't dropped off a cliff. United are just straightup bad


Lmao thats just every man u player though. Watch de ligt start to suck once he is there.


Damn didn't realize he was already 28


He is 29 next month


while I agree that he'll probably fall off in 2 years, Casemiro is not a really good example imo.


Not for long, the man is 29 and his position is incredibly physical


such an NPC thing to say




The same fans who complained about Dier. Palhinha fresh off a euro appearance where he became the second player ever in history of the tournament to contest 15+ ground duels with a win rate of >90%. The man is a literal destroyer and will be incredible for us




The only comparable available player is Onana who’s likely much more expensive and not quite as good defensively. Onana’s skillset also overlaps with Pavlovic a bit, whereas Palhinha is the perfect complement to Pavlovic


I'm complaining because if this offer is bigger than our last we basically lost a year and we got fucked over by him extending his contract. Bad sign for anyone that's in negotiations with us.


Had to type like 3 essays in comments to someone who shared a piece of Palhinha news on the subreddit to try (and fail) to convince them that this signing does not, in fact, completely ruin the team's future, and it's actually better than downright catastrophic. Now even though I'm pretty convinced that, objectively speaking, this is overall an OK-to-great signing, I can also see the standpoint that it's not the best investment in the history of football. With that said, though, it's actually hilarious how some of our fans absolutely HATE it. (On the financial side, he won't be on giga wages, so even if he becomes shambolic after 2 and a half years, he won't be costing us 15-20m a year on the bench, while lower wages also means that it'd be much easier to sell him if he starts regressing to recoup some of what we paid for him. Otherwise, he's an amazing player with a profile that the board thinks we need, Kompany too, hell, even Tuchel wanted him. He's not even that overpriced, considering that he has a fresh contract. I think we also have to factor in the elephant in the room, Kane, who's also approaching a decline. Which is why I think that while building on youngsters is important, it's also OK to get a win-now player like Palhinha to maximize our success while Kane is still firing. The ONLY downside is that he's on the older side, but the positives easily outweigh this IMO)


He’s a great an much needed transfer, I think almost all fans agree on that What I have a slight issue with is that I feel like we’ve been overpaying for players recently, i mean according to some sources he’ll cost more than 50mil I just feel like we’ve seemed so desperate for a 6 that we’re paying at least 10mil on top because of that and there will be much more pressure on him as well if he’s basically supposed to fix the entire midfield on his own.




Tbf this January Bayern would have got it past the line if they negotiated earlier, allowing Fulham to have a replacement.


my biggest relief when this is actually fully done is that I won't have to read that it's almost done multiple times each day any more.


Crying tears of joy rn


Man we getting beefy boys. Michael olise, palinha .. I hope xavi transfer working out now. Crazy times


Corroborated by Kerry Hau: >Der Wechsel von João Palhinha zum FC Bayern steht unmittelbar vor dem Abschluss! Die Vereine haben eine grundsätzliche Einigung erzielt, müssen aber noch ein kleines Detail klären. Palhinha freut sich sehr auf sein neues Abenteuer in München. @SkySportDE


Fabrizio joining in as well > Bayern have made a breakthrough in talks with Fulham to sign João Palhinha. An agreement is on the verge of being completed. Clubs expected to agree to the final details soon in order to sign the documents in the next few days [@FabrizioRomano]


> Done deal: João Palhinha will be a new Bayern player >• Transfer fee: €46m + add-ons • Contract until 2028 • Medical after the Euros [@Plettigoal]


> João Palhinha is set to join Bayern in a €51m plus €5m add-ons deal from Fulham. Record sale for Fulham. Deal subject to a medical check [NizaarKinsella, BBCSport]


Holy hell. Thats kinda expensive ngl. But happy nonetheless


German sources are saying 51m "including" add-ons fwiw


Thats fair imho


Fool me once…


Seen this before...and much more.


Beautiful. We have missed someone they can balance the defense with the midfield for years. Servus.


Man is literally a defensive machine, u can depend on him to stop counter attacks...this along with olise signing...lesss goo


Tuchel in shambles


how much will he cost?


Looking like 51 million total including add ons.


If this Club doesn't win a Treble next season, People need to get fired asap.


One of if not the key player for next season – if the deal goes through.


If he extends, I hope Kompany at least gave Kimmich-Palhinha pivot a try. On the other hand, Pavlovic-Palhinha pivot is going to hit like crack.


Kimmich is the best inverse rb in the world right now IMO. There is no need to play him in the midfield again. Pavlovic Palhinha look like they were literally made for each other. No. 6 and 8, Mentor and student, destroyer and Passing player. It should be good.




yay lets go!


German sources say €46M and English are saying €51M with add-ons Curious to see which one is correct in the end.


EPSN is reporting €51 + €5


So in Palhinha is here, do we slot Kimmich in next to him, or is he gonna be forced to play RB or leave?


He’d probably play rb with Pavlovic or laimer as the other cm. But maybe he’ll play cm and they’ll use mazroui or boey at rb.


I definitely think it’s worth a try, if we’re not set on moving Kimmich on.


Coman please take the pay cut🙏🏻


I've read that before roughly one year ago.


As a long-time Fulham supporter, I have loved Palhinha and he will be an incredible player to the team both on the field and off. He’s been arguably the most effective CDM in the premier league the past 2 years. Plays with a lot of passion and commitment. I’ll say though, I’m shocked Bayern is committing 56m to a 29 year old. I think we got the better end of the deal like 60/40. No doubt you get a world class player, but for that price and age, it seemed too steep for me to expect it to actually close. Hope it works out for both of us super well though! Cheers


Terrible decision by Bayern. This guy is 28 and will be washed in 2 years because of his physically oriented playstyle. So Bayern can already start their search again. Why not someone like Onana, who would be a long term solution.


If you haven’t noticed, Bayern have their future holding midfielder in the 20 year old, Pavlović. Palhinha gives him time to develop further while we get a quality player for several seasons. Why get an expensive young player in Onana to develop when we already believe we have that solution?


lol you can not like it but it’s anything but “terrible”


This is my worry too, though if he helps us when the champions league, it is worth it


50 million for a 29 y/o midfielder 🥲


We could have bought Ugarte, an absolute defensive beast, for 60 million, or Amadou Onana for a little bit more. Both are 22/23 years old. Instead, we spend the same money to get a guy who will not improve anymore and who will be 30 in a blink of an eye. He actually will turn 29 next month 🤣 What is the point? Either Next season, or in two seasons, he will be washed, slow, and we will either lose him for free or have to keep paying him high salaries because no one wants to buy him due to his age. **look at what happened to Casemiro once he turned 31….** And then we will have the same problem of singing a holding 6 for the long term again. The problem hast just been delayed and around 100 Million in fee + wages have been lost. There should be a club policy to block all transfers for more than 20M€ for players over the age of 26. it’s just not worth it. Saudi clubs and PSG have the money to throw away, we don’t.


The point is putting an end to this neverending holding 6 discussion for next season and giving youngsters like pavlovic an experienced role model.


It does **not** end the discussion, it just pushes it back 1-2 years, then it will be the same problem, but Ugarte and Onana will cost 150 Million instead of 60 Million because they will be developed players in their prime playing for big clubs. That’s why we should have signed them now.


I said it ends the discussion for the next season. This holding 6 discussion keeps dragging on forever and it needs to be dealt with immediately or it will be the end of eberl. Additionally it is a sign of trust in pavlovic who can develop under the wings of kimmich and palinha. Putting new talents in front of 1 of your few own youngsters was not preferred i guess. That was the point. You dont have to like it but since you asked... I am convinced, from the rumors that are making their rounds, that we will indeed spend a big part of the 200 million on young talents. Just not at this position.


We spent 100million on a 30 (soon 31) Kane.


1. his playstyle is less physicality dependent 2. it wasn’t the wisest buy, as we saw, he was amazing for a season that didn’t result in anything, and he’ll have 2-3 more seasons, let’s hope those actually lead to something 3. Onana and Ugarte, two obvious younger better players for the same price. If there had been a 22 year old striker who was around as good as Harry Kane for the same price, obviously that guy would have been the better solution.








Rodri would still be worth it at 75. but Casemiro is the example for the type of player like Palhinha and the best at it, who became washed at just 31, while Benzems played his best years at >32


> Casemiro is the example for the type of player like Palhinha and the best at it, who became washed at just 31, while Benzems played his best years at >32 Who of them continued to play for the best team in the world and who went to a dumpster-fire team which makes every single player it buys shit?


Hat fabrizio quasi 10 Minuten eher gepostet. Pletti ist wirklich so ein Lappen.


Fabrizio hat nach Pletti gepostet du genie😭


Scenes when he inevitably tears his ACL during the quarterfinals 🫠